87Apr13 07:20:32.88,N,Compressing c:\tmp.log to c:\ar0101lz.x... 87Apr13 07:20:49.24,N,Executing script [C:\ARENDIVE.ARS] 87Apr13 07:20:49.34,N,Open files 87Apr13 07:20:49.40,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 87Apr13 07:20:49.49,N,pin = 3, pin err = 0, comm = 2 87Apr13 07:20:49.57,N,Open files 87Apr13 07:20:49.63,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 87Apr13 07:20:49.72,N,pin = 3, pin err = 0, comm = 2 87Apr13 07:20:49.80,N,ARS>> #arendive.ars tarcompress remove=2 Extension buffer [PSD,OTO] 87Apr13 07:20:50.05,D,Parsed ext [PSD] 87Apr13 07:20:50.23,D,Parsed ext [OTO] 87Apr13 07:20:50.30,D,total extensions = 2 87Apr13 07:20:50.38,N,Adding R0101001.PSD to c:\ar0101.tar 87Apr13 07:20:50.76,N,Adding R0101015.PSD to c:\ar0101.tar 87Apr13 07:20:51.11,N,Adding R0101002.PSD to c:\ar0101.tar 87Apr13 07:20:51.44,N,Adding R0101003.PSD to c:\ar0101.tar 87Apr13 07:20:51.77,N,Adding R0101016.PSD to c:\ar0101.tar 87Apr13 07:20:52.30,N,Adding R0101004.PSD to c:\ar0101.tar 87Apr13 07:20:52.65,N,Adding R0101005.PSD to c:\ar0101.tar 87Apr13 07:20:52.99,N,Adding R0101017.PSD to c:\ar0101.tar 87Apr13 07:20:53.39,N,Adding R0101006.PSD to c:\ar0101.tar 87Apr13 07:20:53.73,N,Adding R0101007.PSD to c:\ar0101.tar 87Apr13 07:20:54.24,N,Adding R0101018.PSD to c:\ar0101.tar 87Apr13 07:20:54.59,N,Adding R0101008.PSD to c:\ar0101.tar 87Apr13 07:20:54.92,N,Adding R0101009.PSD to c:\ar0101.tar 87Apr13 07:20:55.27,N,Adding R0101019.PSD to c:\ar0101.tar 87Apr13 07:20:55.63,N,Adding R0101010.PSD to c:\ar0101.tar 87Apr13 07:20:55.99,N,Adding R0101011.PSD to c:\ar0101.tar 87Apr13 07:20:56.33,N,Adding R0101020.PSD to c:\ar0101.tar 87Apr13 07:20:56.82,N,Adding R0101012.PSD to c:\ar0101.tar 87Apr13 07:20:57.17,N,Adding R0101013.PSD to c:\ar0101.tar 87Apr13 07:20:57.57,N,Adding R0101021.PSD to c:\ar0101.tar 87Apr13 07:20:57.93,N,Adding R0101022.PSD to c:\ar0101.tar 87Apr13 07:20:58.42,N,Adding R0101023.PSD to c:\ar0101.tar 87Apr13 07:20:58.99,N,Compressing c:\ar0101.tar to c:\ar0101dg.x... 87Apr13 07:21:50.22,N,Open files 87Apr13 07:21:50.28,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 87Apr13 07:21:50.37,N,pin = 3, pin err = 0, comm = 2 87Apr13 07:21:50.45,N,ARS>> movefiles thisdive=1 maxbytes=087Apr13 07:21:52.33,D,Files to copy 87Apr13 07:21:52.40,D,0000 - [R0101015.DAT] 87Apr13 07:21:52.47,D,0001 - [R0101016.DAT] 87Apr13 07:21:52.55,D,0002 - [R0101017.DAT] 87Apr13 07:21:52.62,D,0003 - [R0101018.DAT] 87Apr13 07:21:52.70,D,0004 - [R0101019.DAT] 87Apr13 07:21:52.77,D,0005 - [R0101020.DAT] 87Apr13 07:21:52.85,D,0006 - [R0101021.DAT] 87Apr13 07:21:52.92,D,0007 - [R0101022.DAT] 87Apr13 07:21:53.00,D,0008 - [R0101023.DAT] 87Apr13 07:21:53.07,D,0009 - [R0101024.DAT] 87Apr13 07:21:53.15,D,Powering up BI... 87Apr13 07:21:57.12,N,power_up_bi = 1 87Apr13 07:21:57.20,D,Dive num = 101, file = R0101015.DAT 87Apr13 07:21:57.32,N,power_up_bi = 2 87Apr13 07:21:57.55,D,Opening d:\dive0101\R0101015.DAT for writing 87Apr13 07:21:57.68,D,Opening R0101015.DAT for reading 87Apr13 07:21:57.77,N,Writing file d:\dive0101\R0101015.DAT...done. 15368192 bytes 63.342876.2 secs 242619.109375.2 bytes/sec 87Apr13 07:22:22.23,N,power_down_bi = 1 87Apr13 07:22:22.30,N,Removing file R0101015.DAT...done. 87Apr13 07:22:27.98,D,Dive num = 101, file = R0101016.DAT 87Apr13 07:22:28.20,N,power_up_bi = 2 87Apr13 07:22:28.30,D,Opening d:\dive0101\R0101016.DAT for writing 87Apr13 07:22:28.42,D,Opening R0101016.DAT for reading 87Apr13 07:22:28.52,N,Writing file d:\dive0101\R0101016.DAT...WARNING - host interrupted 87Apr13 07:22:42.81,N,power_down_bi = 1 87Apr13 07:22:42.88,N,WARNING - host called us during copy file R0101016.DAT, leaving file on flash 87Apr13 07:22:43.01,D,Powering down BI... 87Apr13 07:22:43.48,N,power_down_bi = 0 87Apr13 07:22:43.69,N,Open files 87Apr13 07:22:43.75,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 87Apr13 07:22:43.83,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 87Apr13 07:22:43.92,N,ARS>> Open files 87Apr13 07:22:44.00,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 87Apr13 07:22:44.09,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 87Apr13 07:22:44.17,N,Finished with script [C:\ARENDIVE.ARS] 87Apr13 07:22:44.26,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 87Apr13 07:22:44.35,N,ARS>> ARS_OK 87Apr13 07:22:45.43,N,set 87Apr13 07:22:45.50,H,DIVENUM=101 87Apr13 07:22:45.60,H,SAMPLENUM=24 87Apr13 07:22:45.70,H,OUTLEVEL=2 87Apr13 07:22:45.80,H,LOGFILE=C:\ARS.LOG 87Apr13 07:22:45.91,H,FGSLOPE=0.0033 87Apr13 07:22:46.01,H,FGYINT=-0.045 87Apr13 07:22:46.11,H,FORCETOHOST=0 87Apr13 07:22:46.21,H,WARMUP=20 87Apr13 07:22:46.30,H,UPLOADEXTS=PSD,OTO 87Apr13 07:22:46.41,H,HEAPDBG=0 87Apr13 07:22:46.50,H,ARSMODEL=3 87Apr13 07:22:46.60,H,ARSSERIAL=5 87Apr13 07:22:46.70,H,ARSCH1GAIN=200 87Apr13 07:22:46.80,H,ARSCH2GAIN=200 87Apr13 07:22:46.90,H,ARSCH1FLT=30000 87Apr13 07:22:47.01,H,ARSCH2FLT=1200 87Apr13 07:22:47.11,H,FGCLKCORR=0.940588 87Apr13 07:22:47.22,H,CHKOPENFILES=1 87Apr13 07:22:47.32,H,EPOCHTS=0 87Apr13 07:22:47.40,H,ARS_OK 87Apr13 07:22:47.46,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 87Apr13 07:22:47.55,N,ARS>> reportdisk 87Apr13 07:22:47.64,H,CDRIVE_FREE=8307605504 87Apr13 07:22:47.73,H,CDRIVE_SIZE=8453062656 87Apr13 07:22:47.82,D,Powering up BI... 87Apr13 07:22:51.82,N,power_up_bi = 1 87Apr13 07:22:51.89,H,DDRIVE_FREE=55930945536 87Apr13 07:22:52.12,H,DDRIVE_SIZE=59996930048 87Apr13 07:22:52.21,D,Powering down BI... 87Apr13 07:22:52.70,N,power_down_bi = 0 87Apr13 07:22:52.77,H,ARS_OK 87Apr13 07:22:52.83,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 87Apr13 07:22:52.92,N,ARS>> ARS_OK 87Apr13 07:24:00.40,N,clock set=rtc read=manual date=09/24/2010 time=13:20:15 sync=2 10Sep24 13:20:15.00,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 13:20:15.06,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 13:20:15.15,N,ARS>> clock read=rtc set=seascan 10Sep24 13:20:18.69,D,SEASCAN: unlock successful n = 4, resp = :10Sep24 13:20:22.29,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 13:20:22.36,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 13:20:22.45,N,ARS>> ARS_OK 10Sep24 13:21:03.13,N,luf 10Sep24 13:21:03.20,H,ar0101dg.x,ar0101lz.x,ARS_OK 10Sep24 13:21:03.36,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 13:21:03.44,N,ARS>> kermit send=ar0101dg.x 10Sep24 13:21:22.09,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 13:21:22.18,N,ARS>> kermit send=ar0101lz.x 10Sep24 13:21:38.92,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 13:21:39.00,N,ARS>> duf 10Sep24 13:21:39.30,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 13:21:39.37,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 13:21:39.46,N,ARS>> ARS_OK 10Sep24 13:40:00.32,N,kermit 10Sep24 13:40:02.35,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 13:40:02.46,N,ARS>> postdownload 10Sep24 13:40:02.75,N,Decompressing C:\ARSCRIPT.TGZ to C:\ARSCRIPT.TAR... 10Sep24 13:40:03.26,N,Extracting arapogee.ars (50 bytes) ... 10Sep24 13:40:03.51,N,Extracting arbgdive.ars (288 bytes) ... 10Sep24 13:40:03.74,N,Extracting ardive.ars (534 bytes) ... 10Sep24 13:40:03.97,N,Extracting arendive.ars (66 bytes) ... 10Sep24 13:40:04.27,N,Warning - not enough padding blocks at the end 10Sep24 13:40:04.53,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 13:40:04.59,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 13:40:04.68,N,ARS>> ARS_OK 10Sep24 13:41:44.71,N,set 10Sep24 13:41:44.79,H,DIVENUM=101 10Sep24 13:41:44.89,H,SAMPLENUM=24 10Sep24 13:41:45.00,H,OUTLEVEL=2 10Sep24 13:41:45.10,H,LOGFILE=C:\ARS.LOG 10Sep24 13:41:45.22,H,FGSLOPE=0.0033 10Sep24 13:41:45.33,H,FGYINT=-0.045 10Sep24 13:41:45.44,H,FORCETOHOST=0 10Sep24 13:41:45.55,H,WARMUP=20 10Sep24 13:41:45.65,H,UPLOADEXTS=PSD,OTO 10Sep24 13:41:45.77,H,HEAPDBG=0 10Sep24 13:41:45.87,H,ARSMODEL=3 10Sep24 13:41:45.98,H,ARSSERIAL=5 10Sep24 13:41:46.08,H,ARSCH1GAIN=200 10Sep24 13:41:46.19,H,ARSCH2GAIN=200 10Sep24 13:41:46.30,H,ARSCH1FLT=30000 10Sep24 13:41:46.41,H,ARSCH2FLT=1200 10Sep24 13:41:46.52,H,FGCLKCORR=0.940588 10Sep24 13:41:46.64,H,CHKOPENFILES=1 10Sep24 13:41:46.75,H,EPOCHTS=0 10Sep24 13:41:46.83,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 13:41:46.90,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 13:41:46.99,N,ARS>> reportdisk 10Sep24 13:41:47.21,H,CDRIVE_FREE=8307671040 10Sep24 13:41:47.30,H,CDRIVE_SIZE=8453062656 10Sep24 13:41:47.39,D,Powering up BI... 10Sep24 13:41:51.35,N,power_up_bi = 1 10Sep24 13:41:51.42,H,DDRIVE_FREE=55930945536 10Sep24 13:41:51.51,H,DDRIVE_SIZE=59996930048 10Sep24 13:41:51.60,D,Powering down BI... 10Sep24 13:41:52.04,N,power_down_bi = 0 10Sep24 13:41:52.11,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 13:41:52.17,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 13:41:52.26,N,ARS>> set DIVENUM=102 10Sep24 13:41:54.55,N,DIVENUM=102 10Sep24 13:41:54.64,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 13:41:54.70,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 13:41:54.79,N,ARS>> set SAMPLENUM=0 10Sep24 13:41:55.00,N,SAMPLENUM=0 10Sep24 13:41:55.08,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 13:41:55.14,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 13:41:55.23,N,ARS>> divestart 10Sep24 13:41:55.34,H,NOTIFY_APOGEE,ARS_OK 10Sep24 13:41:55.45,N,Executing script [C:\ARBGDIVE.ARS] 10Sep24 13:41:55.54,N,Open files 10Sep24 13:41:55.61,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep24 13:41:55.70,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 13:41:55.90,N,Open files 10Sep24 13:41:55.97,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep24 13:41:56.06,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 13:41:56.15,N,ARS>> #arbgdive.ars set ARSMODEL=3 10Sep24 13:41:56.28,N,ARSMODEL=3 10Sep24 13:41:56.36,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 13:41:56.43,N,Open files 10Sep24 13:41:56.49,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep24 13:41:56.58,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 13:41:56.67,N,ARS>> set ARSSERIAL=5 10Sep24 13:41:56.77,N,ARSSERIAL=5 10Sep24 13:41:56.86,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 13:41:56.92,N,Open files 10Sep24 13:41:56.99,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep24 13:41:57.07,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 13:41:57.16,N,ARS>> set ARSCH1GAIN=200 10Sep24 13:41:57.27,N,ARSCH1GAIN=200 10Sep24 13:41:57.35,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 13:41:57.42,N,Open files 10Sep24 13:41:57.48,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep24 13:41:57.57,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 13:41:57.66,N,ARS>> set ARSCH2GAIN=200 10Sep24 13:41:57.76,N,ARSCH2GAIN=200 10Sep24 13:41:57.85,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 13:41:58.03,N,Open files 10Sep24 13:41:58.10,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep24 13:41:58.18,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 13:41:58.27,N,ARS>> set ARSCH1FLT=30000 10Sep24 13:41:58.38,N,ARSCH1FLT=30000 10Sep24 13:41:58.46,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 13:41:58.53,N,Open files 10Sep24 13:41:58.59,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep24 13:41:58.68,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 13:41:58.77,N,ARS>> set ARSCH2FLT=1200 10Sep24 13:41:58.88,N,ARSCH2FLT=1200 10Sep24 13:41:58.96,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 13:41:59.03,N,Open files 10Sep24 13:41:59.09,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep24 13:41:59.18,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 13:41:59.27,N,ARS>> set FORCETOHOST=0 10Sep24 13:41:59.37,N,FORCETOHOST=0 10Sep24 13:41:59.46,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 13:41:59.52,N,Open files 10Sep24 13:41:59.59,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep24 13:41:59.67,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 13:41:59.76,N,ARS>> set UPLOADEXTS=PSD,OTO 10Sep24 13:41:59.92,N,UPLOADEXTS=PSD,OTO 10Sep24 13:42:00.01,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 13:42:00.07,N,Open files 10Sep24 13:42:00.14,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep24 13:42:00.35,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 13:42:00.43,N,ARS>> set WARMUP=20 10Sep24 13:42:00.53,N,WARMUP=20 10Sep24 13:42:00.61,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 13:42:00.68,N,Open files 10Sep24 13:42:00.74,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep24 13:42:00.83,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 13:42:00.92,N,ARS>> set OUTLEVEL=2 10Sep24 13:42:01.02,N,OUTLEVEL=2 10Sep24 13:42:01.10,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 13:42:01.16,N,Open files 10Sep24 13:42:01.23,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep24 13:42:01.32,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 13:42:01.41,N,ARS>> set LOGFILE=C:\ARS.LOG 10Sep24 13:42:01.55,N,LOGFILE=C:\ARS.LOG 10Sep24 13:42:01.64,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 13:42:01.70,N,Open files 10Sep24 13:42:01.77,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep24 13:42:01.86,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 13:42:01.94,N,ARS>> set HEAPDBG=0 10Sep24 13:42:02.04,N,HEAPDBG=0 10Sep24 13:42:02.13,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 13:42:02.19,N,Open files 10Sep24 13:42:02.26,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep24 13:42:02.34,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 13:42:02.55,N,ARS>> set FGSLOPE=0.0033 10Sep24 13:42:02.66,N,FGSLOPE=0.0033 10Sep24 13:42:02.74,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 13:42:02.81,N,Open files 10Sep24 13:42:02.87,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep24 13:42:02.96,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 13:42:03.05,N,ARS>> set FGYINT=-0.045 10Sep24 13:42:03.16,N,FGYINT=-0.045 10Sep24 13:42:03.24,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 13:42:03.31,N,Open files 10Sep24 13:42:03.37,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep24 13:42:03.46,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 13:42:03.55,N,ARS>> set FGCLKCORR=0.94058810Sep24 13:42:03.67,N,FGCLKCORR=0.940588 10Sep24 13:42:03.76,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 13:42:03.82,N,Open files 10Sep24 13:42:03.89,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep24 13:42:03.97,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 13:42:04.06,N,ARS>> Open files 10Sep24 13:42:04.15,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep24 13:42:04.24,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 13:42:04.33,N,Finished with script [C:\ARBGDIVE.ARS] 10Sep24 13:42:04.42,N,Auto state 10Sep24 13:42:04.49,N,Entering Auto State... 10Sep24 13:42:04.57,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 13:42:04.75,N,Open files 10Sep24 13:42:04.82,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 13:42:04.91,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 13:42:04.99,N,ARS>> # ardive.ars # edited 201009212046L BMH # HIGH BAND: get samples for 120 sec @ 64000Hz sample time=120 chans=1 rate=64000 time=120, rate=64000, chans=1, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep24 13:42:07.69,N,glcheck: 515784 bytes free, 13 blocks free, 4952 bytes alloc, 135 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 13:42:07.85,D,Entering sample for 120 secs, 64000 rate and 1 chans 10Sep24 13:42:07.96,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep24 13:42:08.16,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep24 13:42:28.24,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep24 13:42:28.37,D,Free disk space = -282263552 10Sep24 13:42:28.46,N,Using PicoZOOM 10Sep24 13:42:28.61,N,Opened c:\r0102001.dat for data collection 10Sep24 13:42:28.71,D,Writing out header to c:\r0102001.dat 10Sep24 13:42:28.91,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep24 13:42:29.02,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep24 13:42:29.10,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep24 13:42:29.23,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep24 13:42:32.27,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:13:42:34 10Sep24 13:42:34.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285335754 41 10Sep24 13:42:34.08,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00102496 seconds 10Sep24 13:44:38.11,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:13:44:40 10Sep24 13:44:39.99,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285335879 39894 10Sep24 13:44:40.08,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.00265002 seconds 10Sep24 13:44:40.29,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 4112 10Sep24 13:44:40.50,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep24 13:44:40.57,D,Stats: samples = 7680004, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 1.2e+02, measured rate = 63999.82 10Sep24 13:44:40.74,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00102496, After Sample = -0.00265002 10Sep24 13:44:40.87,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep24 13:44:40.93,D,[4096]=3734 10Sep24 13:44:41.00,D,[12288]=4 10Sep24 13:44:41.07,D,[16384]=1 10Sep24 13:44:41.13,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep24 13:44:41.22,D,Leaving sample 10Sep24 13:44:43.56,N,glcheck: 515904 bytes free, 8 blocks free, 4952 bytes alloc, 135 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 13:44:43.71,N,Open files 10Sep24 13:44:43.78,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 13:44:43.87,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 13:44:43.95,N,ARS>> # do psd on 1st 16 blocks (16*4096/64000 = 1.024 sec of data) psd chan=1 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=1, infile=c:\r0102001.dat, outfile=c:\r0102001.psd 10Sep24 13:44:44.25,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep24 13:44:46.61,N,glcheck: 515904 bytes free, 8 blocks free, 4952 bytes alloc, 135 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 13:44:46.77,N,Starting assignments 10Sep24 13:44:47.00,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0102001.dat 10Sep24 13:44:47.31,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0102001.psd 10Sep24 13:44:47.61,N,stmp1 = channel=1 10Sep24 13:44:47.90,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep24 13:44:48.30,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep24 13:44:48.58,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep24 13:44:48.66,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep24 13:44:48.74,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep24 13:44:48.81,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102001.dat<- 10Sep24 13:44:48.92,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102001.psd<- 10Sep24 13:44:49.03,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->1<- 10Sep24 13:44:49.12,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep24 13:44:49.22,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep24 13:44:49.31,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep24 13:44:49.43,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102001.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102001.dat can be opened 10Sep24 13:44:49.63,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep24 13:45:07.97,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 Data file version is 04 Version 3 header close(): ASGFile not valid glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep24 13:45:21.81,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep24 13:45:22.01,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep24 13:45:22.11,N,retval = 0 10Sep24 13:45:25.01,N,glcheck: 515236 bytes free, 25 blocks free, 5068 bytes alloc, 141 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 13:45:25.16,N,Open files 10Sep24 13:45:25.23,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 13:45:25.32,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 13:45:25.41,N,ARS>> # sleep 10 sec = 1 minute sleep time=10 type=0 time = 10, type = 0 10Sep24 13:45:25.60,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 13:45:25.66,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285335925, sleeping until 1285335935 with 0 big sleeps... 10Sep24 13:45:25.82,D,Comm ports closed prior to sleeping 10Sep24 13:45:25.92,D,Console port cleared and RTS asserted low 10Sep24 13:45:26.02,D,pin 23 set high 10Sep24 13:45:26.09,D,pin 24 set low 10Sep24 13:45:26.30,D,pin 25 read 10Sep24 13:45:26.36,D,pin 26 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 13:45:26.44,D,pin 27 set low 10Sep24 13:45:26.51,D,pin 28 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 13:45:26.58,D,pin 29 set high 10Sep24 13:45:26.66,D,pin 31 set high 10Sep24 13:45:26.73,D,pin 32 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 13:45:26.81,D,pin 33 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 13:45:26.88,D,pin 34 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 13:45:26.96,D,pin 35 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 13:45:27.03,D,pin 36 mirrored (-1) 10Sep24 13:45:27.11,D,pin 37 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 13:45:27.19,D,pins are set for low power 10Sep24 13:45:27.27,D,interrupt handlers installed 10Sep24 13:45:27.36,D,serial drivers, CF and TPU states set 10Sep24 13:45:27.45,D,dog stroked 10Sep24 13:45:27.56,D,low speed set 10Sep24 13:45:28.14,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285335928, sleeping until 1285335935 for remainder sleep... 10Sep24 13:45:35.75,D,done with sleeps, dog stroked 10Sep24 13:45:36.30,D,handlers and peripheral states restored 10Sep24 13:45:36.42,D,...exiting lpStopUntil normally 10Sep24 13:45:36.50,N,Open files 10Sep24 13:45:36.57,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 13:45:36.66,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 13:45:36.74,N,ARS>> # LOW BAND: get samples for 1800 sec @ 4000 Hz sample time=1800 chans=2 rate=4000 time=1800, rate=4000, chans=2, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep24 13:45:39.65,N,glcheck: 515236 bytes free, 25 blocks free, 5068 bytes alloc, 141 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 13:45:39.94,D,Entering sample for 1800 secs, 4000 rate and 2 chans 10Sep24 13:45:40.05,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep24 13:45:40.25,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep24 13:46:00.34,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep24 13:46:00.47,D,Free disk space = -297664512 10Sep24 13:46:00.55,N,Not using PicoZOOM 10Sep24 13:46:00.69,N,Opened c:\r0102002.dat for data collection 10Sep24 13:46:00.79,D,Writing out header to c:\r0102002.dat 10Sep24 13:46:01.04,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep24 13:46:01.12,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep24 13:46:01.20,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep24 13:46:01.34,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep24 13:46:05.33,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:13:46:7 10Sep24 13:46:07.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285335967 42 10Sep24 13:46:07.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00105 seconds 10Sep24 14:16:10.56,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:14:16:13 10Sep24 14:16:13.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285337773 84 10Sep24 14:16:13.