10Sep29 21:43:37.39,N,Compressing c:\tmp.log to c:\ar0119lz.x... 10Sep29 21:43:47.85,N,Executing script [C:\ARENDIVE.ARS] 10Sep29 21:43:47.96,N,Open files 10Sep29 21:43:48.03,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep29 21:43:48.11,N,pin = 59, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 21:43:48.21,N,Open files 10Sep29 21:43:48.27,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep29 21:43:48.36,N,pin = 59, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 21:43:48.45,N,ARS>> #arendive.ars tarcompress remove=2 Extension buffer [PSD,OTO] 10Sep29 21:43:48.84,D,Parsed ext [PSD] 10Sep29 21:43:48.92,D,Parsed ext [OTO] 10Sep29 21:43:48.99,D,total extensions = 2 10Sep29 21:43:49.08,N,Adding R0119001.PSD to c:\ar0119.tar 10Sep29 21:43:49.44,N,Adding R0119009.PSD to c:\ar0119.tar 10Sep29 21:43:49.76,N,Adding R0119002.PSD to c:\ar0119.tar 10Sep29 21:43:50.12,N,Adding R0119003.PSD to c:\ar0119.tar 10Sep29 21:43:50.47,N,Adding R0119010.PSD to c:\ar0119.tar 10Sep29 21:43:50.81,N,Adding R0119004.PSD to c:\ar0119.tar 10Sep29 21:43:51.19,N,Adding R0119011.PSD to c:\ar0119.tar 10Sep29 21:43:51.67,N,Adding R0119005.PSD to c:\ar0119.tar 10Sep29 21:43:52.15,N,Adding R0119012.PSD to c:\ar0119.tar 10Sep29 21:43:52.50,N,Adding R0119006.PSD to c:\ar0119.tar 10Sep29 21:43:52.83,N,Adding R0119013.PSD to c:\ar0119.tar 10Sep29 21:43:53.18,N,Adding R0119007.PSD to c:\ar0119.tar 10Sep29 21:43:53.65,N,Compressing c:\ar0119.tar to c:\ar0119dg.x... 10Sep29 21:44:02.61,N,Open files 10Sep29 21:44:02.68,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep29 21:44:02.77,N,pin = 59, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 21:44:02.86,N,ARS>> movefiles thisdive=1 maxbytes=010Sep29 21:44:05.21,D,Files to copy 10Sep29 21:44:05.28,D,0000 - [R0119009.DAT] 10Sep29 21:44:05.36,D,0001 - [R0119010.DAT] 10Sep29 21:44:05.44,D,0002 - [R0119011.DAT] 10Sep29 21:44:05.52,D,0003 - [R0119012.DAT] 10Sep29 21:44:05.60,D,0004 - [R0119013.DAT] 10Sep29 21:44:05.67,D,0005 - [R0119014.DAT] 10Sep29 21:44:05.75,D,Powering up BI... 10Sep29 21:44:09.74,N,power_up_bi = 1 10Sep29 21:44:09.82,D,Dive num = 119, file = R0119009.DAT 10Sep29 21:44:09.95,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep29 21:44:10.20,D,Opening d:\dive0119\R0119009.DAT for writing 10Sep29 21:44:10.33,D,Opening R0119009.DAT for reading 10Sep29 21:44:10.42,N,Writing file d:\dive0119\R0119009.DAT...done. 30724128 bytes 128.495728.2 secs 239106.218750.2 bytes/sec 10Sep29 21:44:59.05,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep29 21:44:59.13,N,Removing file R0119009.DAT...done. 10Sep29 21:45:10.42,D,Dive num = 119, file = R0119010.DAT 10Sep29 21:45:10.64,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep29 21:45:10.75,D,Opening d:\dive0119\R0119010.DAT for writing 10Sep29 21:45:10.89,D,Opening R0119010.DAT for reading 10Sep29 21:45:10.98,N,Writing file d:\dive0119\R0119010.DAT...WARNING - host interrupted 10Sep29 21:45:48.06,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep29 21:45:48.14,N,WARNING - host called us during copy file R0119010.DAT, leaving file on flash 10Sep29 21:45:48.27,D,Powering down BI... 10Sep29 21:45:48.74,N,power_down_bi = 0 10Sep29 21:45:48.90,N,Open files 10Sep29 21:45:48.97,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep29 21:45:49.06,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 21:45:49.15,N,ARS>> Open files 10Sep29 21:45:49.24,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep29 21:45:49.33,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 21:45:49.42,N,Finished with script [C:\ARENDIVE.ARS] 10Sep29 21:45:49.52,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 21:45:49.61,N,ARS>> ARS_OK 10Sep29 21:45:50.58,N,set 10Sep29 21:45:50.67,H,DIVENUM=119 10Sep29 21:45:50.91,H,SAMPLENUM=14 10Sep29 21:45:51.03,H,OUTLEVEL=2 10Sep29 21:45:51.14,H,LOGFILE=C:\ARS.LOG 10Sep29 21:45:51.26,H,FGSLOPE=0.0033 10Sep29 21:45:51.38,H,FGYINT=-0.045 10Sep29 21:45:51.50,H,FORCETOHOST=0 10Sep29 21:45:51.61,H,WARMUP=20 10Sep29 21:45:51.72,H,UPLOADEXTS=PSD,OTO 10Sep29 21:45:51.84,H,HEAPDBG=0 10Sep29 21:45:51.95,H,ARSMODEL=3 10Sep29 21:45:52.06,H,ARSSERIAL=5 10Sep29 21:45:52.17,H,ARSCH1GAIN=200 10Sep29 21:45:52.29,H,ARSCH2GAIN=200 10Sep29 21:45:52.41,H,ARSCH1FLT=30000 10Sep29 21:45:52.53,H,ARSCH2FLT=1200 10Sep29 21:45:52.64,H,FGCLKCORR=0.940588 10Sep29 21:45:52.77,H,CHKOPENFILES=1 10Sep29 21:45:52.88,H,EPOCHTS=0 10Sep29 21:45:52.97,H,ARS_OK 10Sep29 21:45:53.04,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 21:45:53.13,N,ARS>> reportdisk 10Sep29 21:45:53.23,H,CDRIVE_FREE=8311832576 10Sep29 21:45:53.32,H,CDRIVE_SIZE=8453062656 10Sep29 21:45:53.41,D,Powering up BI... 10Sep29 21:45:57.38,N,power_up_bi = 1 10Sep29 21:45:57.46,H,DDRIVE_FREE=49605869568 10Sep29 21:45:57.55,H,DDRIVE_SIZE=59996930048 10Sep29 21:45:57.64,D,Powering down BI... 10Sep29 21:45:58.27,N,power_down_bi = 0 10Sep29 21:45:58.34,H,ARS_OK 10Sep29 21:45:58.40,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 21:45:58.50,N,ARS>> ARS_OK 10Sep29 21:47:07.21,N,clock set=rtc read=manual date=09/29/2010 time=21:47:10 sync=2 10Sep29 21:47:10.00,H,ARS_OK 10Sep29 21:47:10.06,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 21:47:10.15,N,ARS>> clock read=rtc set=seascan 10Sep29 21:47:13.70,D,SEASCAN: unlock successful n = 4, resp = :10Sep29 21:47:17.29,H,ARS_OK 10Sep29 21:47:17.36,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 21:47:17.45,N,ARS>> ARS_OK 10Sep29 21:47:57.58,N,luf 10Sep29 21:47:57.65,H,ar0119dg.x,ar0119lz.x,ARS_OK 10Sep29 21:47:57.82,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 21:47:57.91,N,ARS>> kermit send=ar0119dg.x 10Sep29 21:48:03.24,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 21:48:03.33,N,ARS>> kermit send=ar0119lz.x 10Sep29 21:48:15.16,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 21:48:15.25,N,ARS>> duf 10Sep29 21:48:15.44,H,ARS_OK 10Sep29 21:48:15.64,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 21:48:15.74,N,ARS>> ARS_OK 10Sep29 22:08:12.35,N,kermit 10Sep29 22:08:14.40,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 22:08:14.50,N,ARS>> postdownload 10Sep29 22:08:14.85,N,Decompressing C:\ARSCRIPT.TGZ to C:\ARSCRIPT.TAR... 10Sep29 22:08:15.41,N,Extracting arapogee.ars (50 bytes) ... 10Sep29 22:08:15.64,N,Extracting arbgdive.ars (288 bytes) ... 10Sep29 22:08:15.96,N,Extracting ardive.ars (544 bytes) ... 10Sep29 22:08:16.21,N,Extracting arendive.ars (66 bytes) ... 10Sep29 22:08:16.55,H,ARS_OK 10Sep29 22:08:16.73,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 22:08:16.82,N,ARS>> ARS_OK 10Sep29 22:09:57.35,N,set 10Sep29 22:09:57.43,H,DIVENUM=119 10Sep29 22:09:57.55,H,SAMPLENUM=14 10Sep29 22:09:57.66,H,OUTLEVEL=2 10Sep29 22:09:57.77,H,LOGFILE=C:\ARS.LOG 10Sep29 22:09:57.90,H,FGSLOPE=0.0033 10Sep29 22:09:58.01,H,FGYINT=-0.045 10Sep29 22:09:58.13,H,FORCETOHOST=0 10Sep29 22:09:58.24,H,WARMUP=20 10Sep29 22:09:58.35,H,UPLOADEXTS=PSD,OTO 10Sep29 22:09:58.48,H,HEAPDBG=0 10Sep29 22:09:58.59,H,ARSMODEL=3 10Sep29 22:09:58.70,H,ARSSERIAL=5 10Sep29 22:09:58.81,H,ARSCH1GAIN=200 10Sep29 22:09:58.93,H,ARSCH2GAIN=200 10Sep29 22:09:59.05,H,ARSCH1FLT=30000 10Sep29 22:09:59.16,H,ARSCH2FLT=1200 10Sep29 22:09:59.28,H,FGCLKCORR=0.940588 10Sep29 22:09:59.41,H,CHKOPENFILES=1 10Sep29 22:09:59.52,H,EPOCHTS=0 10Sep29 22:09:59.61,H,ARS_OK 10Sep29 22:09:59.67,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 22:09:59.76,N,ARS>> reportdisk 10Sep29 22:09:59.87,H,CDRIVE_FREE=8311898112 10Sep29 22:09:59.96,H,CDRIVE_SIZE=8453062656 10Sep29 22:10:00.05,D,Powering up BI... 10Sep29 22:10:04.17,N,power_up_bi = 1 10Sep29 22:10:04.24,H,DDRIVE_FREE=49605869568 10Sep29 22:10:04.33,H,DDRIVE_SIZE=59996930048 10Sep29 22:10:04.43,D,Powering down BI... 10Sep29 22:10:04.86,N,power_down_bi = 0 10Sep29 22:10:04.93,H,ARS_OK 10Sep29 22:10:05.00,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 22:10:05.09,N,ARS>> set DIVENUM=120 10Sep29 22:10:07.48,N,DIVENUM=120 10Sep29 22:10:07.57,H,ARS_OK 10Sep29 22:10:07.63,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 22:10:07.72,N,ARS>> set SAMPLENUM=0 10Sep29 22:10:07.93,N,SAMPLENUM=0 10Sep29 22:10:08.02,H,ARS_OK 10Sep29 22:10:08.08,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 22:10:08.17,N,ARS>> divestart 10Sep29 22:10:08.28,H,NOTIFY_APOGEE,ARS_OK 10Sep29 22:10:08.40,N,Executing script [C:\ARBGDIVE.ARS] 10Sep29 22:10:08.49,N,Open files 10Sep29 22:10:08.56,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep29 22:10:08.65,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 22:10:08.74,N,Open files 10Sep29 22:10:08.80,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep29 22:10:08.89,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 22:10:08.98,N,ARS>> #arbgdive.ars set ARSMODEL=3 10Sep29 22:10:09.24,N,ARSMODEL=3 10Sep29 22:10:09.32,H,ARS_OK 10Sep29 22:10:09.39,N,Open files 10Sep29 22:10:09.45,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep29 22:10:09.54,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 22:10:09.63,N,ARS>> set ARSSERIAL=5 10Sep29 22:10:09.74,N,ARSSERIAL=5 10Sep29 22:10:09.83,H,ARS_OK 10Sep29 22:10:09.89,N,Open files 10Sep29 22:10:09.96,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep29 22:10:10.05,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 22:10:10.14,N,ARS>> set ARSCH1GAIN=200 10Sep29 22:10:10.25,N,ARSCH1GAIN=200 10Sep29 22:10:10.34,H,ARS_OK 10Sep29 22:10:10.40,N,Open files 10Sep29 22:10:10.47,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep29 22:10:10.56,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 22:10:10.65,N,ARS>> set ARSCH2GAIN=200 10Sep29 22:10:10.76,N,ARSCH2GAIN=200 10Sep29 22:10:10.85,H,ARS_OK 10Sep29 22:10:10.91,N,Open files 10Sep29 22:10:10.98,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep29 22:10:11.07,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 22:10:11.16,N,ARS>> set ARSCH1FLT=30000 10Sep29 22:10:11.38,N,ARSCH1FLT=30000 10Sep29 22:10:11.47,H,ARS_OK 10Sep29 22:10:11.53,N,Open files 10Sep29 22:10:11.60,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep29 22:10:11.69,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 22:10:11.78,N,ARS>> set ARSCH2FLT=1200 10Sep29 22:10:11.89,N,ARSCH2FLT=1200 10Sep29 22:10:11.98,H,ARS_OK 10Sep29 22:10:12.04,N,Open files 10Sep29 22:10:12.11,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep29 22:10:12.20,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 22:10:12.29,N,ARS>> set FORCETOHOST=0 10Sep29 22:10:12.40,N,FORCETOHOST=0 10Sep29 22:10:12.48,H,ARS_OK 10Sep29 22:10:12.55,N,Open files 10Sep29 22:10:12.61,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep29 22:10:12.70,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 22:10:12.79,N,ARS>> set UPLOADEXTS=PSD,OTO 10Sep29 22:10:12.94,N,UPLOADEXTS=PSD,OTO 10Sep29 22:10:13.03,H,ARS_OK 10Sep29 22:10:13.10,N,Open files 10Sep29 22:10:13.16,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep29 22:10:13.25,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 22:10:13.34,N,ARS>> set WARMUP=20 10Sep29 22:10:13.59,N,WARMUP=20 10Sep29 22:10:13.67,H,ARS_OK 10Sep29 22:10:13.73,N,Open files 10Sep29 22:10:13.80,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep29 22:10:13.89,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 22:10:13.98,N,ARS>> set OUTLEVEL=2 10Sep29 22:10:14.09,N,OUTLEVEL=2 10Sep29 22:10:14.17,H,ARS_OK 10Sep29 22:10:14.24,N,Open files 10Sep29 22:10:14.30,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep29 22:10:14.39,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 22:10:14.48,N,ARS>> set LOGFILE=C:\ARS.LOG 10Sep29 22:10:14.63,N,LOGFILE=C:\ARS.LOG 10Sep29 22:10:14.73,H,ARS_OK 10Sep29 22:10:14.79,N,Open files 10Sep29 22:10:14.86,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep29 22:10:14.95,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 22:10:15.04,N,ARS>> set HEAPDBG=0 10Sep29 22:10:15.14,N,HEAPDBG=0 10Sep29 22:10:15.23,H,ARS_OK 10Sep29 22:10:15.29,N,Open files 10Sep29 22:10:15.36,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep29 22:10:15.45,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 22:10:15.54,N,ARS>> set FGSLOPE=0.0033 10Sep29 22:10:15.65,N,FGSLOPE=0.0033 10Sep29 22:10:15.88,H,ARS_OK 10Sep29 22:10:15.94,N,Open files 10Sep29 22:10:16.01,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep29 22:10:16.10,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 22:10:16.19,N,ARS>> set FGYINT=-0.045 10Sep29 22:10:16.31,N,FGYINT=-0.045 10Sep29 22:10:16.39,H,ARS_OK 10Sep29 22:10:16.46,N,Open files 10Sep29 22:10:16.53,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep29 22:10:16.62,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 22:10:16.71,N,ARS>> set FGCLKCORR=0.94058810Sep29 22:10:16.83,N,FGCLKCORR=0.940588 10Sep29 22:10:16.92,H,ARS_OK 10Sep29 22:10:16.99,N,Open files 10Sep29 22:10:17.06,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep29 22:10:17.15,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 22:10:17.24,N,ARS>> Open files 10Sep29 22:10:17.33,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep29 22:10:17.42,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 22:10:17.51,N,Finished with script [C:\ARBGDIVE.ARS] 10Sep29 22:10:17.61,N,Auto state 10Sep29 22:10:17.67,N,Entering Auto State... 