Hawaii Ocean Time-series Data Organization & Graphical System
HOT-DOGS Tutorial

HOT-DOGS, the Hawaii Ocean Time-series Data Organization & Graphical System, is a user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) which allows the user to quickly and easily view and obtain the Hawaii Ocean Time-series (HOT) data set. It is divided into several menu items which are sub-divided into modules that plot a specific class of data (such as niskin collected Bottle data).

Menu Items
  1. Data Extraction: Outputs a range of data sets

    First and foremost, HOT-DOGS is used to obtain data. These modules output raw data. They do not manipulate it in any way. The user can obtain a single data value (such as phosphate) or a series of values matched according to the Niskin bottle the water was drawn from.

    example 1

  2. Display: Makes property plots

    These modules are used to display raw data. Any data value can be plotted vs. any other. A basic profile plot can be made by setting one of the properties to pressure. By default, you can only display values that are taken out of the same Niskin bottle. But there may be times when you want to display two values which are not (such as particulate carbon & particulate phosphorus). In this case, HOT-DOGS can be directed to use Standard Depths. This method uses interpolation and averaging to match data sets.

    example 2 | example 3 | example 4 | example 5

  3. Standard Intervals: Makes summary plots

    These modules are used to do 2 things. First, they can be used to make summary plots. The means & standard deviations of specified intervals are calculated and displayed (and optionally outputted). Secondly, these modules can be used to compare similar data sets. For instance, you may wish to compare summer & winter values of chlorophyll, or perhaps last years data set with this years.

    example 6 | example 7

  4. Time-series: Makes time-series plots

    The time-series modules are used to calculate integrals, means or horizons on a cruise-by-cruise basis. Results can be further grouped by year, month or season. By doing so, trends in the data series can easily be identified.

    example 8 | example 9 | example 10

  5. Contour: Makes contour plots

    These modules create colored contour plots. In general, plots can be created vs. either pressure, potential temperature (θ) or potential density (σθ).

    example 11 | example 12

  6. Miscellaneous:

    Modules that doesn't easily fit into the other menu items are placed here. At present, there are two such modules. One calculates Mixed-layer Depths, the other plots cruise summaries.

    example 13 | example 14

Data types

In general, there are 3 main data types. Rosette collected bottle data, floating sediment trap collected particle flux data, and in-situ incubated primary production data. At one point, these data types were segregated and could not be viewed together. Since then, the primary production and bottle data sets have been merged so it is now possible to plot, say light-12 vs particulate carbon.

The user defined modules allow the user to define their own data types. For instance you could display a depth profile of the C:N ratio, or calculate near surface normalized DIC. Any bottle value can be used, including primary productivity samples.