Markus B. Karner


Markus B. Karner Science Page



01/1995 PhD

Life Sciences, Biological Oceanography, University Paris VI (Pierre et Marie Curie), France.

10/1991 MSc

Zoology/Marine Biology, Meteorology and Geodynamics, University of Vienna, Austria.


Research positions

08/97-02/99; 10/99-01/01

Assistant Specialist (molecular marine microbial ecology and oceanography) at the University of Hawai'i, Honolulu, HI, USA.

Leader of a research project on Archaebacteria (Archaea) in the world oceans using molecular biology methods. Numerous research expeditions on board ship (Pacific Ocean and off Antarctica) with the resulting discovery that a large part of oceanic bacteria are Archaebacteria. Peer-reviewed publication of results. Co-authored research project, grad student supervision.


Consultant on Science Coordination at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles/Wrigley Institute for Environmental Studies, CA, USA.

Responsible for coordination of coastal water research programs in Southern California.


Postdoctoral Researcher (molecular marine microbial ecology) at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Research project to co-develop and apply molecular biology methods to detect bacterial species in the ocean and to compare methods to assess bacterial activity. Research cruises in the Pacific Ocean. Peer-reviewed publication of results.


Graduate Student/CNRS (French National Research Council) Researcher at the Observatoire Océanologique, Villefranche-sur-mer, France (marine microbial ecology), Ph.D. research.

Research project on enzyme activity in the ocean. Two years of personal funding by European Commission grant, later hired by CNRS (French National Research Council) until completion of Ph.D. Research cruises in the Mediterranean. Peer-reviewed publication of results. Ph.D. thesis in French language.


Memberships in Professional Associations, Honors

American Society for Microbiology (ASM)
American Society for Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO)
Marie Curie Fellowship Association (MCFA)
Antarctic Service Medal (National Science Foundation U.S.A.)



PhD Thesis

Karner, M. 1995. Activité enzymatique extracellulaire dans un milieu marin côtier: Variabilité temporelle, proportions d'enzymes dissoutes et influence des flagellés hétérotrophes. University Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), France.

MSc Thesis

Karner, M. 1991. Der Abbau gelösten organischen Materials im Meerwasser durch bakterielle Enzyme. University of Vienna, Austria.

Publications in scholarly journals

Karner, M., E.F. DeLong and D.M.Karl. 2001. Archaeal dominance in the mesopelagic zone of the Pacific Ocean. Nature 409:507-510.

Sala, M.M., M. Karner, L. Arin and C. Marrasé. 2001. Measurement of ectoenzyme activities as an indication of inorganic nutrient imbalance in microbial communities. Aquat. Microb. Ecol. 23:301-311.

Church, M. J., M. Karner, H.W. Ducklow, E.F. DeLong, and D.M. Karl (in prep.). Temporal and spatial relationships between planktonic Archaea and Bacteria in the Western Antarctic Peninsula.

Ferrier-Pagès, C., M. Karner and F. Rassoulzadegan. 1998. Release of dissolved amino acids by flagellates and ciliates grazing on bacteria. Oceanol. Acta 21(3):1-11.

Karner, M. and J.A. Fuhrman. 1997. Determination of "active" marine bacterioplankton: a comparison of universal 16S rRNA probes, autoradiography, and nucleoid staining. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 63 (4): 1208-1213.

Karner, M. and F. Rassoulzadegan. 1995. Extracellular enzyme activity: indications for high short-term variability in a coastal marine ecosystem. Microb. Ecol. 30: 143-156.

Karner, M., C. Ferrier-Pagès and F. Rassoulzadegan. 1994. Phagotrophic nanoflagellates contribute to occurrence of a-glucosidase and aminopeptidase in marine environments. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 114: 237-244.

Karner, M. and G.J. Herndl. 1992. Extracellular enzymatic activity and secondary production in free-living and marine-snow-associated bacteria. Mar. Biol. 113: 341-347.

Karner, M., D. Fuks, and G.J. Herndl. 1992. Bacterial activity along a trophic gradient. Microb. Ecol. 24: 243-257.

Herndl, G.J., M. Karner, and P. Peduzzi. 1992. Floating Mucilage in the Northern Adriatic Sea: the potential of a microbial ecological approach to solve the "mystery". Science of the Total Environment, supplement 1992.

Papers Presented at International Symposia

Sala, M.M., Karner, M.B., Arin, L. and C. Marrasé. 2001. New approach for the assessment of nutrient limitation in marine planktonic communities. Poster presentation at the 36th European Marine Biology Symposium: A Marine Science Odyssey into the 21st Century. Menorca, Spain.

Karner, M., L.T. Taylor, E.F. DeLong and D.M. Karl. 1999. Bacterial and Archaeal distributions at the Hawai'i Ocean Time-series station, ALOHA, in the North Pacific Ocean. Poster presentation at the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.

Rossi, P., M. Karner, C. Ouverney and J.A. Fuhrman. 1997. Detection and enumeration of marine Bacteria and Archaea using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). EuroCoast-Portugal Meeting, Faro, Portugal, pp.169-178.

Karner, M. 1996. Extracellular Enzyme Activity Ratios: a Novel Approach for Assessment of Nutrient Limitation in Marine Systems? Oral presentation at the Ocean Sciences Meeting of the American Society for Limnology and Oceanography, ASLO, San Diego, California, USA.

Karner, M. and J.A. Fuhrman. 1996. Fluorescent 16S rRNA-Probe Marine Bacterial Counts Match or Exceed Counts Obtained via Autoradiography, Nucleoid-Staining, or CTC-Staining. Poster presentation at the 96th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, New Orleans, LA, USA.

Karner, M., C. Ferrier-Pagès and F. Rassoulzadegan. 1995. Enzymatic release by protozoa. Poster presentation at the Symposium: Structure and dynamics of oligotrophic ecosystems: evolution of concepts; Villefranche-sur-mer, France.

Karner, M. and G.J. Herndl. 1991. Bacterial production and extracellular enzymatic activity along a trophic gradient in the Northern Adriatic Sea. Oral presentation at the Fifth International Workshop on the Measurement of Microbial Activities in the Carbon Cycle in Aquatic Environments: Microbial Ecology of Pelagic Environments, Helsingør, Denmark.

Karner, M. and G.J. Herndl. 1990. Bacteria and marine snow: enzymatic activity as a key parameter in decomposition of amorphous organic matter. Poster presentation at the 25th European Marine Biology Symposium, Ferrara, Italy.

Karner, M. and G.J. Herndl. 1990. Enzymatic activity in bacteria embedded in marine snow: possible interdependencies with the free-living bacterial population. Oral presentation at the 4th European Marine Microbiology Symposium, Kiel, Germany.


Copyright 2001 Markus B. Karner - All rights reserved