C-MORE Events

Hanauma Bay Educational Lecture Series—August 2008

C-MORE is partnering with the Hanauma Bay Education Program to foster awareness of microbial oceanography. During the month of August, C-MORE is sponsoring the Hanauma Bay Educational Lecture Series. These lectures are open to the public, so please join us every Thursday to learn about the exciting world of marine microbes! Download the flyer PDF advertising the series or read more about it here…

Ocean Literacy Alliance 2007

An Ocean Literacy Alliance-Hawaii Workshop was held Nov. 15, 2007 at the Ko’olau Clubhouse, Oahu, Hawaii. Several C-MORE partners and affiliates participated in the event. The objectives of the workshop were to build an ocean education network, identify existing programs and activities, and increase opportunities for future collaboration. To view videos of the presentations made during the workshop, including a presentation by the guest speaker, filmmaker Edgy Lee, please click here.

School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology 2007 Open House

On October 19-20, 2007, C-MORE joined forces with the Hawaii Ocean Time-Series program to educate and entertain thousands of Hawai‘i’s young scientists at the biennial SOEST Open House at UH Manoa. Displays, demonstrations and hands-on activities introduced the next generation to the wonders of microbial oceanography. We now have a small selection of photos online here.

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