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00209999 seconds 10Sep24 14:16:13.30,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 2576 10Sep24 14:16:13.50,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep24 14:16:13.59,D,Stats: samples = 7200004, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 1.8e+03, measured rate = 4000.00 10Sep24 14:16:13.75,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00105, After Sample = 0.00209999 10Sep24 14:16:13.87,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep24 14:16:13.94,D,[0]=1 10Sep24 14:16:14.00,D,[4096]=3515 10Sep24 14:16:14.21,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep24 14:16:14.30,D,Leaving sample 10Sep24 14:16:16.75,N,glcheck: 515620 bytes free, 9 blocks free, 5068 bytes alloc, 141 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 14:16:16.90,N,Open files 10Sep24 14:16:16.97,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 14:16:17.06,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 14:16:17.14,N,ARS>> # do PSD on 16 blocks (16*4096/4000 = 16.384 sec) psd chan=2 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=2, infile=c:\r0102002.dat, outfile=c:\r0102002.psd 10Sep24 14:16:17.42,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep24 14:16:19.90,N,glcheck: 515620 bytes free, 9 blocks free, 5068 bytes alloc, 141 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 14:16:20.05,N,Starting assignments 10Sep24 14:16:20.29,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0102002.dat 10Sep24 14:16:20.59,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0102002.psd 10Sep24 14:16:20.90,N,stmp1 = channel=2 10Sep24 14:16:21.18,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep24 14:16:21.47,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep24 14:16:21.75,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep24 14:16:21.83,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep24 14:16:21.91,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep24 14:16:21.98,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102002.dat<- 10Sep24 14:16:22.09,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102002.psd<- 10Sep24 14:16:22.20,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->2<- 10Sep24 14:16:22.29,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep24 14:16:22.38,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep24 14:16:22.47,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep24 14:16:22.60,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102002.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102002.dat can be opened 10Sep24 14:16:22.94,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep24 14:16:41.28,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 Data file version is 04 Version 3 header close(): ASGFile not valid glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep24 14:16:55.06,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep24 14:16:55.26,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep24 14:16:55.36,N,retval = 0 10Sep24 14:16:58.38,N,glcheck: 514920 bytes free, 27 blocks free, 5192 bytes alloc, 147 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 14:16:58.54,N,Open files 10Sep24 14:16:58.60,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 14:16:58.69,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 14:16:58.78,N,ARS>> # sleep 20 sec = 1 minutes sleep time=20 type=0 time = 20, type = 0 10Sep24 14:16:58.97,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 14:16:59.03,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285337819, sleeping until 1285337839 with 1 big sleeps... 10Sep24 14:16:59.20,D,Comm ports closed prior to sleeping 10Sep24 14:16:59.29,D,Console port cleared and RTS asserted low 10Sep24 14:16:59.39,D,pin 23 set high 10Sep24 14:16:59.46,D,pin 24 set low 10Sep24 14:16:59.53,D,pin 25 read 10Sep24 14:16:59.60,D,pin 26 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 14:16:59.67,D,pin 27 set low 10Sep24 14:16:59.74,D,pin 28 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 14:16:59.82,D,pin 29 set high 10Sep24 14:16:59.89,D,pin 31 set high 10Sep24 14:16:59.96,D,pin 32 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 14:17:00.04,D,pin 33 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 14:17:00.12,D,pin 34 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 14:17:00.19,D,pin 35 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 14:17:00.27,D,pin 36 mirrored (-1) 10Sep24 14:17:00.34,D,pin 37 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 14:17:00.53,D,pins are set for low power 10Sep24 14:17:00.62,D,interrupt handlers installed 10Sep24 14:17:00.70,D,serial drivers, CF and TPU states set 10Sep24 14:17:00.80,D,dog stroked 10Sep24 14:17:00.90,D,low speed set 10Sep24 14:17:01.46,D,PIT set 10Sep24 14:17:14.55,D,awake from big sleep, dog stroked 10Sep24 14:17:15.09,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285337835, sleeping until 1285337839 for remainder sleep... 10Sep24 14:17:19.72,D,done with sleeps, dog stroked 10Sep24 14:17:20.28,D,handlers and peripheral states restored 10Sep24 14:17:20.39,D,...exiting lpStopUntil normally 10Sep24 14:17:20.48,N,Open files 10Sep24 14:17:20.54,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 14:17:20.63,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 14:17:20.72,N,ARS>> # repeat this cycle loopLooping to top of file 10Sep24 14:17:20.88,N,Open files 10Sep24 14:17:20.95,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 14:17:21.04,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 14:17:21.13,N,ARS>> # ardive.ars # edited 201009212046L BMH # HIGH BAND: get samples for 120 sec @ 64000Hz sample time=120 chans=1 rate=64000 time=120, rate=64000, chans=1, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep24 14:17:24.24,N,glcheck: 514920 bytes free, 27 blocks free, 5192 bytes alloc, 147 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 14:17:24.39,D,Entering sample for 120 secs, 64000 rate and 1 chans 10Sep24 14:17:24.62,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep24 14:17:24.82,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep24 14:17:44.91,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep24 14:17:45.04,D,Free disk space = -312115200 10Sep24 14:17:45.12,N,Using PicoZOOM 10Sep24 14:17:45.27,N,Opened c:\r0102003.dat for data collection 10Sep24 14:17:45.37,D,Writing out header to c:\r0102003.dat 10Sep24 14:17:45.60,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep24 14:17:45.70,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep24 14:17:45.78,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep24 14:17:45.91,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep24 14:17:49.52,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:14:17:52 10Sep24 14:17:52.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285337872 42 10Sep24 14:17:52.08,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00105 seconds 10Sep24 14:19:55.37,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:14:19:58 10Sep24 14:19:57.99,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285337997 39899 10Sep24 14:19:58.08,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.00252509 seconds 10Sep24 14:19:58.29,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 1344 10Sep24 14:19:58.50,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep24 14:19:58.70,D,Stats: samples = 7680668, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 1.2e+02, measured rate = 63999.83 10Sep24 14:19:58.87,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00105, After Sample = -0.00252509 10Sep24 14:19:58.99,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep24 14:19:59.06,D,[0]=1 10Sep24 14:19:59.12,D,[4096]=3738 10Sep24 14:19:59.19,D,[12288]=4 10Sep24 14:19:59.25,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep24 14:19:59.34,D,Leaving sample 10Sep24 14:20:01.87,N,glcheck: 515376 bytes free, 8 blocks free, 5192 bytes alloc, 147 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 14:20:02.02,N,Open files 10Sep24 14:20:02.09,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 14:20:02.18,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 14:20:02.26,N,ARS>> # do psd on 1st 16 blocks (16*4096/64000 = 1.024 sec of data) psd chan=1 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=1, infile=c:\r0102003.dat, outfile=c:\r0102003.psd 10Sep24 14:20:02.55,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep24 14:20:05.11,N,glcheck: 515376 bytes free, 8 blocks free, 5192 bytes alloc, 147 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 14:20:05.26,N,Starting assignments 10Sep24 14:20:05.50,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0102003.dat 10Sep24 14:20:05.80,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0102003.psd 10Sep24 14:20:06.11,N,stmp1 = channel=1 10Sep24 14:20:06.39,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep24 14:20:06.68,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep24 14:20:06.96,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep24 14:20:07.04,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep24 14:20:07.12,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep24 14:20:07.19,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102003.dat<- 10Sep24 14:20:07.30,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102003.psd<- 10Sep24 14:20:07.53,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->1<- 10Sep24 14:20:07.62,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep24 14:20:07.71,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep24 14:20:07.80,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep24 14:20:07.93,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102003.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102003.dat can be opened 10Sep24 14:20:08.15,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep24 14:20:26.49,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 Data file version is 04 Version 3 header close(): ASGFile not valid glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep24 14:20:40.33,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep24 14:20:40.53,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep24 14:20:40.63,N,retval = 0 10Sep24 14:20:43.72,N,glcheck: 514756 bytes free, 25 blocks free, 5260 bytes alloc, 153 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 14:20:43.88,N,Open files 10Sep24 14:20:43.94,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 14:20:44.03,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 14:20:44.12,N,ARS>> # sleep 10 sec = 1 minute sleep time=10 type=0 time = 10, type = 0 10Sep24 14:20:44.30,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 14:20:44.37,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285338044, sleeping until 1285338054 with 0 big sleeps... 10Sep24 14:20:44.53,D,Comm ports closed prior to sleeping 10Sep24 14:20:44.63,D,Console port cleared and RTS asserted low 10Sep24 14:20:44.73,D,pin 23 set high 10Sep24 14:20:44.80,D,pin 24 set low 10Sep24 14:20:44.87,D,pin 25 read 10Sep24 14:20:44.93,D,pin 26 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 14:20:45.01,D,pin 27 set low 10Sep24 14:20:45.08,D,pin 28 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 14:20:45.15,D,pin 29 set high 10Sep24 14:20:45.23,D,pin 31 set high 10Sep24 14:20:45.44,D,pin 32 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 14:20:45.51,D,pin 33 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 14:20:45.59,D,pin 34 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 14:20:45.66,D,pin 35 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 14:20:45.74,D,pin 36 mirrored (-1) 10Sep24 14:20:45.82,D,pin 37 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 14:20:45.89,D,pins are set for low power 10Sep24 14:20:45.98,D,interrupt handlers installed 10Sep24 14:20:46.06,D,serial drivers, CF and TPU states set 10Sep24 14:20:46.16,D,dog stroked 10Sep24 14:20:46.26,D,low speed set 10Sep24 14:20:46.80,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285338046, sleeping until 1285338054 for remainder sleep... 10Sep24 14:20:55.37,D,done with sleeps, dog stroked 10Sep24 14:20:55.95,D,handlers and peripheral states restored 10Sep24 14:20:56.06,D,...exiting lpStopUntil normally 10Sep24 14:20:56.15,N,Open files 10Sep24 14:20:56.21,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 14:20:56.30,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 14:20:56.39,N,ARS>> # LOW BAND: get samples for 1800 sec @ 4000 Hz sample time=1800 chans=2 rate=4000 time=1800, rate=4000, chans=2, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep24 14:20:59.48,N,glcheck: 514756 bytes free, 25 blocks free, 5260 bytes alloc, 153 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 14:20:59.63,D,Entering sample for 1800 secs, 4000 rate and 2 chans 10Sep24 14:20:59.74,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep24 14:20:59.94,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep24 14:21:20.03,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep24 14:21:20.16,D,Free disk space = -327516160 10Sep24 14:21:20.24,N,Not using PicoZOOM 10Sep24 14:21:20.49,N,Opened c:\r0102004.dat for data collection 10Sep24 14:21:20.59,D,Writing out header to c:\r0102004.dat 10Sep24 14:21:20.84,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep24 14:21:20.92,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep24 14:21:21.04,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep24 14:21:21.18,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep24 14:21:24.27,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:14:21:26 10Sep24 14:21:26.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285338086 42 10Sep24 14:21:26.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00105 seconds 10Sep24 14:51:29.51,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:14:51:32 10Sep24 14:51:32.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285339892 70 10Sep24 14:51:32.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00174999 seconds 10Sep24 14:51:32.31,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 2576 10Sep24 14:51:32.54,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep24 14:51:32.62,D,Stats: samples = 7200004, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 1.8e+03, measured rate = 4000.00 10Sep24 14:51:32.82,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00105, After Sample = 0.00174999 10Sep24 14:51:32.95,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep24 14:51:33.02,D,[0]=1 10Sep24 14:51:33.08,D,[4096]=3515 10Sep24 14:51:33.15,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep24 14:51:33.25,D,Leaving sample 10Sep24 14:51:35.92,N,glcheck: 515092 bytes free, 11 blocks free, 5260 bytes alloc, 153 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 14:51:36.08,N,Open files 10Sep24 14:51:36.29,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 14:51:36.38,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 14:51:36.47,N,ARS>> # do PSD on 16 blocks (16*4096/4000 = 16.384 sec) psd chan=2 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=2, infile=c:\r0102004.dat, outfile=c:\r0102004.psd 10Sep24 14:51:36.77,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep24 14:51:39.47,N,glcheck: 515092 bytes free, 11 blocks free, 5260 bytes alloc, 153 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 14:51:39.63,N,Starting assignments 10Sep24 14:51:39.87,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0102004.dat 10Sep24 14:51:40.18,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0102004.psd 10Sep24 14:51:40.49,N,stmp1 = channel=2 10Sep24 14:51:40.77,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep24 14:51:41.06,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep24 14:51:41.35,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep24 14:51:41.43,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep24 14:51:41.52,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep24 14:51:41.59,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102004.dat<- 10Sep24 14:51:41.71,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102004.psd<- 10Sep24 14:51:41.82,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->2<- 10Sep24 14:51:41.92,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep24 14:51:42.02,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep24 14:51:42.11,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep24 14:51:42.25,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102004.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102004.dat can be opened 10Sep24 14:51:42.50,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep24 14:52:01.00,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 Data file version is 04 Version 3 header close(): ASGFile not valid glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep24 14:52:14.73,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep24 14:52:14.94,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep24 14:52:15.04,N,retval = 0 10Sep24 14:52:18.26,N,glcheck: 514464 bytes free, 27 blocks free, 5360 bytes alloc, 159 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 14:52:18.53,N,Open files 10Sep24 14:52:18.60,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 14:52:18.70,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 14:52:18.79,N,ARS>> # sleep 20 sec = 1 minutes sleep time=20 type=0 time = 20, type = 0 10Sep24 14:52:18.99,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 14:52:19.06,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285339939, sleeping until 1285339959 with 1 big sleeps... 10Sep24 14:52:19.23,D,Comm ports closed prior to sleeping 10Sep24 14:52:19.32,D,Console port cleared and RTS asserted low 10Sep24 14:52:19.43,D,pin 23 set high 10Sep24 14:52:19.50,D,pin 24 set low 10Sep24 14:52:19.58,D,pin 25 read 10Sep24 14:52:19.65,D,pin 26 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 14:52:19.73,D,pin 27 set low 10Sep24 14:52:19.80,D,pin 28 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 14:52:19.88,D,pin 29 set high 10Sep24 14:52:19.96,D,pin 31 set high 10Sep24 14:52:20.04,D,pin 32 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 14:52:20.12,D,pin 33 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 14:52:20.19,D,pin 34 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 14:52:20.27,D,pin 35 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 14:52:20.36,D,pin 36 mirrored (-1) 10Sep24 14:52:20.44,D,pin 37 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 14:52:20.52,D,pins are set for low power 10Sep24 14:52:20.60,D,interrupt handlers installed 10Sep24 14:52:20.70,D,serial drivers, CF and TPU states set 10Sep24 14:52:20.79,D,dog stroked 10Sep24 14:52:21.01,D,low speed set 10Sep24 14:52:21.57,D,PIT set 10Sep24 14:52:34.68,D,awake from big sleep, dog stroked 10Sep24 14:52:35.25,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285339955, sleeping until 1285339959 for remainder sleep... 10Sep24 14:52:39.91,D,done with sleeps, dog stroked 10Sep24 14:52:40.49,D,handlers and peripheral states restored 10Sep24 14:52:40.60,D,...exiting lpStopUntil normally 10Sep24 14:52:40.70,N,Open files 10Sep24 14:52:40.77,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 14:52:40.86,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 14:52:40.95,N,ARS>> # repeat this cycle loopLooping to top of file 10Sep24 14:52:41.13,N,Open files 10Sep24 14:52:41.20,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 14:52:41.29,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 14:52:41.39,N,ARS>> # ardive.ars # edited 201009212046L BMH # HIGH BAND: get samples for 120 sec @ 64000Hz sample time=120 chans=1 rate=64000 time=120, rate=64000, chans=1, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep24 14:52:44.71,N,glcheck: 514464 bytes free, 27 blocks free, 5360 bytes alloc, 159 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 14:52:44.87,D,Entering sample for 120 secs, 64000 rate and 1 chans 10Sep24 14:52:44.99,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep24 14:52:45.19,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep24 14:53:05.29,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep24 14:53:05.42,D,Free disk space = -341999616 10Sep24 14:53:05.63,N,Using PicoZOOM 10Sep24 14:53:05.78,N,Opened c:\r0102005.dat for data collection 10Sep24 14:53:05.89,D,Writing out header to c:\r0102005.dat 10Sep24 14:53:06.10,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep24 14:53:06.21,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep24 14:53:06.29,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep24 14:53:06.42,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep24 14:53:10.16,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:14:53:12 10Sep24 14:53:12.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285339992 42 10Sep24 14:53:12.08,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00105 seconds 10Sep24 14:55:16.00,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:14:55:18 10Sep24 14:55:17.99,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285340117 39896 10Sep24 14:55:18.08,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.00259995 seconds 10Sep24 14:55:18.29,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 4128 10Sep24 14:55:18.50,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep24 14:55:18.58,D,Stats: samples = 7680012, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 1.2e+02, measured rate = 63999.83 10Sep24 14:55:18.75,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00105, After Sample = -0.00259995 10Sep24 14:55:18.88,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep24 14:55:18.95,D,[4096]=3738 10Sep24 14:55:19.02,D,[12288]=4 10Sep24 14:55:19.09,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep24 14:55:19.19,D,Leaving sample 10Sep24 14:55:21.92,N,glcheck: 514896 bytes free, 9 blocks free, 5360 bytes alloc, 159 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 14:55:22.08,N,Open files 10Sep24 14:55:22.15,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 14:55:22.24,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 14:55:22.33,N,ARS>> # do psd on 1st 16 blocks (16*4096/64000 = 1.024 sec of data) psd chan=1 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=1, infile=c:\r0102005.dat, outfile=c:\r0102005.psd 10Sep24 14:55:22.76,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep24 14:55:25.52,N,glcheck: 514896 bytes free, 9 blocks free, 5360 bytes alloc, 159 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 14:55:25.68,N,Starting assignments 10Sep24 14:55:25.92,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0102005.dat 10Sep24 14:55:26.23,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0102005.psd 10Sep24 14:55:26.54,N,stmp1 = channel=1 10Sep24 14:55:26.83,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep24 14:55:27.12,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep24 14:55:27.40,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep24 14:55:27.49,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep24 14:55:27.57,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep24 14:55:27.65,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102005.dat<- 10Sep24 14:55:27.76,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102005.psd<- 10Sep24 14:55:27.88,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->1<- 10Sep24 14:55:27.97,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep24 14:55:28.07,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep24 14:55:28.17,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep24 14:55:28.31,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102005.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102005.dat can be opened 10Sep24 14:55:28.55,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep24 14:55:46.92,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 Data file version is 04 Version 3 header close(): ASGFile not valid glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep24 14:56:00.81,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep24 14:56:01.01,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep24 14:56:01.11,N,retval = 0 10Sep24 14:56:04.39,N,glcheck: 514264 bytes free, 25 blocks free, 5464 bytes alloc, 165 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 14:56:04.55,N,Open files 10Sep24 14:56:04.62,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 14:56:04.71,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 14:56:04.80,N,ARS>> # sleep 10 sec = 1 minute sleep time=10 type=0 time = 10, type = 0 10Sep24 14:56:05.12,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 14:56:05.19,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285340165, sleeping until 1285340175 with 0 big sleeps... 