Hawaii Ocean Time-series (HOT)
in the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa

HOT-90: Chief Scientist Report

Chief Scientist: D. HEBEL

                                 HOT 90 Cruise Report
                                   R/V Moana Wave
                                  17-21 Feb.,1998

Personnel List

HOT 90:

WOCE group:
Fernando S-Mandujano    Research Associate              UH
Craig Nosse*		Research Associate		UH
Hans Ramm		Research Associate		UH
Don Wright		Research Associate		UH
Mark Valenciano		Research Associate		UH

JGOFS group:
Dale Hebel		Chief Scientist (co-PI JGOFS)	UH
Louie Tupas*            Scientist (co-PI JGOFS)		UH
Lance Fujieki           Computer Specialist             UH
Pat Driscoll            Research Associate              UH
Markus Karner           Post-Doc                 	UH
Ursula Magaard          Research Associate              UH

Ancillary projects
Roberta Baldwin		Research Associate		SIO
Ken Smith           	Scientist                     	SIO
Robert Glatts           Research Associate            	SIO
Alfred Uhlman           Research Associate            	SIO
Stephanie Christensen   Graduate Student		UH/Zooplankton
Mai Lopez           	Scientist                     	SIO

Will Hervig		Electronic Technician		UH-UMC
Dave Gravatt            Deck Technician			UH-UMC

* Watch Leader

Itinerary (approximate local time):

Tuesday, 17 Feb. 1998
     0900 Departed Snug Harbor
     0930 Fire and Abandon ship drill
     1040 Arrived Kahe Pt. (Sta. 1)
     1200 Weight cast (1000m)
     1300 PRR-600/TSRB  cast
     1345 s1c1
     1510 Departed Kahe
     2400 Arrived FVGR deployment site (22o 50.1 N, 158o 00.2W)

Wednesday, 18 Feb.
     0005 Plankton net tow
     0125 FVGR deployed
     0215 Arrived Station ALOHA
     0250 Completed sediment trap deployment  (22o 50.5N,158o 00.9W)
     0405 s2c1 (WOCE deep)
     0930 Began 36 hr "burst sampling" (s2c2)
     1105 Plankton net tow
     1200 Plankton net tow
     1240 PRR-600/TSRB  cast
     1305 s2c3
     1600 s2c4
     1900 s2c5
     2200 s2c6
     2300 Plankton net tow
     2400 Plankton net tow

Thursday, 19 Feb.
     0105 s2c7
     0210 Go-Flo cast
     0550 s2c8
     0700 Deployed primary productivity array (22o 45.2N, 157o 59.6W)
     0740 s2c9
     1005 s2c10
     1115 Plankton net tow
     1205 PRR-600/TSRB  cast
     1310 s2c11
     1600 s2c12
     1840 Retrieved primary productivity array (not recorded on bridge log)
     1915 s2c13
     2200 s2c14

Friday, 20 Feb.
     0005 Prepared for OPC deployment
     0310 OPC deployment cancelled (electrical problems)
     0345 Reterminated CTD wire
     0630 s2c15 (second WOCE deep cast)
     1110 FVGR recovered
     1520 Sediment trap recovery (22o 28.2N, 158o 13.4W)
     1655 s8c1
     1755 Trace metal sampler deployed
     1830 Trace metal sampler recovered
     1835 Departed station 8

Saturday, 21 Feb.
     0800 Arrived Snug Harbor
     1000 Completed offloading operations


HOT 90 was conducted aboard the R/V Moana Wave 17-21 February 1998.
Captain Hayes was the master of the vessel and Dale Hebel chief
scientist.  There were a total of 19 participants in the scientific
party composed of 5 WOCE, 6 JGOFS, 6 ancillary and 2 STAG.  In addition
to our routine cruise schedule we had aboard Ken Smith and his group
from SIO to deploy and retrieve their FVGR for calibration of their
deployed benthic ROVER.  Four stations were occupied during HOT 91at
Kahe Pt. (sta. 1), Station ALOHA (sta. 2), FVGR deployment site and the
surface mooring location (sta.  8).

During the cruise all underway measurement systems (thermosalinograph,
ADCP, meteorological instruments, pCO2 and fluorometer) were operable
and functioned normally.  Although we were able to collect all core
samples and complete the 36 hr burst CTD work we did experience some
problems with the CTD cable.  In addition, continued electrical
problems plagued the OPC preventing deployment, however we were able to
use the time for a second WOCE deep cast.  The weather was generally
moderate with <20 kt Trades,  swells 3-6 feet and skies mostly cloudy.

Daily Activities (HST)

11 Feb. 1998
Pre-cruise meeting MSB 315 at 1130 hrs.

13 Feb. 1998
All equipment and supplies were loaded on the R/V Moana Wave.

17 Feb. 1998
All science personnel were aboard by 0830 hrs and the ship departed on
schedule (0900 hrs.).   Shortly after passing the mile buoy the usual
fire & abandon ship drill were conducted followed by a science
meeting.  Arrived Kaphe ~1140 hrs conducted weight cast to 1000m,
PRR/TSRB cast and 1000 m CTD cast.  All equipment functioned normally.
We departed Kahe ~1530 hrs.  Seas were moderate with a 2-8' NNE swell,
wind 9- 20 kts from the E and skies generally clear.

