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C-MORE Hale : Current PostDocs & Students

James Allen James Allen

Postdoctoral Scholar
Mentor: Angelicque White

Focused on particle size and optical determination of production and particle flux

Aka Beebe Aka Beebe

MS candidate Oceanography
Advisor: Rosie Alegado

Impact of invasive species removal on primary productivity in a Hawaiian fishpond estuarine system

Jessica Bullington Jessica Bullington

Graduate Student
Advisor: Craig Nelson

Biophysical modeling of microbial community ecology in near-shore aquatic environments affected by human activity, such as the Ala Wai Canal outflow

Petra Byl Petra Byl

Graduate Student
Advisor: Grieg Steward

Virus-host interactions and their impacts on ocean biogeochemistry

Adi Gajigan Andrian "Adi" Gajigan

PhD candidate Oceanography
Advisor: Grieg Steward

Analysis of the microbial communities in the Philippines archipelagic seas using targeted gene surveys (16S rRNA) and metagenomics

Cathy Garcia Cathy Garcia

Postdoctoral Scholar
Mentor: David Karl

Investigating the role of particle decomposition on biogeochemical elemental cycles

Hendrikje Jorissen Hendrikje Jorissen

Postdoctoral Scholar
Advisors: Craig Nelson & Megan Donahue

Investigating the effects of submarine groundwater discharge on coral reef ecosystems

Ku'i Keli'ipule'ole Ku'i Keli'ipule'ole

Undergraduate student Global Environmental Science

Advisor: Rosie Alegado

Working on the the connection between genetic diversity and microbiome diversity of opae'ula - endemic shrimp which are keystone species in anchialine ponds.

Becca Lensing Becca Lensing

MS candidate Marine Biology
Advisor: Rosie Alegado

Spatiotemporal changes in marine microbial communities of perturbed coastal ecosystems

Morgan Linney Morgan Linney

Graduate Student
Advisor: David Karl

Identifying the microbial sources and dynamics of exocellular “free” DNA (F-DNA) in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre, and the implications for dissolved organic matter cycling and export.

Elaine Luo Elaine Luo

PhD candidate Marine Biology
Advisor: Ed DeLong

bacteriophage diversity, phage-host interactions, spatio-temporal variability, metagenomics

Shayle B. Matsuda Shayle B. Matsuda

PhD candidate Marine Biology
Advisor: Ruth Gates
Committee Chair: Craig Nelson

Effects of climate change on coral reefs, with a focus on the role of coral-associated microbes (Symbiodiniaceae and bacteria) in stress resilience and recovery.

Rayna McClintock Rayna McClintock

Undergraduate Student majoring in Global Environmental Science

Advidor: Craig Nelson

"I am interested in the human effects on coral reefs and their response and resistance to issues like climate change, ocean acidification, and pollution."

Nalani Olguin Nalani Olguin

MS candidate Marine Biology
Advisor: Rosie Alegado

Using microbial source tracking to investigate the influence of mammals on nearshore coastal health.

Andres Salazar Estrada Andrés Salazar Estrada

Graduate Student
Advisors: Sara Ferrón

Quantifying biogeochemical rates of microbes—such as photosynthesis and respiration—through the use of dissolved gases and a membrane-inlet mass spectrometer (MIMS).

Uri Sheyn Uri Sheyn

Postdoctoral Scholar
Mentor: Ed DeLong

Spatio-temporal variability in microbial community structure and function between different water mass (eddies) of the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre.

Wesley Sparagon Wesley Sparagon

PhD candidate Marine Biology
Advisor: Craig Nelson

"I am interested in how the coral microbiome shifts at a taxonomic, functional gene expression, and metabolic level in response to multiple stressors, and how this impacts the health of host corals and thus contributes to large scale coral-algal phase shifts on reefs."

Hoaka Thomas Hoaka Thomas

MS candidate Marine Biology
Advisor: Rosie Alegado

Ecological drivers of choanoflagellate diversity in the subtropical Pacific

Nicolas Vanderzyl Nicolas Vanderzyl

MS candidate Oceanography
Advisor: Craig Nelson

"I am utilizing microbial source tracking to differentiate between treated and untreated wastewater contamination along Hawaii's coastal communities. "