Version 66.04/10:1723M starting up Apr 20 2009 05:25:12 Built with SCENARIO, without ICE, without RAFOS, without KERMIT, without ARS, without MMODEM, without AQUADOPP, without DEEPGLIDER, without HEAP RECYCLE, without REV_C glmalloc_init: _init = 0 glmalloc_init: avail_bytes = 487423, requested_bytes = 358400 glmalloc_init: Allocated 358400 bytes. -2048.123,SSENSOR,N,assigned SBE_CT to sensor slot 1 (p = 2) -2048.205,SSENSOR,N,assigned WL_BBFL2VMT to sensor slot 2 (p = 83) -2048.294,SSENSOR,N,assigned AA4330 to sensor slot 3 (p = 101) -2048.377,SSENSOR,N,assigned SBE_O2 to sensor slot 4 (p = 20) -2048.459,SSENSOR,N,assigned WL_BB2F to sensor slot 5 (p = 38) -2048.540,HCOMPASS,N,Active compass is SP3003 -2048.611,SSYS,N,Changing capture file -2046.840,SUSR,N,Glider 512, mission 5, dive 891, booted Wed Dec 31 23:25:54 1969 -2045.511,SSURF,N,Hit CR within 1 minute to start, otherwise will go to recovery ... Version 66.04/10:1723M starting up Apr 20 2009 05:25:12 Built with SCENARIO, without ICE, without RAFOS, without KERMIT, without ARS, without MMODEM, without AQUADOPP, without DEEPGLIDER, without HEAP RECYCLE, without REV_C glmalloc_init: _init = 0 glmalloc_init: avail_bytes = 487423, requested_bytes = 358400 glmalloc_init: Allocated 358400 bytes. -2048.121,SSENSOR,N,assigned SBE_CT to sensor slot 1 (p = 2) -2048.203,SSENSOR,N,assigned WL_BBFL2VMT to sensor slot 2 (p = 83) -2048.292,SSENSOR,N,assigned AA4330 to sensor slot 3 (p = 101) -2048.375,SSENSOR,N,assigned SBE_O2 to sensor slot 4 (p = 20) -2048.457,SSENSOR,N,assigned WL_BB2F to sensor slot 5 (p = 38) -2048.538,HCOMPASS,N,Active compass is SP3003 -2048.609,SSYS,N,Changing capture file -2046.838,SUSR,N,Glider 512, mission 5, dive 891, booted Wed Dec 31 23:25:54 1969 -2045.509,SSURF,N,Hit CR within 1 minute to start, otherwise will go to recovery ... Set current date and time for default [04/20/2009 05:25:12] 10/27/2014 09:14:00 Are you running on external (bench) power? [N] y 1414401242.238,SPOWER,N,Not tracking power consumption! ------ Main Menu ------ 1 [param ] Parameters and configuration 2 [hw ] Hardware tests and monitoring 3 [modes ] Test operation modes and files 4 [pdos ] PicoDOS commands (and exit) 5 [launch ] Pre-launch Enter selection (1-5,CR): 2 ------ Hardware Menu ------ *Motors and VBD 1 [pitch ] Pitch control 2 [roll ] Roll control 3 [vbd ] VBD control 4 [pressure] Pressure sensor 5 [compass ] Compass (tcm2) 6 [gps ] GPS 7 [modem ] Modem (xmodem mode) 8 [intpress] Internal pressure 9 [altim ] Altimeter *Sensors 10 [ct ] C,T sensors 11 [nullct ] NULL C,T sensors 12 [o2 ] O2 sensor 13 [wetlabs ] WETLabs VSF & fluorometer 14 [par ] QSP 2150 PAR sensor 15 [optode ] Optode *Other 16 [batt ] Batteries and fuel gauges 17 [lowlevel] Low-level hardware (IO,A-D,CF) 18 [misc ] Miscellaneous (travel, timeouts, date/time) 19 [develop ] Developer tests CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-19,CR): ------ Main Menu ------ 1 [param ] Parameters and configuration 2 [hw ] Hardware tests and monitoring 3 [modes ] Test operation modes and files 4 [pdos ] PicoDOS commands (and exit) 5 [launch ] Pre-launch Enter selection (1-5,CR): 3 ------ Operational Functions Test Menu ------ 1 [bathy ] Test bathymetry files 2 [recovery] Test recovery 3 [surface ] Test surface maneuver 4 [sample ] Test sampling and data file creation 5 [upload ] Exercise uploadData regular operations 6 [uploadst] Exercise uploadData self-test results only 7 [modes ] Test active/passive modes CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-7,CR): 6 61.807,SUSR,N,Heap: 0+126975 bytes 61.856,SGLMALLOC,N,glcheck: 357956 bytes free, 7 blocks free, 228 bytes alloc, 2 blocks alloc, 61.974,SSURF,N,Trying call 0... 