Laboratory for Microbial Oceanography
in the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa |
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COOK-BOOK II (KM0314): Chief Scientist ReportChief Scientist: K. BJÖRKMANDeparted Kodiak: October 1, 2003 at 1430 (AST) Arrived Honolulu: October 10, 2003 at 0730 (HST) Vessel: R/V Kilo Moana Operator: University of Hawaii Master of the Vessel: Captain Grey Drewry Chief Scientist: Karin Björkman STAG Electronics Technician: Tim McGovern STAG : Kuhio Vellalos 1. SCIENTIFIC OBJECTIVES The objective of this cruise was the collection of hydrographic and biogeochemical data along the transect from Kodiak Island, AK to Oahu, HI. We planned to occupy approximately 22 stations enroute from Kodiak with higher resolution sampling across the transitional zone between the northern North Pacific gyre boundery and sub-Arctic waters approximately located between 35'N-45'N. A single CTD cast was to be conducted at each station to collect continuous profiles of various physical and chemical parameters. A Fast Repetition Rate Fluorometer (FRRF) optical package was mounted on the CTD rosette frame work for continuous profiling down to 250 m. Water samples were to be collected at discrete depths for biogeochemical measurements, and incubation experiments over the top 200 m. At predetermined co-ordinates XBTs or XCTDs were to be launched. The following instruments were to collect data throughout the cruise: FRRF, thermosalinograph, fluorometer, and anemometer. The Hawaii Mapping Research Group (HMRG) component conducted continuous multibeam mapping along the transect. 2. SCIENCE PERSONNEL Karin Björkman Chief Scientist UH Justine Afghan Scientist SIO Bruce Applegate Scientist UH (HMRG) Matthew Church Scientist UCSC Tara Clemente Scientist UH Lance Fujieki Scientist UH Dan Sadler Scientist UH Guido Corno Student OSU Laurie Juranek Student UW STAG: Tim McGovern UHMC/STAG Kuhio Vellalos UHMC/STAG 3. GENERAL SUMMARY Operations were hampered by inclement weather conditions for approximately the first half of the cruise. The departure from Kodiak was delayed 25 hours due to the weather. Out of the 22 planned stations 17 were occupied, but only 12 were CTD stations. Five stations were sampled from the uncontaminated seawater supply and the other 5 stations were lost due to time constraints. Higher resolution sampling for DIC and chlorophyll was conducted from the uncontaminated seawater system as well as FRRF data. J. Afghan launched 120 XBTs starting at the 200 m depth contour off Kodiak Island and ending at the 200 m depth contour off Oahu, HI. The XBTs were spaced approximately every 30 latitude N. In addition 6 XCTDs were deployed at approximately 41', 46', 51', 54', 55'40 and 56'30 N. J. Afghan experienced about 20% failures with the XBTs due to rough seas that damaged some of the equipment. In addition there are gaps in the data where she was unable to launch any XBTs. L. Juranek collected samples for 18O and DIC. M. Church collected DNA and RNA samples as well as samples for incubation experiments. K. Björkman collected samples for incubation experiments. G. Corno collected data from the FRRF instruments, and did experiments using a PAM. Samples were also collected for Albert Coleman, Carnegie Institute, for 18O determinations. The HMRG component did multi-beam mapping throughout the transect. The thermosalinograph and the ship's anemometer run without interuptions. The fluorometer was reset on a couple of occasions. We arrived to Snug Harbor, HI at 0730, 10 October, 2003 4. R/V KILO MOANA, OFFICERS AND CREW, TECHNICAL SUPPORT The R/V Kilo Moana and her crew delivered excellent ship support for our work. The officers and crew were helpful and accommodating. They showed enthusiasm and concern for our work. Technical support during this cruise was adequate. STAG personnel were available to assist in the CTD deployments and retrievals. 5. ISOTOPE VAN A post-cruise swipe test on 24 locations inside the van and in its immediate vicinity came out clean. 6. DAILY REPORT OF ACTIVITIES (all times are HST unless otherwise stated) September 29, 2003; Loading Day Equipment and science supplies were loaded on this day. The majority of our gear was already onboard from the April, 2003 cruise (KM0308). The labs were set up. September 30, 2003 The scheduled departure at 1330 (AST) was cancelled, and rescheduled for the following day due to inclement weather. October 1, 2003 Departed the US Coast Guard Station, Kodiak, at 1430 as scheduled. Winds 15-20 knots. Ships speed 12-13 knots. October 2, 2003 Came on station at 0600 and deployed the first CTD at daybreak at 54'N. The winch speed for the CTD/FRRF package was to be 10m/min for both on the up and down cast to ensure high resolution profiling for the FRRF. The cast was completed without problems. When CTD 1 was on deck we commenced our transit to the next station. Fire and abandon ship drills were conducted at 1230 hours. Station 2 (52.2'N) was occupied from approximately 1700 to 1800 hours. Bottle #9 didn't trip. The ship's clock was advanced 1 hour. Winds 15-20 knots. Clear skies. Ship's speed 12-13 knots. October 3, 2003 Occupied stations 3 at 49.9'N (0600 hours) and 4 at 47.6'N (1800 hours). At station 4, the weather was getting hard and the wire angle was changing constantly making it difficult to trip bottles at the desired depths. October 4, 2003 The weather had deteriorated to a point were CTD operations were not possible. The Captain declared heavy weather procedures to be in effect. Station 5 at 45.3'N, 6 at 44.2'N and 7 at 43.5'N were sampled from the uncontaminated seawater system for all parameters except for incubation experiments. One of the incubators got hit and a large piece of plastic was broken off. Portions of the catwalk metal grating between the hulls in the bow was torn off by a wave. October 5, 2003 Heavy weather procedures continued to be in effect for the day. Continued to sample from the uncontaminated seawater system for stations 8 (43.0'N) and 9 (41.4'N). The ship speed was down to 5-6 knots due to the seas and high winds. October 6, 2003 The weather improved sufficiently to attempt a CTD cast. This was station 10, CTD #5. Stations 11,and 12 also completed this day. October 7, 2003 Completed Station 13 at 34.7'N and Station 14 at 32.25'N. October 8, 2003 Completed Station 15 at 29.9'N and Station 16 at 27.4'N. The ship's clock was advanced 1 hour. October 9, 2003 Completed Station 17 at 25.3'N (0700 hours). Last station. Cleaned and packed up the labs. A final rad survey and swipes in the isotope van was done. Results were clean. October 10, 2003 Arrived at the sea buoy off Honolulu Harbor at 0600, Docked at Snug by 0730. Full off-load took place. WEATHER: Below is the approximate daily wind direction, wind speed and barometer. Wind direction in degrees, speed in knots, barometer in mbar. Date Wind Wind Barometer direction speed 1 October, 2003 105-262 15-20 1000 2 October, 2003 160-206 10-15 1000 3 October, 2003 190-230 20-30 990 4 October, 2003 206-250 30-35 995 5 October, 2003 230-273 25-30 1018 6 October, 2003 230-340 20-30 1018 7 October, 2003 5-95 5-15 1024 8 October, 2003 85-95 15-20 1020 9 October, 2003 75-85 15-20 1017 Investigator: Project: ----------------- ---------- David Karl HOT core sampling/UH Paul Quay DI13C and O isotopes/UW Ricardo Letelier optical measurements/OSU Karin Björkman/Karl phosphorus cycling/UH Matt Church/John Zehr leucine uptake, DNA and RNA isolation/UCSC Glen Pezzoli XBT, XCTD work, transect P38/SIO Albert Coleman 18O isotopic composition of phosphate in seawater |