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C-MORE 2: BLOOM Ecological Reconnaisance (BLOOMER)

Participating Scientists

The R/V Kilo Moana left Honolulu on Thursday 09 August, and returned on Tuesday 21 August. You can meet the scientists as they talk about the science they had planned for this cruise, and learn about what they discovered. Click on their names to open a streaming video interview.


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Lucas Beversdorf

  • Affiliation: University of Hawaii at Manoa
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Karin Bjorkman

  • Affiliation: University of Hawaii at Manoa
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Tracy Campbell

  • Affiliation: University of Hawaii at Manoa
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Allison Fong

  • Affiliation: University of Hawaii at Manoa
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Seth John

  • Affiliation: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Zbigniew Kolber

  • Affiliation: Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
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Ricardo Letelier

  • Affiliation: Oregon State University
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Ricardo Letelier talks about cruise participants

  • Affiliation: Oregon State University
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MIT Post-doc/Students

  • Affiliation: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Binglin Li

  • Affiliation: University of Hawaii at Manoa
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Dan Repeta

  • Affiliation: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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Donn Viviani

  • Affiliation: University of Hawaii at Manoa
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Sam Wilson

  • Affiliation: University of Hawaii at Manoa
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Jonathan Zehr

  • Affiliation: University of California at Santa Cruz

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