; Configuration file for MicroPod-S (SNXXX) and MicroPod-T (SNxxx - SNxxx) used with the ; SG1000 DataLogger (SN366) in Kongsberg Seaglider xxx. ; ; 2020-11-17 IB: edited for Hydroid (A, S, T_dT) ; ; Ch# Signal ;--------------------------------------------- ; 32 V_Bat, Voltage of battery power supply ; 40 Incl_Y, Inclinometer, rotation around the y-axis ; 41 Incl_X, Inclinometer, rotation around the x-axis ; 42 Incl_T, temperature of the inclinometer ; 80 Gnd, pseudo ground ; 81 Ax, piezo-accelerometer aligned with sh1 ; 82 sh1, shear probe #1 ; 86 T1_dT1, First thermistor with pre-emphasis ; 255 Sp_char, special character, 7FF0H or 32572D ; Prefix is maximum 5 characters rate = 512 prefix = dat_ disk = /data recsize = 1 no-fast = 3 no-slow = 1 ; ----------------- ;This section presents the address [matrix] of your instrument and ; automaticaly ends the [root] section above. The first columns are "slow" ; channels as defined by the "no-slow" parameter in the [root] section. ; The remiander are "fast" columns ("no-fast"). [matrix] num_rows=8 row01= 255 81 82 86 row02= 80 81 82 86 row03= 32 81 82 86 row04= 40 81 82 86 row05= 41 81 82 86 row06= 42 81 82 86 row07= 80 81 82 86 row08= 80 81 82 86 ; -------------------- ;This section identifies your instrument. Only the vehicle is important. [instrument_info] vehicle = sea_glider ; Vertical profiling. model = micro_pod ; The actual model. Used for trouble shooting. sn = 366 ; The serial numnber of the instrument. For trouble shooting sn_S = 2257 ; The serial number of the micro_pod_S. sn_T = 2043 ; The serial number of the micro_pod_T. ; -------------------- ; The next section is optional and can be expanded. Do not use the parameter "id = ". [cruise_info] operator = Hydroid project = SCOPE ship = KILO_MOANA leg = glider = sg513 ; -------------------- ; Next come the [channel] sections. These are used to convert your data ; into physical units, and to save them into a mat-file. ; They also determine the name given to various signals ; in your data file. Please, stick to the convention of ; RSI because data visualization using the RSI Matlab Library of functions ; assumes particular names. However, data will be converted into physical ; units regardless of the name of the channels. If you change the names, ; then data visualization and further processing is your responsibility. ; A list of typical channel addresses (id) and their names and functions ; is at the end of this file. ; Each channel section consists of a part that is unique to your instrument. ; It does not need to be changed. The second part is dependent on your ; sensors (shear probes, FP07 thermistors, etc.) and must be updated ; whenever you change a probe. ; instrument dependent parameters ; Battery voltage or power supply voltage [channel] ; instrument dependent parameters id = 32 name = V_Bat type = voltage G = 0.1 adc_fs = 4.096 adc_bits = 16 ; units = [V] ; ----------------- ; The ADIS precision inclinometer with built in thermometer [channel] ; instrument dependent parameters id = 40 name = Incl_Y type = inclxy ; sensor dependent parameters coef0 = 0 coef1 = 0.025 ; units = [degree] [channel] ; instrument dependent parameters id = 41 name = Incl_X type = inclxy ; sensor dependent parameters coef0 = 0 coef1 = -0.025 ; units = [degree] [channel] ; instrument dependent parameters id = 42 name = Incl_T type = inclt ; sensor dependent parameters coef0 = 624 coef1 =-0.47 ; units = [degree C] [channel] id = 80 name = Gnd type = gnd [channel] id = 81 name = Ax type = piezo adc_fs = 5.12 adc_bits = 16 adc_zero = 2.560 sig_zero = 2.048 coef0 = 0 coef1 = 1.000 [channel] id = 82 name = sh1 type = shear adc_fs = 5.120 adc_bits = 16 adc_zero = 2.560 sig_zero = 2.048 diff_gain = 1.017 ; Probe specific part SN = M2257 sens = 0.0797 [channel] id = 86 name = T1_dT1 type = t_ms adc_fs = 5.12 adc_bits = 16 adc_zero = 2.560 a = 2.04777 b = 0.999708 G = 6 E_B = 0.68282 diff_gain = 0.936 ; Probe specific part SN = T2043 beta_1 = 3053.90 beta_2 = 215803.73 T_0 = 290.053