- University of Hawai‘i at Manoa (UH)
- Themes I, II and IV. Karl will investigate the cycling of biophilic elements, especially nitrogen and phosphorus, and the capture and transduction of
solar energy. He will also work closely with the diversity and synthesis/modeling groups to better understand ecosystem metabolism.
- Keywords: bacteria, archaea, food-web structure, metabolism, C-N-P cycles, energy flux, primary/secondary production
- 808-956-8964
- dkarl@hawaii.edu
- Laboratory for Microbial Oceanography
Edward DeLong • Co-PI, Co-Director, and Research Coordinator
- Research Coordinator
- University of Hawai‘i at Manoa (UH)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
- Themes I – IV. DeLong’s research interests focus on the biology, ecology and evolution of marine microbes, marine biogeochemical cycles, and environmental genomics. Recently DeLong's research group has focused on the genomics, physiology, and ecological roles of Archaea in the water column, and the diversity and significance of rhodopsin-based light harvesting systems in ocean microbes. DeLong's lab is also active in developing and applying new genomic and metagenomic methods, to better describe microbial community complexity, dynamics and ecology.
- DeLong's work was highlighted recently at the National Academy of Sciences. To view a video of the presentation, click here.
- Keywords: community genomics, metagenomics, archaea, proteorhodopsin, photoheterotrophs, biogeochemistry, ecosystem dynamics
- edelong@hawaii.edu
- SCOPE page
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
- Themes I, II, and IV. The goal of the Chisholm Lab is to study Prochlorococcus as a model system for understanding microbial dynamics in oligotrophic ocean waters. Our approach is to study this closely related group of microorganisms from the genomic to the community level, with the goal of developing an integrated understanding of the ecology and evolution of this group of “minimal phototrophs.” This should help us move toward a deeper understanding of the complexity of microbial systems and their role in regulating biospheric processes.
- Keywords: Prochlorococcus, cyanophage, systems biology, comparative genomics, diversity
- chisholm@mit.edu
- Chisholm Lab
- Theme II Leader
- University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC)
- Themes I – IV. Zehr will investigate the links between nitrogen cycling, and carbon and energy flow in the subtropical Pacific Ocean. These studies
will be integrated with studies of carbon fixation, organic matter transformations, energy flux, atmosphere-ocean interactions, vertical
transport and food webs. The biology, ecology and physiology of nitrogen cycling microorganisms will involve cultivation,
metagenomic and metatranscriptome studies, isotopic tracers and experimental manipulations and will be integrated across Themes
I to IV.
- Keywords: genomics, metagenomics, nitrogen cycling, nitrogen fixation, food webs, symbiosis
- zehrj@pmc.ucsc.edu
- University of Hawai‘i at Manoa (UH)
- The goal of the Alegado lab is to understand how bacteria have influenced the evolution of animals. Our approach is to study the interaction between choanoflagellates, heterotrophic nanoflagellates which are the closest living relatives of animals, and their microbial community. We have established the colonial choanoflagellate Salpingoeca rosetta and its prey bacterium Algoriphagus as a new system in which to test hypotheses about the evolution of interkingdom signaling and how these interactions impact their ecosystem.
- Keywords: choanoflagellates, Algoriphagus, bacteria-eukaryote interactions, comparative genomics, evolutionary microbiology
- rosie.alegado@hawaii.edu
- Oceanography Department Faculty Page
- University of Hawai‘i at Manoa (UH)
- Themes I, II and IV. Bidigare will investigate the coupling of microbial growth and mortality in the subtropical Pacific Ocean. This will be accomplished by
quantifying vertical and spatial variations in microbial growth and mortality rates using the “dilution technique” in combination with
various biomass proxies (taxon-specific cell counts, biovolumes and pigment biomarkers).
- Keywords: phytoplankton, pigments, photosynthesis, growth, zooplankton, mortality
- bidigare@hawaii.edu
- Web Pages: HIMB •
CMMED • PRCBM • sites.google.com/a/hawaii.edu/cmore-bidigare/
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
- Theme II and IV. Boyle will investigate the relationship between dissolved and colloidal iron, atmospheric dust inputs,
and the microbial response to varying levels of iron.