10Sep29 22:10:17.75,H,ARS_OK 10Sep29 22:10:17.82,N,Open files 10Sep29 22:10:17.89,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep29 22:10:17.98,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 22:10:18.21,N,ARS>> # ardive.ars # ---------- # edited 201009261153L Bruce Howe # # HIGH BAND: get samples for 240 sec @ 64000Hz sample time=240 chans=1 rate=64000 time=240, rate=64000, chans=1, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep29 22:10:49.33,N,glcheck: 440584 bytes free, 13 blocks free, 36952 bytes alloc, 1935 blocks alloc, 10Sep29 22:10:49.49,D,Entering sample for 240 secs, 64000 rate and 1 chans 10Sep29 22:10:49.63,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep29 22:10:49.83,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep29 22:11:09.92,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep29 22:11:10.05,D,Free disk space = -278036480 10Sep29 22:11:10.13,N,Using PicoZOOM 10Sep29 22:11:10.29,N,Opened c:\r0120001.dat for data collection 10Sep29 22:11:10.39,D,Writing out header to c:\r0120001.dat 10Sep29 22:11:10.60,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep29 22:11:10.69,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep29 22:11:10.77,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep29 22:11:10.91,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep29 22:11:14.93,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3924:22:11:17 10Sep29 22:11:17.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285798277 42 10Sep29 22:11:17.08,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00105 seconds 10Sep29 22:15:19.85,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3924:22:15:22 10Sep29 22:15:21.99,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285798521 39911 10Sep29 22:15:22.08,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.00222492 seconds 10Sep29 22:15:22.29,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 1360 10Sep29 22:15:22.52,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep29 22:15:22.60,D,Stats: samples = 15360676, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 2.4e+02, measured rate = 63999.92 10Sep29 22:15:22.76,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00105, After Sample = -0.00222492 10Sep29 22:15:22.88,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep29 22:15:22.95,D,[0]=1 10Sep29 22:15:23.01,D,[4096]=7473 10Sep29 22:15:23.08,D,[12288]=9 10Sep29 22:15:23.15,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep29 22:15:23.24,D,Leaving sample 10Sep29 22:15:53.93,N,glcheck: 440704 bytes free, 8 blocks free, 36952 bytes alloc, 1935 blocks alloc, 10Sep29 22:15:54.09,N,Open files 10Sep29 22:15:54.15,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep29 22:15:54.24,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 22:15:54.33,N,ARS>> # do psd on 1st 16 blocks (16*4096/64000 = 1.024 sec of data) psd chan=1 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=1, infile=c:\r0120001.dat, outfile=c:\r0120001.psd 10Sep29 22:15:54.62,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep29 22:16:25.33,N,glcheck: 440704 bytes free, 8 blocks free, 36952 bytes alloc, 1935 blocks alloc, 10Sep29 22:16:25.49,N,Starting assignments 10Sep29 22:16:25.77,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0120001.dat 10Sep29 22:16:26.13,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0120001.psd 10Sep29 22:16:26.48,N,stmp1 = channel=1 10Sep29 22:16:26.82,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep29 22:16:27.16,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep29 22:16:27.61,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep29 22:16:27.69,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep29 22:16:27.76,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep29 22:16:27.83,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0120001.dat<- 10Sep29 22:16:27.95,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0120001.psd<- 10Sep29 22:16:28.06,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->1<- 10Sep29 22:16:28.15,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep29 22:16:28.25,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep29 22:16:28.33,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep29 22:16:28.46,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0120001.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0120001.dat can be opened 10Sep29 22:16:28.67,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep29 22:16:47.04,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 Data file version is 04 Version 3 header close(): ASGFile not valid glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep29 22:17:00.95,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep29 22:17:01.15,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep29 22:17:01.25,N,retval = 0 10Sep29 22:17:32.49,N,glcheck: 440036 bytes free, 25 blocks free, 37068 bytes alloc, 1941 blocks alloc, 10Sep29 22:17:32.72,N,Open files 10Sep29 22:17:32.79,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep29 22:17:32.88,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 22:17:32.96,N,ARS>> # sleep 10 seconds sleep time=10 type=0 time = 10, type = 0 10Sep29 22:17:33.14,H,ARS_OK 10Sep29 22:17:33.21,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285798653, sleeping until 1285798663 with 0 big sleeps... 10Sep29 22:17:33.37,D,Comm ports closed prior to sleeping 10Sep29 22:17:33.46,D,Console port cleared and RTS asserted low 10Sep29 22:17:33.57,D,pin 23 set high 10Sep29 22:17:33.64,D,pin 24 set low 10Sep29 22:17:33.82,D,pin 25 read 10Sep29 22:17:33.89,D,pin 26 mirrored (0) 10Sep29 22:17:33.96,D,pin 27 set low 10Sep29 22:17:34.03,D,pin 28 mirrored (0) 10Sep29 22:17:34.11,D,pin 29 set high 10Sep29 22:17:34.18,D,pin 31 set high 10Sep29 22:17:34.25,D,pin 32 mirrored (0) 10Sep29 22:17:34.33,D,pin 33 mirrored (0) 10Sep29 22:17:34.40,D,pin 34 mirrored (0) 10Sep29 22:17:34.48,D,pin 35 mirrored (0) 10Sep29 22:17:34.55,D,pin 36 mirrored (-1) 10Sep29 22:17:34.63,D,pin 37 mirrored (0) 10Sep29 22:17:34.71,D,pins are set for low power 10Sep29 22:17:34.79,D,interrupt handlers installed 10Sep29 22:17:34.88,D,serial drivers, CF and TPU states set 10Sep29 22:17:34.97,D,dog stroked 10Sep29 22:17:35.07,D,low speed set 10Sep29 22:17:35.64,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285798655, sleeping until 1285798663 for remainder sleep... 10Sep29 22:17:44.23,D,done with sleeps, dog stroked 10Sep29 22:17:44.81,D,handlers and peripheral states restored 10Sep29 22:17:44.92,D,...exiting lpStopUntil normally 10Sep29 22:17:45.01,N,Open files 10Sep29 22:17:45.07,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep29 22:17:45.16,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 22:17:45.25,N,ARS>> # LOW BAND: get samples for 3600 sec (1 hour) @ 4000 Hz sample time=3600 chans=2 rate=4000 time=3600, rate=4000, chans=2, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep29 22:18:16.50,N,glcheck: 440036 bytes free, 25 blocks free, 37068 bytes alloc, 1941 blocks alloc, 10Sep29 22:18:16.77,D,Entering sample for 3600 secs, 4000 rate and 2 chans 10Sep29 22:18:16.88,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep29 22:18:17.08,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep29 22:18:37.17,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep29 22:18:37.29,D,Free disk space = -308805632 10Sep29 22:18:37.38,N,Not using PicoZOOM 10Sep29 22:18:37.51,N,Opened c:\r0120002.dat for data collection 10Sep29 22:18:37.61,D,Writing out header to c:\r0120002.dat 10Sep29 22:18:37.87,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep29 22:18:37.95,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep29 22:18:38.03,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep29 22:18:38.17,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep29 22:18:41.16,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3924:22:18:43 10Sep29 22:18:43.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285798723 42 10Sep29 22:18:43.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00105 seconds 10Sep29 23:18:46.60,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3924:23:18:49 10Sep29 23:18:49.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285802329 278 10Sep29 23:18:49.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.0069499 seconds 10Sep29 23:18:49.30,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 1040 10Sep29 23:18:49.54,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep29 23:18:49.63,D,Stats: samples = 14400004, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 3.6e+03, measured rate = 4000.00 10Sep29 23:18:49.80,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00105, After Sample = 0.0069499 10Sep29 23:18:49.92,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep29 23:18:50.12,D,[0]=1 10Sep29 23:18:50.18,D,[4096]=7031 10Sep29 23:18:50.25,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep29 23:18:50.34,D,Leaving sample 10Sep29 23:19:21.13,N,glcheck: 440420 bytes free, 9 blocks free, 37068 bytes alloc, 1941 blocks alloc, 10Sep29 23:19:21.29,N,Open files 10Sep29 23:19:21.35,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep29 23:19:21.44,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 23:19:21.53,N,ARS>> # do PSD on 16 blocks (16*4096/4000 = 16.384 sec) psd chan=2 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=2, infile=c:\r0120002.dat, outfile=c:\r0120002.psd 10Sep29 23:19:21.81,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep29 23:19:52.64,N,glcheck: 440420 bytes free, 9 blocks free, 37068 bytes alloc, 1941 blocks alloc, 10Sep29 23:19:52.80,N,Starting assignments 10Sep29 23:19:53.08,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0120002.dat 10Sep29 23:19:53.44,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0120002.psd 10Sep29 23:19:53.80,N,stmp1 = channel=2 10Sep29 23:19:54.14,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep29 23:19:54.47,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep29 23:19:54.81,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep29 23:19:54.89,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep29 23:19:54.96,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep29 23:19:55.04,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0120002.dat<- 10Sep29 23:19:55.15,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0120002.psd<- 10Sep29 23:19:55.26,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->2<- 10Sep29 23:19:55.35,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep29 23:19:55.45,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep29 23:19:55.54,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep29 23:19:55.81,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0120002.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0120002.dat can be opened 10Sep29 23:19:56.02,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep29 23:20:14.40,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 Data file version is 04 Version 3 header close(): ASGFile not valid glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep29 23:20:28.25,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep29 23:20:28.45,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep29 23:20:28.55,N,retval = 0 10Sep29 23:20:59.93,N,glcheck: 439720 bytes free, 27 blocks free, 37192 bytes alloc, 1947 blocks alloc, 10Sep29 23:21:00.09,N,Open files 10Sep29 23:21:00.16,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep29 23:21:00.25,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 23:21:00.34,N,ARS>> # sleep 20 sec = 1 minutes sleep time=20 type=0 time = 20, type = 0 10Sep29 23:21:00.53,H,ARS_OK 10Sep29 23:21:00.59,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285802460, sleeping until 1285802480 with 1 big sleeps... 10Sep29 23:21:00.75,D,Comm ports closed prior to sleeping 10Sep29 23:21:00.85,D,Console port cleared and RTS asserted low 10Sep29 23:21:00.95,D,pin 23 set high 10Sep29 23:21:01.02,D,pin 24 set low 10Sep29 23:21:01.09,D,pin 25 read 10Sep29 23:21:01.16,D,pin 26 mirrored (0) 10Sep29 23:21:01.24,D,pin 27 set low 10Sep29 23:21:01.31,D,pin 28 mirrored (0) 10Sep29 23:21:01.39,D,pin 29 set high 10Sep29 23:21:01.46,D,pin 31 set high 10Sep29 23:21:01.53,D,pin 32 mirrored (0) 10Sep29 23:21:01.61,D,pin 33 mirrored (0) 10Sep29 23:21:01.68,D,pin 34 mirrored (0) 10Sep29 23:21:01.88,D,pin 35 mirrored (0) 10Sep29 23:21:01.95,D,pin 36 mirrored (-1) 10Sep29 23:21:02.03,D,pin 37 mirrored (0) 10Sep29 23:21:02.11,D,pins are set for low power 10Sep29 23:21:02.19,D,interrupt handlers installed 10Sep29 23:21:02.28,D,serial drivers, CF and TPU states set 10Sep29 23:21:02.37,D,dog stroked 10Sep29 23:21:02.48,D,low speed set 10Sep29 23:21:03.04,D,PIT set 10Sep29 23:21:16.12,D,awake from big sleep, dog stroked 10Sep29 23:21:16.68,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285802476, sleeping until 1285802480 for remainder sleep... 10Sep29 23:21:21.34,D,done with sleeps, dog stroked 10Sep29 23:21:21.93,D,handlers and peripheral states restored 10Sep29 23:21:22.05,D,...exiting lpStopUntil normally 10Sep29 23:21:22.13,N,Open files 10Sep29 23:21:22.20,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep29 23:21:22.29,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 23:21:22.38,N,ARS>> # repeat this cycle loop Looping to top of file 10Sep29 23:21:22.55,N,Open files 10Sep29 23:21:22.61,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep29 23:21:22.70,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 23:21:22.79,N,ARS>> # ardive.ars # ---------- # edited 201009261153L Bruce Howe # # HIGH BAND: get samples for 240 sec @ 64000Hz sample time=240 chans=1 rate=64000 time=240, rate=64000, chans=1, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep29 23:21:54.44,N,glcheck: 439720 bytes free, 27 blocks free, 37192 bytes alloc, 1947 blocks alloc, 10Sep29 23:21:54.59,D,Entering sample for 240 secs, 64000 rate and 1 chans 10Sep29 23:21:54.70,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep29 23:21:54.90,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep29 23:22:14.99,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep29 23:22:15.12,D,Free disk space = -337674240 10Sep29 23:22:15.21,N,Using PicoZOOM 10Sep29 23:22:15.36,N,Opened c:\r0120003.dat for data collection 10Sep29 23:22:15.47,D,Writing out header to c:\r0120003.dat 10Sep29 23:22:15.68,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep29 23:22:15.78,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep29 23:22:15.85,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep29 23:22:15.99,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep29 23:22:19.65,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3924:23:22:22 10Sep29 23:22:22.