62.017,SSURF,N,Calling phone number: 18089563733 64.346,HPHONE,N,initializing PSTN connection 87.918,HPHONE,N,Iridium signal strength: 3 88.081,HPHONE,N,Iridium geolocation: 21.144896 -157.854828 Wed Jan 21 18:59:14 2004 [printf "891:0:1:0 " >> comm.log ] 183.707,SSURF,N,Logged in... 188.781,SSURF,N,Basestation not in a good state to send cmdfile () (call dropped?), skipping tranfer 188.930,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $SIM_W to 0 188.995,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $SIM_PITCH to 0 189.064,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $D_TGT to 45 189.130,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $T_DIVE to 15 189.198,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $T_MISSION to 60 189.268,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $D_ABORT to 70 189.333,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $USE_BATHY to 0 189.404,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $MAX_BUOY to 130 189.478,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $SM_CC to 545 189.545,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $T_RSLEEP to 3 189.608,SDIVE,N,Parsed command: $QUIT 189.686,HTT8,N,Writing NVRAM...done. 201.905,SSURF,N,Basestation not in a good state to send targets () (call dropped?), skipping tranfer 212.171,SSURF,N,Basestation not in a good state to send science () (call dropped?), skipping tranfer 221.334,SSURF,N,Basestation not in a good state to send pdoscmds.bat () (call dropped?), skipping tranfer 225.432,SSURF,N,Sending cmd lrx -y -c -t150 st0022lu.x00 244.650,SSURF,N,Problems transferring files (send=1/rcv=4)... 246.805,SPOWER,N,powerOFF (7,Iridium_during_xfer) without corresponding powerON! 246.908,SSURF,N,Total NAK's: 0, timeouts: 0 246.965,SSURF,N,going to sleep.. 307.364,SGLMALLOC,N,glcheck: 357424 bytes free, 8 blocks free, 424 bytes alloc, 15 blocks alloc, 307.485,SSURF,N,Trying call 1... 307.529,SSURF,N,Calling phone number: 18089563733 309.859,HPHONE,N,initializing PSTN connection 331.185,HPHONE,N,Iridium signal strength: 4 331.348,HPHONE,N,Iridium geolocation: 21.183441 -157.926300 Wed Jan 21 19:26:17 2004 443.794,SSURF,N,no login: prompt detected [ CONNECT 19200 NO CARRIER ] 443.896,SSURF,N,Unable to login... 443.945,SPOWER,N,powerOFF (7,Iridium_during_xfer) without corresponding powerON! 444.048,SSURF,N,Total NAK's: 0, timeouts: 0 444.104,SSURF,N,going to sleep.. Type tt8: 449.781,SGLMALLOC,N,glcheck: 357424 bytes free, 8 blocks free, 424 bytes alloc, 15 blocks alloc, 449.902,SSURF,N,Trying call 2... 449.946,SSURF,N,Calling phone number: 18089563733 452.273,HPHONE,N,initializing PSTN connection 477.747,HPHONE,N,registration check failed - signal strength not checked 477.944,HPHONE,N,Iridium geolocation: 21.221994 -157.890549 Wed Jan 21 19:30:11 2004 [printf "891:0:3:0 " >> comm.log ] 521.194,SSURF,N,Logged in... 522.921,SSURF,N,Sending cmd lsx -k -t150 cmdfile 526.697,SSURF,N,Receiving cmdfile... 528.032,SSURF,N,SOH/STX: 0x1 received, secSize= 128... 529.832,SSURF,N,SOH/STX: 0x1 received, secSize= 128... 531.632,SSURF,N,EOT: 0x4 received, secSize= 128... 548.295,SSURF,N,Received cmdfile 136 bytes 549.922,SSURF,N,Transmission succeeded... 550.001,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $SIM_W to 0 550.066,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $SIM_PITCH to 0 550.136,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $D_TGT to 45 550.202,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $T_DIVE to 15 550.269,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $T_MISSION to 60 550.339,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $D_ABORT to 70 550.404,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $USE_BATHY to 0 550.476,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $MAX_BUOY to 130 550.549,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $SM_CC to 545 550.617,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $T_RSLEEP to 3 555.346,SDIVE,N,Parsed command: $QUIT 555.423,HTT8,N,Writing NVRAM...done. 564.124,SSURF,N,Sending cmd lsx -k -t150 targets 567.968,SSURF,N,Receiving targets... 