- Keywords: oceanic iron, trace elements and organisms, dust input of Fe into the ocean
- eaboyle@mit.edu
- University of Hawai‘i at Manoa (UH)
- Themes I, II, and III. Church will investigate the linkages between microbial physiology and biogeochemical
cycles, targeting the time and space dynamics of specific microbial groups that control transformations of carbon, nitrogen,
and phosphorus. By merging rate measurements of organic matter production and consumption with molecular approaches to
identify variability in gene expression, he seeks to elucidate how the activities, biomass, and diversity of functionally
important groups of organisms contribute to biogeochemical variability in the oceans.
- Keywords: microbial activity, biogeochemistry, primary and secondary production, photoheterotrophy, gene expression,
organic matter transformation, microbial food webs
- mjchurch@hawaii.edu
- Theme IV Leader
- Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)
- Themes I, II, and IV. Numerical modeling and prediction. My main focus is to improve our ability to simulate ecosystem and biogeochemical dynamics by
integrating C-MORE laboratory and field data with numerical models. This will require the development of novel conceptual and
computational techniques to address the rapidly growing diversity and volume of genomic, plankton metabolism, and ecological
and biogeochemical data.
- Keywords: numerical models, carbon cycle, climate change, ecological dynamics, biogeochemistry, plankton metabolism, micorbial genomics
- sdoney@whoi.edu
- Columbia University
- Themes I, II, and IV. Phytoplankton physiological ecology. Members of the Dyhrman group at WHOI are
broadly interested in how phytoplankton interact with their geochemical environment, looking at the interface of microbial physiology and
the biogeochemical cycles of nitrogen and phosphorus. Group members are using a suite of approaches to examine nutrient assimilation in
model cultures and field populations. This research emphasis provides advanced training for graduate students and is also used as a
framework for the development and implementation of inquiry-based educational activities for children.
- Keywords: Phosphorus biogeochemistry, alkaline phosphatase, nutrient metabolism, genomics, proteomics, phytoplankton
- sd2512@columbia.edu
- University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC)
- Theme III. Phytoplankton photophysiology. Development of methodology and instrumentation for measuring photosynthetic performance of marine phytoplankton and anoxygenic photoheterotrophic bacteria. He is interested in applying these tools to quantify photosynthetic energy fluxes in the ocean, to identify environmental factors that control these fluxes, and to investigate how these fluxes may change as a result of climate forcing.
- Keywords: mechanisms of photosynthesis, energy fluxes in the ocean, plankton physiology, instrumentation
- zkolber@ucsc.edu
- Louisiana State University (LSU)
- Theme IV. Laws will investigate the use of food web models to understand the factors that control the production,
transformation, and transport of organic matter within the pelagic and mesopelagic zones of open ocean ecosystems. His work focuses on
the role of resiliency as a food web organizing construct and the impact of environmental forcing in determining the structure and
functionality of marine microbial food webs.
- Keywords: carbon, ef ratio, food webs, models, resiliency, stability
- edlaws@lsu.edu
- UH Oceanography faculty
- Oregon State University (OSU)
- Theme II and IV. Letelier's research group will focus on the role of phytoplankton assemblages in pelagic elemental
cycling by combining in situ and laboratory physiological studies, bio-optic and remote sensing approaches.
- Keywords: photosynthesis, phytoplankton, biogeochemical cycles, bio-optics, remote sensing, spatial and temporal scales of variability
- letelier@coas.oregonstate.edu
- Remote Sensing Ocean Optics
- University of Hawai‘i at Manoa (UH)
- Themes I, II and IV. Nelson’s research seeks to link microbial community dynamics with dissolved organic matter cycling in open ocean, coastal, and freshwater ecosystems. Specific emphases include integrating landscape and oceanographic processes into our understanding of coastal ecosystems, investigating the role of bacterioplankton in coral reef biogeochemistry, and untangling consumer-resource interactions between diverse microorganisms and complex dissolved organic matter pools. We emphasize bioinformatics and multivariate statistical modeling to synthesize information from experiments and large scale spatial and time-series surveys of bacterial community structure, biogeochemistry, and ecosystem metabolism to better understand the impacts of ongoing anthropogenic change in aquatic habitats.