10Sep24 14:56:05.36,D,Comm ports closed prior to sleeping 10Sep24 14:56:05.46,D,Console port cleared and RTS asserted low 10Sep24 14:56:05.56,D,pin 23 set high 10Sep24 14:56:05.63,D,pin 24 set low 10Sep24 14:56:05.71,D,pin 25 read 10Sep24 14:56:05.78,D,pin 26 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 14:56:05.86,D,pin 27 set low 10Sep24 14:56:05.93,D,pin 28 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 14:56:06.01,D,pin 29 set high 10Sep24 14:56:06.09,D,pin 31 set high 10Sep24 14:56:06.16,D,pin 32 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 14:56:06.24,D,pin 33 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 14:56:06.32,D,pin 34 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 14:56:06.40,D,pin 35 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 14:56:06.48,D,pin 36 mirrored (-1) 10Sep24 14:56:06.56,D,pin 37 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 14:56:06.64,D,pins are set for low power 10Sep24 14:56:06.73,D,interrupt handlers installed 10Sep24 14:56:06.82,D,serial drivers, CF and TPU states set 10Sep24 14:56:06.92,D,dog stroked 10Sep24 14:56:07.03,D,low speed set 10Sep24 14:56:07.59,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285340167, sleeping until 1285340175 for remainder sleep... 10Sep24 14:56:16.22,D,done with sleeps, dog stroked 10Sep24 14:56:16.80,D,handlers and peripheral states restored 10Sep24 14:56:17.03,D,...exiting lpStopUntil normally 10Sep24 14:56:17.13,N,Open files 10Sep24 14:56:17.20,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 14:56:17.29,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 14:56:17.38,N,ARS>> # LOW BAND: get samples for 1800 sec @ 4000 Hz sample time=1800 chans=2 rate=4000 time=1800, rate=4000, chans=2, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep24 14:56:20.68,N,glcheck: 514264 bytes free, 25 blocks free, 5464 bytes alloc, 165 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 14:56:20.84,D,Entering sample for 1800 secs, 4000 rate and 2 chans 10Sep24 14:56:20.95,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep24 14:56:21.16,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep24 14:56:41.25,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep24 14:56:41.39,D,Free disk space = -357400576 10Sep24 14:56:41.48,N,Not using PicoZOOM 10Sep24 14:56:41.61,N,Opened c:\r0102006.dat for data collection 10Sep24 14:56:41.72,D,Writing out header to c:\r0102006.dat 10Sep24 14:56:41.95,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep24 14:56:42.03,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep24 14:56:42.12,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep24 14:56:42.26,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep24 14:56:44.90,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:14:56:47 10Sep24 14:56:47.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285340207 41 10Sep24 14:56:47.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00102496 seconds 10Sep24 15:26:50.15,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:15:26:52 10Sep24 15:26:52.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285342011 39993 10Sep24 15:26:52.21,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.000174999 seconds 10Sep24 15:26:52.42,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 2576 10Sep24 15:26:52.63,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep24 15:26:52.70,D,Stats: samples = 7200004, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 1.8e+03, measured rate = 4000.00 10Sep24 15:26:52.88,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00102496, After Sample = -0.000174999 10Sep24 15:26:53.00,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep24 15:26:53.08,D,[0]=1 10Sep24 15:26:53.14,D,[4096]=3515 10Sep24 15:26:53.22,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep24 15:26:53.31,D,Leaving sample 10Sep24 15:26:56.15,N,glcheck: 514624 bytes free, 10 blocks free, 5464 bytes alloc, 165 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 15:26:56.31,N,Open files 10Sep24 15:26:56.38,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 15:26:56.48,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 15:26:56.57,N,ARS>> # do PSD on 16 blocks (16*4096/4000 = 16.384 sec) psd chan=2 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=2, infile=c:\r0102006.dat, outfile=c:\r0102006.psd 10Sep24 15:26:56.86,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep24 15:26:59.74,N,glcheck: 514624 bytes free, 10 blocks free, 5464 bytes alloc, 165 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 15:26:59.90,N,Starting assignments 10Sep24 15:27:00.14,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0102006.dat 10Sep24 15:27:00.45,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0102006.psd 10Sep24 15:27:00.76,N,stmp1 = channel=2 10Sep24 15:27:01.05,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep24 15:27:01.34,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep24 15:27:01.62,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep24 15:27:01.71,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep24 15:27:01.91,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep24 15:27:01.98,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102006.dat<- 10Sep24 15:27:02.10,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102006.psd<- 10Sep24 15:27:02.21,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->2<- 10Sep24 15:27:02.31,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep24 15:27:02.41,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep24 15:27:02.50,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep24 15:27:02.64,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102006.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102006.dat can be opened 10Sep24 15:27:02.89,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep24 15:27:21.25,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 Data file version is 04 Version 3 header close(): ASGFile not valid glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep24 15:27:35.17,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep24 15:27:35.37,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep24 15:27:35.48,N,retval = 0 10Sep24 15:27:38.88,N,glcheck: 513944 bytes free, 27 blocks free, 5592 bytes alloc, 171 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 15:27:39.04,N,Open files 10Sep24 15:27:39.11,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 15:27:39.20,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 15:27:39.30,N,ARS>> # sleep 20 sec = 1 minutes sleep time=20 type=0 time = 20, type = 0 10Sep24 15:27:39.50,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 15:27:39.57,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285342059, sleeping until 1285342079 with 1 big sleeps... 10Sep24 15:27:39.74,D,Comm ports closed prior to sleeping 10Sep24 15:27:39.84,D,Console port cleared and RTS asserted low 10Sep24 15:27:39.94,D,pin 23 set high 10Sep24 15:27:40.02,D,pin 24 set low 10Sep24 15:27:40.09,D,pin 25 read 10Sep24 15:27:40.16,D,pin 26 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 15:27:40.38,D,pin 27 set low 10Sep24 15:27:40.51,D,pin 28 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 15:27:40.59,D,pin 29 set high 10Sep24 15:27:40.66,D,pin 31 set high 10Sep24 15:27:40.74,D,pin 32 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 15:27:40.82,D,pin 33 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 15:27:40.90,D,pin 34 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 15:27:40.97,D,pin 35 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 15:27:41.05,D,pin 36 mirrored (-1) 10Sep24 15:27:41.13,D,pin 37 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 15:27:41.21,D,pins are set for low power 10Sep24 15:27:41.30,D,interrupt handlers installed 10Sep24 15:27:41.39,D,serial drivers, CF and TPU states set 10Sep24 15:27:41.49,D,dog stroked 10Sep24 15:27:41.60,D,low speed set 10Sep24 15:27:42.16,D,PIT set 10Sep24 15:27:55.28,D,awake from big sleep, dog stroked 10Sep24 15:27:55.85,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285342075, sleeping until 1285342079 for remainder sleep... 10Sep24 15:28:00.50,D,done with sleeps, dog stroked 10Sep24 15:28:01.08,D,handlers and peripheral states restored 10Sep24 15:28:01.20,D,...exiting lpStopUntil normally 10Sep24 15:28:01.29,N,Open files 10Sep24 15:28:01.36,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 15:28:01.45,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 15:28:01.54,N,ARS>> # repeat this cycle loopLooping to top of file 10Sep24 15:28:01.72,N,Open files 10Sep24 15:28:01.90,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 15:28:02.00,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 15:28:02.09,N,ARS>> # ardive.ars # edited 201009212046L BMH # HIGH BAND: get samples for 120 sec @ 64000Hz sample time=120 chans=1 rate=64000 time=120, rate=64000, chans=1, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep24 15:28:05.59,N,glcheck: 513944 bytes free, 27 blocks free, 5592 bytes alloc, 171 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 15:28:05.75,D,Entering sample for 120 secs, 64000 rate and 1 chans 10Sep24 15:28:05.86,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep24 15:28:06.07,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep24 15:28:26.16,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep24 15:28:26.29,D,Free disk space = -371851264 10Sep24 15:28:26.38,N,Using PicoZOOM 10Sep24 15:28:26.54,N,Opened c:\r0102007.dat for data collection 10Sep24 15:28:26.64,D,Writing out header to c:\r0102007.dat 10Sep24 15:28:26.85,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep24 15:28:26.99,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep24 15:28:27.07,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep24 15:28:27.20,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep24 15:28:30.79,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:15:28:33 10Sep24 15:28:33.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285342113 41 10Sep24 15:28:33.08,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00102496 seconds 10Sep24 15:30:36.63,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:15:30:39 10Sep24 15:30:38.99,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285342238 39895 10Sep24 15:30:39.08,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.00262499 seconds 10Sep24 15:30:39.29,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 1360 10Sep24 15:30:39.50,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep24 15:30:39.58,D,Stats: samples = 7680676, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 1.2e+02, measured rate = 63999.89 10Sep24 15:30:39.75,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00102496, After Sample = -0.00262499 10Sep24 15:30:39.88,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep24 15:30:39.95,D,[0]=1 10Sep24 15:30:40.02,D,[4096]=3735 10Sep24 15:30:40.09,D,[12288]=5 10Sep24 15:30:40.16,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep24 15:30:40.25,D,Leaving sample 10Sep24 15:30:43.15,N,glcheck: 514424 bytes free, 7 blocks free, 5592 bytes alloc, 171 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 15:30:43.30,N,Open files 10Sep24 15:30:43.37,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 15:30:43.47,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 15:30:43.56,N,ARS>> # do psd on 1st 16 blocks (16*4096/64000 = 1.024 sec of data) psd chan=1 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=1, infile=c:\r0102007.dat, outfile=c:\r0102007.psd 10Sep24 15:30:43.86,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep24 15:30:46.92,N,glcheck: 514424 bytes free, 7 blocks free, 5592 bytes alloc, 171 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 15:30:47.08,N,Starting assignments 10Sep24 15:30:47.32,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0102007.dat 10Sep24 15:30:47.63,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0102007.psd 10Sep24 15:30:47.94,N,stmp1 = channel=1 10Sep24 15:30:48.22,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep24 15:30:48.52,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep24 15:30:48.80,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep24 15:30:48.89,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep24 15:30:48.97,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep24 15:30:49.04,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102007.dat<- 10Sep24 15:30:49.16,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102007.psd<- 10Sep24 15:30:49.27,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->1<- 10Sep24 15:30:49.37,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep24 15:30:49.46,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep24 15:30:49.56,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep24 15:30:49.70,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102007.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102007.dat can be opened 10Sep24 15:30:49.94,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep24 15:31:08.31,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 Data file version is 04 Version 3 header close(): ASGFile not valid glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep24 15:31:22.19,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep24 15:31:22.40,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep24 15:31:22.50,N,retval = 0 10Sep24 15:31:25.96,N,glcheck: 513756 bytes free, 24 blocks free, 5708 bytes alloc, 177 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 15:31:26.12,N,Open files 10Sep24 15:31:26.19,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 15:31:26.28,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 15:31:26.37,N,ARS>> # sleep 10 sec = 1 minute sleep time=10 type=0 time = 10, type = 0 10Sep24 15:31:26.57,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 15:31:26.76,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285342286, sleeping until 1285342296 with 0 big sleeps... 10Sep24 15:31:26.93,D,Comm ports closed prior to sleeping 10Sep24 15:31:27.02,D,Console port cleared and RTS asserted low 10Sep24 15:31:27.13,D,pin 23 set high 10Sep24 15:31:27.20,D,pin 24 set low 10Sep24 15:31:27.28,D,pin 25 read 10Sep24 15:31:27.35,D,pin 26 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 15:31:27.43,D,pin 27 set low 10Sep24 15:31:27.50,D,pin 28 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 15:31:27.58,D,pin 29 set high 10Sep24 15:31:27.65,D,pin 31 set high 10Sep24 15:31:27.73,D,pin 32 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 15:31:27.81,D,pin 33 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 15:31:27.89,D,pin 34 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 15:31:27.97,D,pin 35 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 15:31:28.05,D,pin 36 mirrored (-1) 10Sep24 15:31:28.13,D,pin 37 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 15:31:28.21,D,pins are set for low power 10Sep24 15:31:28.29,D,interrupt handlers installed 10Sep24 15:31:28.39,D,serial drivers, CF and TPU states set 10Sep24 15:31:28.48,D,dog stroked 10Sep24 15:31:28.59,D,low speed set 10Sep24 15:31:29.16,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285342289, sleeping until 1285342296 for remainder sleep... 10Sep24 15:31:36.82,D,done with sleeps, dog stroked 10Sep24 15:31:37.40,D,handlers and peripheral states restored 10Sep24 15:31:37.52,D,...exiting lpStopUntil normally 10Sep24 15:31:37.61,N,Open files 10Sep24 15:31:37.68,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 15:31:37.77,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 15:31:37.98,N,ARS>> # LOW BAND: get samples for 1800 sec @ 4000 Hz sample time=1800 chans=2 rate=4000 time=1800, rate=4000, chans=2, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep24 15:31:41.44,N,glcheck: 513756 bytes free, 24 blocks free, 5708 bytes alloc, 177 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 15:31:41.60,D,Entering sample for 1800 secs, 4000 rate and 2 chans 10Sep24 15:31:41.72,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep24 15:31:41.92,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep24 15:32:02.01,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep24 15:32:02.15,D,Free disk space = -387252224 10Sep24 15:32:02.23,N,Not using PicoZOOM 10Sep24 15:32:02.37,N,Opened c:\r0102008.dat for data collection 10Sep24 15:32:02.47,D,Writing out header to c:\r0102008.dat 10Sep24 15:32:02.71,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep24 15:32:02.79,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep24 15:32:02.88,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep24 15:32:03.01,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep24 15:32:05.53,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:15:32:8 10Sep24 15:32:08.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285342328 41 10Sep24 15:32:08.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00102496 seconds 10Sep24 16:02:10.77,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:16:2:13 10Sep24 16:02:12.99,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285344132 39872 10Sep24 16:02:13.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.00320005 seconds 10Sep24 16:02:13.30,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 2576 10Sep24 16:02:13.61,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep24 16:02:13.69,D,Stats: samples = 7200004, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 1.8e+03, measured rate = 4000.00 10Sep24 16:02:13.86,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00102496, After Sample = -0.00320005 10Sep24 16:02:13.98,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep24 16:02:14.06,D,[0]=1 10Sep24 16:02:14.12,D,[4096]=3515 10Sep24 16:02:14.20,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep24 16:02:14.29,D,Leaving sample 10Sep24 16:02:17.29,N,glcheck: 514140 bytes free, 8 blocks free, 5708 bytes alloc, 177 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 16:02:17.44,N,Open files 10Sep24 16:02:17.51,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 16:02:17.61,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 16:02:17.70,N,ARS>> # do PSD on 16 blocks (16*4096/4000 = 16.384 sec) psd chan=2 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=2, infile=c:\r0102008.dat, outfile=c:\r0102008.psd 10Sep24 16:02:17.99,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep24 16:02:21.02,N,glcheck: 514140 bytes free, 8 blocks free, 5708 bytes alloc, 177 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 16:02:21.18,N,Starting assignments 10Sep24 16:02:21.42,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0102008.dat 10Sep24 16:02:21.73,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0102008.psd 10Sep24 16:02:22.03,N,stmp1 = channel=2 10Sep24 16:02:22.32,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep24 16:02:22.61,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep24 16:02:22.90,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep24 16:02:22.98,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep24 16:02:23.07,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep24 16:02:23.14,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102008.dat<- 10Sep24 16:02:23.26,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102008.psd<- 10Sep24 16:02:23.49,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->2<- 10Sep24 16:02:23.58,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep24 16:02:23.68,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep24 16:02:23.77,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep24 16:02:23.92,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102008.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102008.dat can be opened 10Sep24 16:02:24.16,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep24 16:02:42.53,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 Data file version is 04 Version 3 header close(): ASGFile not valid glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep24 16:02:56.36,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep24 16:02:56.57,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep24 16:02:56.67,N,retval = 0 10Sep24 16:03:00.25,N,glcheck: 513440 bytes free, 26 blocks free, 5832 bytes alloc, 183 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 16:03:00.41,N,Open files 10Sep24 16:03:00.48,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 16:03:00.57,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 16:03:00.66,N,ARS>> # sleep 20 sec = 1 minutes sleep time=20 type=0 time = 20, type = 0 10Sep24 16:03:00.86,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 16:03:00.93,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285344180, sleeping until 1285344200 with 1 big sleeps... 10Sep24 16:03:01.10,D,Comm ports closed prior to sleeping 10Sep24 16:03:01.20,D,Console port cleared and RTS asserted low 10Sep24 16:03:01.30,D,pin 23 set high 10Sep24 16:03:01.38,D,pin 24 set low 10Sep24 16:03:01.45,D,pin 25 read 10Sep24 16:03:01.52,D,pin 26 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 16:03:01.60,D,pin 27 set low 10Sep24 16:03:01.68,D,pin 28 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 16:03:01.76,D,pin 29 set high 10Sep24 16:03:01.83,D,pin 31 set high 10Sep24 16:03:02.02,D,pin 32 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 16:03:02.10,D,pin 33 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 16:03:02.18,D,pin 34 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 16:03:02.26,D,pin 35 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 16:03:02.34,D,pin 36 mirrored (-1) 10Sep24 16:03:02.42,D,pin 37 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 16:03:02.50,D,pins are set for low power 10Sep24 16:03:02.59,D,interrupt handlers installed 10Sep24 16:03:02.68,D,serial drivers, CF and TPU states set 10Sep24 16:03:02.78,D,dog stroked 10Sep24 16:03:02.89,D,low speed set 10Sep24 16:03:03.44,D,PIT set 10Sep24 16:03:16.54,D,awake from big sleep, dog stroked 10Sep24 16:03:17.13,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285344197, sleeping until 1285344200 for remainder sleep... 10Sep24 16:03:20.74,D,done with sleeps, dog stroked 10Sep24 16:03:21.32,D,handlers and peripheral states restored 10Sep24 16:03:21.44,D,...exiting lpStopUntil normally 10Sep24 16:03:21.53,N,Open files 10Sep24 16:03:21.60,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 16:03:21.69,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 16:03:21.78,N,ARS>> # repeat this cycle loopLooping to top of file 10Sep24 16:03:21.97,N,Open files 10Sep24 16:03:22.04,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 16:03:22.13,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 16:03:22.22,N,ARS>> # ardive.ars # edited 201009212046L BMH # HIGH BAND: get samples for 120 sec @ 64000Hz sample time=120 chans=1 rate=64000 time=120, rate=64000, chans=1, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep24 16:03:26.01,N,glcheck: 513440 bytes free, 26 blocks free, 5832 bytes alloc, 183 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 16:03:26.17,D,Entering sample for 120 secs, 64000 rate and 1 chans 10Sep24 16:03:26.29,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep24 16:03:26.49,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep24 16:03:46.59,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep24 16:03:46.72,D,Free disk space = -401702912 10Sep24 16:03:46.81,N,Using PicoZOOM 10Sep24 16:03:46.96,N,Opened c:\r0102009.dat for data collection 10Sep24 16:03:47.07,D,Writing out header to c:\r0102009.dat 10Sep24 16:03:47.30,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep24 16:03:47.43,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep24 16:03:47.51,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep24 16:03:47.64,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep24 16:03:51.42,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:16:3:54 10Sep24 16:03:54.