569.342,SSURF,N,SOH/STX: 0x1 received, secSize= 128... 571.321,SSURF,N,EOT: 0x4 received, secSize= 128... 588.110,SSURF,N,Received targets 88 bytes 589.798,SSURF,N,Transmission succeeded... 596.436,SSURF,N,Sending cmd lsx -k -t150 science 600.242,SSURF,N,Receiving science... 601.563,SSURF,N,SOH/STX: 0x1 received, secSize= 128... 603.542,SSURF,N,SOH/STX: 0x1 received, secSize= 128... 605.520,SSURF,N,EOT: 0x4 received, secSize= 128... 622.166,SSURF,N,Received science 172 bytes 628.857,SSURF,N,Transmission succeeded... 637.954,SSURF,N,Basestation not in a good state to send pdoscmds.bat () (call dropped?), skipping tranfer 642.053,SSURF,N,Sending cmd lrx -y -c -t150 st0022lu.x00 643.807,SSURF,N,Sending st0022lu.x00... 643.910,SSURF,N,block: 1, size: 1024, blkSize: 1024, attempt: 1... 650.407,SSURF,N,block: 1, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 2... 652.327,SSURF,N,block: 1, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 3... 658.420,SSURF,N,block: 1, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 4... 664.512,SSURF,N,block: 1, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 5... 666.386,SSURF,N,block: 1, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 6... 670.075,SSURF,N,block: 1, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 7... 673.588,SSURF,N,block: 1, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 8... 676.016,SSURF,N,block: 2, size: 1024, blkSize: 1024, attempt: 1... 680.696,SSURF,N,block: 3, size: 1024, blkSize: 1024, attempt: 1... 687.192,SSURF,N,block: 3, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 2... 687.602,SSURF,N,block: 4, size: 1024, blkSize: 1024, attempt: 1... 691.564,SSURF,N,block: 5, size: 1024, blkSize: 1024, attempt: 1... 692.060,SSURF,N,block: 5, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 2... 694.803,SSURF,N,block: 5, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 3... 699.031,SSURF,N,block: 5, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 4... 702.811,SSURF,N,block: 5, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 5... 705.330,SSURF,N,block: 5, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 6... 710.077,SSURF,N,block: 5, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 7... 710.169,SSURF,N,block: 5, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 8... 710.262,SSURF,N,block: 5, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 9... 710.355,SSURF,N,block: 5, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 10... 710.448,SSURF,N,No acknowledgment of sector, aborting 710.517,SSURF,N,Transmission failed... 710.574,SSURF,N,Problems transferring files (send=1/rcv=1)... 712.463,SPOWER,N,powerOFF (7,Iridium_during_xfer) without corresponding powerON! 712.566,SSURF,N,Total NAK's: 17, timeouts: 4 712.624,SSURF,N,going to sleep.. Type tt8: 743.093,SUSR,N,Heap: 4096+122879 bytes 743.149,SGLMALLOC,N,glcheck: 357392 bytes free, 9 blocks free, 432 bytes alloc, 15 blocks alloc, 743.270,SSURF,N,Trying call 3... 743.314,SSURF,N,Calling phone number: 18089563733 745.644,HPHONE,N,initializing PSTN connection 767.492,HPHONE,N,Iridium signal strength: 5 767.654,HPHONE,N,Iridium geolocation: 21.144896 -157.940796 Wed Jan 21 19:32:38 2004 [printf "891:0:4:0 " >> comm.log ] 813.553,SSURF,N,Logged in... 815.162,SSURF,N,Sending cmd lsx -k -t150 cmdfile 818.871,SSURF,N,Receiving cmdfile... 820.169,SSURF,N,SOH/STX: 0x1 received, secSize= 128... 822.060,SSURF,N,SOH/STX: 0x1 received, secSize= 128... 823.860,SSURF,N,EOT: 0x4 received, secSize= 128... 840.592,SSURF,N,Received cmdfile 136 bytes 842.161,SSURF,N,Transmission succeeded... 