- Keywords: bacterial community structure, phylogenetics, dissolved organic matter, coral reefs, terrestrial-aquatic linkages, comparative metagenomics, landscape biogeochemistry
- craig.nelson@hawaii.edu
- UH Oceanography faculty
- Theme I Leader
- University of Hawai‘i at Manoa (UH)
- Themes I, II, and III. The Rappé laboratory will investigate a broad array of topics related to marine microbial
diversity and metabolism. A major goal is to use cultivation independent techniques to identify and quantify the major microbial “species”
found in the waters of the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre over a variety of time and space scales, and to use directed efforts to isolate and
characterize these microorganisms. These environmentally relevant microbial “species” will be employed as model systems in the integrated
microbial oceanographic approach proposed by our Center, and Rappé’s group will combine comparative genomics and physiological
experimentation to further this collaborative effort.
- Keywords: bacteria, comparative genomics, diversity, Pelagibacter, SAR11, phylogeny, model systems, ecosystem dynamics
- rappe@hawaii.edu
- UH Oceanography faculty
- Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)
- Theme I and II. Composition and cycling of
dissolved organic matter (DOM). In particular I am interested in the metabolic pathways used to remineralize complex forms of dissolved
organic C, N, and P by microbial consortia, and in the impact of DOM composition (including vitamins, allelopathic compounds, and trace
metal organic ligands) on microbial diversity.
- Keywords: dissolved organic carbon, metabolic pathways, microbial consortia,
vitamins, ligands, allelopathic compounds
- drepeta@whoi.edu
- Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)
- Themes I, II, and IV. Trace element biogeochemistry and marine bioinorganic chemistry. In particular, my group studies the
interactions between trace elements such as cobalt (including cobalt containing vitamin B12), zinc, cadmium, and iron and their nutritional
and toxicity effects on cyanobacteria and other microbes. We utilize analytical, physiological, and molecular techniques to examine these
processes from the global biogeochemical scale to the metalloenzyme and genome level.
- Keywords: trace elements, marine bioinorganic chemistry, cobalt, vitamin B12, zinc, cadmium, iron, cyanobacteria, metalloenzymes, proteomics
- msaito@whoi.edu
- Theme III Leader
- Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI)
- Themes I, III, and IV. The overall goal of my research program is to develop methods and instrumentation that make
it possible to conduct molecular biological analyses autonomously below the ocean surface. In pursuit of that goal I have cast
near term objectives under several complementary themes: development and application of DNA probes for detecting a variety
of microorganisms and genes they harbor and express, teaming with engineers to develop instrumentation for applying molecular probe
technology remotely in situ, and transfer of technology that arises as a result of those activities.
- Keywords: molecular probes, DNA arrays, protein arrays, instrumentation development, in-water sensors
- scholin@mbari.org
- MBARI Environmental Sample Processor (ESP): Sites for technical audience and
general audience
- University of Hawai‘i at Manoa (UH)
- Theme I, II, and III. The Steward Lab will investigate the diversity and ecology of viruses in the sea. Our group will be
isolating and characterizing bacteriophages that infect microorganisms selected as model systems for C-MORE and will work on the development
of new tools to investigate their ecological impact. We will also be investigating environmental and ecological controls on viral infections
and the contribution of viral lysis to the cycling of carbon and nutrients.
- Keywords: microbial diversity, viruses, prokaryotes, mortality, lysogenic conversion
- grieg@hawaii.edu
- Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)
- Theme Affiliation I, II, and III. Taylor is interested in the development and application of automated instrumentation for long-term
in situ time-series analysis of phytoplankton production and other microbial activities; time series acquisition and preservation of
microbial samples for assessment of phylogenetic and functional responses to environmental change.
- Keywords: microbial activity, primary production, biogeochemistry, time series, instrumentation development, in-water sensors
- ctaylor@whoi.edu
- Oregon State University (OSU)
- Themes II, III, and IV. White’s primary research interests involve understanding how specific organisms acquire the elements necessary for growth and how different nutrient sources impact primary productivity and particle export. She is also working on the development of stochastic, optimization models which can allow for more realistic simulations of the taxonomic and biogeochemical diversity of the phytoplankton community in the upper water column of the North Pacific.
- Keywords: nitrogen fixation, phosphorus, model development, cyanobacterial diversity, cyanobacterial physiology, Trichodesmium
- awhite@coas.oregonstate.edu