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285344234 41 10Sep24 16:03:54.08,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00102496 seconds 10Sep24 16:05:57.27,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:16:5:59 10Sep24 16:05:58.99,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285344358 39883 10Sep24 16:05:59.08,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.00292492 seconds 10Sep24 16:05:59.29,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 1360 10Sep24 16:05:59.50,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep24 16:05:59.58,D,Stats: samples = 7680676, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 1.2e+02, measured rate = 63999.89 10Sep24 16:05:59.75,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00102496, After Sample = -0.00292492 10Sep24 16:05:59.88,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep24 16:05:59.95,D,[0]=1 10Sep24 16:06:00.02,D,[4096]=3735 10Sep24 16:06:00.09,D,[12288]=5 10Sep24 16:06:00.16,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep24 16:06:00.25,D,Leaving sample 10Sep24 16:06:03.39,N,glcheck: 513896 bytes free, 7 blocks free, 5832 bytes alloc, 183 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 16:06:03.55,N,Open files 10Sep24 16:06:03.62,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 16:06:03.72,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 16:06:03.81,N,ARS>> # do psd on 1st 16 blocks (16*4096/64000 = 1.024 sec of data) psd chan=1 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=1, infile=c:\r0102009.dat, outfile=c:\r0102009.psd 10Sep24 16:06:04.13,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep24 16:06:07.24,N,glcheck: 513896 bytes free, 7 blocks free, 5832 bytes alloc, 183 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 16:06:07.40,N,Starting assignments 10Sep24 16:06:07.65,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0102009.dat 10Sep24 16:06:08.10,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0102009.psd 10Sep24 16:06:08.41,N,stmp1 = channel=1 10Sep24 16:06:08.70,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep24 16:06:09.00,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep24 16:06:09.29,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep24 16:06:09.37,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep24 16:06:09.46,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep24 16:06:09.54,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102009.dat<- 10Sep24 16:06:09.66,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102009.psd<- 10Sep24 16:06:09.78,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->1<- 10Sep24 16:06:09.88,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep24 16:06:09.98,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep24 16:06:10.07,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep24 16:06:10.22,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102009.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102009.dat can be opened 10Sep24 16:06:10.48,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep24 16:06:28.87,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 Data file version is 04 Version 3 header close(): ASGFile not valid glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep24 16:06:42.82,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep24 16:06:43.03,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep24 16:06:43.14,N,retval = 0 10Sep24 16:06:46.78,N,glcheck: 513276 bytes free, 24 blocks free, 5900 bytes alloc, 189 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 16:06:46.95,N,Open files 10Sep24 16:06:47.02,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 16:06:47.12,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 16:06:47.21,N,ARS>> # sleep 10 sec = 1 minute sleep time=10 type=0 time = 10, type = 0 10Sep24 16:06:47.43,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 16:06:47.51,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285344407, sleeping until 1285344417 with 0 big sleeps... 10Sep24 16:06:47.68,D,Comm ports closed prior to sleeping 10Sep24 16:06:47.78,D,Console port cleared and RTS asserted low 10Sep24 16:06:48.00,D,pin 23 set high 10Sep24 16:06:48.08,D,pin 24 set low 10Sep24 16:06:48.16,D,pin 25 read 10Sep24 16:06:48.23,D,pin 26 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 16:06:48.32,D,pin 27 set low 10Sep24 16:06:48.40,D,pin 28 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 16:06:48.48,D,pin 29 set high 10Sep24 16:06:48.56,D,pin 31 set high 10Sep24 16:06:48.64,D,pin 32 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 16:06:48.72,D,pin 33 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 16:06:48.81,D,pin 34 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 16:06:48.89,D,pin 35 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 16:06:48.97,D,pin 36 mirrored (-1) 10Sep24 16:06:49.06,D,pin 37 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 16:06:49.14,D,pins are set for low power 10Sep24 16:06:49.24,D,interrupt handlers installed 10Sep24 16:06:49.33,D,serial drivers, CF and TPU states set 10Sep24 16:06:49.43,D,dog stroked 10Sep24 16:06:49.55,D,low speed set 10Sep24 16:06:50.16,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285344410, sleeping until 1285344417 for remainder sleep... 10Sep24 16:06:57.83,D,done with sleeps, dog stroked 10Sep24 16:06:58.46,D,handlers and peripheral states restored 10Sep24 16:06:58.58,D,...exiting lpStopUntil normally 10Sep24 16:06:58.68,N,Open files 10Sep24 16:06:58.75,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 16:06:58.85,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 16:06:58.94,N,ARS>> # LOW BAND: get samples for 1800 sec @ 4000 Hz sample time=1800 chans=2 rate=4000 time=1800, rate=4000, chans=2, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep24 16:07:02.74,N,glcheck: 513276 bytes free, 24 blocks free, 5900 bytes alloc, 189 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 16:07:02.90,D,Entering sample for 1800 secs, 4000 rate and 2 chans 10Sep24 16:07:03.02,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep24 16:07:03.23,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep24 16:07:23.33,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep24 16:07:23.46,D,Free disk space = -417136640 10Sep24 16:07:23.56,N,Not using PicoZOOM 10Sep24 16:07:23.70,N,Opened c:\r0102010.dat for data collection 10Sep24 16:07:23.80,D,Writing out header to c:\r0102010.dat 10Sep24 16:07:24.04,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep24 16:07:24.13,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep24 16:07:24.22,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep24 16:07:24.36,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep24 16:07:27.84,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:16:7:30 10Sep24 16:07:30.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285344450 42 10Sep24 16:07:30.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00105 seconds 10Sep24 16:37:33.08,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:16:37:35 10Sep24 16:37:34.99,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285346254 39757 10Sep24 16:37:35.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.00607491 seconds 10Sep24 16:37:35.31,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 2576 10Sep24 16:37:35.57,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep24 16:37:35.66,D,Stats: samples = 7200004, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 1.8e+03, measured rate = 4000.00 10Sep24 16:37:35.84,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00105, After Sample = -0.00607491 10Sep24 16:37:35.96,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep24 16:37:36.18,D,[0]=1 10Sep24 16:37:36.25,D,[4096]=3515 10Sep24 16:37:36.32,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep24 16:37:36.42,D,Leaving sample 10Sep24 16:37:39.65,N,glcheck: 513612 bytes free, 10 blocks free, 5900 bytes alloc, 189 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 16:37:39.81,N,Open files 10Sep24 16:37:39.88,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 16:37:39.98,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 16:37:40.07,N,ARS>> # do PSD on 16 blocks (16*4096/4000 = 16.384 sec) psd chan=2 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=2, infile=c:\r0102010.dat, outfile=c:\r0102010.psd 10Sep24 16:37:40.38,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep24 16:37:43.64,N,glcheck: 513612 bytes free, 10 blocks free, 5900 bytes alloc, 189 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 16:37:43.80,N,Starting assignments 10Sep24 16:37:44.05,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0102010.dat 10Sep24 16:37:44.36,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0102010.psd 10Sep24 16:37:44.67,N,stmp1 = channel=2 10Sep24 16:37:44.96,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep24 16:37:45.26,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep24 16:37:45.55,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep24 16:37:45.64,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep24 16:37:45.72,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep24 16:37:45.80,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102010.dat<- 10Sep24 16:37:45.92,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102010.psd<- 10Sep24 16:37:46.04,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->2<- 10Sep24 16:37:46.14,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep24 16:37:46.24,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep24 16:37:46.34,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep24 16:37:46.63,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102010.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102010.dat can be opened 10Sep24 16:37:46.89,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep24 16:38:05.27,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 Data file version is 04 Version 3 header close(): ASGFile not valid glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep24 16:38:19.24,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep24 16:38:19.45,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep24 16:38:19.55,N,retval = 0 10Sep24 16:38:23.33,N,glcheck: 512984 bytes free, 26 blocks free, 6000 bytes alloc, 195 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 16:38:23.49,N,Open files 10Sep24 16:38:23.57,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 16:38:23.66,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 16:38:23.76,N,ARS>> # sleep 20 sec = 1 minutes sleep time=20 type=0 time = 20, type = 0 10Sep24 16:38:23.98,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 16:38:24.05,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285346304, sleeping until 1285346324 with 1 big sleeps... 10Sep24 16:38:24.22,D,Comm ports closed prior to sleeping 10Sep24 16:38:24.32,D,Console port cleared and RTS asserted low 10Sep24 16:38:24.43,D,pin 23 set high 10Sep24 16:38:24.51,D,pin 24 set low 10Sep24 16:38:24.59,D,pin 25 read 10Sep24 16:38:24.66,D,pin 26 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 16:38:24.75,D,pin 27 set low 10Sep24 16:38:24.83,D,pin 28 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 16:38:24.91,D,pin 29 set high 10Sep24 16:38:24.99,D,pin 31 set high 10Sep24 16:38:25.07,D,pin 32 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 16:38:25.15,D,pin 33 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 16:38:25.24,D,pin 34 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 16:38:25.32,D,pin 35 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 16:38:25.40,D,pin 36 mirrored (-1) 10Sep24 16:38:25.61,D,pin 37 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 16:38:25.69,D,pins are set for low power 10Sep24 16:38:25.78,D,interrupt handlers installed 10Sep24 16:38:25.88,D,serial drivers, CF and TPU states set 10Sep24 16:38:25.98,D,dog stroked 10Sep24 16:38:26.09,D,low speed set 10Sep24 16:38:26.70,D,PIT set 10Sep24 16:38:39.81,D,awake from big sleep, dog stroked 10Sep24 16:38:40.42,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285346320, sleeping until 1285346324 for remainder sleep... 10Sep24 16:38:45.13,D,done with sleeps, dog stroked 10Sep24 16:38:45.77,D,handlers and peripheral states restored 10Sep24 16:38:45.89,D,...exiting lpStopUntil normally 10Sep24 16:38:45.99,N,Open files 10Sep24 16:38:46.06,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 16:38:46.16,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 16:38:46.25,N,ARS>> # repeat this cycle loopLooping to top of file 10Sep24 16:38:46.45,N,Open files 10Sep24 16:38:46.52,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 16:38:46.62,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 16:38:46.71,N,ARS>> # ardive.ars # edited 201009212046L BMH # HIGH BAND: get samples for 120 sec @ 64000Hz sample time=120 chans=1 rate=64000 time=120, rate=64000, chans=1, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep24 16:38:50.62,N,glcheck: 512984 bytes free, 26 blocks free, 6000 bytes alloc, 195 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 16:38:50.89,D,Entering sample for 120 secs, 64000 rate and 1 chans 10Sep24 16:38:51.01,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep24 16:38:51.22,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep24 16:39:11.32,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep24 16:39:11.46,D,Free disk space = -431587328 10Sep24 16:39:11.55,N,Using PicoZOOM 10Sep24 16:39:11.71,N,Opened c:\r0102011.dat for data collection 10Sep24 16:39:11.82,D,Writing out header to c:\r0102011.dat 10Sep24 16:39:12.01,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep24 16:39:12.11,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep24 16:39:12.19,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep24 16:39:12.32,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep24 16:39:15.40,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:16:39:18 10Sep24 16:39:18.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285346358 41 10Sep24 16:39:18.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00102496 seconds 10Sep24 16:41:21.25,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:16:41:23 10Sep24 16:41:22.99,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285346482 39876 10Sep24 16:41:23.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.00309992 seconds 10Sep24 16:41:23.29,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 4128 10Sep24 16:41:23.50,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep24 16:41:23.59,D,Stats: samples = 7680012, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 1.2e+02, measured rate = 63999.86 10Sep24 16:41:23.76,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00102496, After Sample = -0.00309992 10Sep24 16:41:23.90,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep24 16:41:23.97,D,[4096]=3738 10Sep24 16:41:24.05,D,[12288]=4 10Sep24 16:41:24.12,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep24 16:41:24.22,D,Leaving sample 10Sep24 16:41:27.51,N,glcheck: 513416 bytes free, 8 blocks free, 6000 bytes alloc, 195 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 16:41:27.67,N,Open files 10Sep24 16:41:27.74,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 16:41:27.84,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 16:41:27.94,N,ARS>> # do psd on 1st 16 blocks (16*4096/64000 = 1.024 sec of data) psd chan=1 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=1, infile=c:\r0102011.dat, outfile=c:\r0102011.psd 10Sep24 16:41:28.38,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep24 16:41:31.70,N,glcheck: 513416 bytes free, 8 blocks free, 6000 bytes alloc, 195 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 16:41:31.86,N,Starting assignments 10Sep24 16:41:32.10,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0102011.dat 10Sep24 16:41:32.42,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0102011.psd 10Sep24 16:41:32.73,N,stmp1 = channel=1 10Sep24 16:41:33.03,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep24 16:41:33.32,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep24 16:41:33.61,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep24 16:41:33.70,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep24 16:41:33.79,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep24 16:41:33.87,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102011.dat<- 10Sep24 16:41:33.99,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102011.psd<- 10Sep24 16:41:34.11,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->1<- 10Sep24 16:41:34.20,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep24 16:41:34.31,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep24 16:41:34.41,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep24 16:41:34.56,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102011.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102011.dat can be opened 10Sep24 16:41:34.83,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep24 16:41:53.21,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 Data file version is 04 Version 3 header close(): ASGFile not valid glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep24 16:42:07.15,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep24 16:42:07.36,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep24 16:42:07.47,N,retval = 0 10Sep24 16:42:11.30,N,glcheck: 512784 bytes free, 24 blocks free, 6104 bytes alloc, 201 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 16:42:11.46,N,Open files 10Sep24 16:42:11.54,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 16:42:11.63,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 16:42:11.73,N,ARS>> # sleep 10 sec = 1 minute sleep time=10 type=0 time = 10, type = 0 10Sep24 16:42:12.07,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 16:42:12.14,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285346532, sleeping until 1285346542 with 0 big sleeps... 10Sep24 16:42:12.31,D,Comm ports closed prior to sleeping 10Sep24 16:42:12.41,D,Console port cleared and RTS asserted low 10Sep24 16:42:12.52,D,pin 23 set high 10Sep24 16:42:12.60,D,pin 24 set low 10Sep24 16:42:12.68,D,pin 25 read 10Sep24 16:42:12.75,D,pin 26 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 16:42:12.84,D,pin 27 set low 10Sep24 16:42:12.92,D,pin 28 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 16:42:13.00,D,pin 29 set high 10Sep24 16:42:13.08,D,pin 31 set high 10Sep24 16:42:13.16,D,pin 32 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 16:42:13.25,D,pin 33 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 16:42:13.33,D,pin 34 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 16:42:13.41,D,pin 35 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 16:42:13.50,D,pin 36 mirrored (-1) 10Sep24 16:42:13.58,D,pin 37 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 16:42:13.67,D,pins are set for low power 10Sep24 16:42:13.76,D,interrupt handlers installed 10Sep24 16:42:13.85,D,serial drivers, CF and TPU states set 10Sep24 16:42:13.96,D,dog stroked 10Sep24 16:42:14.07,D,low speed set 10Sep24 16:42:14.68,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285346534, sleeping until 1285346542 for remainder sleep... 10Sep24 16:42:23.35,D,done with sleeps, dog stroked 10Sep24 16:42:23.98,D,handlers and peripheral states restored 10Sep24 16:42:24.21,D,...exiting lpStopUntil normally 10Sep24 16:42:24.31,N,Open files 10Sep24 16:42:24.39,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 16:42:24.48,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 16:42:24.60,N,ARS>> # LOW BAND: get samples for 1800 sec @ 4000 Hz sample time=1800 chans=2 rate=4000 time=1800, rate=4000, chans=2, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep24 16:42:28.45,N,glcheck: 512784 bytes free, 24 blocks free, 6104 bytes alloc, 201 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 16:42:28.61,D,Entering sample for 1800 secs, 4000 rate and 2 chans 10Sep24 16:42:28.73,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep24 16:42:28.94,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep24 16:42:49.03,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep24 16:42:49.17,D,Free disk space = -446988288 10Sep24 16:42:49.27,N,Not using PicoZOOM 10Sep24 16:42:49.40,N,Opened c:\r0102012.dat for data collection 10Sep24 16:42:49.51,D,Writing out header to c:\r0102012.dat 10Sep24 16:42:49.78,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep24 16:42:49.87,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep24 16:42:49.96,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep24 16:42:50.10,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep24 16:42:53.51,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:16:42:56 10Sep24 16:42:56.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285346576 42 10Sep24 16:42:56.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00105 seconds 10Sep24 17:12:58.74,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:17:13:1 10Sep24 17:13:00.99,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285348380 39655 10Sep24 17:13:01.20,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.00862503 seconds 10Sep24 17:13:01.42,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 2576 10Sep24 17:13:01.64,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep24 17:13:01.74,D,Stats: samples = 7200004, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 1.8e+03, measured rate = 4000.00 10Sep24 17:13:01.92,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00105, After Sample = -0.00862503 10Sep24 17:13:02.04,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep24 17:13:02.12,D,[0]=1 10Sep24 17:13:02.19,D,[4096]=3515 10Sep24 17:13:02.26,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep24 17:13:02.36,D,Leaving sample 10Sep24 17:13:05.76,N,glcheck: 513144 bytes free, 9 blocks free, 6104 bytes alloc, 201 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 17:13:05.92,N,Open files 10Sep24 17:13:05.99,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 17:13:06.09,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 17:13:06.18,N,ARS>> # do PSD on 16 blocks (16*4096/4000 = 16.384 sec) psd chan=2 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=2, infile=c:\r0102012.dat, outfile=c:\r0102012.psd 10Sep24 17:13:06.49,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep24 17:13:09.92,N,glcheck: 513144 bytes free, 9 blocks free, 6104 bytes alloc, 201 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 17:13:10.08,N,Starting assignments 10Sep24 17:13:10.32,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0102012.dat 10Sep24 17:13:10.64,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0102012.psd 10Sep24 17:13:10.95,N,stmp1 = channel=2 10Sep24 17:13:11.24,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep24 17:13:11.54,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep24 17:13:11.83,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep24 17:13:12.06,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep24 17:13:12.14,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep24 17:13:12.22,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102012.dat<- 10Sep24 17:13:12.34,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102012.psd<- 10Sep24 17:13:12.46,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->2<- 10Sep24 17:13:12.55,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep24 17:13:12.66,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep24 17:13:12.75,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep24 17:13:12.91,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102012.