Arrived northern end of Sations ALOHA ~2350 hrs.

18 Feb. 1998
Conducted net tow then proceeded north to 22 53' N to deploy FVGR
vehicle.  After the successful deployment of the FVGR by Ken Smith's
group we proceeded to just inside the northern end of circle perimeter
to deploy sediment traps.  Both ship drift and ADCP indicated a
southernly current. The  sediment trap deployment also was successful.

Following the sediment trap deployment we repositioned to the circle
center and conducted CTD cast s2c1.  The  36 hr "burst sampling" began
0930 hrs and by the end of the day we had completed 5 net tows and 6
CTD casts along with a noon PRR/TSRB cast.

Seas were out of the east at 2-3' with a 6' swell, winds were light at
<10kts also from the east and skies mostly cloudy.  All underway
systems functioned normally and all personnel were well.

19 Feb. 1998
According to Fernando the CTD data started showing spikes (glitches)
particularly during casts 6 and 7.  The CTD cable termination was
inspected and re-sealed after finding that water had leaked into the
contacts, causing the spikes in the previous casts. The CTD worked
properly after this repair. Cast 14 was conducted at the IES site (4 nm
north of the center).  The IES signal was observed on the 12 KHz

After cast 14 a kink developed in the CTD wire close to the package.
This was most likely due to the bad rolls experienced during this
cast.  A section of the wire was removed and the cable  reterminated
At the end of the day 8 CTD and one noon PRR/TSRB cast were completed
along with  an additional net tow, go-flo cast and primary productivity
array deployment and retrieval.  The seas and swell were light with
variable winds 8-16 kts and mostly cloudy skies.

20 Feb. 1998 
Although the ADCP and the thermosalinograph worked correctly during the
cruise we found that there was a 30 sec delay in the time of the
workstation retrieving the thermosalinograph, fluorometer and met data
compared to the GPS time. Will Hervig wasn't able  to find the reason
for this delay.

Due to a problem with the OPC a second WOCE deep cast was conducted
prior to the recovery of the FVGR.  These operations were followed by
the recovery of the sediment traps and a final 1000 m CTD cast at
station 8.  The MIT trace metal sampler was successfully deployed at
station 8.  We departed station 8 at 1835 hr. enroute to Honolulu

Weather and sea conditions remained favorable.

21 Feb. 1998 
We arrived at Snug Harbor 0800 hrs and completed offloading operations
by 1000 hrs. since most of the deck equipment was left on the ship for
HOT 91.


HOT 90:
The weather was generally good throughout the cruise.  Below
is listed the cruise bridge log descriptions and the various
values represent the range for that day.  Under wind, sea,
and swell there will be two designations, the first is the
direction (in degrees), the second for wind is in kts, sea
in Beauford force, and swell in feet, barometer in inches of
Hg, temp oC (dry bulb) and clouds in tenths.

Day    Date     Wind            Sea          Swell        Barometer    Temp  Clouds

Tues.  17 Feb.  060-125,9-20    060-125,2-3  090-310,2-8  30.04-30.17  72-79  2-5
Wed.   18 Feb.  060-110,8-20    060-110,2-3  320,3-6      30.13-30.17  72-80  3-6
Thurs. 19 Feb.  light-150,8-16  110-150,1-3  320,3-4      30.16-30.22  73-78  2-8
Fri.   20 Feb.  calm-140,6-12   130-140,1-2  330,3        30.20-30.28  73-79  2-8
Sat.*  21 Feb.  010-040,12-21   010-040,3    320,3        30.18-30.19  72-74  2-6

*Only two entries (0200 & 0600 hrs)

Equipment and methods:
All standard equipment functioned normally although there was a data
delay problem with the underway logging system which was not resolved
at sea and there were recurrent problems with the CTD cable kinking.
In addition, Ken Smith from SIO deployed and successfully retrieved his
Free Vehicle Grab Respirometer (FVGR).  Unfortunately, the OPC
experienced electrical problems and the vehicle was not deployed.

Sub component programs:

Investigator:                      Project:
------------                       -------

Christopher Winn (UH)              DIC, pH, Alk., pCO2
Bob Bidigare (UH)                  HPLC pigments
Michael Landry (UH)                Zooplankton dynamics

Ancillary programs:

Investigator:                      Project:
------------                       -------
Charles Keeling (SIO)              CO2 dynamics and intercalibration
Paul Quay (UW)                     DIC and 13C
Ed Boyle (MIT)                     Trace metals
Ken Smith (SIO)                    Benthic respiration

Mark Huntley/Mai Lopez (SIO)       Optical plankton counting
Dale Hebel (UH)                    EOC measurement
Markus Karner (UH)                 Molecular probe samples