842.241,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $SIM_W to 0 842.306,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $SIM_PITCH to 0 842.375,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $D_TGT to 45 842.442,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $T_DIVE to 15 842.509,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $T_MISSION to 60 842.579,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $D_ABORT to 70 842.644,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $USE_BATHY to 0 842.715,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $MAX_BUOY to 130 842.789,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $SM_CC to 545 842.856,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $T_RSLEEP to 3 842.919,SDIVE,N,Parsed command: $QUIT 842.997,HTT8,N,Writing NVRAM...done. 855.216,SSURF,N,Basestation not in a good state to send targets () (call dropped?), skipping tranfer 868.651,SSURF,N,Basestation not in a good state to send science (echo R) (call dropped?), skipping tranfer 878.334,SSURF,N,Sending cmd lsx -k -t150 pdoscmds.bat 880.498,SSURF,N,Receiving pdoscmds.bat... 888.829,SSURF,N,Transmission failed... 892.847,SSURF,N,Sending cmd lrx -y -c -t150 st0022lu.x00 909.123,SSURF,N,Sending st0022lu.x00... 909.226,SSURF,N,block: 1, size: 1024, blkSize: 1024, attempt: 1... 909.723,SSURF,N,block: 1, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 2... 915.478,SSURF,N,block: 1, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 3... 918.448,SSURF,N,block: 1, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 4... 919.527,SSURF,N,block: 1, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 5... 920.967,SSURF,N,block: 2, size: 1024, blkSize: 1024, attempt: 1... 923.218,SSURF,N,block: 2, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 2... 926.994,SSURF,N,block: 2, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 3... 930.690,SSURF,N,block: 2, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 4... 930.782,SSURF,N,block: 2, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 5... 936.876,SSURF,N,block: 2, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 6... 937.436,SSURF,N,block: 2, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 7... 938.786,SSURF,N,block: 3, size: 1024, blkSize: 1024, attempt: 1... 945.282,SSURF,N,block: 3, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 2... 948.507,SSURF,N,block: 3, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 3... 948.776,SSURF,N,block: 3, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 4... 951.223,SSURF,N,block: 3, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 5... 954.737,SSURF,N,block: 3, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 6... 958.155,SSURF,N,block: 3, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 7... 960.582,SSURF,N,block: 4, size: 1024, blkSize: 1024, attempt: 1... 964.902,SSURF,N,block: 5, size: 1024, blkSize: 1024, attempt: 1... 969.222,SSURF,N,block: 6, size: 1024, blkSize: 1024, attempt: 1... 972.915,SSURF,N,block: 6, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 2... 975.162,SSURF,N,block: 6, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 3... 976.338,SSURF,N,block: 6, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 4... 979.303,SSURF,N,block: 7, size: 1024, blkSize: 1024, attempt: 1... 980.383,SSURF,N,block: 7, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 2... 983.622,SSURF,N,block: 8, size: 1024, blkSize: 1024, attempt: 1... 988.815,SSURF,N,block: 9, size: 234, blkSize: 1024, attempt: 1... 992.623,SSURF,N,block: 9, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 2... 995.501,SSURF,N,block: 9, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 3... 998.921,SSURF,N,block: 9, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 4... 