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102012.dat can be opened 10Sep24 17:13:13.17,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep24 17:13:31.56,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 Data file version is 04 Version 3 header close(): ASGFile not valid glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep24 17:13:45.66,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep24 17:13:45.90,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep24 17:13:46.04,N,retval = 0 10Sep24 17:13:50.03,N,glcheck: 512464 bytes free, 26 blocks free, 6232 bytes alloc, 207 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 17:13:50.22,N,Open files 10Sep24 17:13:50.32,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 17:13:50.45,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 17:13:50.57,N,ARS>> # sleep 20 sec = 1 minutes sleep time=20 type=0 time = 20, type = 0 10Sep24 17:13:50.91,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 17:13:51.02,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285348431, sleeping until 1285348451 with 1 big sleeps... 10Sep24 17:13:51.22,D,Comm ports closed prior to sleeping 10Sep24 17:13:51.35,D,Console port cleared and RTS asserted low 10Sep24 17:13:51.48,D,pin 23 set high 10Sep24 17:13:51.59,D,pin 24 set low 10Sep24 17:13:51.70,D,pin 25 read 10Sep24 17:13:51.80,D,pin 26 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 17:13:52.02,D,pin 27 set low 10Sep24 17:13:52.12,D,pin 28 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 17:13:52.24,D,pin 29 set high 10Sep24 17:13:52.35,D,pin 31 set high 10Sep24 17:13:52.45,D,pin 32 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 17:13:52.57,D,pin 33 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 17:13:52.68,D,pin 34 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 17:13:52.79,D,pin 35 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 17:13:52.91,D,pin 36 mirrored (-1) 10Sep24 17:13:53.02,D,pin 37 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 17:13:53.13,D,pins are set for low power 10Sep24 17:13:53.25,D,interrupt handlers installed 10Sep24 17:13:53.38,D,serial drivers, CF and TPU states set 10Sep24 17:13:53.51,D,dog stroked 10Sep24 17:13:53.65,D,low speed set 10Sep24 17:13:54.26,D,PIT set 10Sep24 17:14:07.38,D,awake from big sleep, dog stroked 10Sep24 17:14:07.99,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285348447, sleeping until 1285348451 for remainder sleep... 10Sep24 17:14:12.70,D,done with sleeps, dog stroked 10Sep24 17:14:13.33,D,handlers and peripheral states restored 10Sep24 17:14:13.48,D,...exiting lpStopUntil normally 10Sep24 17:14:13.60,N,Open files 10Sep24 17:14:13.71,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 17:14:13.83,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 17:14:13.96,N,ARS>> # repeat this cycle loopLooping to top of file 10Sep24 17:14:14.27,N,Open files 10Sep24 17:14:14.47,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 17:14:14.58,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 17:14:14.68,N,ARS>> # ardive.ars # edited 201009212046L BMH # HIGH BAND: get samples for 120 sec @ 64000Hz sample time=120 chans=1 rate=64000 time=120, rate=64000, chans=1, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep24 17:14:18.76,N,glcheck: 512464 bytes free, 26 blocks free, 6232 bytes alloc, 207 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 17:14:18.92,D,Entering sample for 120 secs, 64000 rate and 1 chans 10Sep24 17:14:19.04,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep24 17:14:19.25,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep24 17:14:39.35,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep24 17:14:39.48,D,Free disk space = -461438976 10Sep24 17:14:39.58,N,Using PicoZOOM 10Sep24 17:14:39.74,N,Opened c:\r0102013.dat for data collection 10Sep24 17:14:39.84,D,Writing out header to c:\r0102013.dat 10Sep24 17:14:40.05,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep24 17:14:40.15,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep24 17:14:40.23,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep24 17:14:40.36,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep24 17:14:44.44,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:17:14:47 10Sep24 17:14:47.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285348487 41 10Sep24 17:14:47.08,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00102496 seconds 10Sep24 17:16:50.27,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:17:16:52 10Sep24 17:16:51.99,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285348611 39873 10Sep24 17:16:52.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.00317502 seconds 10Sep24 17:16:52.29,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 4128 10Sep24 17:16:52.51,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep24 17:16:52.59,D,Stats: samples = 7680012, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 1.2e+02, measured rate = 63999.86 10Sep24 17:16:52.77,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00102496, After Sample = -0.00317502 10Sep24 17:16:52.90,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep24 17:16:52.98,D,[4096]=3735 10Sep24 17:16:53.05,D,[12288]=5 10Sep24 17:16:53.13,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep24 17:16:53.22,D,Leaving sample 10Sep24 17:16:56.69,N,glcheck: 512920 bytes free, 7 blocks free, 6232 bytes alloc, 207 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 17:16:56.85,N,Open files 10Sep24 17:16:56.92,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 17:16:57.02,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 17:16:57.11,N,ARS>> # do psd on 1st 16 blocks (16*4096/64000 = 1.024 sec of data) psd chan=1 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=1, infile=c:\r0102013.dat, outfile=c:\r0102013.psd 10Sep24 17:16:57.43,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep24 17:17:00.92,N,glcheck: 512920 bytes free, 7 blocks free, 6232 bytes alloc, 207 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 17:17:01.20,N,Starting assignments 10Sep24 17:17:01.44,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0102013.dat 10Sep24 17:17:01.76,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0102013.psd 10Sep24 17:17:02.07,N,stmp1 = channel=1 10Sep24 17:17:02.36,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep24 17:17:02.66,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep24 17:17:02.95,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep24 17:17:03.04,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep24 17:17:03.12,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep24 17:17:03.20,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102013.dat<- 10Sep24 17:17:03.32,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102013.psd<- 10Sep24 17:17:03.44,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->1<- 10Sep24 17:17:03.54,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep24 17:17:03.64,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep24 17:17:03.74,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep24 17:17:03.89,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102013.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102013.dat can be opened 10Sep24 17:17:04.16,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep24 17:17:22.55,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 Data file version is 04 Version 3 header close(): ASGFile not valid glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep24 17:17:36.51,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep24 17:17:36.72,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep24 17:17:36.83,N,retval = 0 10Sep24 17:17:40.86,N,glcheck: 512252 bytes free, 24 blocks free, 6348 bytes alloc, 213 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 17:17:41.02,N,Open files 10Sep24 17:17:41.09,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 17:17:41.19,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 17:17:41.28,N,ARS>> # sleep 10 sec = 1 minute sleep time=10 type=0 time = 10, type = 0 10Sep24 17:17:41.50,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 17:17:41.69,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285348661, sleeping until 1285348671 with 0 big sleeps... 10Sep24 17:17:41.86,D,Comm ports closed prior to sleeping 10Sep24 17:17:41.96,D,Console port cleared and RTS asserted low 10Sep24 17:17:42.06,D,pin 23 set high 10Sep24 17:17:42.14,D,pin 24 set low 10Sep24 17:17:42.22,D,pin 25 read 10Sep24 17:17:42.29,D,pin 26 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 17:17:42.38,D,pin 27 set low 10Sep24 17:17:42.46,D,pin 28 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 17:17:42.54,D,pin 29 set high 10Sep24 17:17:42.62,D,pin 31 set high 10Sep24 17:17:42.70,D,pin 32 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 17:17:42.78,D,pin 33 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 17:17:42.86,D,pin 34 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 17:17:42.95,D,pin 35 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 17:17:43.03,D,pin 36 mirrored (-1) 10Sep24 17:17:43.11,D,pin 37 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 17:17:43.20,D,pins are set for low power 10Sep24 17:17:43.29,D,interrupt handlers installed 10Sep24 17:17:43.38,D,serial drivers, CF and TPU states set 10Sep24 17:17:43.48,D,dog stroked 10Sep24 17:17:43.60,D,low speed set 10Sep24 17:17:44.21,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285348664, sleeping until 1285348671 for remainder sleep... 10Sep24 17:17:51.90,D,done with sleeps, dog stroked 10Sep24 17:17:52.50,D,handlers and peripheral states restored 10Sep24 17:17:52.62,D,...exiting lpStopUntil normally 10Sep24 17:17:52.72,N,Open files 10Sep24 17:17:52.79,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 17:17:52.88,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 17:17:53.09,N,ARS>> # LOW BAND: get samples for 1800 sec @ 4000 Hz sample time=1800 chans=2 rate=4000 time=1800, rate=4000, chans=2, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep24 17:17:57.14,N,glcheck: 512252 bytes free, 24 blocks free, 6348 bytes alloc, 213 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 17:17:57.30,D,Entering sample for 1800 secs, 4000 rate and 2 chans 10Sep24 17:17:57.42,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep24 17:17:57.63,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep24 17:18:17.73,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep24 17:18:17.86,D,Free disk space = -476839936 10Sep24 17:18:17.96,N,Not using PicoZOOM 10Sep24 17:18:18.09,N,Opened c:\r0102014.dat for data collection 10Sep24 17:18:18.20,D,Writing out header to c:\r0102014.dat 10Sep24 17:18:18.44,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep24 17:18:18.53,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep24 17:18:18.62,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep24 17:18:18.76,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep24 17:18:22.53,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:17:18:25 10Sep24 17:18:25.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285348705 41 10Sep24 17:18:25.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00102496 seconds 10Sep24 17:48:27.76,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:17:48:30 10Sep24 17:48:29.98,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285350509 39583 10Sep24 17:48:30.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.0104251 seconds 10Sep24 17:48:30.30,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 2576 10Sep24 17:48:30.64,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep24 17:48:30.73,D,Stats: samples = 7200004, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 1.8e+03, measured rate = 4000.00 10Sep24 17:48:30.91,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00102496, After Sample = -0.0104251 10Sep24 17:48:31.04,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep24 17:48:31.11,D,[0]=1 10Sep24 17:48:31.18,D,[4096]=3515 10Sep24 17:48:31.26,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep24 17:48:31.36,D,Leaving sample 10Sep24 17:48:34.93,N,glcheck: 512636 bytes free, 8 blocks free, 6348 bytes alloc, 213 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 17:48:35.09,N,Open files 10Sep24 17:48:35.16,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 17:48:35.26,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 17:48:35.36,N,ARS>> # do PSD on 16 blocks (16*4096/4000 = 16.384 sec) psd chan=2 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=2, infile=c:\r0102014.dat, outfile=c:\r0102014.psd 10Sep24 17:48:35.67,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep24 17:48:39.27,N,glcheck: 512636 bytes free, 8 blocks free, 6348 bytes alloc, 213 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 17:48:39.43,N,Starting assignments 10Sep24 17:48:39.68,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0102014.dat 10Sep24 17:48:39.99,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0102014.psd 10Sep24 17:48:40.30,N,stmp1 = channel=2 10Sep24 17:48:40.60,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep24 17:48:40.89,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep24 17:48:41.19,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep24 17:48:41.27,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep24 17:48:41.36,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep24 17:48:41.44,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102014.dat<- 10Sep24 17:48:41.56,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102014.psd<- 10Sep24 17:48:41.82,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->2<- 10Sep24 17:48:41.91,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep24 17:48:42.02,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep24 17:48:42.11,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep24 17:48:42.27,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102014.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102014.dat can be opened 10Sep24 17:48:42.61,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep24 17:49:01.01,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 Data file version is 04 Version 3 header close(): ASGFile not valid glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep24 17:49:15.05,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep24 17:49:15.26,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep24 17:49:15.38,N,retval = 0 10Sep24 17:49:19.53,N,glcheck: 511936 bytes free, 26 blocks free, 6472 bytes alloc, 219 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 17:49:19.70,N,Open files 10Sep24 17:49:19.77,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 17:49:19.87,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 17:49:19.97,N,ARS>> # sleep 20 sec = 1 minutes sleep time=20 type=0 time = 20, type = 0 10Sep24 17:49:20.21,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 17:49:20.28,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285350560, sleeping until 1285350580 with 1 big sleeps... 10Sep24 17:49:20.45,D,Comm ports closed prior to sleeping 10Sep24 17:49:20.56,D,Console port cleared and RTS asserted low 10Sep24 17:49:20.67,D,pin 23 set high 10Sep24 17:49:20.75,D,pin 24 set low 10Sep24 17:49:20.84,D,pin 25 read 10Sep24 17:49:20.91,D,pin 26 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 17:49:21.00,D,pin 27 set low 10Sep24 17:49:21.08,D,pin 28 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 17:49:21.17,D,pin 29 set high 10Sep24 17:49:21.37,D,pin 31 set high 10Sep24 17:49:21.45,D,pin 32 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 17:49:21.54,D,pin 33 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 17:49:21.62,D,pin 34 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 17:49:21.71,D,pin 35 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 17:49:21.80,D,pin 36 mirrored (-1) 10Sep24 17:49:21.89,D,pin 37 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 17:49:21.97,D,pins are set for low power 10Sep24 17:49:22.07,D,interrupt handlers installed 10Sep24 17:49:22.17,D,serial drivers, CF and TPU states set 10Sep24 17:49:22.27,D,dog stroked 10Sep24 17:49:22.39,D,low speed set 10Sep24 17:49:23.02,D,PIT set 10Sep24 17:49:36.13,D,awake from big sleep, dog stroked 10Sep24 17:49:36.76,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285350576, sleeping until 1285350580 for remainder sleep... 10Sep24 17:49:41.50,D,done with sleeps, dog stroked 10Sep24 17:49:42.13,D,handlers and peripheral states restored 10Sep24 17:49:42.26,D,...exiting lpStopUntil normally 10Sep24 17:49:42.36,N,Open files 10Sep24 17:49:42.43,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 17:49:42.53,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 17:49:42.63,N,ARS>> # repeat this cycle loopLooping to top of file 10Sep24 17:49:42.84,N,Open files 10Sep24 17:49:42.92,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 17:49:43.02,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 17:49:43.12,N,ARS>> # ardive.ars # edited 201009212046L BMH # HIGH BAND: get samples for 120 sec @ 64000Hz sample time=120 chans=1 rate=64000 time=120, rate=64000, chans=1, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep24 17:49:47.53,N,glcheck: 511936 bytes free, 26 blocks free, 6472 bytes alloc, 219 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 17:49:47.69,D,Entering sample for 120 secs, 64000 rate and 1 chans 10Sep24 17:49:47.82,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep24 17:49:48.03,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep24 17:50:08.13,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep24 17:50:08.27,D,Free disk space = -491323392 10Sep24 17:50:08.37,N,Using PicoZOOM 10Sep24 17:50:08.53,N,Opened c:\r0102015.dat for data collection 10Sep24 17:50:08.64,D,Writing out header to c:\r0102015.dat 10Sep24 17:50:08.85,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep24 17:50:08.99,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep24 17:50:09.07,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep24 17:50:09.21,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep24 17:50:11.76,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:17:50:14 10Sep24 17:50:14.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285350614 41 10Sep24 17:50:14.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00102496 seconds 10Sep24 17:52:17.61,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:17:52:20 10Sep24 17:52:19.99,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285350739 39863 10Sep24 17:52:20.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.00342488 seconds 10Sep24 17:52:20.29,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 1360 10Sep24 17:52:20.51,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep24 17:52:20.60,D,Stats: samples = 7680676, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 1.2e+02, measured rate = 63999.86 10Sep24 17:52:20.78,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00102496, After Sample = -0.00342488 10Sep24 17:52:20.91,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep24 17:52:20.99,D,[0]=1 10Sep24 17:52:21.07,D,[4096]=3735 10Sep24 17:52:21.15,D,[12288]=5 10Sep24 17:52:21.22,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep24 17:52:21.32,D,Leaving sample 10Sep24 17:52:24.98,N,glcheck: 512392 bytes free, 7 blocks free, 6472 bytes alloc, 219 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 17:52:25.15,N,Open files 10Sep24 17:52:25.22,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 17:52:25.32,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 17:52:25.42,N,ARS>> # do psd on 1st 16 blocks (16*4096/64000 = 1.024 sec of data) psd chan=1 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=1, infile=c:\r0102015.dat, outfile=c:\r0102015.psd 10Sep24 17:52:25.76,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep24 17:52:29.44,N,glcheck: 512392 bytes free, 7 blocks free, 6472 bytes alloc, 219 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 17:52:29.73,N,Starting assignments 10Sep24 17:52:29.98,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0102015.dat 10Sep24 17:52:30.29,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0102015.psd 10Sep24 17:52:30.61,N,stmp1 = channel=1 10Sep24 17:52:30.91,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep24 17:52:31.21,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep24 17:52:31.50,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep24 17:52:31.59,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep24 17:52:31.68,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep24 17:52:31.76,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102015.dat<- 10Sep24 17:52:31.89,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102015.psd<- 10Sep24 17:52:32.01,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->1<- 10Sep24 17:52:32.11,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep24 17:52:32.22,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep24 17:52:32.32,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep24 17:52:32.47,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102015.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102015.dat can be opened 10Sep24 17:52:32.75,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep24 17:52:51.16,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 Data file version is 04 Version 3 header close(): ASGFile not valid glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep24 17:53:05.29,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep24 17:53:05.50,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep24 17:53:05.61,N,retval = 0 10Sep24 17:53:09.82,N,glcheck: 511772 bytes free, 24 blocks free, 6540 bytes alloc, 225 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 17:53:09.99,N,Open files 10Sep24 17:53:10.07,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 17:53:10.17,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 17:53:10.27,N,ARS>> # sleep 10 sec = 1 minute sleep time=10 type=0 time = 10, type = 0 10Sep24 17:53:10.50,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 17:53:10.69,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285350790, sleeping until 1285350800 with 0 big sleeps... 10Sep24 17:53:10.86,D,Comm ports closed prior to sleeping 10Sep24 17:53:10.97,D,Console port cleared and RTS asserted low 10Sep24 17:53:11.08,D,pin 23 set high 10Sep24 17:53:11.16,D,pin 24 set low 10Sep24 17:53:11.25,D,pin 25 read 10Sep24 17:53:11.32,D,pin 26 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 17:53:11.41,D,pin 27 set low 10Sep24 17:53:11.49,D,pin 28 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 17:53:11.58,D,pin 29 set high 10Sep24 17:53:11.66,D,pin 31 set high 10Sep24 17:53:11.75,D,pin 32 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 17:53:11.83,D,pin 33 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 17:53:11.92,D,pin 34 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 17:53:12.01,D,pin 35 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 17:53:12.09,D,pin 36 mirrored (-1) 10Sep24 17:53:12.18,D,pin 37 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 17:53:12.27,D,pins are set for low power 10Sep24 17:53:12.37,D,interrupt handlers installed 10Sep24 17:53:12.46,D,serial drivers, CF and TPU states set 10Sep24 17:53:12.57,D,dog stroked 10Sep24 17:53:12.69,D,low speed set 10Sep24 17:53:13.30,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285350793, sleeping until 1285350800 for remainder sleep... 10Sep24 17:53:21.00,D,done with sleeps, dog stroked 10Sep24 17:53:21.63,D,handlers and peripheral states restored 10Sep24 17:53:21.76,D,...exiting lpStopUntil normally 10Sep24 17:53:21.86,N,Open files 10Sep24 17:53:21.94,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 17:53:22.04,N,pin = 4, pin err = 0, comm = 2 10Sep24 17:53:22.25,N,ARS>> # LOW BAND: get samples for 1800 sec @ 4000 Hz sample time=1800 chans=2 rate=4000 time=1800, rate=4000, chans=2, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep24 17:53:26.50,N,glcheck: 511772 bytes free, 24 blocks free, 6540 bytes alloc, 225 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 17:53:26.67,D,Entering sample for 1800 secs, 4000 rate and 2 chans 10Sep24 17:53:26.79,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep24 17:53:27.00,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep24 17:53:47.10,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep24 17:53:47.24,D,Free disk space = -506724352 10Sep24 17:53:47.34,N,Not using PicoZOOM 10Sep24 17:53:47.48,N,Opened c:\r0102016.dat for data collection 10Sep24 17:53:47.60,D,Writing out header to c:\r0102016.dat 10Sep24 17:53:47.92,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep24 17:53:48.01,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep24 17:53:48.10,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep24 17:53:48.25,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep24 17:53:51.55,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:17:53:54 10Sep24 17:53:54.