--------------- Wiki Website: https://wikis.mit.edu/confluence/display/HawaiiOceanExperiment LOGIN INFORMATION FOR NON-MIT PEOPLE: From the C-MORE HOE Wiki Website (link above), click the [Log In] button in the upper right-hand corner. 1. If you have cookies enabled, you are directed to the "Please choose your account provider page." Select Touchstone Collaboration Account. The red Touchstone Collaboration Accounts login page is displayed. Click [Not Registered?]. Complete the form fields and click [Create Account]. Check your email inbox (and spam filter) for a Collaboration Account activation email from touchstone-support@MIT.EDU. Click on the link and follow the instructions to activate your account. 2. Email the Wiki Admin using the following to have your account authorized for the C-MORE HOE Wiki: To: pmberube@mit.edu Cc: dkarl@hawaii.edu, stwilson@hawaii.edu Subject: C-MORE HOE Wiki Access Body: Your name and the email address used to register for Touchstone Collaboration Account 3. Once authorized, return to the C-MORE HOE Wiki and click the [Log In] button in the upper right-hand corner. Enter your touchstone user name (email address) and password. Complete the login. NOTE: The academic email addresses for most C-MORE people have already been authorized and simply need a Touchstone Collaboration Account associated with them. In this case, you can skip step 2. LOGIN INFORMATION FOR MIT PEOPLE: Email the Wiki Admin using the following to be authorized for the C-MORE HOE Wiki: To: pmberube@mit.edu Cc: dkarl@hawaii.edu, stwilson@hawaii.edu Subject: C-MORE HOE Wiki Access Body: Your name and your kerberos username. Once authorized, use your MIT certificate or kerberos username and password. Other info from MIT Wiki Help: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Video guide to wiki login: http://web.mit.edu/stellar-help/wikis_3_login/wikis_3_login.htm MIT Touchstone: https://wikis.mit.edu/confluence/display/HELP/Wiki+Login+via+MIT+Touchstone