Student Application Form

Application Deadline: February 20, 2009

Photo of 2008 Agouron participants on board the R/V Kilo Moana.

If you are unable to use this form, please download the course application PDF or Word document; print the form, fill it out, and mail it to the address below.

1. Name.

2. Email address.

Other Contact Information (mailing address, telephone, and fax number).

3. Are you currently a student or postdoc? If so, where?

4. Please provide a chronological synopsis of your post-secondary education including course taken in microbiology, oceanography, biogeochemistry, and ecology (500 words or less).

5. Please provide an updated curriculum vitae including research experience and any publications. Copy and paste information in box below:

6. Please provide a brief list of the types of equipment, methodologies or computer-based models you have used in your research.

7. What prior experience, if any, have you had working at sea? Please include a description of the type of work conducted and the duration of time at sea:

8. If selected as a participant in the course, you will be asked to prepare a formal 20-minute seminar on your current research. Please provide a title and brief (< 200 words) abstract for this presentation.

9. Why are you interested in a course on microbial oceanography? What are your career goals and where do you see your professional development lead ing you over the next 5 years (500 words or less)?

10. Please provide the names and contact information for three people who have agreed to prepare letters supporting your application. It will be your responsibility to make sure the letters are sent and received before February 20, 2009. Be sure to provide these references with information about the course and a copy of your application.


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