1001.354,SSURF,N,block: 9, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 5... 1001.447,SSURF,N,block: 9, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 6... 1001.542,SSURF,N,block: 9, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 7... 1001.637,SSURF,N,block: 9, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 8... 1001.732,SSURF,N,block: 9, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 9... 1001.826,SSURF,N,block: 9, size: 128, blkSize: 128, attempt: 10... 1001.920,SSURF,N,No acknowledgment of sector, aborting 1001.991,SSURF,N,Transmission failed... 1002.049,SSURF,N,Problems transferring files (send=1/rcv=3)... 1003.892,SPOWER,N,powerOFF (7,Iridium_during_xfer) without corresponding powerON! 1003.996,SSURF,N,Total NAK's: 29, timeouts: 2 1004.055,SSURF,N,going to sleep.. Type tt8: 1013.503,SGLMALLOC,N,glcheck: 357376 bytes free, 10 blocks free, 424 bytes alloc, 15 blocks alloc, 1013.626,SSURF,N,Trying call 4... 1013.672,SSURF,N,Calling phone number: 18089563733 1016.001,HPHONE,N,initializing PSTN connection 1036.224,HPHONE,N,Iridium signal strength: 5 1036.391,HPHONE,N,Iridium geolocation: 21.183441 -157.890549 Wed Jan 21 19:37:24 2004 [printf "891:0:5:0 " >> comm.log ] 1076.483,SSURF,N,Logged in... 1078.294,SSURF,N,Sending cmd lsx -k -t150 cmdfile 1081.987,SSURF,N,Receiving cmdfile... 1083.322,SSURF,N,SOH/STX: 0x1 received, secSize= 128... 1085.211,SSURF,N,SOH/STX: 0x1 received, secSize= 128... 1087.102,SSURF,N,EOT: 0x4 received, secSize= 128... 1103.948,SSURF,N,Received cmdfile 136 bytes 1105.671,SSURF,N,Transmission succeeded... 1105.752,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $SIM_W to 0 1105.818,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $SIM_PITCH to 0 1105.888,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $D_TGT to 45 1105.955,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $T_DIVE to 15 1106.024,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $T_MISSION to 60 1106.095,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $D_ABORT to 70 1106.161,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $USE_BATHY to 0 1110.370,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $MAX_BUOY to 130 1110.444,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $SM_CC to 545 1110.513,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $T_RSLEEP to 3 1110.577,SDIVE,N,Parsed command: $QUIT 1110.656,HTT8,N,Writing NVRAM...done. 1119.329,SSURF,N,Sending cmd lsx -k -t150 targets 1123.080,SSURF,N,Receiving targets... 1124.360,SSURF,N,SOH/STX: 0x1 received, secSize= 128... 1126.252,SSURF,N,EOT: 0x4 received, secSize= 128... 1143.005,SSURF,N,Received targets 88 bytes 1144.631,SSURF,N,Transmission succeeded... 1151.193,SSURF,N,Sending cmd lsx -k -t150 science 1154.901,SSURF,N,Receiving science... 1156.221,SSURF,N,SOH/STX: 0x1 received, secSize= 128... 1158.110,SSURF,N,SOH/STX: 0x1 received, secSize= 128... 1160.001,SSURF,N,EOT: 0x4 received, secSize= 128... 1176.787,SSURF,N,Received science 172 bytes 1178.472,SSURF,N,Transmission succeeded... 1187.570,SSURF,N,Basestation not in a good state to send pdoscmds.bat () (call dropped?), skipping tranfer 1191.670,SSURF,N,Sending cmd lrx -y -c -t150 st0022lu.x00 1193.408,SSURF,N,Sending st0022lu.x00... 1193.513,SSURF,N,block: 1, size: 1024, blkSize: 1024, attempt: 1... 1197.890,SSURF,N,block: 2, size: 1024, blkSize: 1024, attempt: 1... 1202.210,SSURF,N,block: 3, size: 1024, blkSize: 1024, attempt: 1... 1206.531,SSURF,N,block: 4, size: 874, blkSize: 1024, attempt: 1... 1210.850,SSURF,N,EOT sent ... 1213.100,SSURF,N,recieved ACK (attempt 0) 1213.154,SSURF,N,Transmission succeeded... 1213.247,SSURF,N,Sending cmd lrx -y -c -t150 st0022du.x00 1214.960,SSURF,N,Sending st0022du.x00... 1215.053,SSURF,N,block: 1, size: 1024, blkSize: 1024, attempt: 1... 