Hawaii Ocean Time-series Data Organization & Graphical System
Example 9 - Time-series
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2001-2004, time-series integral of (Low-level) Nitrogen data between the surface and the bottom of the mixed-layer created using Horizontal Profiles/Time-series/Bottle module.

set Year(s) to '2001-2004'
set Operator to 'Low-level Nitrogen'
set Station # to '2'
set Function Grouping to 'Mixed-layer Depth'
set Function to 'Integral'
set Grouping to '(none)'

The mixed layer is defined as a .125 kg/m3 potential density (σθ) difference from the surface (Levitus [1982]).


Same as above, except group according to month.

set Year(s) to '2001-2004'
set Operator to 'Low-level Nitrogen'
set Station # to '2'
set Function Grouping to 'Mixed-layer Depth'
set Function to 'Integral'
set Grouping to 'Month'

month, n, mean, StdDev, StdErr
#, #, umol/m2, umol/m2, umol/m2
   1,    3, 1482.677, 1292.699,  746.340
   2,    3, 1901.595, 2941.400, 1698.218
   3,    4,  352.735,  397.731,  198.866
   4,    3,   99.079,   37.966,   21.920
   5,    3,   49.928,   11.249,    6.495
   6,    4,  117.136,   35.790,   17.895
   7,    2,  141.348,  195.151,  137.992
   8,    3,   41.080,   30.948,   17.868
   9,    1,   66.804,    0.000,    0.000
  10,    5,   92.989,   38.583,   17.255
  11,    5,  206.978,  171.696,   76.785
  12,    4, 2713.858, 4710.210, 2355.105

Same as above, except output as text instead of as a PNG file.

set Year(s) to '2001-2004'
set Operator to 'Low-level Nitrogen'
set Station # to '2'
set Function Grouping to 'Mixed-layer Depth'
set Function to 'Integral'
set Grouping to 'Month'
set Output type to 'text'

month, crn, julian, lln
#, #, day, umol/m2
   1,  122, 4491,  260.413
   1,  134, 4855, 1351.769
   1,  144, 5221, 2835.849
   2,  123, 4519,  346.804
   2,  135, 4891, 5294.101
   2,  156, 5625,   63.879
   3,  124, 4554,   84.715
   3,  136, 4911,   97.922
   3,  146, 5292,  931.270
   3,  157, 5649,  297.033
   4,  125, 4582,  127.450
   4,  147, 5318,  113.839
   4,  158, 5681,   55.949
   5,  126, 4610,   47.997
   5,  137, 4980,   39.769
   5,  148, 5345,   62.018
   6,  127, 4639,   78.850
   6,  138, 5019,  150.981
   6,  149, 5375,   94.643
   6,  160, 5737,  144.071
   7,  128, 4666,    3.356
   7,  161, 5764,  279.340
   8,  129, 4694,   31.077
   8,  139, 5079,   16.370
   8,  151, 5437,   75.792
   9,  163, 5842,   66.804
  10,  130, 4749,   31.692
  10,  131, 4770,   99.066
  10,  140, 5119,  135.048
  10,  152, 5492,  111.916
  10,  164, 5874,   87.223
  11,  132, 4795,  254.809
  11,  141, 5147,  112.469
  11,  142, 5168,  482.793
  11,  153, 5518,  139.169
  11,  165, 5902,   45.651
  12,  133, 4822, 9763.801
  12,  143, 5192,  801.943
  12,  154, 5558,  171.721
  12,  166, 5925,  117.968

Same as above, except show how each cruise's integral is grouped (by month).

set Year(s) to '2001-2004'
set Operator to 'Low-level Nitrogen'
set Station # to '2'
set Function Grouping to 'Mixed-layer Depth'
set Function to 'Integral'
set Grouping to 'Month'
set Output type to 'text'
select 'Show Grouping'