
The UH science party shall be bringing the following:
- Three laboratory vans with assorted equipment for radioisotope and general use
- All required chemicals and isotopes
- Large vacuum waste containers
- Liquid nitrogen dewar and transfer hose
- Drifting sediment trap array with strobe lights, satellite and radio transmitters, floats, weights
- Kevlar line, polypropylene line
- Sediment traps and crosses
- Drifting primary production array and gas array with light and radio transmitter, floats, weights, polypro. Line, spare buoy, etc
- PRR, AC-9/FRRf and other optical measuring instruments.
- Oxygen titration system
- Plankton nets and towing lines
- Desktop and laptop personal computers
- Assorted tools
- Waste containers to contain all generated hazardous waste
- All required sampling bottles
- Pertinent MSDS
- compressed gas cylinders
- Clean air compressor
- Four large incubators, 3 small temperature controlled incubators and the chilling unit
- One pH incubator (will be assembled by the MBARI group)
We will need the use of the following ship's equipment:
- A-frame
- A-frame block assembly
- Appleton crane and winch with conducting wire for CTD
- Electric power for winches (440 VAC, 3 phase, 60 Amp breaker) and vans (208 VAC single phase at 60 amps for lab van, 110 VAC 10 amps for equipment van)
- Radio direction finder
- Space on upper deck for two lab vans port side, one van starboard side
- Space on upper deck for incubators
- Hand-held VHF transceivers
- Precision depth recorder
- Shackles, sheaves, hooks and lines
- Shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler
- Thermosalinograph, pCO2 system, and Fluorometer
- Copy machine
- Grappling hooks and line
- Navlink2 PC or equivalent
- Running fresh water and seawater, hoses
- Electronic mail system
- GPS system
- Uncontaminated seawater supply
- Small capstan (~ 10 m/min)
- Underway/on-station data acquisition system for meteorological instruments, ADCP, thermosalinograph, fluorometer, pCO2
- OTG's 24-place rosette, and 24 12-l water sampling bottles (to be used as primary system)
- Pinger (to be used as spare)
- 1000 lb weight.
- Remote CTD decibar pressure display in the winch operator cabin.
- Large Sea-Mac winch (Mod. 1025 EHS). 60 Amp Hubbel plug/connector (440 VAC, 3 phase, 60 Amp breaker)
- 2 Freezers -20°C (Science hold)
Note: OTG's 24-place rosette, and 24 12-l water sampling bottles will be used as primary system.
Ship: R/V Kilo Moana km0841 CTD CASTS (Download the schedule spreadsheet).
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