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285802542 42 10Sep29 23:22:22.08,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00105 seconds 10Sep29 23:26:26.31,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3924:23:26:28 10Sep29 23:26:27.99,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285802787 39910 10Sep29 23:26:28.08,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.00224996 seconds 10Sep29 23:26:28.29,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 4128 10Sep29 23:26:28.50,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep29 23:26:28.58,D,Stats: samples = 15360012, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 2.4e+02, measured rate = 63999.94 10Sep29 23:26:28.75,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00105, After Sample = -0.00224996 10Sep29 23:26:28.87,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep29 23:26:28.94,D,[4096]=7473 10Sep29 23:26:29.01,D,[12288]=9 10Sep29 23:26:29.08,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep29 23:26:29.16,D,Leaving sample 10Sep29 23:27:00.05,N,glcheck: 440176 bytes free, 8 blocks free, 37192 bytes alloc, 1947 blocks alloc, 10Sep29 23:27:00.21,N,Open files 10Sep29 23:27:00.27,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep29 23:27:00.36,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 23:27:00.45,N,ARS>> # do psd on 1st 16 blocks (16*4096/64000 = 1.024 sec of data) psd chan=1 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=1, infile=c:\r0120003.dat, outfile=c:\r0120003.psd 10Sep29 23:27:00.74,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep29 23:27:31.64,N,glcheck: 440176 bytes free, 8 blocks free, 37192 bytes alloc, 1947 blocks alloc, 10Sep29 23:27:31.91,N,Starting assignments 10Sep29 23:27:32.19,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0120003.dat 10Sep29 23:27:32.56,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0120003.psd 10Sep29 23:27:32.91,N,stmp1 = channel=1 10Sep29 23:27:33.25,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep29 23:27:33.59,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep29 23:27:33.92,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep29 23:27:34.00,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep29 23:27:34.08,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep29 23:27:34.15,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0120003.dat<- 10Sep29 23:27:34.26,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0120003.psd<- 10Sep29 23:27:34.37,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->1<- 10Sep29 23:27:34.47,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep29 23:27:34.56,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep29 23:27:34.65,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep29 23:27:34.78,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0120003.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0120003.dat can be opened 10Sep29 23:27:35.01,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep29 23:27:53.38,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 Data file version is 04 Version 3 header close(): ASGFile not valid glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep29 23:28:07.23,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep29 23:28:07.46,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep29 23:28:07.59,N,retval = 0 10Sep29 23:28:39.06,N,glcheck: 439556 bytes free, 25 blocks free, 37260 bytes alloc, 1953 blocks alloc, 10Sep29 23:28:39.24,N,Open files 10Sep29 23:28:39.34,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep29 23:28:39.46,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 23:28:39.58,N,ARS>> # sleep 10 seconds sleep time=10 type=0 time = 10, type = 0 10Sep29 23:28:39.88,H,ARS_OK 10Sep29 23:28:40.07,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285802920, sleeping until 1285802930 with 0 big sleeps... 10Sep29 23:28:40.26,D,Comm ports closed prior to sleeping 10Sep29 23:28:40.39,D,Console port cleared and RTS asserted low 10Sep29 23:28:40.51,D,pin 23 set high 10Sep29 23:28:40.62,D,pin 24 set low 10Sep29 23:28:40.71,D,pin 25 read 10Sep29 23:28:40.81,D,pin 26 mirrored (0) 10Sep29 23:28:40.92,D,pin 27 set low 10Sep29 23:28:41.02,D,pin 28 mirrored (0) 10Sep29 23:28:41.12,D,pin 29 set high 10Sep29 23:28:41.22,D,pin 31 set high 10Sep29 23:28:41.33,D,pin 32 mirrored (0) 10Sep29 23:28:41.43,D,pin 33 mirrored (0) 10Sep29 23:28:41.54,D,pin 34 mirrored (0) 10Sep29 23:28:41.64,D,pin 35 mirrored (0) 10Sep29 23:28:41.75,D,pin 36 mirrored (-1) 10Sep29 23:28:41.85,D,pin 37 mirrored (0) 10Sep29 23:28:41.96,D,pins are set for low power 10Sep29 23:28:42.07,D,interrupt handlers installed 10Sep29 23:28:42.19,D,serial drivers, CF and TPU states set 10Sep29 23:28:42.31,D,dog stroked 10Sep29 23:28:42.45,D,low speed set 10Sep29 23:28:43.01,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285802923, sleeping until 1285802930 for remainder sleep... 10Sep29 23:28:50.66,D,done with sleeps, dog stroked 10Sep29 23:28:51.24,D,handlers and peripheral states restored 10Sep29 23:28:51.38,D,...exiting lpStopUntil normally 10Sep29 23:28:51.50,N,Open files 10Sep29 23:28:51.60,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep29 23:28:51.71,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep29 23:28:51.93,N,ARS>> # LOW BAND: get samples for 3600 sec (1 hour) @ 4000 Hz sample time=3600 chans=2 rate=4000 time=3600, rate=4000, chans=2, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep29 23:29:23.39,N,glcheck: 439556 bytes free, 25 blocks free, 37260 bytes alloc, 1953 blocks alloc, 10Sep29 23:29:23.54,D,Entering sample for 3600 secs, 4000 rate and 2 chans 10Sep29 23:29:23.65,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep29 23:29:23.85,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep29 23:29:43.94,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep29 23:29:44.07,D,Free disk space = -368443392 10Sep29 23:29:44.15,N,Not using PicoZOOM 10Sep29 23:29:44.28,N,Opened c:\r0120004.dat for data collection 10Sep29 23:29:44.38,D,Writing out header to c:\r0120004.dat 10Sep29 23:29:44.62,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep29 23:29:44.70,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep29 23:29:44.78,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep29 23:29:44.91,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep29 23:29:47.60,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3924:23:29:50 10Sep29 23:29:50.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285802990 42 10Sep29 23:29:50.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00105 seconds 10Sep30 00:29:53.03,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3925:0:29:55 10Sep30 00:29:54.99,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285806594 39971 10Sep30 00:29:55.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.000725031 seconds 10Sep30 00:29:55.30,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 1040 10Sep30 00:29:55.69,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep30 00:29:55.76,D,Stats: samples = 14400004, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 3.6e+03, measured rate = 4000.00 10Sep30 00:29:56.04,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00105, After Sample = -0.000725031 10Sep30 00:29:56.16,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep30 00:29:56.24,D,[0]=1 10Sep30 00:29:56.30,D,[4096]=7031 10Sep30 00:29:56.37,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep30 00:29:56.47,D,Leaving sample 10Sep30 00:30:27.43,N,glcheck: 439892 bytes free, 11 blocks free, 37260 bytes alloc, 1953 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 00:30:27.59,N,Open files 10Sep30 00:30:27.66,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep30 00:30:27.75,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep30 00:30:27.84,N,ARS>> # do PSD on 16 blocks (16*4096/4000 = 16.384 sec) psd chan=2 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=2, infile=c:\r0120004.dat, outfile=c:\r0120004.psd 10Sep30 00:30:28.14,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep30 00:30:59.14,N,glcheck: 439892 bytes free, 11 blocks free, 37260 bytes alloc, 1953 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 00:30:59.30,N,Starting assignments 10Sep30 00:30:59.59,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0120004.dat 10Sep30 00:30:59.95,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0120004.psd 10Sep30 00:31:00.31,N,stmp1 = channel=2 10Sep30 00:31:00.65,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep30 00:31:01.00,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep30 00:31:01.47,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep30 00:31:01.55,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep30 00:31:01.63,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep30 00:31:01.71,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0120004.dat<- 10Sep30 00:31:01.82,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0120004.psd<- 10Sep30 00:31:01.94,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->2<- 10Sep30 00:31:02.03,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep30 00:31:02.13,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep30 00:31:02.23,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep30 00:31:02.38,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0120004.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0120004.dat can be opened 10Sep30 00:31:02.63,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep30 00:31:21.03,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 Data file version is 04 Version 3 header close(): ASGFile not valid glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep30 00:31:34.96,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep30 00:31:35.16,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep30 00:31:35.27,N,retval = 0 10Sep30 00:32:06.78,N,glcheck: 439264 bytes free, 27 blocks free, 37360 bytes alloc, 1959 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 00:32:06.94,N,Open files 10Sep30 00:32:07.01,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep30 00:32:07.10,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep30 00:32:07.19,N,ARS>> # sleep 20 sec = 1 minutes sleep time=20 type=0 time = 20, type = 0 10Sep30 00:32:07.40,H,ARS_OK 10Sep30 00:32:07.47,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285806727, sleeping until 1285806747 with 1 big sleeps... 10Sep30 00:32:07.63,D,Comm ports closed prior to sleeping 10Sep30 00:32:07.73,D,Console port cleared and RTS asserted low 10Sep30 00:32:07.83,D,pin 23 set high 10Sep30 00:32:07.91,D,pin 24 set low 10Sep30 00:32:08.12,D,pin 25 read 10Sep30 00:32:08.19,D,pin 26 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 00:32:08.28,D,pin 27 set low 10Sep30 00:32:08.35,D,pin 28 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 00:32:08.43,D,pin 29 set high 10Sep30 00:32:08.51,D,pin 31 set high 10Sep30 00:32:08.58,D,pin 32 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 00:32:08.66,D,pin 33 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 00:32:08.74,D,pin 34 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 00:32:08.82,D,pin 35 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 00:32:08.90,D,pin 36 mirrored (-1) 10Sep30 00:32:08.98,D,pin 37 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 00:32:09.06,D,pins are set for low power 10Sep30 00:32:09.15,D,interrupt handlers installed 10Sep30 00:32:09.24,D,serial drivers, CF and TPU states set 10Sep30 00:32:09.34,D,dog stroked 10Sep30 00:32:09.45,D,low speed set 10Sep30 00:32:10.03,D,PIT set 10Sep30 00:32:23.11,D,awake from big sleep, dog stroked 10Sep30 00:32:23.70,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285806743, sleeping until 1285806747 for remainder sleep... 10Sep30 00:32:28.39,D,done with sleeps, dog stroked 10Sep30 00:32:28.99,D,handlers and peripheral states restored 10Sep30 00:32:29.11,D,...exiting lpStopUntil normally 10Sep30 00:32:29.20,N,Open files 10Sep30 00:32:29.27,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep30 00:32:29.37,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep30 00:32:29.46,N,ARS>> # repeat this cycle loop Looping to top of file 10Sep30 00:32:29.78,N,Open files 10Sep30 00:32:29.85,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep30 00:32:29.94,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep30 00:32:30.03,N,ARS>> # ardive.ars # ---------- # edited 201009261153L Bruce Howe # # HIGH BAND: get samples for 240 sec @ 64000Hz sample time=240 chans=1 rate=64000 time=240, rate=64000, chans=1, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep30 00:33:01.72,N,glcheck: 439264 bytes free, 27 blocks free, 37360 bytes alloc, 1959 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 00:33:01.88,D,Entering sample for 240 secs, 64000 rate and 1 chans 10Sep30 00:33:01.99,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep30 00:33:02.19,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep30 00:33:22.28,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep30 00:33:22.42,D,Free disk space = -397344768 10Sep30 00:33:22.51,N,Using PicoZOOM 10Sep30 00:33:22.67,N,Opened c:\r0120005.dat for data collection 10Sep30 00:33:22.78,D,Writing out header to c:\r0120005.dat 10Sep30 00:33:22.99,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep30 00:33:23.12,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep30 00:33:23.20,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep30 00:33:23.33,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep30 00:33:26.08,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3925:0:33:28 10Sep30 00:33:28.