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285350834 42 10Sep24 17:53:54.10,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00105 seconds 10Sep24 17:54:03.33,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:17:54:5 10Sep24 17:54:04.99,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285350844 39889 10Sep24 17:54:05.10,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.00277495 seconds 10Sep24 17:54:05.32,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 64 10Sep24 17:54:05.74,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep24 17:54:05.82,D,Stats: samples = 20508, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 5.1, measured rate = 3998.52 10Sep24 17:54:06.00,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00105, After Sample = -0.00277495 10Sep24 17:54:06.13,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep24 17:54:06.21,D,[0]=1 10Sep24 17:54:06.28,D,[4096]=10 10Sep24 17:54:06.36,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel due to host alert 10Sep24 17:54:06.47,D,Leaving sample 10Sep24 17:54:10.26,N,glcheck: 512108 bytes free, 10 blocks free, 6540 bytes alloc, 225 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 17:54:10.43,N,Host Listen 10Sep24 17:54:10.51,N,Entering Host Listen State... 10Sep24 17:54:10.60,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 17:54:10.68,N,pin = 5, pin err = 0, comm = 3 10Sep24 17:54:10.78,N,ARS>> diveapogee 10Sep24 17:54:10.90,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 17:54:10.99,N,Executing script [C:\ARAPOGEE.ARS] 10Sep24 17:54:11.10,N,Open files 10Sep24 17:54:11.17,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep24 17:54:11.27,N,pin = 5, pin err = 0, comm = 3 10Sep24 17:54:11.37,N,Open files 10Sep24 17:54:11.45,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep24 17:54:11.55,N,pin = 5, pin err = 0, comm = 3 10Sep24 17:54:11.65,N,ARS>> #arapogee.ars movefiles thisdive=1 maxbytes=0 10Sep24 17:54:14.58,D,Files to copy 10Sep24 17:54:14.66,D,0000 - [R0102001.DAT] 10Sep24 17:54:14.87,D,0001 - [R0102002.DAT] 10Sep24 17:54:14.96,D,0002 - [R0101016.DAT] 10Sep24 17:54:15.05,D,0003 - [R0102003.DAT] 10Sep24 17:54:15.13,D,0004 - [R0102004.DAT] 10Sep24 17:54:15.22,D,0005 - [R0101017.DAT] 10Sep24 17:54:15.31,D,0006 - [R0102005.DAT] 10Sep24 17:54:15.40,D,0007 - [R0101018.DAT] 10Sep24 17:54:15.49,D,0008 - [R0102006.DAT] 10Sep24 17:54:15.58,D,0009 - [R0102007.DAT] 10Sep24 17:54:15.67,D,0010 - [R0101019.DAT] 10Sep24 17:54:15.76,D,0011 - [R0102008.DAT] 10Sep24 17:54:15.85,D,0012 - [R0101020.DAT] 10Sep24 17:54:15.94,D,0013 - [R0102009.DAT] 10Sep24 17:54:16.03,D,0014 - [R0102010.DAT] 10Sep24 17:54:16.12,D,0015 - [R0101021.DAT] 10Sep24 17:54:16.21,D,0016 - [R0102011.DAT] 10Sep24 17:54:16.30,D,0017 - [R0101022.DAT] 10Sep24 17:54:16.38,D,0018 - [R0101023.DAT] 10Sep24 17:54:16.48,D,0019 - [R0102012.DAT] 10Sep24 17:54:16.57,D,0020 - [R0101024.DAT] 10Sep24 17:54:16.65,D,0021 - [R0102013.DAT] 10Sep24 17:54:16.74,D,0022 - [R0102014.DAT] 10Sep24 17:54:16.83,D,0023 - [R0102015.DAT] 10Sep24 17:54:16.92,D,0024 - [R0102016.DAT] 10Sep24 17:54:17.01,D,Powering up BI... 10Sep24 17:54:21.09,N,power_up_bi = 1 10Sep24 17:54:21.18,D,Dive num = 102, file = R0102001.DAT 10Sep24 17:54:27.20,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep24 17:54:27.31,D,Opening d:\dive0102\R0102001.DAT for writing 10Sep24 17:54:27.76,D,Opening R0102001.DAT for reading 10Sep24 17:54:27.87,N,Writing file d:\dive0102\R0102001.DAT...done. 15364112 bytes -0.690450.2 secs -22252318.000000.2 bytes/sec 10Sep24 17:54:52.31,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep24 17:54:52.40,N,Removing file R0102001.DAT...done. 10Sep24 17:54:58.35,D,Dive num = 102, file = R0102002.DAT 10Sep24 17:54:58.57,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep24 17:54:58.69,D,Opening d:\dive0102\R0102002.DAT for writing 10Sep24 17:54:58.83,D,Opening R0102002.DAT for reading 10Sep24 17:54:58.93,N,Writing file d:\dive0102\R0102002.DAT...done. 14405632 bytes -0.190000.2 secs -75819096.000000.2 bytes/sec 10Sep24 17:55:21.88,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep24 17:55:21.96,N,Removing file R0102002.DAT...done. 10Sep24 17:55:27.44,D,Dive num = 101, file = R0101016.DAT 10Sep24 17:55:27.67,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep24 17:55:28.82,D,Opening d:\dive0101\R0101016.DAT for writing 10Sep24 17:55:28.97,D,Opening R0101016.DAT for reading 10Sep24 17:55:29.08,N,Writing file d:\dive0101\R0101016.DAT...done. 14405632 bytes -0.086125.2 secs -167263968.000000.2 bytes/sec 10Sep24 17:55:52.14,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep24 17:55:52.23,N,Removing file R0101016.DAT...done. 10Sep24 17:55:57.84,D,Dive num = 102, file = R0102003.DAT 10Sep24 17:55:58.07,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep24 17:55:58.20,D,Opening d:\dive0102\R0102003.DAT for writing 10Sep24 17:55:58.34,D,Opening R0102003.DAT for reading 10Sep24 17:55:58.45,N,Writing file d:\dive0102\R0102003.DAT...done. 15368192 bytes 128.332932.2 secs 119752.523438.2 bytes/sec 10Sep24 17:56:22.91,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep24 17:56:23.00,N,Removing file R0102003.DAT...done. 10Sep24 17:56:28.96,D,Dive num = 102, file = R0102004.DAT 10Sep24 17:56:29.19,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep24 17:56:29.31,D,Opening d:\dive0102\R0102004.DAT for writing 10Sep24 17:56:29.44,D,Opening R0102004.DAT for reading 10Sep24 17:56:29.68,N,Writing file d:\dive0102\R0102004.DAT...done. 14405632 bytes -0.339000.2 secs -42494492.000000.2 bytes/sec 10Sep24 17:56:52.48,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep24 17:56:52.57,N,Removing file R0102004.DAT...done. 10Sep24 17:56:57.95,D,Dive num = 101, file = R0101017.DAT 10Sep24 17:56:58.19,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep24 17:56:58.32,D,Opening d:\dive0101\R0101017.DAT for writing 10Sep24 17:56:58.46,D,Opening R0101017.DAT for reading 10Sep24 17:56:58.58,N,Writing file d:\dive0101\R0101017.DAT...done. 15368192 bytes 0.243875.2 secs 63016668.000000.2 bytes/sec 10Sep24 17:57:22.96,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep24 17:57:23.04,N,Removing file R0101017.DAT...done. 10Sep24 17:57:29.03,D,Dive num = 102, file = R0102005.DAT 10Sep24 17:57:29.25,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep24 17:57:29.39,D,Opening d:\dive0102\R0102005.DAT for writing 10Sep24 17:57:29.53,D,Opening R0102005.DAT for reading 10Sep24 17:57:29.65,N,Writing file d:\dive0102\R0102005.DAT...done. 15364128 bytes 0.297125.2 secs 51709332.000000.2 bytes/sec 10Sep24 17:57:54.09,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep24 17:57:54.17,N,Removing file R0102005.DAT...done. 10Sep24 17:57:59.86,D,Dive num = 101, file = R0101018.DAT 10Sep24 17:58:00.09,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep24 17:58:00.35,D,Opening d:\dive0101\R0101018.DAT for writing 10Sep24 17:58:00.49,D,Opening R0101018.DAT for reading 10Sep24 17:58:00.61,N,Writing file d:\dive0101\R0101018.DAT...done. 14405632 bytes -0.284825.2 secs -50577116.000000.2 bytes/sec 10Sep24 17:58:23.47,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep24 17:58:23.55,N,Removing file R0101018.DAT...done. 10Sep24 17:58:28.95,D,Dive num = 102, file = R0102006.DAT 10Sep24 17:58:29.17,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep24 17:58:29.31,D,Opening d:\dive0102\R0102006.DAT for writing 10Sep24 17:58:29.45,D,Opening R0102006.DAT for reading 10Sep24 17:58:29.59,N,Writing file d:\dive0102\R0102006.DAT...done. 14405632 bytes -0.259200.2 secs -55577264.000000.2 bytes/sec 10Sep24 17:58:52.47,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep24 17:58:52.55,N,Removing file R0102006.DAT...done. 10Sep24 17:58:58.13,D,Dive num = 102, file = R0102007.DAT 10Sep24 17:58:58.36,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep24 17:58:58.47,D,Opening d:\dive0102\R0102007.DAT for writing 10Sep24 17:58:58.61,D,Opening R0102007.DAT for reading 10Sep24 17:58:58.73,N,Writing file d:\dive0102\R0102007.DAT...done. 15368192 bytes 0.204800.2 secs 75039952.000000.2 bytes/sec 10Sep24 17:59:23.08,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep24 17:59:23.16,N,Removing file R0102007.DAT...done. 10Sep24 17:59:29.38,D,Dive num = 101, file = R0101019.DAT 10Sep24 17:59:29.61,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep24 17:59:29.75,D,Opening d:\dive0101\R0101019.DAT for writing 10Sep24 17:59:29.89,D,Opening R0101019.DAT for reading 10Sep24 17:59:30.01,N,Writing file d:\dive0101\R0101019.DAT...done. 15368192 bytes 0.305825.2 secs 50251588.000000.2 bytes/sec 10Sep24 17:59:54.45,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep24 17:59:54.54,N,Removing file R0101019.DAT...done. 10Sep24 18:00:00.32,D,Dive num = 102, file = R0102008.DAT 10Sep24 18:00:00.55,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep24 18:00:00.69,D,Opening d:\dive0102\R0102008.DAT for writing 10Sep24 18:00:00.83,D,Opening R0102008.DAT for reading 10Sep24 18:00:00.95,N,Writing file d:\dive0102\R0102008.DAT...done. 14405632 bytes -0.292525.2 secs -49245804.000000.2 bytes/sec 10Sep24 18:00:23.80,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep24 18:00:23.88,N,Removing file R0102008.DAT...done. 10Sep24 18:00:29.49,D,Dive num = 101, file = R0101020.DAT 10Sep24 18:00:29.71,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep24 18:00:29.85,D,Opening d:\dive0101\R0101020.DAT for writing 10Sep24 18:00:29.99,D,Opening R0101020.DAT for reading 10Sep24 18:00:30.12,N,Writing file d:\dive0101\R0101020.DAT...done. 14405632 bytes 128.762619.2 secs 111877.437500.2 bytes/sec 10Sep24 18:00:53.02,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep24 18:00:53.10,N,Removing file R0101020.DAT...done. 10Sep24 18:00:59.04,D,Dive num = 102, file = R0102009.DAT 10Sep24 18:00:59.27,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep24 18:00:59.41,D,Opening d:\dive0102\R0102009.DAT for writing 10Sep24 18:00:59.55,D,Opening R0102009.DAT for reading 10Sep24 18:00:59.67,N,Writing file d:\dive0102\R0102009.DAT...done. 15368192 bytes 0.195800.2 secs 78489208.000000.2 bytes/sec 10Sep24 18:01:24.00,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep24 18:01:24.09,N,Removing file R0102009.DAT...done. 10Sep24 18:01:30.02,D,Dive num = 102, file = R0102010.DAT 10Sep24 18:01:30.25,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep24 18:01:30.37,D,Opening d:\dive0102\R0102010.DAT for writing 10Sep24 18:01:30.51,D,Opening R0102010.DAT for reading 10Sep24 18:01:30.63,N,Writing file d:\dive0102\R0102010.DAT...done. 14405632 bytes -0.173900.2 secs -82838648.000000.2 bytes/sec 10Sep24 18:01:53.60,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep24 18:01:53.68,N,Removing file R0102010.DAT...done. 10Sep24 18:01:59.40,D,Dive num = 101, file = R0101021.DAT 10Sep24 18:01:59.63,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep24 18:01:59.77,D,Opening d:\dive0101\R0101021.DAT for writing 10Sep24 18:01:59.91,D,Opening R0101021.DAT for reading 10Sep24 18:02:00.04,N,Writing file d:\dive0101\R0101021.DAT...done. 15368192 bytes 0.302050.2 secs 50879612.000000.2 bytes/sec 10Sep24 18:02:24.48,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep24 18:02:24.68,N,Removing file R0101021.DAT...done. 10Sep24 18:02:30.77,D,Dive num = 102, file = R0102011.DAT 10Sep24 18:02:31.00,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep24 18:02:31.14,D,Opening d:\dive0102\R0102011.DAT for writing 10Sep24 18:02:31.28,D,Opening R0102011.DAT for reading 10Sep24 18:02:31.40,N,Writing file d:\dive0102\R0102011.DAT...done. 15364128 bytes 128.180023.2 secs 119863.671875.2 bytes/sec 10Sep24 18:02:55.72,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep24 18:02:55.80,N,Removing file R0102011.DAT...done. 10Sep24 18:03:01.67,D,Dive num = 101, file = R0101022.DAT 10Sep24 18:03:01.89,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep24 18:03:02.03,D,Opening d:\dive0101\R0101022.DAT for writing 10Sep24 18:03:02.17,D,Opening R0101022.DAT for reading 10Sep24 18:03:02.30,N,Writing file d:\dive0101\R0101022.DAT...done. 14405632 bytes -0.168075.2 secs -85709504.000000.2 bytes/sec 10Sep24 18:03:25.28,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep24 18:03:25.37,N,Removing file R0101022.DAT...done. 10Sep24 18:03:31.36,D,Dive num = 101, file = R0101023.DAT 10Sep24 18:03:31.59,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep24 18:03:31.71,D,Opening d:\dive0101\R0101023.DAT for writing 10Sep24 18:03:31.85,D,Opening R0101023.DAT for reading 10Sep24 18:03:31.98,N,Writing file d:\dive0101\R0101023.DAT...done. 15368192 bytes -0.684150.2 secs -22463192.000000.2 bytes/sec 10Sep24 18:03:56.43,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep24 18:03:56.53,N,Removing file R0101023.DAT...done. 10Sep24 18:04:02.30,D,Dive num = 102, file = R0102012.DAT 10Sep24 18:04:02.53,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep24 18:04:02.67,D,Opening d:\dive0102\R0102012.DAT for writing 10Sep24 18:04:02.81,D,Opening R0102012.DAT for reading 10Sep24 18:04:02.93,N,Writing file d:\dive0102\R0102012.DAT...done. 14405632 bytes -0.260850.2 secs -55225740.000000.2 bytes/sec 10Sep24 18:04:25.82,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep24 18:04:25.90,N,Removing file R0102012.DAT...done. 10Sep24 18:04:31.45,D,Dive num = 101, file = R0101024.DAT 10Sep24 18:04:31.68,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep24 18:04:31.82,D,Opening d:\dive0101\R0101024.DAT for writing 10Sep24 18:04:31.96,D,Opening R0101024.DAT for reading 10Sep24 18:04:32.09,N,Writing file d:\dive0101\R0101024.DAT...done. 9981952 bytes 0.813500.2 secs 12270378.000000.2 bytes/sec 10Sep24 18:04:48.04,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep24 18:04:48.12,N,Removing file R0101024.DAT...done. 10Sep24 18:04:52.03,D,Dive num = 102, file = R0102013.DAT 10Sep24 18:04:52.26,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep24 18:04:52.40,D,Opening d:\dive0102\R0102013.DAT for writing 10Sep24 18:04:52.54,D,Opening R0102013.DAT for reading 10Sep24 18:04:52.67,N,Writing file d:\dive0102\R0102013.DAT...done. 15364128 bytes 0.309125.2 secs 49702000.000000.2 bytes/sec 10Sep24 18:05:17.12,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep24 18:05:17.21,N,Removing file R0102013.DAT...done. 10Sep24 18:05:23.22,D,Dive num = 102, file = R0102014.DAT 10Sep24 18:05:23.45,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep24 18:05:23.57,D,Opening d:\dive0102\R0102014.DAT for writing 10Sep24 18:05:23.71,D,Opening R0102014.DAT for reading 10Sep24 18:05:23.85,N,Writing file d:\dive0102\R0102014.DAT...done. 14405632 bytes -0.279000.2 secs -51633124.000000.2 bytes/sec 10Sep24 18:05:46.70,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep24 18:05:46.79,N,Removing file R0102014.DAT...done. 10Sep24 18:05:52.22,D,Dive num = 102, file = R0102015.DAT 10Sep24 18:05:52.45,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep24 18:05:52.70,D,Opening d:\dive0102\R0102015.DAT for writing 10Sep24 18:05:52.84,D,Opening R0102015.DAT for reading 10Sep24 18:05:52.97,N,Writing file d:\dive0102\R0102015.DAT...done. 15368192 bytes -0.780700.2 secs -19685144.000000.2 bytes/sec 10Sep24 18:06:17.33,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep24 18:06:17.41,N,Removing file R0102015.DAT...done. 10Sep24 18:06:23.13,D,Dive num = 102, file = R0102016.DAT 10Sep24 18:06:23.36,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep24 18:06:23.48,D,Opening d:\dive0102\R0102016.DAT for writing 10Sep24 18:06:23.62,D,Opening R0102016.DAT for reading 10Sep24 18:06:23.75,N,Writing file d:\dive0102\R0102016.DAT...done. 49152 bytes -0.653950.2 secs -75161.710938.2 bytes/sec 10Sep24 18:06:24.22,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep24 18:06:24.30,N,Removing file R0102016.DAT...done. 10Sep24 18:06:25.12,D,Powering down BI... 10Sep24 18:06:25.57,N,power_down_bi = 0 10Sep24 18:06:26.04,N,Open files 10Sep24 18:06:26.12,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep24 18:06:26.22,N,pin = 5, pin err = 0, comm = 3 10Sep24 18:06:26.32,N,ARS>> autoAuto state 10Sep24 18:06:26.46,N,Open files 10Sep24 18:06:26.68,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep24 18:06:26.78,N,pin = 5, pin err = 0, comm = 3 10Sep24 18:06:26.88,N,Finished with script [C:\ARAPOGEE.ARS] 10Sep24 18:06:26.99,N,Auto state 10Sep24 18:06:27.07,N,Entering Auto State... 10Sep24 18:06:27.16,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 18:06:27.24,N,Open files 10Sep24 18:06:27.32,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 18:06:27.42,N,pin = 5, pin err = 0, comm = 3 10Sep24 18:06:27.52,N,ARS>> # ardive.ars # edited 201009212046L BMH # HIGH BAND: get samples for 120 sec @ 64000Hz sample time=120 chans=1 rate=64000 time=120, rate=64000, chans=1, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep24 18:06:32.02,N,glcheck: 511556 bytes free, 33 blocks free, 6540 bytes alloc, 225 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 18:06:32.18,D,Entering sample for 120 secs, 64000 rate and 1 chans 10Sep24 18:06:32.31,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep24 18:06:32.52,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep24 18:06:52.62,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep24 18:06:52.76,D,Free disk space = -153714688 10Sep24 18:06:52.86,N,Using PicoZOOM 10Sep24 18:06:53.02,N,Opened c:\r0102017.dat for data collection 10Sep24 18:06:53.13,D,Writing out header to c:\r0102017.dat 10Sep24 18:06:53.34,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep24 18:06:53.44,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep24 18:06:53.53,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep24 18:06:53.66,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep24 18:06:56.73,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:18:6:59 10Sep24 18:06:59.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285351619 41 10Sep24 18:06:59.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00102496 seconds 10Sep24 18:09:02.57,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:18:9:5 10Sep24 18:09:04.99,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285351744 39861 10Sep24 18:09:05.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.00347495 seconds 10Sep24 18:09:05.29,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 4128 10Sep24 18:09:05.51,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep24 18:09:05.59,D,Stats: samples = 7680012, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 1.2e+02, measured rate = 63999.85 10Sep24 18:09:05.77,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00102496, After Sample = -0.00347495 10Sep24 18:09:05.90,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep24 18:09:05.99,D,[4096]=3737 10Sep24 18:09:06.06,D,[12288]=3 10Sep24 18:09:06.14,D,[16384]=1 10Sep24 18:09:06.22,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep24 18:09:06.32,D,Leaving sample 10Sep24 18:09:10.09,N,glcheck: 512132 bytes free, 9 blocks free, 6540 bytes alloc, 225 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 18:09:10.25,N,Open files 10Sep24 18:09:10.33,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 18:09:10.43,N,pin = 5, pin err = 0, comm = 3 10Sep24 18:09:10.53,N,ARS>> # do psd on 1st 16 blocks (16*4096/64000 = 1.024 sec of data) psd chan=1 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=1, infile=c:\r0102017.dat, outfile=c:\r0102017.psd 10Sep24 18:09:10.87,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep24 18:09:14.67,N,glcheck: 512132 bytes free, 9 blocks free, 6540 bytes alloc, 225 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 18:09:14.84,N,Starting assignments 10Sep24 18:09:15.09,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0102017.dat 10Sep24 18:09:15.40,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0102017.psd 10Sep24 18:09:15.72,N,stmp1 = channel=1 10Sep24 18:09:16.02,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep24 18:09:16.43,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep24 18:09:16.73,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep24 18:09:16.82,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep24 18:09:16.91,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep24 18:09:16.99,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102017.dat<- 10Sep24 18:09:17.11,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102017.psd<- 10Sep24 18:09:17.24,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->1<- 10Sep24 18:09:17.34,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep24 18:09:17.44,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep24 18:09:17.54,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep24 18:09:17.68,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102017.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102017.dat can be opened 10Sep24 18:09:17.90,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep24 18:09:36.28,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 Data file version is 04 Version 3 header close(): ASGFile not valid glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep24 18:09:50.28,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep24 18:09:50.50,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep24 18:09:50.61,N,retval = 0 10Sep24 18:09:54.91,N,glcheck: 511528 bytes free, 24 blocks free, 6640 bytes alloc, 231 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 18:09:55.08,N,Open files 10Sep24 18:09:55.16,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 18:09:55.26,N,pin = 5, pin err = 0, comm = 3 10Sep24 18:09:55.36,N,ARS>> # sleep 10 sec = 1 minute sleep time=10 type=0 time = 10, type = 0 10Sep24 18:09:55.59,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 18:09:55.67,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285351795, sleeping until 1285351805 with 0 big sleeps... 10Sep24 18:09:55.84,D,Comm ports closed prior to sleeping 10Sep24 18:09:55.95,D,Console port cleared and RTS asserted low 10Sep24 18:09:56.06,D,pin 23 set high 10Sep24 18:09:56.14,D,pin 24 set low 10Sep24 18:09:56.23,D,pin 25 read 10Sep24 18:09:56.44,D,pin 26 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 18:09:56.53,D,pin 27 set low 10Sep24 18:09:56.61,D,pin 28 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 18:09:56.69,D,pin 29 set high 10Sep24 18:09:56.78,D,pin 31 set high 10Sep24 18:09:56.86,D,pin 32 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 18:09:56.95,D,pin 33 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 18:09:57.04,D,pin 34 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 18:09:57.12,D,pin 35 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 18:09:57.21,D,pin 36 mirrored (-1) 10Sep24 18:09:57.30,D,pin 37 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 18:09:57.39,D,pins are set for low power 10Sep24 18:09:57.48,D,interrupt handlers installed 10Sep24 18:09:57.58,D,serial drivers, CF and TPU states set 10Sep24 18:09:57.68,D,dog stroked 10Sep24 18:09:57.80,D,low speed set 10Sep24 18:09:58.42,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285351798, sleeping until 1285351805 for remainder sleep... 