The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation has announced their new cohort of Investigators in Marine Microbiology. We are pleased to announce that Dave Karl, Mak Saito, Ed DeLong, were all selected in what must have been a very intense competition, given the others who were selected, and the many excellent scientists who were considered for this honor. (All four C-MORE PIs — Penny Chisholm, Jon Zehr, Ed DeLong, and Dave Karl — were first cohort Investigators.)
Over the past seven years the Moore Foundation has provided generous and invaluable support for our research and education missions. In addition to the Investigator program, they also provided past and present support for several C-MORE investigator projects, partial support for the C-MORE summer training course, and an equipment grant for C-MORE Hale.
We are pleased to report that
the Moore Foundation will
continue to be an indispensable
C-MORE partner.
May 29 to June 29, 2013 • Honolulu, Hawai‘i
Offered to graduate students and post-docs, the 2013 summer course explores the dynamic and fundamental role marine microbes play in shaping ocean ecology and global biogeochemistry. Deadline to apply is Friday, January 18, 2013. For more information, download the flyer PDF and visit the 2013 course web site.
C-MORE Hale, the first LEED Platinum laboratory facility in the state of Hawai‘i, is profiled in the latest issue of Green Building & Design Magazine.
Congratulations to the UC Santa Cruz C-MORE Team lead by postdoc Anne Thompson and C-MORE co-PI Jon Zehr for their thrilling Science paper on the unicellular cyanobacterium (UCYN-A) and it’s eukaryotic algal host — mystery finally solved! First discovered by Jon in 1998, when Anne was in grade school, UCYN-A has an unusual genetic makeup that led to interesting hypotheses about its physiology and ecology. This new study shows beyond any doubt that UCYN-A is a symbiont living an intimate relationship with a prymnesiophyte. Please take a look at these well earned press releases (in Science Daily and at NSF), and especially at the great paper. DMK
This summer C-MORE will conduct a “continuous” long-term field experiment at Station ALOHA to observe and interpret temporal variability in microbial processes, and the consequences for ecological dynamics and biogeochemical cycling. Special focus will be given to time-space coupling because proper scale sampling of the marine environment is an imperative, but generally neglected aspect of marine microbiology. Learn more at the HOE-DYLAN site.
On 3 October 2012, Ed DeLong received the 2012 Outstanding Alumni Award given by the College of Biological Sciences, University of California at Davis, his alma mater! This is a terrific honor and distinction, but also one that is well earned. Ed has been at the forefront of several of our discipline's most important discoveries over the past decades from the discovery of plankton archaea, to the ecophysiology of rhopdopsin, to his pioneering roles in the marine genomics and transcriptomics revolutions. He is still a young fellow, so we can expect even more in the coming years. Please join me in raising a toast to Ed for a job well done. DMK.
UH Mānoa oceanography graduate student Shimi Rii was a cruise participant on the first major HOE-DYLAN cruise earlier this summer to Station ALOHA. As part of her professional development program, she has posted a “tribute to Bob Dylan and the complexities of algal blooms”on the Student Voices Blog at
Tuesday, Oct. 02, 2012
8:30–11 am HST • 11:30–2 pm PST • 2:30–5 pm EST
Applications are closed. All participants will be required to complete a brief homework assignment that includes writing about their own research project. For more information, download the flyer PDF.
Using a newly developed analytical technique, a team of researchers from the US and Mexico was the first to report long-hypothesized vitamin B deficient zones in the ocean. “An important result of our study is that the concentrations of the five major B vitamins vary independently and appear to have different sources and sink,’ said co-author David Karl, Oceanography professor and C-MORE director. “This could lead to complex interactions among populations of microbes, from symbiosis to intense competition.”
Read more about it at in the International Business Times, UH News, EurekAlert!, and in the SOEST press release PDF; see the paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). Image courtesy of Paul Lethaby, SOEST.
Ed DeLong
Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Co-Director, Center for Microbial Oceanography: Research and Education (C-MORE)
Wed 08 Aug • 3 pm • C-MORE Hale, Moore Conference Center, UH Mānoa. Download the flyer PDF for more information.
On the Friday 04 May edition of Hawaii Public Radio’s “The Conversation”, Jenny Kuwahara, an 8th grade science teacher at Mililani Middle School and president-elect of the Hawai‘i Science Teachers Association, talks about C-MORE’s Microscopes in Middle Schools program and the value of hands-on experience in science education. Ms Kuwahara’s segment of the program starts at about the 38 minute mark.
Saturday, June 09, starting at 8:30 am in the C-MORE Hale Moore Conference Center, UH Mānoa; Grieg Steward, moderator.
Lunch will be provided, reception to follow. Space is limited, so RSVP to Sharon Sakamoto by Thursday, June 07. For more information, please visit the syllabus web page or download the flyer PDF.
Saturday, June 02, starting at 8:30 am in the C-MORE Hale Moore Conference Center, UH Mānoa; Dave Karl, moderator.
Lunch will be provided, reception to follow. Space is limited, so RSVP to Sharon Sakamoto by Thursday, May 31. For more information, please visit the syllabus web page or download the flyer PDF.
Using 13 years of Hawai‘i Ocean Time-series (HOT) data from Station ALOHA, an international team of scientists led by C-MORE director David Karl has documented a regular, significant, and unexpected increase in the amount of particulate matter exported to the deep sea in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. The findings were published in the 07 February 2012 issue of PNAS, The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Matthew Church (UHM) and Ricardo M. Letelier (OSU) are co-authors. See the profile of Dr Karl at PNAS (subscription only). Read more about it at UH News, which also has a profile of Dr Karl.
In collaboration with a consortium of scientists studying everything from penguins to krill to microbes, researchers from the Steward Laboratory spent the austral summer at Palmer Station on the West Antarctic Peninsula (WPA) investigating the mortality of phytoplankton due to viruses. An article in Popular Mechanics gives a taste of the unique flavor of conducting research on ice. (Image by Jennifer Bogo.)
May 29 to July 6, 2012
Honolulu, Hawai‘i
Offered to graduate students and post-docs, the 2012 summer course explores the dynamic and fundamental role marine microbes play in shaping ocean ecology and global biogeochemistry.
Deadline to apply is Friday, Jan. 27, 2012. For more information, download the flyer PDF and visit the 2012 course web site.
Jacques Rougerie
Jacques Rougerie Foundation
Ariel Fuchs
Science, Education and Media
Mission SeaOrbiter
Tuesday 10 January 2012
4:15 pm
C-MORE Hale Moore Conference Center
(1950 East-West Road)
You are cordially invited to attend “a preview of the future”: a seminar introducing Mission SeaOrbiter, which may soon be working in Hawaiian waters. Download the flyer PDF.
Victor Zykov, Ph.D.
Director of Science Operations, Schmidt Ocean Institute
Wednesday 4 January 2012
11 am HST
(1 pm PST / 4 pm EST)
C-MORE Hale Moore Conference Center (1950 East-West Road)
or watch as it is streamed live from the C-MORE home page.
The mission of the Schmidt Ocean Institute is to combine advanced science with state-of-the art technology on our globally capable research vessels to create lasting legacy in ocean exploration and discovery, catalyze open sharing of information about the oceans, and foster deeper understanding of our environment. Visit the event web page or download the flyer PDF for more information about the presentation, and about SOI’s mission.
See also Archived News and Announcements: Current Archives • 2012 • 2011 • 2010 • 2009 • 2008
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