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285806808 41 10Sep30 00:33:28.20,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00102496 seconds 10Sep30 00:37:31.04,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3925:0:37:33 10Sep30 00:37:32.99,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285807052 39870 10Sep30 00:37:33.08,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.00324988 seconds 10Sep30 00:37:33.29,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 1360 10Sep30 00:37:33.50,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep30 00:37:33.58,D,Stats: samples = 15360676, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 2.4e+02, measured rate = 63999.94 10Sep30 00:37:33.75,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00102496, After Sample = -0.00324988 10Sep30 00:37:33.88,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep30 00:37:33.96,D,[0]=1 10Sep30 00:37:34.02,D,[4096]=7473 10Sep30 00:37:34.09,D,[12288]=9 10Sep30 00:37:34.16,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep30 00:37:34.26,D,Leaving sample 10Sep30 00:38:05.29,N,glcheck: 439696 bytes free, 9 blocks free, 37360 bytes alloc, 1959 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 00:38:05.45,N,Open files 10Sep30 00:38:05.52,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep30 00:38:05.61,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep30 00:38:05.70,N,ARS>> # do psd on 1st 16 blocks (16*4096/64000 = 1.024 sec of data) psd chan=1 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=1, infile=c:\r0120005.dat, outfile=c:\r0120005.psd 10Sep30 00:38:06.01,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep30 00:38:37.07,N,glcheck: 439696 bytes free, 9 blocks free, 37360 bytes alloc, 1959 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 00:38:37.23,N,Starting assignments 10Sep30 00:38:37.52,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0120005.dat 10Sep30 00:38:37.88,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0120005.psd 10Sep30 00:38:38.35,N,stmp1 = channel=1 10Sep30 00:38:38.70,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep30 00:38:39.04,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep30 00:38:39.38,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep30 00:38:39.46,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep30 00:38:39.54,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep30 00:38:39.62,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0120005.dat<- 10Sep30 00:38:39.73,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0120005.psd<- 10Sep30 00:38:39.85,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->1<- 10Sep30 00:38:39.94,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep30 00:38:40.04,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep30 00:38:40.13,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep30 00:38:40.28,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0120005.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0120005.dat can be opened 10Sep30 00:38:40.53,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep30 00:38:58.93,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 Data file version is 04 Version 3 header close(): ASGFile not valid glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep30 00:39:12.82,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep30 00:39:13.03,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep30 00:39:13.13,N,retval = 0 10Sep30 00:39:44.71,N,glcheck: 439064 bytes free, 25 blocks free, 37464 bytes alloc, 1965 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 00:39:44.87,N,Open files 10Sep30 00:39:44.94,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep30 00:39:45.04,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep30 00:39:45.13,N,ARS>> # sleep 10 seconds sleep time=10 type=0 time = 10, type = 0 10Sep30 00:39:45.32,H,ARS_OK 10Sep30 00:39:45.40,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285807185, sleeping until 1285807195 with 0 big sleeps... 10Sep30 00:39:45.56,D,Comm ports closed prior to sleeping 10Sep30 00:39:45.66,D,Console port cleared and RTS asserted low 10Sep30 00:39:45.90,D,pin 23 set high 10Sep30 00:39:45.98,D,pin 24 set low 10Sep30 00:39:46.05,D,pin 25 read 10Sep30 00:39:46.12,D,pin 26 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 00:39:46.20,D,pin 27 set low 10Sep30 00:39:46.27,D,pin 28 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 00:39:46.35,D,pin 29 set high 10Sep30 00:39:46.43,D,pin 31 set high 10Sep30 00:39:46.51,D,pin 32 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 00:39:46.59,D,pin 33 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 00:39:46.67,D,pin 34 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 00:39:46.75,D,pin 35 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 00:39:46.83,D,pin 36 mirrored (-1) 10Sep30 00:39:46.91,D,pin 37 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 00:39:46.99,D,pins are set for low power 10Sep30 00:39:47.07,D,interrupt handlers installed 10Sep30 00:39:47.16,D,serial drivers, CF and TPU states set 10Sep30 00:39:47.26,D,dog stroked 10Sep30 00:39:47.37,D,low speed set 10Sep30 00:39:47.96,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285807187, sleeping until 1285807195 for remainder sleep... 10Sep30 00:39:56.54,D,done with sleeps, dog stroked 10Sep30 00:39:57.12,D,handlers and peripheral states restored 10Sep30 00:39:57.24,D,...exiting lpStopUntil normally 10Sep30 00:39:57.33,N,Open files 10Sep30 00:39:57.40,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep30 00:39:57.49,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep30 00:39:57.59,N,ARS>> # LOW BAND: get samples for 3600 sec (1 hour) @ 4000 Hz sample time=3600 chans=2 rate=4000 time=3600, rate=4000, chans=2, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep30 00:40:29.29,N,glcheck: 439064 bytes free, 25 blocks free, 37464 bytes alloc, 1965 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 00:40:29.45,D,Entering sample for 3600 secs, 4000 rate and 2 chans 10Sep30 00:40:29.56,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep30 00:40:29.76,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep30 00:40:49.86,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep30 00:40:49.99,D,Free disk space = -428113920 10Sep30 00:40:50.08,N,Not using PicoZOOM 10Sep30 00:40:50.21,N,Opened c:\r0120006.dat for data collection 10Sep30 00:40:50.32,D,Writing out header to c:\r0120006.dat 10Sep30 00:40:50.56,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep30 00:40:50.64,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep30 00:40:50.73,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep30 00:40:50.87,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep30 00:40:54.02,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3925:0:40:56 10Sep30 00:40:56.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285807256 41 10Sep30 00:40:56.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00102496 seconds 10Sep30 01:40:59.44,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3925:1:41:2 10Sep30 01:41:01.98,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285810861 39529 10Sep30 01:41:02.08,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.011775 seconds 10Sep30 01:41:02.29,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 1040 10Sep30 01:41:02.66,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep30 01:41:02.75,D,Stats: samples = 14400004, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 3.6e+03, measured rate = 4000.00 10Sep30 01:41:02.92,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00102496, After Sample = -0.011775 10Sep30 01:41:03.05,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep30 01:41:03.12,D,[0]=1 10Sep30 01:41:03.19,D,[4096]=7031 10Sep30 01:41:03.26,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep30 01:41:03.35,D,Leaving sample 10Sep30 01:41:34.49,N,glcheck: 439424 bytes free, 10 blocks free, 37464 bytes alloc, 1965 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 01:41:34.65,N,Open files 10Sep30 01:41:34.72,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep30 01:41:34.82,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep30 01:41:34.91,N,ARS>> # do PSD on 16 blocks (16*4096/4000 = 16.384 sec) psd chan=2 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=2, infile=c:\r0120006.dat, outfile=c:\r0120006.psd 10Sep30 01:41:35.20,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep30 01:42:06.37,N,glcheck: 439424 bytes free, 10 blocks free, 37464 bytes alloc, 1965 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 01:42:06.53,N,Starting assignments 10Sep30 01:42:06.82,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0120006.dat 10Sep30 01:42:07.18,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0120006.psd 10Sep30 01:42:07.54,N,stmp1 = channel=2 10Sep30 01:42:07.88,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep30 01:42:08.23,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep30 01:42:08.56,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep30 01:42:08.65,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep30 01:42:08.73,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep30 01:42:08.80,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0120006.dat<- 10Sep30 01:42:08.92,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0120006.psd<- 10Sep30 01:42:09.17,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->2<- 10Sep30 01:42:09.27,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep30 01:42:09.36,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep30 01:42:09.46,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep30 01:42:09.61,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0120006.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0120006.dat can be opened 10Sep30 01:42:09.86,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep30 01:42:28.26,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 Data file version is 04 Version 3 header close(): ASGFile not valid glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep30 01:42:42.29,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep30 01:42:42.53,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep30 01:42:42.66,N,retval = 0 10Sep30 01:43:14.39,N,glcheck: 438744 bytes free, 27 blocks free, 37592 bytes alloc, 1971 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 01:43:14.58,N,Open files 10Sep30 01:43:14.68,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep30 01:43:14.80,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep30 01:43:14.92,N,ARS>> # sleep 20 sec = 1 minutes sleep time=20 type=0 time = 20, type = 0 10Sep30 01:43:15.24,H,ARS_OK 10Sep30 01:43:15.34,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285810995, sleeping until 1285811015 with 1 big sleeps... 10Sep30 01:43:15.54,D,Comm ports closed prior to sleeping 10Sep30 01:43:15.66,D,Console port cleared and RTS asserted low 10Sep30 01:43:15.80,D,pin 23 set high 10Sep30 01:43:15.90,D,pin 24 set low 10Sep30 01:43:16.00,D,pin 25 read 10Sep30 01:43:16.10,D,pin 26 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 01:43:16.21,D,pin 27 set low 10Sep30 01:43:16.32,D,pin 28 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 01:43:16.43,D,pin 29 set high 10Sep30 01:43:16.63,D,pin 31 set high 10Sep30 01:43:16.74,D,pin 32 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 01:43:16.85,D,pin 33 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 01:43:16.96,D,pin 34 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 01:43:17.06,D,pin 35 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 01:43:17.17,D,pin 36 mirrored (-1) 10Sep30 01:43:17.28,D,pin 37 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 01:43:17.39,D,pins are set for low power 10Sep30 01:43:17.51,D,interrupt handlers installed 10Sep30 01:43:17.63,D,serial drivers, CF and TPU states set 10Sep30 01:43:17.76,D,dog stroked 10Sep30 01:43:17.89,D,low speed set 10Sep30 01:43:18.47,D,PIT set 10Sep30 01:43:31.55,D,awake from big sleep, dog stroked 10Sep30 01:43:32.14,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285811012, sleeping until 1285811015 for remainder sleep... 10Sep30 01:43:35.81,D,done with sleeps, dog stroked 10Sep30 01:43:36.41,D,handlers and peripheral states restored 10Sep30 01:43:36.55,D,...exiting lpStopUntil normally 10Sep30 01:43:36.67,N,Open files 10Sep30 01:43:36.77,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep30 01:43:36.89,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep30 01:43:37.01,N,ARS>> # repeat this cycle loop Looping to top of file 10Sep30 01:43:37.30,N,Open files 10Sep30 01:43:37.40,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep30 01:43:37.52,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep30 01:43:37.64,N,ARS>> # ardive.ars # ---------- # edited 201009261153L Bruce Howe # # HIGH BAND: get samples for 240 sec @ 64000Hz sample time=240 chans=1 rate=64000 time=240, rate=64000, chans=1, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep30 01:44:09.62,N,glcheck: 438744 bytes free, 27 blocks free, 37592 bytes alloc, 1971 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 01:44:09.78,D,Entering sample for 240 secs, 64000 rate and 1 chans 10Sep30 01:44:09.90,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep30 01:44:10.09,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep30 01:44:30.19,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep30 01:44:30.32,D,Free disk space = -456982528 10Sep30 01:44:30.41,N,Using PicoZOOM 10Sep30 01:44:30.57,N,Opened c:\r0120007.dat for data collection 10Sep30 01:44:30.68,D,Writing out header to c:\r0120007.dat 10Sep30 01:44:30.89,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep30 01:44:31.02,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep30 01:44:31.10,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep30 01:44:31.23,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep30 01:44:34.17,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3925:1:44:36 10Sep30 01:44:36.