10Sep24 18:10:06.12,D,done with sleeps, dog stroked 10Sep24 18:10:06.77,D,handlers and peripheral states restored 10Sep24 18:10:06.89,D,...exiting lpStopUntil normally 10Sep24 18:10:06.99,N,Open files 10Sep24 18:10:07.07,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 18:10:07.17,N,pin = 5, pin err = 0, comm = 3 10Sep24 18:10:07.27,N,ARS>> # LOW BAND: get samples for 1800 sec @ 4000 Hz sample time=1800 chans=2 rate=4000 time=1800, rate=4000, chans=2, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep24 18:10:11.62,N,glcheck: 511528 bytes free, 24 blocks free, 6640 bytes alloc, 231 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 18:10:11.78,D,Entering sample for 1800 secs, 4000 rate and 2 chans 10Sep24 18:10:12.02,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep24 18:10:12.23,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep24 18:10:32.33,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep24 18:10:32.47,D,Free disk space = -169115648 10Sep24 18:10:32.57,N,Not using PicoZOOM 10Sep24 18:10:32.71,N,Opened c:\r0102018.dat for data collection 10Sep24 18:10:32.82,D,Writing out header to c:\r0102018.dat 10Sep24 18:10:33.04,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep24 18:10:33.14,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep24 18:10:33.23,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep24 18:10:33.38,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep24 18:10:36.50,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:18:10:39 10Sep24 18:10:39.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285351839 42 10Sep24 18:10:39.10,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00105 seconds 10Sep24 18:40:41.73,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:18:40:44 10Sep24 18:40:43.98,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285353643 39541 10Sep24 18:40:44.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.0114751 seconds 10Sep24 18:40:44.31,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 2576 10Sep24 18:40:44.52,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep24 18:40:44.72,D,Stats: samples = 7200004, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 1.8e+03, measured rate = 4000.00 10Sep24 18:40:44.89,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00105, After Sample = -0.0114751 10Sep24 18:40:45.06,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep24 18:40:45.14,D,[0]=1 10Sep24 18:40:45.22,D,[4096]=3515 10Sep24 18:40:45.30,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep24 18:40:45.40,D,Leaving sample 10Sep24 18:40:49.28,N,glcheck: 511888 bytes free, 9 blocks free, 6640 bytes alloc, 231 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 18:40:49.45,N,Open files 10Sep24 18:40:49.53,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 18:40:49.64,N,pin = 5, pin err = 0, comm = 3 10Sep24 18:40:49.74,N,ARS>> # do PSD on 16 blocks (16*4096/4000 = 16.384 sec) psd chan=2 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=2, infile=c:\r0102018.dat, outfile=c:\r0102018.psd 10Sep24 18:40:50.08,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep24 18:40:53.99,N,glcheck: 511888 bytes free, 9 blocks free, 6640 bytes alloc, 231 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 18:40:54.16,N,Starting assignments 10Sep24 18:40:54.41,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0102018.dat 10Sep24 18:40:54.74,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0102018.psd 10Sep24 18:40:55.06,N,stmp1 = channel=2 10Sep24 18:40:55.36,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep24 18:40:55.66,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep24 18:40:55.96,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep24 18:40:56.06,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep24 18:40:56.15,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep24 18:40:56.24,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102018.dat<- 10Sep24 18:40:56.37,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102018.psd<- 10Sep24 18:40:56.63,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->2<- 10Sep24 18:40:56.73,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep24 18:40:56.84,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep24 18:40:56.94,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep24 18:40:57.09,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102018.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102018.dat can be opened 10Sep24 18:40:57.33,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep24 18:41:15.73,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 Data file version is 04 Version 3 header close(): ASGFile not valid glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep24 18:41:29.89,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep24 18:41:30.11,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep24 18:41:30.23,N,retval = 0 10Sep24 18:41:34.67,N,glcheck: 511232 bytes free, 26 blocks free, 6744 bytes alloc, 237 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 18:41:34.84,N,Open files 10Sep24 18:41:34.92,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 18:41:35.03,N,pin = 5, pin err = 0, comm = 3 10Sep24 18:41:35.13,N,ARS>> # sleep 20 sec = 1 minutes sleep time=20 type=0 time = 20, type = 0 10Sep24 18:41:35.38,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 18:41:35.46,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285353695, sleeping until 1285353715 with 1 big sleeps... 10Sep24 18:41:35.64,D,Comm ports closed prior to sleeping 10Sep24 18:41:35.75,D,Console port cleared and RTS asserted low 10Sep24 18:41:35.87,D,pin 23 set high 10Sep24 18:41:35.95,D,pin 24 set low 10Sep24 18:41:36.04,D,pin 25 read 10Sep24 18:41:36.12,D,pin 26 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 18:41:36.21,D,pin 27 set low 10Sep24 18:41:36.30,D,pin 28 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 18:41:36.39,D,pin 29 set high 10Sep24 18:41:36.48,D,pin 31 set high 10Sep24 18:41:36.57,D,pin 32 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 18:41:36.79,D,pin 33 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 18:41:36.88,D,pin 34 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 18:41:36.98,D,pin 35 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 18:41:37.07,D,pin 36 mirrored (-1) 10Sep24 18:41:37.16,D,pin 37 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 18:41:37.25,D,pins are set for low power 10Sep24 18:41:37.35,D,interrupt handlers installed 10Sep24 18:41:37.45,D,serial drivers, CF and TPU states set 10Sep24 18:41:37.56,D,dog stroked 10Sep24 18:41:37.68,D,low speed set 10Sep24 18:41:38.31,D,PIT set 10Sep24 18:41:51.42,D,awake from big sleep, dog stroked 10Sep24 18:41:52.09,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285353712, sleeping until 1285353715 for remainder sleep... 10Sep24 18:41:55.83,D,done with sleeps, dog stroked 10Sep24 18:41:56.50,D,handlers and peripheral states restored 10Sep24 18:41:56.63,D,...exiting lpStopUntil normally 10Sep24 18:41:56.73,N,Open files 10Sep24 18:41:56.82,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 18:41:56.92,N,pin = 5, pin err = 0, comm = 3 10Sep24 18:41:57.02,N,ARS>> # repeat this cycle loopLooping to top of file 10Sep24 18:41:57.25,N,Open files 10Sep24 18:41:57.33,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 18:41:57.43,N,pin = 5, pin err = 0, comm = 3 10Sep24 18:41:57.54,N,ARS>> # ardive.ars # edited 201009212046L BMH # HIGH BAND: get samples for 120 sec @ 64000Hz sample time=120 chans=1 rate=64000 time=120, rate=64000, chans=1, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep24 18:42:02.27,N,glcheck: 511232 bytes free, 26 blocks free, 6744 bytes alloc, 237 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 18:42:02.44,D,Entering sample for 120 secs, 64000 rate and 1 chans 10Sep24 18:42:02.56,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep24 18:42:02.78,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep24 18:42:22.88,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep24 18:42:23.03,D,Free disk space = -183599104 10Sep24 18:42:23.13,N,Using PicoZOOM 10Sep24 18:42:23.29,N,Opened c:\r0102019.dat for data collection 10Sep24 18:42:23.41,D,Writing out header to c:\r0102019.dat 10Sep24 18:42:23.62,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep24 18:42:23.74,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep24 18:42:23.83,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep24 18:42:23.97,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep24 18:42:27.41,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:18:42:30 10Sep24 18:42:30.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285353750 41 10Sep24 18:42:30.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00102496 seconds 10Sep24 18:44:33.26,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:18:44:35 10Sep24 18:44:34.99,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285353874 39862 10Sep24 18:44:35.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.00344992 seconds 10Sep24 18:44:35.30,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 4112 10Sep24 18:44:35.51,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep24 18:44:35.61,D,Stats: samples = 7680004, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 1.2e+02, measured rate = 63999.85 10Sep24 18:44:35.79,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00102496, After Sample = -0.00344992 10Sep24 18:44:35.93,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep24 18:44:36.01,D,[4096]=3738 10Sep24 18:44:36.09,D,[12288]=4 10Sep24 18:44:36.17,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep24 18:44:36.28,D,Leaving sample 10Sep24 18:44:40.24,N,glcheck: 511664 bytes free, 8 blocks free, 6744 bytes alloc, 237 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 18:44:40.41,N,Open files 10Sep24 18:44:40.49,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 18:44:40.59,N,pin = 5, pin err = 0, comm = 3 10Sep24 18:44:40.70,N,ARS>> # do psd on 1st 16 blocks (16*4096/64000 = 1.024 sec of data) psd chan=1 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=1, infile=c:\r0102019.dat, outfile=c:\r0102019.psd 10Sep24 18:44:41.18,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep24 18:44:45.17,N,glcheck: 511664 bytes free, 8 blocks free, 6744 bytes alloc, 237 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 18:44:45.34,N,Starting assignments 10Sep24 18:44:45.60,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0102019.dat 10Sep24 18:44:45.92,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0102019.psd 10Sep24 18:44:46.24,N,stmp1 = channel=1 10Sep24 18:44:46.54,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep24 18:44:46.84,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep24 18:44:47.14,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep24 18:44:47.24,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep24 18:44:47.33,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep24 18:44:47.42,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102019.dat<- 10Sep24 18:44:47.55,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102019.psd<- 10Sep24 18:44:47.67,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->1<- 10Sep24 18:44:47.78,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep24 18:44:47.89,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep24 18:44:47.99,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep24 18:44:48.15,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102019.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102019.dat can be opened 10Sep24 18:44:48.41,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep24 18:45:06.83,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 Data file version is 04 Version 3 header close(): ASGFile not valid glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep24 18:45:21.13,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep24 18:45:21.35,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep24 18:45:21.47,N,retval = 0 10Sep24 18:45:25.97,N,glcheck: 511008 bytes free, 24 blocks free, 6872 bytes alloc, 243 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 18:45:26.14,N,Open files 10Sep24 18:45:26.22,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 18:45:26.33,N,pin = 5, pin err = 0, comm = 3 10Sep24 18:45:26.43,N,ARS>> # sleep 10 sec = 1 minute sleep time=10 type=0 time = 10, type = 0 10Sep24 18:45:26.82,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 18:45:26.90,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285353926, sleeping until 1285353936 with 0 big sleeps... 10Sep24 18:45:27.07,D,Comm ports closed prior to sleeping 10Sep24 18:45:27.18,D,Console port cleared and RTS asserted low 10Sep24 18:45:27.30,D,pin 23 set high 10Sep24 18:45:27.38,D,pin 24 set low 10Sep24 18:45:27.47,D,pin 25 read 10Sep24 18:45:27.55,D,pin 26 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 18:45:27.64,D,pin 27 set low 10Sep24 18:45:27.73,D,pin 28 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 18:45:27.82,D,pin 29 set high 10Sep24 18:45:27.91,D,pin 31 set high 10Sep24 18:45:27.99,D,pin 32 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 18:45:28.08,D,pin 33 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 18:45:28.18,D,pin 34 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 18:45:28.27,D,pin 35 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 18:45:28.36,D,pin 36 mirrored (-1) 10Sep24 18:45:28.45,D,pin 37 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 18:45:28.54,D,pins are set for low power 10Sep24 18:45:28.64,D,interrupt handlers installed 10Sep24 18:45:28.74,D,serial drivers, CF and TPU states set 10Sep24 18:45:28.85,D,dog stroked 10Sep24 18:45:28.97,D,low speed set 10Sep24 18:45:29.63,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285353929, sleeping until 1285353936 for remainder sleep... 10Sep24 18:45:37.38,D,done with sleeps, dog stroked 10Sep24 18:45:38.05,D,handlers and peripheral states restored 10Sep24 18:45:38.18,D,...exiting lpStopUntil normally 10Sep24 18:45:38.42,N,Open files 10Sep24 18:45:38.50,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 18:45:38.60,N,pin = 5, pin err = 0, comm = 3 10Sep24 18:45:38.71,N,ARS>> # LOW BAND: get samples for 1800 sec @ 4000 Hz sample time=1800 chans=2 rate=4000 time=1800, rate=4000, chans=2, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep24 18:45:43.25,N,glcheck: 511008 bytes free, 24 blocks free, 6872 bytes alloc, 243 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 18:45:43.42,D,Entering sample for 1800 secs, 4000 rate and 2 chans 10Sep24 18:45:43.55,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep24 18:45:43.77,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep24 18:46:03.87,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep24 18:46:04.01,D,Free disk space = -199000064 10Sep24 18:46:04.11,N,Not using PicoZOOM 10Sep24 18:46:04.26,N,Opened c:\r0102020.dat for data collection 10Sep24 18:46:04.38,D,Writing out header to c:\r0102020.dat 10Sep24 18:46:04.66,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep24 18:46:04.76,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep24 18:46:04.85,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep24 18:46:05.01,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep24 18:46:08.87,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:18:46:11 10Sep24 18:46:11.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285353971 41 10Sep24 18:46:11.10,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00102496 seconds 10Sep24 19:16:14.11,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:19:16:16 10Sep24 19:16:15.98,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285355775 39508 10Sep24 19:16:16.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.0123 seconds 10Sep24 19:16:16.45,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 2576 10Sep24 19:16:16.69,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep24 19:16:16.79,D,Stats: samples = 7200004, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 1.8e+03, measured rate = 4000.00 10Sep24 19:16:16.97,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00102496, After Sample = -0.0123 10Sep24 19:16:17.10,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep24 19:16:17.19,D,[0]=1 10Sep24 19:16:17.26,D,[4096]=3515 10Sep24 19:16:17.35,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep24 19:16:17.45,D,Leaving sample 10Sep24 19:16:21.50,N,glcheck: 511392 bytes free, 8 blocks free, 6872 bytes alloc, 243 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 19:16:21.67,N,Open files 10Sep24 19:16:21.76,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 19:16:21.86,N,pin = 5, pin err = 0, comm = 3 10Sep24 19:16:21.96,N,ARS>> # do PSD on 16 blocks (16*4096/4000 = 16.384 sec) psd chan=2 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=2, infile=c:\r0102020.dat, outfile=c:\r0102020.psd 10Sep24 19:16:22.30,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep24 19:16:26.38,N,glcheck: 511392 bytes free, 8 blocks free, 6872 bytes alloc, 243 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 19:16:26.55,N,Starting assignments 10Sep24 19:16:26.81,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0102020.dat 10Sep24 19:16:27.13,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0102020.psd 10Sep24 19:16:27.45,N,stmp1 = channel=2 10Sep24 19:16:27.75,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep24 19:16:28.06,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep24 19:16:28.36,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep24 19:16:28.45,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep24 19:16:28.55,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep24 19:16:28.77,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102020.dat<- 10Sep24 19:16:28.90,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102020.psd<- 10Sep24 19:16:29.02,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->2<- 10Sep24 19:16:29.13,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep24 19:16:29.24,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep24 19:16:29.34,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep24 19:16:29.50,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102020.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102020.dat can be opened 10Sep24 19:16:29.76,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep24 19:16:48.18,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 Data file version is 04 Version 3 header close(): ASGFile not valid glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep24 19:17:02.37,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep24 19:17:02.58,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep24 19:17:02.70,N,retval = 0 10Sep24 19:17:07.32,N,glcheck: 510700 bytes free, 26 blocks free, 6988 bytes alloc, 249 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 19:17:07.49,N,Open files 10Sep24 19:17:07.57,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 19:17:07.68,N,pin = 5, pin err = 0, comm = 3 10Sep24 19:17:07.78,N,ARS>> # sleep 20 sec = 1 minutes sleep time=20 type=0 time = 20, type = 0 10Sep24 19:17:08.03,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 19:17:08.11,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285355828, sleeping until 1285355848 with 1 big sleeps... 10Sep24 19:17:08.28,D,Comm ports closed prior to sleeping 10Sep24 19:17:08.39,D,Console port cleared and RTS asserted low 10Sep24 19:17:08.51,D,pin 23 set high 10Sep24 19:17:08.59,D,pin 24 set low 10Sep24 19:17:08.68,D,pin 25 read 10Sep24 19:17:08.76,D,pin 26 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 19:17:08.85,D,pin 27 set low 10Sep24 19:17:09.07,D,pin 28 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 19:17:09.16,D,pin 29 set high 10Sep24 19:17:09.24,D,pin 31 set high 10Sep24 19:17:09.33,D,pin 32 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 19:17:09.42,D,pin 33 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 19:17:09.51,D,pin 34 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 19:17:09.60,D,pin 35 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 19:17:09.69,D,pin 36 mirrored (-1) 10Sep24 19:17:09.78,D,pin 37 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 19:17:09.87,D,pins are set for low power 10Sep24 19:17:09.97,D,interrupt handlers installed 10Sep24 19:17:10.07,D,serial drivers, CF and TPU states set 10Sep24 19:17:10.18,D,dog stroked 10Sep24 19:17:10.30,D,low speed set 10Sep24 19:17:10.96,D,PIT set 10Sep24 19:17:24.07,D,awake from big sleep, dog stroked 10Sep24 19:17:24.73,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285355844, sleeping until 1285355848 for remainder sleep... 10Sep24 19:17:29.49,D,done with sleeps, dog stroked 10Sep24 19:17:30.18,D,handlers and peripheral states restored 10Sep24 19:17:30.31,D,...exiting lpStopUntil normally 10Sep24 19:17:30.41,N,Open files 10Sep24 19:17:30.49,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 19:17:30.60,N,pin = 5, pin err = 0, comm = 3 10Sep24 19:17:30.70,N,ARS>> # repeat this cycle loopLooping to top of file 10Sep24 19:17:30.92,N,Open files 10Sep24 19:17:31.00,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 19:17:31.24,N,pin = 5, pin err = 0, comm = 3 10Sep24 19:17:31.34,N,ARS>> # ardive.ars # edited 201009212046L BMH # HIGH BAND: get samples for 120 sec @ 64000Hz sample time=120 chans=1 rate=64000 time=120, rate=64000, chans=1, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep24 19:17:36.13,N,glcheck: 510700 bytes free, 26 blocks free, 6988 bytes alloc, 249 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 19:17:36.30,D,Entering sample for 120 secs, 64000 rate and 1 chans 10Sep24 19:17:36.43,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep24 19:17:36.64,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep24 19:17:56.75,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep24 19:17:56.90,D,Free disk space = -213450752 10Sep24 19:17:57.00,N,Using PicoZOOM 10Sep24 19:17:57.16,N,Opened c:\r0102021.dat for data collection 10Sep24 19:17:57.28,D,Writing out header to c:\r0102021.dat 10Sep24 19:17:57.47,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep24 19:17:57.64,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep24 19:17:57.73,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep24 19:17:57.87,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep24 19:18:01.46,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:19:18:4 10Sep24 19:18:04.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285355884 41 10Sep24 19:18:04.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00102496 seconds 10Sep24 19:20:07.32,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:19:20:9 10Sep24 19:20:08.99,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285356008 39863 10Sep24 19:20:09.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.00342488 seconds 10Sep24 19:20:09.30,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 14368 10Sep24 19:20:09.60,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep24 19:20:09.69,D,Stats: samples = 7683084, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 1.2e+02, measured rate = 63999.82 10Sep24 19:20:09.87,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00102496, After Sample = -0.00342488 10Sep24 19:20:10.01,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep24 19:20:10.09,D,[4096]=3733 10Sep24 19:20:10.18,D,[8192]=1 10Sep24 19:20:10.26,D,[12288]=4 10Sep24 19:20:10.34,D,[16384]=1 10Sep24 19:20:10.42,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep24 19:20:10.52,D,Leaving sample 10Sep24 19:20:14.66,N,glcheck: 511156 bytes free, 7 blocks free, 6988 bytes alloc, 249 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 19:20:14.83,N,Open files 10Sep24 19:20:14.91,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 19:20:15.01,N,pin = 5, pin err = 0, comm = 3 10Sep24 19:20:15.11,N,ARS>> # do psd on 1st 16 blocks (16*4096/64000 = 1.024 sec of data) psd chan=1 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=1, infile=c:\r0102021.dat, outfile=c:\r0102021.psd 10Sep24 19:20:15.47,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep24 19:20:19.63,N,glcheck: 511156 bytes free, 7 blocks free, 6988 bytes alloc, 249 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 19:20:19.80,N,Starting assignments 10Sep24 19:20:20.05,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0102021.dat 10Sep24 19:20:20.38,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0102021.psd 10Sep24 19:20:20.83,N,stmp1 = channel=1 10Sep24 19:20:21.13,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep24 19:20:21.44,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep24 19:20:21.74,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep24 19:20:21.84,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep24 19:20:21.93,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep24 19:20:22.02,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102021.dat<- 10Sep24 19:20:22.14,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102021.psd<- 10Sep24 19:20:22.27,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->1<- 10Sep24 19:20:22.38,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep24 19:20:22.49,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep24 19:20:22.59,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep24 19:20:22.75,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102021.