1219.401,SSURF,N,block: 2, size: 553, blkSize: 1024, attempt: 1... 1223.719,SSURF,N,EOT sent ... 1226.060,SSURF,N,recieved ACK (attempt 0) 1226.114,SSURF,N,Transmission succeeded... 1227.865,SSURF,N,logout... 1229.588,SPOWER,N,powerOFF (7,Iridium_during_xfer) without corresponding powerON! 1229.693,SSURF,N,Total NAK's: 0, timeouts: 0 1229.821,SGLMALLOC,N,glcheck: 357204 bytes free, 19 blocks free, 404 bytes alloc, 14 blocks alloc, ------ Operational Functions Test Menu ------ 1 [bathy ] Test bathymetry files 2 [recovery] Test recovery 3 [surface ] Test surface maneuver 4 [sample ] Test sampling and data file creation 5 [upload ] Exercise uploadData regular operations 6 [uploadst] Exercise uploadData self-test results only 7 [modes ] Test active/passive modes CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-7,CR): ------ Main Menu ------ 1 [param ] Parameters and configuration 2 [hw ] Hardware tests and monitoring 3 [modes ] Test operation modes and files 4 [pdos ] PicoDOS commands (and exit) 5 [launch ] Pre-launch Enter selection (1-5,CR): ------ Main Menu ------ 1 [param ] Parameters and configuration 2 [hw ] Hardware tests and monitoring 3 [modes ] Test operation modes and files 4 [pdos ] PicoDOS commands (and exit) 5 [launch ] Pre-launch Enter selection (1-5,CR): ------ Main Menu ------ 1 [param ] Parameters and configuration 2 [hw ] Hardware tests and monitoring 3 [modes ] Test operation modes and files 4 [pdos ] PicoDOS commands (and exit) 5 [launch ] Pre-launch Enter selection (1-5,CR): Version 66.04/10:1723M starting up Apr 20 2009 05:25:12 Built with SCENARIO, without ICE, without RAFOS, without KERMIT, without ARS, without MMODEM, without AQUADOPP, without DEEPGLIDER, without HEAP RECYCLE, without REV_C glmalloc_init: _init = 0 glmalloc_init: avail_bytes = 487423, requested_bytes = 358400 glmalloc_init: Allocated 358400 bytes. -2048.125,SSENSOR,N,assigned SBE_CT to sensor slot 1 (p = 2) -2048.206,SSENSOR,N,assigned WL_BBFL2VMT to sensor slot 2 (p = 83) -2048.295,SSENSOR,N,assigned AA4330 to sensor slot 3 (p = 101) -2048.379,SSENSOR,N,assigned SBE_O2 to sensor slot 4 (p = 20) -2048.461,SSENSOR,N,assigned WL_BB2F to sensor slot 5 (p = 38) -2048.541,HCOMPASS,N,Active compass is SP3003 -2048.613,SSYS,N,Changing capture file -2046.842,SUSR,N,Glider 512, mission 5, dive 891, booted Wed Dec 31 23:25:54 1969 -2045.515,SSURF,N,Hit CR within 1 minute to start, otherwise will go to recovery ... Set current date and time for default [04/20/2009 05:25:12] Version 66.04/10:1723M starting up Apr 20 2009 05:25:12 Built with SCENARIO, without ICE, without RAFOS, without KERMIT, without ARS, without MMODEM, without AQUADOPP, without DEEPGLIDER, without HEAP RECYCLE, without REV_C glmalloc_init: _init = 0 glmalloc_init: avail_bytes = 487423, requested_bytes = 358400 glmalloc_init: Allocated 358400 bytes. -2048.125,SSENSOR,N,assigned SBE_CT to sensor slot 1 (p = 2) -2048.206,SSENSOR,N,assigned WL_BBFL2VMT to sensor slot 2 (p = 83) -2048.295,SSENSOR,N,assigned AA4330 to sensor slot 3 (p = 101) -2048.379,SSENSOR,N,assigned SBE_O2 to sensor slot 4 (p = 20) -2048.461,SSENSOR,N,assigned WL_BB2F to sensor slot 5 (p = 38) -2048.541,HCOMPASS,N,Active compass is SP3003 -2048.613,SSYS,N,Changing capture file -2046.841,SUSR,N,Glider 512, mission 5, dive 891, booted Wed Dec 31 23:25:54 1969 -2045.514,SSURF,N,Hit CR within 1 minute to start, otherwise will go to recovery ... Set current date and time for default [04/20/2009 05:25:12] 10/27/2014 09:431:00 Are you running on external (bench) power? [N] y 1414402862.412,SPOWER,N,Not tracking power consumption! ------ Main Menu ------ 1 [param ] Parameters and configuration 2 [hw ] Hardware tests and monitoring 3 [modes ] Test operation modes and files 4 [pdos ] PicoDOS commands (and exit) 5 [launch ] Pre-launch Enter selection (1-5,CR):