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285811076 42 10Sep30 01:44:36.08,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00105 seconds 10Sep30 01:48:39.15,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3925:1:48:41 10Sep30 01:48:40.99,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285811320 39854 10Sep30 01:48:41.08,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.00364995 seconds 10Sep30 01:48:41.41,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 4128 10Sep30 01:48:41.62,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep30 01:48:41.70,D,Stats: samples = 15360012, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 2.4e+02, measured rate = 63999.94 10Sep30 01:48:41.88,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00105, After Sample = -0.00364995 10Sep30 01:48:42.00,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep30 01:48:42.07,D,[4096]=7473 10Sep30 01:48:42.14,D,[12288]=9 10Sep30 01:48:42.21,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep30 01:48:42.31,D,Leaving sample 10Sep30 01:49:13.49,N,glcheck: 439224 bytes free, 7 blocks free, 37592 bytes alloc, 1971 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 01:49:13.65,N,Open files 10Sep30 01:49:13.72,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep30 01:49:13.81,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep30 01:49:13.90,N,ARS>> # do psd on 1st 16 blocks (16*4096/64000 = 1.024 sec of data) psd chan=1 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=1, infile=c:\r0120007.dat, outfile=c:\r0120007.psd 10Sep30 01:49:14.21,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep30 01:49:45.44,N,glcheck: 439224 bytes free, 7 blocks free, 37592 bytes alloc, 1971 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 01:49:45.60,N,Starting assignments 10Sep30 01:49:45.88,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0120007.dat 10Sep30 01:49:46.25,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0120007.psd 10Sep30 01:49:46.60,N,stmp1 = channel=1 10Sep30 01:49:46.95,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep30 01:49:47.29,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep30 01:49:47.62,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep30 01:49:47.71,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep30 01:49:47.90,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep30 01:49:47.98,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0120007.dat<- 10Sep30 01:49:48.09,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0120007.psd<- 10Sep30 01:49:48.21,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->1<- 10Sep30 01:49:48.30,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep30 01:49:48.40,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep30 01:49:48.50,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep30 01:49:48.65,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0120007.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0120007.dat can be opened 10Sep30 01:49:48.92,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep30 01:50:07.32,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 Data file version is 04 Version 3 header close(): ASGFile not valid glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep30 01:50:21.18,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep30 01:50:21.39,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep30 01:50:21.49,N,retval = 0 10Sep30 01:50:53.25,N,glcheck: 438556 bytes free, 24 blocks free, 37708 bytes alloc, 1977 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 01:50:53.41,N,Open files 10Sep30 01:50:53.48,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep30 01:50:53.57,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep30 01:50:53.66,N,ARS>> # sleep 10 seconds sleep time=10 type=0 time = 10, type = 0 10Sep30 01:50:53.86,H,ARS_OK 10Sep30 01:50:53.93,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285811453, sleeping until 1285811463 with 0 big sleeps... 10Sep30 01:50:54.09,D,Comm ports closed prior to sleeping 10Sep30 01:50:54.19,D,Console port cleared and RTS asserted low 10Sep30 01:50:54.29,D,pin 23 set high 10Sep30 01:50:54.37,D,pin 24 set low 10Sep30 01:50:54.44,D,pin 25 read 10Sep30 01:50:54.51,D,pin 26 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 01:50:54.59,D,pin 27 set low 10Sep30 01:50:54.67,D,pin 28 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 01:50:54.86,D,pin 29 set high 10Sep30 01:50:54.93,D,pin 31 set high 10Sep30 01:50:55.01,D,pin 32 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 01:50:55.09,D,pin 33 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 01:50:55.17,D,pin 34 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 01:50:55.25,D,pin 35 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 01:50:55.33,D,pin 36 mirrored (-1) 10Sep30 01:50:55.41,D,pin 37 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 01:50:55.49,D,pins are set for low power 10Sep30 01:50:55.57,D,interrupt handlers installed 10Sep30 01:50:55.66,D,serial drivers, CF and TPU states set 10Sep30 01:50:55.76,D,dog stroked 10Sep30 01:50:55.87,D,low speed set 10Sep30 01:50:56.43,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285811456, sleeping until 1285811463 for remainder sleep... 10Sep30 01:51:04.07,D,done with sleeps, dog stroked 10Sep30 01:51:04.65,D,handlers and peripheral states restored 10Sep30 01:51:04.77,D,...exiting lpStopUntil normally 10Sep30 01:51:04.86,N,Open files 10Sep30 01:51:04.93,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep30 01:51:05.02,N,pin = 60, pin err = 0, comm = 38 10Sep30 01:51:05.12,N,ARS>> # LOW BAND: get samples for 3600 sec (1 hour) @ 4000 Hz sample time=3600 chans=2 rate=4000 time=3600, rate=4000, chans=2, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep30 01:51:36.89,N,glcheck: 438556 bytes free, 24 blocks free, 37708 bytes alloc, 1977 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 01:51:37.05,D,Entering sample for 3600 secs, 4000 rate and 2 chans 10Sep30 01:51:37.16,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep30 01:51:37.36,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep30 01:51:57.46,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep30 01:51:57.70,D,Free disk space = -487751680 10Sep30 01:51:57.79,N,Not using PicoZOOM 10Sep30 01:51:57.92,N,Opened c:\r0120008.dat for data collection 10Sep30 01:51:58.03,D,Writing out header to c:\r0120008.dat 10Sep30 01:51:58.26,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep30 01:51:58.35,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep30 01:51:58.43,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep30 01:51:58.57,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep30 01:52:02.13,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3925:1:52:4 10Sep30 01:52:04.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285811524 42 10Sep30 01:52:04.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00105 seconds 10Sep30 02:15:59.95,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3925:2:16:2 10Sep30 02:16:01.99,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285812961 39646 10Sep30 02:16:02.20,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.0088501 seconds 10Sep30 02:16:02.41,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 2224 10Sep30 02:16:02.62,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep30 02:16:02.71,D,Stats: samples = 5729364, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 1.4e+03, measured rate = 3999.99 10Sep30 02:16:02.88,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00105, After Sample = -0.0088501 10Sep30 02:16:03.00,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep30 02:16:03.07,D,[0]=1 10Sep30 02:16:03.14,D,[4096]=2797 10Sep30 02:16:03.21,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel due to host alert 10Sep30 02:16:03.31,D,Leaving sample 10Sep30 02:16:34.61,N,glcheck: 438940 bytes free, 8 blocks free, 37708 bytes alloc, 1977 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 02:16:34.77,N,Host Listen 10Sep30 02:16:34.84,N,Entering Host Listen State... 10Sep30 02:16:34.93,H,ARS_OK 10Sep30 02:16:35.00,N,pin = 61, pin err = 0, comm = 39 10Sep30 02:16:35.09,N,ARS>> ARS_OK 10Sep30 02:16:35.20,N,diveapogee 10Sep30 02:16:35.27,H,ARS_OK 10Sep30 02:16:35.35,N,Executing script [C:\ARAPOGEE.ARS] 10Sep30 02:16:35.45,N,Open files 10Sep30 02:16:35.52,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep30 02:16:35.61,N,pin = 61, pin err = 0, comm = 39 10Sep30 02:16:35.71,N,Open files 10Sep30 02:16:35.78,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep30 02:16:35.87,N,pin = 61, pin err = 0, comm = 39 10Sep30 02:16:35.96,N,ARS>> #arapogee.ars movefiles thisdive=1 maxbytes=0 10Sep30 02:16:38.83,D,Files to copy 10Sep30 02:16:38.90,D,0000 - [R0120001.DAT] 10Sep30 02:16:38.99,D,0001 - [R0120002.DAT] 10Sep30 02:16:39.07,D,0002 - [R0119010.DAT] 10Sep30 02:16:39.15,D,0003 - [R0120003.DAT] 10Sep30 02:16:39.23,D,0004 - [R0119011.DAT] 10Sep30 02:16:39.32,D,0005 - [R0120004.DAT] 10Sep30 02:16:39.40,D,0006 - [R0119012.DAT] 10Sep30 02:16:39.48,D,0007 - [R0120005.DAT] 10Sep30 02:16:39.56,D,0008 - [R0119013.DAT] 10Sep30 02:16:39.64,D,0009 - [R0120006.DAT] 10Sep30 02:16:39.72,D,0010 - [R0119014.DAT] 10Sep30 02:16:39.81,D,0011 - [R0120007.DAT] 10Sep30 02:16:39.89,D,0012 - [R0120008.DAT] 10Sep30 02:16:39.97,D,Powering up BI... 10Sep30 02:16:44.04,N,power_up_bi = 1 10Sep30 02:16:44.12,D,Dive num = 120, file = R0120001.DAT 10Sep30 02:16:59.14,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep30 02:16:59.26,D,Opening d:\dive0120\R0120001.DAT for writing 10Sep30 02:16:59.39,D,Opening R0120001.DAT for reading 10Sep30 02:16:59.49,N,Writing file d:\dive0120\R0120001.DAT...done. 30728192 bytes 128.232956.2 secs 239627.890625.2 bytes/sec 10Sep30 02:17:47.86,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep30 02:17:47.94,N,Removing file R0120001.DAT...done. 10Sep30 02:17:59.65,D,Dive num = 120, file = R0120002.DAT 10Sep30 02:17:59.88,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep30 02:18:00.00,D,Opening d:\dive0120\R0120002.DAT for writing 10Sep30 02:18:00.13,D,Opening R0120002.DAT for reading 10Sep30 02:18:00.37,N,Writing file d:\dive0120\R0120002.DAT...done. 28807168 bytes 0.194975.2 secs 147747904.000000.2 bytes/sec 10Sep30 02:18:45.69,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep30 02:18:45.77,N,Removing file R0120002.DAT...done. 10Sep30 02:18:56.82,D,Dive num = 119, file = R0119010.DAT 10Sep30 02:18:57.04,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep30 02:18:59.70,D,Opening d:\dive0119\R0119010.DAT for writing 10Sep30 02:18:59.85,D,Opening R0119010.DAT for reading 10Sep30 02:18:59.95,N,Writing file d:\dive0119\R0119010.DAT...done. 28807168 bytes 127.548126.2 secs 225853.328125.2 bytes/sec 10Sep30 02:19:45.63,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep30 02:19:45.71,N,Removing file R0119010.DAT...done. 10Sep30 02:19:56.73,D,Dive num = 120, file = R0120003.DAT 10Sep30 02:19:56.95,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep30 02:19:57.09,D,Opening d:\dive0120\R0120003.DAT for writing 10Sep30 02:19:57.22,D,Opening R0120003.DAT for reading 10Sep30 02:19:57.32,N,Writing file d:\dive0120\R0120003.DAT...done. 30724128 bytes 0.248525.2 secs 123625832.000000.2 bytes/sec 10Sep30 02:20:45.71,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep30 02:20:45.78,N,Removing file R0120003.DAT...done. 10Sep30 02:20:57.44,D,Dive num = 119, file = R0119011.DAT 10Sep30 02:20:57.67,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep30 02:20:57.80,D,Opening d:\dive0119\R0119011.DAT for writing 10Sep30 02:20:57.93,D,Opening R0119011.DAT for reading 10Sep30 02:20:58.16,N,Writing file d:\dive0119\R0119011.DAT...done. 30724112 bytes 0.134850.2 secs 227839120.000000.2 bytes/sec 10Sep30 02:21:46.43,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep30 02:21:46.51,N,Removing file R0119011.DAT...done. 10Sep30 02:21:58.88,D,Dive num = 120, file = R0120004.DAT 10Sep30 02:21:59.10,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep30 02:21:59.24,D,Opening d:\dive0120\R0120004.DAT for writing 10Sep30 02:21:59.38,D,Opening R0120004.DAT for reading 10Sep30 02:21:59.49,N,Writing file d:\dive0120\R0120004.DAT...done. 28807168 bytes 0.220425.2 secs 130689272.000000.2 bytes/sec 10Sep30 02:22:44.85,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep30 02:22:44.93,N,Removing file R0120004.DAT...done. 10Sep30 02:22:56.41,D,Dive num = 119, file = R0119012.DAT 10Sep30 02:22:56.64,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep30 02:22:56.77,D,Opening d:\dive0119\R0119012.DAT for writing 10Sep30 02:22:56.90,D,Opening R0119012.DAT for reading 10Sep30 02:22:57.02,N,Writing file d:\dive0119\R0119012.DAT...done. 28807168 bytes 0.209725.2 secs 137356928.000000.2 bytes/sec 10Sep30 02:23:42.36,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep30 02:23:42.43,N,Removing file R0119012.DAT...done. 10Sep30 02:23:53.65,D,Dive num = 120, file = R0120005.DAT 