Enhanced Ocean Upwelling:
Science, Engineering and Potential Applications
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AGENDA: Tuesday 29 November 2011 • East-West Center (EWC), Asia Room
Science – Technology – Engineering - Modeling
0800-0830 Coffee
- 0830-0900 Welcome (Dave Karl, Brian Taylor, David Kingsbury)
- 0900-0930 Dave Karl, UH Mānoa Ocean upwelling, new production and carbon sequestration: Can we, or should we, enhance nature?
- 0930-1000 Luis Vega, UH Mānoa Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC): Technology, economics and environmental impacts
- 1000-1030 Break
- 1030-1100 Frederic Berg, Honolulu Seawater Air Conditioning LLC Why seawater air conditioning?
- 1100-1130 Lissa Morgenthaler-Jones, LiveFuels The truth about algae, biofuels and the future of food
- 1130-1200 General discussion
- 1200-1300 Lunch: EWC Garden Lanai, Bangkok Chef buffet
- 1300-1320 Greg Rocheleau, Makai Ocean Engineering Modeling the physical and biological effects of OTEC plumes and artificial upwelling concepts
- 1320-1340 Gerard Nihous, UH Mānoa Studies of OTEC environmental interactions using ocean general circulation models
- 1340-1400 William Munslow, Lockheed Martin Corporation Progress toward commercialization of OTEC
- 1400-1420 Charity Deluca, LiveFuels A case for upwelled nutrients in multi-trophic aquaculture (MTA)
- 1420-1440 Ulf Riebesell, IMF-GEOMAR Ocean acidification in the high Arctic: a mesocosm CO2 perturbation experiment
- 1440-1500 Daniela Böttjer, UH Mānoa BAG-1: An open ocean mesocosm deployment
- 1500-1530 Break
- 1530-1550 Angelicque White, Oregon State University An open ocean trial of controlled upwelling using wave pump technology
- 1550-1610 E. Gordon Grau, UH Mānoa UH Sea Grant’s Center for Sustainable Coastal Tourism
- 1610-1630 Pat Takahashi, UH Mānoa and Huffington Post The Pacific International Ocean Station
- 1630-1700 General discussion; Review of Day 1; Preview of Day 2
- 1700-1900 Reception: EWC Garden Lanai, Gordon Biersch
[ Day One | Day Two | Top of Page ]
AGENDA: Wednesday 30 November 2011 • C-MORE Hale, Moore Conference Center
A prospectus for the future
0800-0830 Coffee
- 0830-0845 Review of Day 1; Preview of Day 2 (Dave Karl)
- 0845-0905 Marlin Atkinson, UH Mānoa Predicting coral reef responses to elevated nutrient, particles and dissolved inorganic carbon of upwelled water
- 0905-0925 Sasha Tozzi, UC at Santa Cruz Monitoring photosynthetic performance of marine phytoplankton in response to anthropogenic perturbations
- 0925-0945 Karin Björkman, UH Mānoa Phytoplankton response to deep sea water enrichment in the North Pacific subtropical gyre: Effects on biomass, community structure and nutrient utilization
- 0945-1015 John Dore, Montana State University Phytoplankton blooms in stratified ocean waters: Stimulation via natural entrainment processes and a look at associated inorganic carbon system perturbations
- 1015-1045 Break
1045-1115 Ricardo Letelier, Oregon State University From mesocosm to ecosystem: The challenge of extrapolating experimental observations across scales
- 1115-1200 Dave Karl, UH Mānoa Remaining challenges and opportunities, including needs
- 1200-1330 Lunch (no-host) at UH Mānoa campus eateries, or elsewhere
- 1200-1400 Tour of C-MORE Hale (let us know and we will arrange)
- 1330-1500 Tour of IFM-GEOMAR mesocosms (UH Marine Expeditionary Center)
- 1330-1700 Draft workshop report, continue discussion of “next steps” (C-MORE Hale Agora)
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