in the Laboratory for Microbial Oceanography at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa

Cruise Timeline, Sampling Methods & Locations

Timeline (Note: all dates/times are GMT)

12/08, 1300 hr: exchange personnel at King George Island
12/09, 1030 hr: depart Palmer Sta. to begin PD94-12
12/10, 0500 hr: begin AWS installation on SANTA CLAµS Island
12/10, 2100 hr: recover two bottom-moored sediment traps in Palmer Basin
12/11, 2330 hr: underway for Crystal Sound
12/11, 2000 hr: recover Crystal Sound sediment trap, begin sampling ops.
12/15, 2300 hr: ETD Crystal Sound
12/16, 1000 hr: deploy sediment traps Palmer Basin
12/16, 1500 hr: zodiac party on SANTA CLAµS Island for AWS tuning
12/17, 0300 hr: return S-028 personnel to Palmer Station
12/17, 1400 hr: arrive Paradise Harbor, begin water sampling and experiments
12/17, 1800 hr: deploy bottom-moored sediment trap
12/20, 0800 hr: underway for Andvord and Dallman Bays, sampling ops.
12/20, 0930 hr: recover sediment trap, depart for Palmer
12/23, 0100 hr: ETD Palmer
12/23, 1000 hr: visit RACER Rock for AWS repairs
12/24, 0700 hr: CTD ops in Deception Island caldera
12/24, 2100 hr: Christmas dinner!, underway for PA
12/25, 0100 hr: begin Drake Passage underway sampling program
12/26, 1158 hr: first line ashore, Punta Arenas

Sampling Methods

During Project SANTA CLAµS, data were collected by a variety of methods, some described subsequently in more detail (see Group Reports). Continuous underway measurements of selected surface ocean properties and local meteorology were obtained and logged. Continuous water column profiles of conductivity, temperature, beam transmission, PAR, fluorescence and light scatter were obtained using the CTD system. Discrete water samples were obtained using rosette-mounted Go-Flo bottles. Sinking particulate matter was collected at several sites using sequencing, bottom-moored sediment traps.

Sampling Locations

Figure 1 shows the approximate locations where research was conducted during Project SANTA CLAµS.