10Sep30 02:23:53.87,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep30 02:23:54.01,D,Opening d:\dive0120\R0120005.DAT for writing 10Sep30 02:23:54.14,D,Opening R0120005.DAT for reading 10Sep30 02:23:54.26,N,Writing file d:\dive0120\R0120005.DAT...done. 30728192 bytes 128.202026.2 secs 239685.703125.2 bytes/sec 10Sep30 02:24:42.60,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep30 02:24:42.68,N,Removing file R0120005.DAT...done. 10Sep30 02:24:54.04,D,Dive num = 119, file = R0119013.DAT 10Sep30 02:24:54.26,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep30 02:24:54.41,D,Opening d:\dive0119\R0119013.DAT for writing 10Sep30 02:24:54.54,D,Opening R0119013.DAT for reading 10Sep30 02:24:54.66,N,Writing file d:\dive0119\R0119013.DAT...done. 30724112 bytes 0.188900.2 secs 162647504.000000.2 bytes/sec 10Sep30 02:25:42.98,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep30 02:25:43.06,N,Removing file R0119013.DAT...done. 10Sep30 02:25:55.42,D,Dive num = 120, file = R0120006.DAT 10Sep30 02:25:55.64,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep30 02:25:55.78,D,Opening d:\dive0120\R0120006.DAT for writing 10Sep30 02:25:55.91,D,Opening R0120006.DAT for reading 10Sep30 02:25:56.03,N,Writing file d:\dive0120\R0120006.DAT...done. 28807168 bytes 128.299530.2 secs 224530.578125.2 bytes/sec 10Sep30 02:26:41.47,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep30 02:26:41.54,N,Removing file R0120006.DAT...done. 10Sep30 02:26:52.16,D,Dive num = 119, file = R0119014.DAT 10Sep30 02:26:52.39,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep30 02:26:52.52,D,Opening d:\dive0119\R0119014.DAT for writing 10Sep30 02:26:52.65,D,Opening R0119014.DAT for reading 10Sep30 02:26:52.77,N,Writing file d:\dive0119\R0119014.DAT...done. 3547136 bytes -0.199200.2 secs -17806894.000000.2 bytes/sec 10Sep30 02:26:58.71,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep30 02:26:58.78,N,Removing file R0119014.DAT...done. 10Sep30 02:27:00.35,D,Dive num = 120, file = R0120007.DAT 10Sep30 02:27:00.57,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep30 02:27:00.71,D,Opening d:\dive0120\R0120007.DAT for writing 10Sep30 02:27:00.85,D,Opening R0120007.DAT for reading 10Sep30 02:27:00.97,N,Writing file d:\dive0120\R0120007.DAT...done. 30724128 bytes -0.494900.2 secs -62081488.000000.2 bytes/sec 10Sep30 02:27:49.60,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep30 02:27:49.68,N,Removing file R0120007.DAT...done. 10Sep30 02:28:02.15,D,Dive num = 120, file = R0120008.DAT 10Sep30 02:28:02.38,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep30 02:28:02.50,D,Opening d:\dive0120\R0120008.DAT for writing 10Sep30 02:28:02.63,D,Opening R0120008.DAT for reading 10Sep30 02:28:02.75,N,Writing file d:\dive0120\R0120008.DAT...done. 11464704 bytes 128.176697.2 secs 89444.523438.2 bytes/sec 10Sep30 02:28:21.07,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep30 02:28:21.18,N,Removing file R0120008.DAT...done. 10Sep30 02:28:26.42,D,Powering down BI... 10Sep30 02:28:26.86,N,power_down_bi = 0 10Sep30 02:28:27.14,N,Open files 10Sep30 02:28:27.33,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep30 02:28:27.43,N,pin = 61, pin err = 0, comm = 39 10Sep30 02:28:27.52,N,ARS>> autoAuto state 10Sep30 02:28:27.66,N,Open files 10Sep30 02:28:27.73,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep30 02:28:27.83,N,pin = 61, pin err = 0, comm = 39 10Sep30 02:28:27.93,N,Finished with script [C:\ARAPOGEE.ARS] 10Sep30 02:28:28.03,N,Auto state 10Sep30 02:28:28.11,N,Entering Auto State... 10Sep30 02:28:28.19,H,ARS_OK 10Sep30 02:28:28.27,N,Open files 10Sep30 02:28:28.34,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep30 02:28:28.44,N,pin = 61, pin err = 0, comm = 39 10Sep30 02:28:28.54,N,ARS>> # ardive.ars # ---------- # edited 201009261153L Bruce Howe # # HIGH BAND: get samples for 240 sec @ 64000Hz sample time=240 chans=1 rate=64000 time=240, rate=64000, chans=1, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep30 02:29:00.44,N,glcheck: 438652 bytes free, 20 blocks free, 37708 bytes alloc, 1977 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 02:29:00.60,D,Entering sample for 240 secs, 64000 rate and 1 chans 10Sep30 02:29:00.72,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep30 02:29:00.92,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep30 02:29:21.02,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep30 02:29:21.16,D,Free disk space = -155615232 10Sep30 02:29:21.36,N,Using PicoZOOM 10Sep30 02:29:21.53,N,Opened c:\r0120009.dat for data collection 10Sep30 02:29:21.63,D,Writing out header to c:\r0120009.dat 10Sep30 02:29:21.84,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep30 02:29:21.96,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep30 02:29:22.04,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep30 02:29:22.17,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep30 02:29:25.25,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3925:2:29:27 10Sep30 02:29:27.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285813767 41 10Sep30 02:29:27.08,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00102496 seconds 10Sep30 02:33:30.20,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3925:2:33:32 10Sep30 02:33:31.99,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285814011 39846 10Sep30 02:33:32.08,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.00384998 seconds 10Sep30 02:33:32.29,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 4128 10Sep30 02:33:32.49,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep30 02:33:32.61,D,Stats: samples = 15360012, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 2.4e+02, measured rate = 63999.94 10Sep30 02:33:32.78,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00102496, After Sample = -0.00384998 10Sep30 02:33:32.91,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep30 02:33:32.99,D,[4096]=7473 10Sep30 02:33:33.06,D,[12288]=9 10Sep30 02:33:33.14,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep30 02:33:33.23,D,Leaving sample 10Sep30 02:34:04.52,N,glcheck: 438964 bytes free, 7 blocks free, 37708 bytes alloc, 1977 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 02:34:04.68,N,Open files 10Sep30 02:34:04.76,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep30 02:34:04.85,N,pin = 61, pin err = 0, comm = 39 10Sep30 02:34:04.95,N,ARS>> # do psd on 1st 16 blocks (16*4096/64000 = 1.024 sec of data) psd chan=1 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=1, infile=c:\r0120009.dat, outfile=c:\r0120009.psd 10Sep30 02:34:05.41,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep30 02:34:36.73,N,glcheck: 438964 bytes free, 7 blocks free, 37708 bytes alloc, 1977 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 02:34:36.89,N,Starting assignments 10Sep30 02:34:37.18,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0120009.dat 10Sep30 02:34:37.55,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0120009.psd 10Sep30 02:34:37.91,N,stmp1 = channel=1 10Sep30 02:34:38.26,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep30 02:34:38.60,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep30 02:34:38.94,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep30 02:34:39.03,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep30 02:34:39.12,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep30 02:34:39.20,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0120009.dat<- 10Sep30 02:34:39.31,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0120009.psd<- 10Sep30 02:34:39.43,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->1<- 10Sep30 02:34:39.53,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep30 02:34:39.63,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep30 02:34:39.73,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep30 02:34:39.87,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0120009.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0120009.dat can be opened 10Sep30 02:34:40.09,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep30 02:34:58.49,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 Data file version is 04 Version 3 header close(): ASGFile not valid glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep30 02:35:12.43,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep30 02:35:12.64,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep30 02:35:12.75,N,retval = 0 10Sep30 02:35:44.61,N,glcheck: 438288 bytes free, 24 blocks free, 37832 bytes alloc, 1983 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 02:35:44.77,N,Open files 10Sep30 02:35:44.84,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep30 02:35:44.94,N,pin = 61, pin err = 0, comm = 39 10Sep30 02:35:45.04,N,ARS>> # sleep 10 seconds sleep time=10 type=0 time = 10, type = 0 10Sep30 02:35:45.36,H,ARS_OK 10Sep30 02:35:45.43,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285814145, sleeping until 1285814155 with 0 big sleeps... 10Sep30 02:35:45.60,D,Comm ports closed prior to sleeping 10Sep30 02:35:45.70,D,Console port cleared and RTS asserted low 10Sep30 02:35:45.81,D,pin 23 set high 10Sep30 02:35:45.89,D,pin 24 set low 10Sep30 02:35:45.96,D,pin 25 read 10Sep30 02:35:46.04,D,pin 26 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 02:35:46.12,D,pin 27 set low 10Sep30 02:35:46.20,D,pin 28 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 02:35:46.28,D,pin 29 set high 10Sep30 02:35:46.36,D,pin 31 set high 10Sep30 02:35:46.44,D,pin 32 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 02:35:46.52,D,pin 33 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 02:35:46.61,D,pin 34 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 02:35:46.69,D,pin 35 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 02:35:46.77,D,pin 36 mirrored (-1) 10Sep30 02:35:46.86,D,pin 37 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 02:35:46.94,D,pins are set for low power 10Sep30 02:35:47.03,D,interrupt handlers installed 10Sep30 02:35:47.13,D,serial drivers, CF and TPU states set 10Sep30 02:35:47.23,D,dog stroked 10Sep30 02:35:47.34,D,low speed set 10Sep30 02:35:47.95,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285814147, sleeping until 1285814155 for remainder sleep... 10Sep30 02:35:56.64,D,done with sleeps, dog stroked 10Sep30 02:35:57.24,D,handlers and peripheral states restored 10Sep30 02:35:57.36,D,...exiting lpStopUntil normally 10Sep30 02:35:57.46,N,Open files 10Sep30 02:35:57.65,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep30 02:35:57.74,N,pin = 61, pin err = 0, comm = 39 10Sep30 02:35:57.84,N,ARS>> # LOW BAND: get samples for 3600 sec (1 hour) @ 4000 Hz sample time=3600 chans=2 rate=4000 time=3600, rate=4000, chans=2, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep30 02:36:29.71,N,glcheck: 438288 bytes free, 24 blocks free, 37832 bytes alloc, 1983 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 02:36:29.87,D,Entering sample for 3600 secs, 4000 rate and 2 chans 10Sep30 02:36:29.99,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep30 02:36:30.19,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep30 02:36:50.29,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep30 02:36:50.43,D,Free disk space = -186384384 10Sep30 02:36:50.52,N,Not using PicoZOOM 10Sep30 02:36:50.66,N,Opened c:\r0120010.dat for data collection 10Sep30 02:36:50.76,D,Writing out header to c:\r0120010.dat 10Sep30 02:36:51.01,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep30 02:36:51.09,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep30 02:36:51.18,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep30 02:36:51.33,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep30 02:36:54.86,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3925:2:36:57 10Sep30 02:36:57.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285814217 41 10Sep30 02:36:57.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00102496 seconds 10Sep30 03:37:00.27,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3925:3:37:2 10Sep30 03:37:01.97,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285817821 39192 10Sep30 03:37:02.08,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.0202 seconds 10Sep30 03:37:02.29,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 1040 10Sep30 03:37:02.53,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep30 03:37:02.63,D,Stats: samples = 14400004, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 3.6e+03, measured rate = 4000.00 10Sep30 03:37:02.80,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00102496, After Sample = -0.0202 10Sep30 03:37:02.93,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep30 03:37:03.00,D,[0]=1 10Sep30 03:37:03.08,D,[4096]=7031 10Sep30 03:37:03.15,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep30 03:37:03.25,D,Leaving sample 10Sep30 03:37:34.65,N,glcheck: 438672 bytes free, 8 blocks free, 37832 bytes alloc, 1983 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 03:37:34.81,N,Open files 10Sep30 03:37:34.88,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep30 03:37:34.98,N,pin = 61, pin err = 0, comm = 39 10Sep30 03:37:35.08,N,ARS>> # do PSD on 16 blocks (16*4096/4000 = 16.384 sec) psd chan=2 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=2, infile=c:\r0120010.dat, outfile=c:\r0120010.psd 10Sep30 03:37:35.38,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep30 03:38:06.81,N,glcheck: 438672 bytes free, 8 blocks free, 37832 bytes alloc, 1983 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 03:38:06.97,N,Starting assignments 10Sep30 03:38:07.26,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0120010.dat 10Sep30 03:38:07.76,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0120010.psd 10Sep30 03:38:08.12,N,stmp1 = channel=2 10Sep30 03:38:08.47,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep30 03:38:08.82,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep30 03:38:09.16,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep30 03:38:09.25,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep30 03:38:09.33,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep30 03:38:09.41,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0120010.dat<- 10Sep30 03:38:09.53,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0120010.psd<- 10Sep30 03:38:09.65,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->2<- 10Sep30 03:38:09.75,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep30 03:38:09.85,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep30 03:38:09.94,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep30 03:38:10.09,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0120010.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0120010.dat can be opened 10Sep30 03:38:10.32,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep30 03:38:28.73,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 Data file version is 04 Version 3 header close(): ASGFile not valid glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep30 03:38:42.67,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep30 03:38:42.88,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep30 03:38:42.99,N,retval = 0 10Sep30 03:39:14.96,N,glcheck: 438028 bytes free, 26 blocks free, 37900 bytes alloc, 1989 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 03:39:15.12,N,Open files 10Sep30 03:39:15.20,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep30 03:39:15.29,N,pin = 61, pin err = 0, comm = 39 10Sep30 03:39:15.39,N,ARS>> # sleep 20 sec = 1 minutes sleep time=20 type=0 time = 20, type = 0 10Sep30 03:39:15.61,H,ARS_OK 10Sep30 03:39:15.68,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285817955, sleeping until 1285817975 with 1 big sleeps... 10Sep30 03:39:15.86,D,Comm ports closed prior to sleeping 10Sep30 03:39:16.09,D,Console port cleared and RTS asserted low 10Sep30 03:39:16.20,D,pin 23 set high 10Sep30 03:39:16.27,D,pin 24 set low 10Sep30 03:39:16.35,D,pin 25 read 10Sep30 03:39:16.43,D,pin 26 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 03:39:16.51,D,pin 27 set low 10Sep30 03:39:16.59,D,pin 28 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 03:39:16.67,D,pin 29 set high 10Sep30 03:39:16.75,D,pin 31 set high 10Sep30 03:39:16.83,D,pin 32 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 03:39:16.91,D,pin 33 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 03:39:17.00,D,pin 34 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 03:39:17.08,D,pin 35 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 03:39:17.16,D,pin 36 mirrored (-1) 10Sep30 03:39:17.25,D,pin 37 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 03:39:17.33,D,pins are set for low power 10Sep30 03:39:17.42,D,interrupt handlers installed 10Sep30 03:39:17.52,D,serial drivers, CF and TPU states set 10Sep30 03:39:17.62,D,dog stroked 10Sep30 03:39:17.73,D,low speed set 10Sep30 03:39:18.34,D,PIT set 10Sep30 03:39:31.45,D,awake from big sleep, dog stroked 10Sep30 03:39:32.09,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285817972, sleeping until 1285817975 for remainder sleep... 10Sep30 03:39:35.75,D,done with sleeps, dog stroked 10Sep30 03:39:36.36,D,handlers and peripheral states restored 10Sep30 03:39:36.48,D,...exiting lpStopUntil normally 10Sep30 03:39:36.57,N,Open files 10Sep30 03:39:36.65,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep30 03:39:36.74,N,pin = 61, pin err = 0, comm = 39 10Sep30 03:39:36.97,N,ARS>> # repeat this cycle loop Looping to top of file 10Sep30 03:39:37.17,N,Open files 10Sep30 03:39:37.24,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep30 03:39:37.34,N,pin = 61, pin err = 0, comm = 39 10Sep30 03:39:37.44,N,ARS>> # ardive.ars # ---------- # edited 201009261153L Bruce Howe # # HIGH BAND: get samples for 240 sec @ 64000Hz sample time=240 chans=1 rate=64000 time=240, rate=64000, chans=1, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep30 03:40:09.60,N,glcheck: 438028 bytes free, 26 blocks free, 37900 bytes alloc, 1989 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 03:40:09.76,D,Entering sample for 240 secs, 64000 rate and 1 chans 10Sep30 03:40:09.88,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep30 03:40:10.08,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep30 03:40:30.18,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep30 03:40:30.32,D,Free disk space = -215252992 10Sep30 03:40:30.41,N,Using PicoZOOM 10Sep30 03:40:30.58,N,Opened c:\r0120011.dat for data collection 10Sep30 03:40:30.69,D,Writing out header to c:\r0120011.dat 10Sep30 03:40:30.90,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep30 03:40:31.01,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep30 03:40:31.09,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep30 03:40:31.34,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep30 03:40:35.00,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3925:3:40:37 10Sep30 03:40:37.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285818037 42 10Sep30 03:40:37.08,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00105 seconds 10Sep30 03:44:39.98,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3925:3:44:42 10Sep30 03:44:41.99,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285818281 39833 10Sep30 03:44:42.08,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.00417495 seconds 10Sep30 03:44:42.29,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 1360 10Sep30 03:44:42.51,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep30 03:44:42.59,D,Stats: samples = 15360676, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 2.4e+02, measured rate = 63999.92 10Sep30 03:44:42.77,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00105, After Sample = -0.00417495 10Sep30 03:44:42.89,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep30 03:44:42.97,D,[0]=1 10Sep30 03:44:43.04,D,[4096]=7476 10Sep30 03:44:43.11,D,[12288]=8 10Sep30 03:44:43.19,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep30 03:44:43.28,D,Leaving sample 10Sep30 03:45:14.78,N,glcheck: 438436 bytes free, 9 blocks free, 37900 bytes alloc, 1989 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 03:45:14.95,N,Open files 10Sep30 03:45:15.02,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep30 03:45:15.12,N,pin = 61, pin err = 0, comm = 39 10Sep30 03:45:15.22,N,ARS>> # do psd on 1st 16 blocks (16*4096/64000 = 1.024 sec of data) psd chan=1 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=1, infile=c:\r0120011.dat, outfile=c:\r0120011.psd 10Sep30 03:45:15.53,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep30 03:45:47.20,N,glcheck: 438436 bytes free, 9 blocks free, 37900 bytes alloc, 1989 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 03:45:47.36,N,Starting assignments 10Sep30 03:45:47.65,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0120011.dat 10Sep30 03:45:48.02,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0120011.psd 10Sep30 03:45:48.38,N,stmp1 = channel=1 10Sep30 03:45:48.73,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep30 03:45:49.07,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep30 03:45:49.41,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep30 03:45:49.50,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep30 03:45:49.59,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep30 03:45:49.66,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0120011.dat<- 10Sep30 03:45:49.78,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0120011.psd<- 10Sep30 03:45:49.90,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->1<- 10Sep30 03:45:50.00,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep30 03:45:50.10,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep30 03:45:50.20,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep30 03:45:50.35,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0120011.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0120011.dat can be opened 10Sep30 03:45:50.61,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep30 03:46:09.03,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 Data file version is 04 Version 3 header close(): ASGFile not valid glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep30 03:46:23.08,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep30 03:46:23.29,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep30 03:46:23.40,N,retval = 0 10Sep30 03:46:55.44,N,glcheck: 437832 bytes free, 24 blocks free, 38000 bytes alloc, 1995 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 03:46:55.61,N,Open files 10Sep30 03:46:55.68,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep30 03:46:55.78,N,pin = 61, pin err = 0, comm = 39 10Sep30 03:46:55.88,N,ARS>> # sleep 10 seconds sleep time=10 type=0 time = 10, type = 0 10Sep30 03:46:56.20,H,ARS_OK 10Sep30 03:46:56.27,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285818416, sleeping until 1285818426 with 0 big sleeps... 10Sep30 03:46:56.44,D,Comm ports closed prior to sleeping 10Sep30 03:46:56.54,D,Console port cleared and RTS asserted low 10Sep30 03:46:56.65,D,pin 23 set high 10Sep30 03:46:56.73,D,pin 24 set low 10Sep30 03:46:56.81,D,pin 25 read 10Sep30 03:46:56.88,D,pin 26 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 03:46:56.96,D,pin 27 set low 10Sep30 03:46:57.04,D,pin 28 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 03:46:57.13,D,pin 29 set high 10Sep30 03:46:57.20,D,pin 31 set high 10Sep30 03:46:57.28,D,pin 32 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 03:46:57.37,D,pin 33 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 03:46:57.45,D,pin 34 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 03:46:57.53,D,pin 35 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 03:46:57.62,D,pin 36 mirrored (-1) 10Sep30 03:46:57.70,D,pin 37 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 03:46:57.79,D,pins are set for low power 10Sep30 03:46:57.88,D,interrupt handlers installed 10Sep30 03:46:57.97,D,serial drivers, CF and TPU states set 10Sep30 03:46:58.08,D,dog stroked 10Sep30 03:46:58.19,D,low speed set 10Sep30 03:46:58.77,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285818418, sleeping until 1285818426 for remainder sleep... 10Sep30 03:47:07.41,D,done with sleeps, dog stroked 10Sep30 03:47:08.02,D,handlers and peripheral states restored 10Sep30 03:47:08.14,D,...exiting lpStopUntil normally 10Sep30 03:47:08.24,N,Open files 10Sep30 03:47:08.42,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep30 03:47:08.52,N,pin = 61, pin err = 0, comm = 39 10Sep30 03:47:08.62,N,ARS>> # LOW BAND: get samples for 3600 sec (1 hour) @ 4000 Hz sample time=3600 chans=2 rate=4000 time=3600, rate=4000, chans=2, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep30 03:47:40.69,N,glcheck: 437832 bytes free, 24 blocks free, 38000 bytes alloc, 1995 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 03:47:40.86,D,Entering sample for 3600 secs, 4000 rate and 2 chans 10Sep30 03:47:40.98,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep30 03:47:41.18,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep30 03:48:01.28,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep30 03:48:01.42,D,Free disk space = -246022144 10Sep30 03:48:01.51,N,Not using PicoZOOM 10Sep30 03:48:01.65,N,Opened c:\r0120012.dat for data collection 10Sep30 03:48:01.76,D,Writing out header to c:\r0120012.dat 10Sep30 03:48:02.00,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep30 03:48:02.09,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep30 03:48:02.18,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep30 03:48:02.32,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep30 03:48:06.34,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3925:3:48:8 10Sep30 03:48:08.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285818488 42 10Sep30 03:48:08.10,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00105 seconds 10Sep30 04:48:11.74,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3925:4:48:14 10Sep30 04:48:13.98,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285822093 39409 10Sep30 04:48:14.08,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.014775 seconds 10Sep30 04:48:14.30,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 1040 10Sep30 04:48:14.54,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep30 04:48:14.64,D,Stats: samples = 14400004, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 3.6e+03, measured rate = 4000.00 10Sep30 04:48:14.81,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00105, After Sample = -0.014775 10Sep30 04:48:14.94,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep30 04:48:15.02,D,[0]=1 10Sep30 04:48:15.08,D,[4096]=7031 10Sep30 04:48:15.16,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep30 04:48:15.26,D,Leaving sample 10Sep30 04:48:46.87,N,glcheck: 438192 bytes free, 9 blocks free, 38000 bytes alloc, 1995 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 04:48:47.03,N,Open files 10Sep30 04:48:47.11,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep30 04:48:47.20,N,pin = 61, pin err = 0, comm = 39 10Sep30 04:48:47.30,N,ARS>> # do PSD on 16 blocks (16*4096/4000 = 16.384 sec) psd chan=2 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=2, infile=c:\r0120012.dat, outfile=c:\r0120012.psd 10Sep30 04:48:47.61,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep30 04:49:19.23,N,glcheck: 438192 bytes free, 9 blocks free, 38000 bytes alloc, 1995 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 04:49:19.40,N,Starting assignments 10Sep30 04:49:19.68,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0120012.dat 10Sep30 04:49:20.05,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0120012.psd 10Sep30 04:49:20.42,N,stmp1 = channel=2 10Sep30 04:49:20.76,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep30 04:49:21.24,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep30 04:49:21.58,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep30 04:49:21.67,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep30 04:49:21.76,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep30 04:49:21.84,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0120012.dat<- 10Sep30 04:49:21.96,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0120012.psd<- 10Sep30 04:49:22.08,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->2<- 10Sep30 04:49:22.17,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep30 04:49:22.28,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep30 04:49:22.37,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep30 04:49:22.53,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0120012.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0120012.dat can be opened 10Sep30 04:49:22.79,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep30 04:49:41.21,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 Data file version is 04 Version 3 header close(): ASGFile not valid glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep30 04:49:55.31,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep30 04:49:55.52,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep30 04:49:55.62,N,retval = 0 10Sep30 04:50:27.78,N,glcheck: 437536 bytes free, 26 blocks free, 38104 bytes alloc, 2001 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 04:50:27.95,N,Open files 10Sep30 04:50:28.02,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep30 04:50:28.12,N,pin = 61, pin err = 0, comm = 39 10Sep30 04:50:28.21,N,ARS>> # sleep 20 sec = 1 minutes sleep time=20 type=0 time = 20, type = 0 10Sep30 04:50:28.43,H,ARS_OK 10Sep30 04:50:28.50,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285822228, sleeping until 1285822248 with 1 big sleeps... 10Sep30 04:50:28.67,D,Comm ports closed prior to sleeping 10Sep30 04:50:28.78,D,Console port cleared and RTS asserted low 10Sep30 04:50:28.89,D,pin 23 set high 10Sep30 04:50:29.08,D,pin 24 set low 10Sep30 04:50:29.15,D,pin 25 read 10Sep30 04:50:29.23,D,pin 26 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 04:50:29.31,D,pin 27 set low 10Sep30 04:50:29.39,D,pin 28 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 04:50:29.47,D,pin 29 set high 10Sep30 04:50:29.55,D,pin 31 set high 10Sep30 04:50:29.63,D,pin 32 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 04:50:29.72,D,pin 33 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 04:50:29.80,D,pin 34 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 04:50:29.88,D,pin 35 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 04:50:29.97,D,pin 36 mirrored (-1) 10Sep30 04:50:30.05,D,pin 37 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 04:50:30.14,D,pins are set for low power 10Sep30 04:50:30.23,D,interrupt handlers installed 10Sep30 04:50:30.32,D,serial drivers, CF and TPU states set 10Sep30 04:50:30.42,D,dog stroked 10Sep30 04:50:30.54,D,low speed set 10Sep30 04:50:31.12,D,PIT set 10Sep30 04:50:44.21,D,awake from big sleep, dog stroked 10Sep30 04:50:44.80,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285822244, sleeping until 1285822248 for remainder sleep... 10Sep30 04:50:49.49,D,done with sleeps, dog stroked 10Sep30 04:50:50.10,D,handlers and peripheral states restored 10Sep30 04:50:50.22,D,...exiting lpStopUntil normally 10Sep30 04:50:50.32,N,Open files 10Sep30 04:50:50.39,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep30 04:50:50.49,N,pin = 61, pin err = 0, comm = 39 10Sep30 04:50:50.59,N,ARS>> # repeat this cycle loop Looping to top of file 10Sep30 04:50:50.90,N,Open files 10Sep30 04:50:50.97,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep30 04:50:51.07,N,pin = 61, pin err = 0, comm = 39 10Sep30 04:50:51.17,N,ARS>> # ardive.ars # ---------- # edited 201009261153L Bruce Howe # # HIGH BAND: get samples for 240 sec @ 64000Hz sample time=240 chans=1 rate=64000 time=240, rate=64000, chans=1, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep30 04:51:23.52,N,glcheck: 437536 bytes free, 26 blocks free, 38104 bytes alloc, 2001 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 04:51:23.68,D,Entering sample for 240 secs, 64000 rate and 1 chans 10Sep30 04:51:23.80,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep30 04:51:24.00,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep30 04:51:44.10,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep30 04:51:44.24,D,Free disk space = -274890752 10Sep30 04:51:44.33,N,Using PicoZOOM 10Sep30 04:51:44.50,N,Opened c:\r0120013.dat for data collection 10Sep30 04:51:44.61,D,Writing out header to c:\r0120013.dat 10Sep30 04:51:44.85,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep30 04:51:44.98,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep30 04:51:45.06,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep30 04:51:45.19,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep30 04:51:48.15,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3925:4:51:50 10Sep30 04:51:50.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285822310 42 10Sep30 04:51:50.20,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00105 seconds 10Sep30 04:55:53.12,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3925:4:55:55 10Sep30 04:55:54.99,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285822554 39880 10Sep30 04:55:55.08,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.00300002 seconds 10Sep30 04:55:55.29,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 4128 10Sep30 04:55:55.50,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep30 04:55:55.59,D,Stats: samples = 15360012, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 2.4e+02, measured rate = 63999.93 10Sep30 04:55:55.76,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00105, After Sample = -0.00300002 10Sep30 04:55:55.89,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep30 04:55:56.11,D,[4096]=7476 10Sep30 04:55:56.18,D,[12288]=8 10Sep30 04:55:56.26,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep30 04:55:56.35,D,Leaving sample 10Sep30 04:56:28.03,N,glcheck: 437968 bytes free, 8 blocks free, 38104 bytes alloc, 2001 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 04:56:28.19,N,Open files 10Sep30 04:56:28.26,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep30 04:56:28.36,N,pin = 61, pin err = 0, comm = 39 10Sep30 04:56:28.46,N,ARS>> # do psd on 1st 16 blocks (16*4096/64000 = 1.024 sec of data) psd chan=1 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=1, infile=c:\r0120013.dat, outfile=c:\r0120013.psd 10Sep30 04:56:28.77,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep30 04:57:00.49,N,glcheck: 437968 bytes free, 8 blocks free, 38104 bytes alloc, 2001 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 04:57:00.66,N,Starting assignments 10Sep30 04:57:00.94,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0120013.dat 10Sep30 04:57:01.31,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0120013.psd 10Sep30 04:57:01.68,N,stmp1 = channel=1 10Sep30 04:57:02.02,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep30 04:57:02.37,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep30 04:57:02.71,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep30 04:57:02.80,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep30 04:57:02.88,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep30 04:57:02.96,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0120013.dat<- 10Sep30 04:57:03.08,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0120013.psd<- 10Sep30 04:57:03.20,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->1<- 10Sep30 04:57:03.30,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep30 04:57:03.40,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep30 04:57:03.50,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep30 04:57:03.79,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0120013.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0120013.dat can be opened 10Sep30 04:57:04.05,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep30 04:57:22.46,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 Data file version is 04 Version 3 header close(): ASGFile not valid glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep30 04:57:36.44,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep30 04:57:36.65,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep30 04:57:36.76,N,retval = 0 10Sep30 04:58:08.98,N,glcheck: 437312 bytes free, 24 blocks free, 38232 bytes alloc, 2007 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 04:58:09.14,N,Open files 10Sep30 04:58:09.21,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep30 04:58:09.31,N,pin = 61, pin err = 0, comm = 39 10Sep30 04:58:09.41,N,ARS>> # sleep 10 seconds sleep time=10 type=0 time = 10, type = 0 10Sep30 04:58:09.61,H,ARS_OK 10Sep30 04:58:09.69,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285822689, sleeping until 1285822699 with 0 big sleeps... 10Sep30 04:58:09.86,D,Comm ports closed prior to sleeping 10Sep30 04:58:09.96,D,Console port cleared and RTS asserted low 10Sep30 04:58:10.07,D,pin 23 set high 10Sep30 04:58:10.14,D,pin 24 set low 10Sep30 04:58:10.22,D,pin 25 read 10Sep30 04:58:10.30,D,pin 26 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 04:58:10.38,D,pin 27 set low 10Sep30 04:58:10.46,D,pin 28 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 04:58:10.54,D,pin 29 set high 10Sep30 04:58:10.62,D,pin 31 set high 10Sep30 04:58:10.70,D,pin 32 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 04:58:10.78,D,pin 33 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 04:58:10.87,D,pin 34 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 04:58:10.95,D,pin 35 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 04:58:11.03,D,pin 36 mirrored (-1) 10Sep30 04:58:11.25,D,pin 37 mirrored (0) 10Sep30 04:58:11.34,D,pins are set for low power 10Sep30 04:58:11.43,D,interrupt handlers installed 10Sep30 04:58:11.52,D,serial drivers, CF and TPU states set 10Sep30 04:58:11.63,D,dog stroked 10Sep30 04:58:11.74,D,low speed set 10Sep30 04:58:12.32,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285822692, sleeping until 1285822699 for remainder sleep... 10Sep30 04:58:20.01,D,done with sleeps, dog stroked 10Sep30 04:58:20.61,D,handlers and peripheral states restored 10Sep30 04:58:20.73,D,...exiting lpStopUntil normally 10Sep30 04:58:20.83,N,Open files 10Sep30 04:58:20.90,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep30 04:58:21.00,N,pin = 61, pin err = 0, comm = 39 10Sep30 04:58:21.10,N,ARS>> # LOW BAND: get samples for 3600 sec (1 hour) @ 4000 Hz sample time=3600 chans=2 rate=4000 time=3600, rate=4000, chans=2, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep30 04:58:53.36,N,glcheck: 437312 bytes free, 24 blocks free, 38232 bytes alloc, 2007 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 04:58:53.53,D,Entering sample for 3600 secs, 4000 rate and 2 chans 10Sep30 04:58:53.64,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep30 04:58:53.85,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep30 04:59:13.94,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep30 04:59:14.14,D,Free disk space = -305692672 10Sep30 04:59:14.23,N,Not using PicoZOOM 10Sep30 04:59:14.37,N,Opened c:\r0120014.dat for data collection 10Sep30 04:59:14.49,D,Writing out header to c:\r0120014.dat 10Sep30 04:59:14.84,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep30 04:59:14.94,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep30 04:59:15.04,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep30 04:59:15.18,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep30 04:59:17.79,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3925:4:59:20 10Sep30 04:59:20.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285822760 42 10Sep30 04:59:20.10,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00105 seconds 10Sep30 05:07:59.58,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3925:5:8:2 10Sep30 05:08:01.99,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285823281 39898 10Sep30 05:08:02.10,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.00254989 seconds 10Sep30 05:08:02.32,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 64 10Sep30 05:08:02.52,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep30 05:08:02.61,D,Stats: samples = 2066460, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 5.2e+02, measured rate = 3999.98 10Sep30 05:08:02.79,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00105, After Sample = -0.00254989 10Sep30 05:08:02.92,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep30 05:08:03.00,D,[0]=1 10Sep30 05:08:03.08,D,[4096]=1009 10Sep30 05:08:03.16,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel due to host alert 10Sep30 05:08:03.27,D,Leaving sample 10Sep30 05:08:34.99,N,glcheck: 437696 bytes free, 8 blocks free, 38232 bytes alloc, 2007 blocks alloc, 10Sep30 05:08:35.27,N,Host Listen 10Sep30 05:08:35.35,N,Entering Host Listen State... 10Sep30 05:08:35.45,H,ARS_OK 10Sep30 05:08:35.52,N,pin = 62, pin err = 0, comm = 40 10Sep30 05:08:35.62,N,ARS>> ARS_OK 10Sep30 05:08:35.73,H,ARS_OK 10Sep30 05:08:35.81,H,ARS_OK 10Sep30 05:08:35.90,N,divefinish 10Sep30 05:08:35.98,H,ARS_OK 10Sep30 05:08:36.10,D,Executing [rename C:\ARS.LOG c:\tmp.log]