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102021.dat can be opened 10Sep24 19:20:23.01,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep24 19:20:41.43,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 Data file version is 04 Version 3 header close(): ASGFile not valid glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep24 19:20:55.60,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep24 19:20:55.81,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep24 19:20:55.93,N,retval = 0 10Sep24 19:21:00.62,N,glcheck: 510480 bytes free, 24 blocks free, 7112 bytes alloc, 255 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 19:21:00.79,N,Open files 10Sep24 19:21:00.87,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 19:21:00.97,N,pin = 5, pin err = 0, comm = 3 10Sep24 19:21:01.08,N,ARS>> # sleep 10 sec = 1 minute sleep time=10 type=0 time = 10, type = 0 10Sep24 19:21:01.33,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 19:21:01.41,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285356061, sleeping until 1285356071 with 0 big sleeps... 10Sep24 19:21:01.59,D,Comm ports closed prior to sleeping 10Sep24 19:21:01.70,D,Console port cleared and RTS asserted low 10Sep24 19:21:01.81,D,pin 23 set high 10Sep24 19:21:02.03,D,pin 24 set low 10Sep24 19:21:02.12,D,pin 25 read 10Sep24 19:21:02.20,D,pin 26 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 19:21:02.29,D,pin 27 set low 10Sep24 19:21:02.38,D,pin 28 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 19:21:02.47,D,pin 29 set high 10Sep24 19:21:02.56,D,pin 31 set high 10Sep24 19:21:02.64,D,pin 32 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 19:21:02.73,D,pin 33 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 19:21:02.83,D,pin 34 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 19:21:02.92,D,pin 35 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 19:21:03.01,D,pin 36 mirrored (-1) 10Sep24 19:21:03.10,D,pin 37 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 19:21:03.19,D,pins are set for low power 10Sep24 19:21:03.29,D,interrupt handlers installed 10Sep24 19:21:03.39,D,serial drivers, CF and TPU states set 10Sep24 19:21:03.50,D,dog stroked 10Sep24 19:21:03.62,D,low speed set 10Sep24 19:21:04.26,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285356064, sleeping until 1285356071 for remainder sleep... 10Sep24 19:21:11.97,D,done with sleeps, dog stroked 10Sep24 19:21:12.62,D,handlers and peripheral states restored 10Sep24 19:21:12.75,D,...exiting lpStopUntil normally 10Sep24 19:21:12.85,N,Open files 10Sep24 19:21:12.94,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 19:21:13.04,N,pin = 5, pin err = 0, comm = 3 10Sep24 19:21:13.14,N,ARS>> # LOW BAND: get samples for 1800 sec @ 4000 Hz sample time=1800 chans=2 rate=4000 time=1800, rate=4000, chans=2, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep24 19:21:18.02,N,glcheck: 510480 bytes free, 24 blocks free, 7112 bytes alloc, 255 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 19:21:18.19,D,Entering sample for 1800 secs, 4000 rate and 2 chans 10Sep24 19:21:18.31,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep24 19:21:18.53,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep24 19:21:38.64,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep24 19:21:38.78,D,Free disk space = -228884480 10Sep24 19:21:38.88,N,Not using PicoZOOM 10Sep24 19:21:39.03,N,Opened c:\r0102022.dat for data collection 10Sep24 19:21:39.14,D,Writing out header to c:\r0102022.dat 10Sep24 19:21:39.41,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep24 19:21:39.50,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep24 19:21:39.60,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep24 19:21:39.75,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep24 19:21:42.93,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:19:21:45 10Sep24 19:21:45.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285356105 41 10Sep24 19:21:45.10,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00102496 seconds 10Sep24 19:51:48.16,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:19:51:50 10Sep24 19:51:49.98,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285357909 39542 10Sep24 19:51:50.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.0114501 seconds 10Sep24 19:51:50.32,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 2576 10Sep24 19:51:50.53,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep24 19:51:50.62,D,Stats: samples = 7200004, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 1.8e+03, measured rate = 4000.00 10Sep24 19:51:50.80,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00102496, After Sample = -0.0114501 10Sep24 19:51:50.94,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep24 19:51:51.16,D,[0]=1 10Sep24 19:51:51.23,D,[4096]=3515 10Sep24 19:51:51.32,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep24 19:51:51.42,D,Leaving sample 10Sep24 19:51:55.66,N,glcheck: 510864 bytes free, 8 blocks free, 7112 bytes alloc, 255 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 19:51:55.83,N,Open files 10Sep24 19:51:55.91,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 19:51:56.02,N,pin = 5, pin err = 0, comm = 3 10Sep24 19:51:56.12,N,ARS>> # do PSD on 16 blocks (16*4096/4000 = 16.384 sec) psd chan=2 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=2, infile=c:\r0102022.dat, outfile=c:\r0102022.psd 10Sep24 19:51:56.46,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep24 19:52:00.73,N,glcheck: 510864 bytes free, 8 blocks free, 7112 bytes alloc, 255 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 19:52:00.90,N,Starting assignments 10Sep24 19:52:01.15,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0102022.dat 10Sep24 19:52:01.48,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0102022.psd 10Sep24 19:52:01.80,N,stmp1 = channel=2 10Sep24 19:52:02.10,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep24 19:52:02.40,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep24 19:52:02.70,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep24 19:52:02.80,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep24 19:52:02.89,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep24 19:52:02.98,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102022.dat<- 10Sep24 19:52:03.10,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102022.psd<- 10Sep24 19:52:03.23,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->2<- 10Sep24 19:52:03.34,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep24 19:52:03.45,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep24 19:52:03.55,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep24 19:52:03.81,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102022.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102022.dat can be opened 10Sep24 19:52:04.08,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep24 19:52:22.50,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 Data file version is 04 Version 3 header close(): ASGFile not valid glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep24 19:52:36.77,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep24 19:52:37.03,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep24 19:52:37.18,N,retval = 0 10Sep24 19:52:42.02,N,glcheck: 510220 bytes free, 26 blocks free, 7180 bytes alloc, 261 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 19:52:42.22,N,Open files 10Sep24 19:52:42.33,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 19:52:42.46,N,pin = 5, pin err = 0, comm = 3 10Sep24 19:52:42.59,N,ARS>> # sleep 20 sec = 1 minutes sleep time=20 type=0 time = 20, type = 0 10Sep24 19:52:42.95,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 19:52:43.05,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285357963, sleeping until 1285357983 with 1 big sleeps... 10Sep24 19:52:43.26,D,Comm ports closed prior to sleeping 10Sep24 19:52:43.39,D,Console port cleared and RTS asserted low 10Sep24 19:52:43.54,D,pin 23 set high 10Sep24 19:52:43.65,D,pin 24 set low 10Sep24 19:52:43.76,D,pin 25 read 10Sep24 19:52:43.87,D,pin 26 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 19:52:43.99,D,pin 27 set low 10Sep24 19:52:44.10,D,pin 28 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 19:52:44.22,D,pin 29 set high 10Sep24 19:52:44.33,D,pin 31 set high 10Sep24 19:52:44.44,D,pin 32 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 19:52:44.56,D,pin 33 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 19:52:44.68,D,pin 34 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 19:52:44.80,D,pin 35 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 19:52:45.04,D,pin 36 mirrored (-1) 10Sep24 19:52:45.13,D,pin 37 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 19:52:45.22,D,pins are set for low power 10Sep24 19:52:45.31,D,interrupt handlers installed 10Sep24 19:52:45.42,D,serial drivers, CF and TPU states set 10Sep24 19:52:45.53,D,dog stroked 10Sep24 19:52:45.65,D,low speed set 10Sep24 19:52:46.28,D,PIT set 10Sep24 19:52:59.37,D,awake from big sleep, dog stroked 10Sep24 19:53:00.01,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285357980, sleeping until 1285357983 for remainder sleep... 10Sep24 19:53:03.73,D,done with sleeps, dog stroked 10Sep24 19:53:04.38,D,handlers and peripheral states restored 10Sep24 19:53:04.51,D,...exiting lpStopUntil normally 10Sep24 19:53:04.61,N,Open files 10Sep24 19:53:04.69,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 19:53:04.80,N,pin = 5, pin err = 0, comm = 3 10Sep24 19:53:04.90,N,ARS>> # repeat this cycle loopLooping to top of file 10Sep24 19:53:05.12,N,Open files 10Sep24 19:53:05.21,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 19:53:05.31,N,pin = 5, pin err = 0, comm = 3 10Sep24 19:53:05.41,N,ARS>> # ardive.ars # edited 201009212046L BMH # HIGH BAND: get samples for 120 sec @ 64000Hz sample time=120 chans=1 rate=64000 time=120, rate=64000, chans=1, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep24 19:53:10.50,N,glcheck: 510220 bytes free, 26 blocks free, 7180 bytes alloc, 261 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 19:53:10.67,D,Entering sample for 120 secs, 64000 rate and 1 chans 10Sep24 19:53:10.79,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep24 19:53:11.01,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep24 19:53:31.11,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep24 19:53:31.26,D,Free disk space = -243335168 10Sep24 19:53:31.36,N,Using PicoZOOM 10Sep24 19:53:31.52,N,Opened c:\r0102023.dat for data collection 10Sep24 19:53:31.64,D,Writing out header to c:\r0102023.dat 10Sep24 19:53:31.83,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep24 19:53:31.98,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep24 19:53:32.06,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep24 19:53:32.20,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep24 19:53:35.51,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:19:53:38 10Sep24 19:53:38.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285358018 42 10Sep24 19:53:38.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00105 seconds 10Sep24 19:55:41.37,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:19:55:44 10Sep24 19:55:43.99,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285358143 39862 10Sep24 19:55:44.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.00344992 seconds 10Sep24 19:55:44.30,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 4112 10Sep24 19:55:44.51,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep24 19:55:44.60,D,Stats: samples = 7680004, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 1.2e+02, measured rate = 63999.83 10Sep24 19:55:44.78,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00105, After Sample = -0.00344992 10Sep24 19:55:45.03,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep24 19:55:45.12,D,[4096]=3738 10Sep24 19:55:45.20,D,[12288]=4 10Sep24 19:55:45.28,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep24 19:55:45.38,D,Leaving sample 10Sep24 19:55:49.74,N,glcheck: 510628 bytes free, 9 blocks free, 7180 bytes alloc, 261 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 19:55:49.90,N,Open files 10Sep24 19:55:49.99,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 19:55:50.09,N,pin = 5, pin err = 0, comm = 3 10Sep24 19:55:50.19,N,ARS>> # do psd on 1st 16 blocks (16*4096/64000 = 1.024 sec of data) psd chan=1 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=1, infile=c:\r0102023.dat, outfile=c:\r0102023.psd 10Sep24 19:55:50.54,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep24 19:55:54.92,N,glcheck: 510628 bytes free, 9 blocks free, 7180 bytes alloc, 261 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 19:55:55.09,N,Starting assignments 10Sep24 19:55:55.35,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0102023.dat 10Sep24 19:55:55.67,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0102023.psd 10Sep24 19:55:55.99,N,stmp1 = channel=1 10Sep24 19:55:56.29,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep24 19:55:56.60,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep24 19:55:57.00,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep24 19:55:57.10,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep24 19:55:57.20,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep24 19:55:57.29,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102023.dat<- 10Sep24 19:55:57.42,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102023.psd<- 10Sep24 19:55:57.55,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->1<- 10Sep24 19:55:57.65,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep24 19:55:57.88,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep24 19:55:57.99,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep24 19:55:58.15,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102023.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102023.dat can be opened 10Sep24 19:55:58.42,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep24 19:56:16.85,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 Data file version is 04 Version 3 header close(): ASGFile not valid glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep24 19:56:30.96,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep24 19:56:31.19,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep24 19:56:31.30,N,retval = 0 10Sep24 19:56:36.19,N,glcheck: 510024 bytes free, 24 blocks free, 7280 bytes alloc, 267 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 19:56:36.36,N,Open files 10Sep24 19:56:36.45,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 19:56:36.55,N,pin = 5, pin err = 0, comm = 3 10Sep24 19:56:36.66,N,ARS>> # sleep 10 sec = 1 minute sleep time=10 type=0 time = 10, type = 0 10Sep24 19:56:36.92,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 19:56:37.01,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285358197, sleeping until 1285358207 with 0 big sleeps... 10Sep24 19:56:37.19,D,Comm ports closed prior to sleeping 10Sep24 19:56:37.30,D,Console port cleared and RTS asserted low 10Sep24 19:56:37.42,D,pin 23 set high 10Sep24 19:56:37.51,D,pin 24 set low 10Sep24 19:56:37.60,D,pin 25 read 10Sep24 19:56:37.69,D,pin 26 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 19:56:37.78,D,pin 27 set low 10Sep24 19:56:37.87,D,pin 28 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 19:56:37.96,D,pin 29 set high 10Sep24 19:56:38.05,D,pin 31 set high 10Sep24 19:56:38.14,D,pin 32 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 19:56:38.24,D,pin 33 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 19:56:38.34,D,pin 34 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 19:56:38.54,D,pin 35 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 19:56:38.64,D,pin 36 mirrored (-1) 10Sep24 19:56:38.73,D,pin 37 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 19:56:38.83,D,pins are set for low power 10Sep24 19:56:38.93,D,interrupt handlers installed 10Sep24 19:56:39.04,D,serial drivers, CF and TPU states set 10Sep24 19:56:39.15,D,dog stroked 10Sep24 19:56:39.27,D,low speed set 10Sep24 19:56:39.93,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285358199, sleeping until 1285358207 for remainder sleep... 10Sep24 19:56:48.66,D,done with sleeps, dog stroked 10Sep24 19:56:49.33,D,handlers and peripheral states restored 10Sep24 19:56:49.47,D,...exiting lpStopUntil normally 10Sep24 19:56:49.57,N,Open files 10Sep24 19:56:49.66,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 19:56:49.77,N,pin = 5, pin err = 0, comm = 3 10Sep24 19:56:49.87,N,ARS>> # LOW BAND: get samples for 1800 sec @ 4000 Hz sample time=1800 chans=2 rate=4000 time=1800, rate=4000, chans=2, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep24 19:56:54.82,N,glcheck: 510024 bytes free, 24 blocks free, 7280 bytes alloc, 267 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 19:56:54.99,D,Entering sample for 1800 secs, 4000 rate and 2 chans 10Sep24 19:56:55.12,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep24 19:56:55.34,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep24 19:57:15.45,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep24 19:57:15.60,D,Free disk space = -258768896 10Sep24 19:57:15.71,N,Not using PicoZOOM 10Sep24 19:57:15.86,N,Opened c:\r0102024.dat for data collection 10Sep24 19:57:15.98,D,Writing out header to c:\r0102024.dat 10Sep24 19:57:16.31,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep24 19:57:16.44,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep24 19:57:16.54,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep24 19:57:16.70,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep24 19:57:20.34,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:19:57:22 10Sep24 19:57:22.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285358242 41 10Sep24 19:57:22.11,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00102496 seconds 10Sep24 20:27:25.57,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:20:27:28 10Sep24 20:27:27.99,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285360047 39681 10Sep24 20:27:28.10,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.0079751 seconds 10Sep24 20:27:28.33,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 2576 10Sep24 20:27:28.57,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep24 20:27:28.66,D,Stats: samples = 7200004, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 1.8e+03, measured rate = 4000.00 10Sep24 20:27:28.86,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00102496, After Sample = -0.0079751 10Sep24 20:27:29.00,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep24 20:27:29.09,D,[0]=1 10Sep24 20:27:29.17,D,[4096]=3515 10Sep24 20:27:29.26,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep24 20:27:29.37,D,Leaving sample 10Sep24 20:27:33.82,N,glcheck: 510384 bytes free, 9 blocks free, 7280 bytes alloc, 267 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 20:27:33.99,N,Open files 10Sep24 20:27:34.08,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 20:27:34.18,N,pin = 5, pin err = 0, comm = 3 10Sep24 20:27:34.29,N,ARS>> # do PSD on 16 blocks (16*4096/4000 = 16.384 sec) psd chan=2 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=2, infile=c:\r0102024.dat, outfile=c:\r0102024.psd 10Sep24 20:27:34.78,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep24 20:27:39.27,N,glcheck: 510384 bytes free, 9 blocks free, 7280 bytes alloc, 267 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 20:27:39.44,N,Starting assignments 10Sep24 20:27:39.70,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0102024.dat 10Sep24 20:27:40.02,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0102024.psd 10Sep24 20:27:40.35,N,stmp1 = channel=2 10Sep24 20:27:40.65,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep24 20:27:40.96,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep24 20:27:41.27,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep24 20:27:41.37,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep24 20:27:41.46,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep24 20:27:41.55,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102024.dat<- 10Sep24 20:27:41.68,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102024.psd<- 10Sep24 20:27:41.82,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->2<- 10Sep24 20:27:41.92,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep24 20:27:42.04,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep24 20:27:42.15,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep24 20:27:42.31,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102024.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102024.dat can be opened 10Sep24 20:27:42.59,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep24 20:28:01.02,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 Data file version is 04 Version 3 header close(): ASGFile not valid glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep24 20:28:15.25,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep24 20:28:15.47,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep24 20:28:15.59,N,retval = 0 10Sep24 20:28:20.60,N,glcheck: 509728 bytes free, 26 blocks free, 7384 bytes alloc, 273 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 20:28:20.78,N,Open files 10Sep24 20:28:20.86,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 20:28:20.97,N,pin = 5, pin err = 0, comm = 3 10Sep24 20:28:21.08,N,ARS>> # sleep 20 sec = 1 minutes sleep time=20 type=0 time = 20, type = 0 10Sep24 20:28:21.48,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 20:28:21.56,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285360101, sleeping until 1285360121 with 1 big sleeps... 10Sep24 20:28:21.74,D,Comm ports closed prior to sleeping 10Sep24 20:28:21.86,D,Console port cleared and RTS asserted low 10Sep24 20:28:21.97,D,pin 23 set high 10Sep24 20:28:22.06,D,pin 24 set low 10Sep24 20:28:22.15,D,pin 25 read 10Sep24 20:28:22.24,D,pin 26 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 20:28:22.33,D,pin 27 set low 10Sep24 20:28:22.42,D,pin 28 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 20:28:22.52,D,pin 29 set high 10Sep24 20:28:22.61,D,pin 31 set high 10Sep24 20:28:22.70,D,pin 32 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 20:28:22.79,D,pin 33 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 20:28:22.89,D,pin 34 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 20:28:22.98,D,pin 35 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 20:28:23.08,D,pin 36 mirrored (-1) 10Sep24 20:28:23.17,D,pin 37 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 20:28:23.27,D,pins are set for low power 10Sep24 20:28:23.37,D,interrupt handlers installed 10Sep24 20:28:23.48,D,serial drivers, CF and TPU states set 10Sep24 20:28:23.59,D,dog stroked 10Sep24 20:28:23.71,D,low speed set 10Sep24 20:28:24.37,D,PIT set 10Sep24 20:28:37.44,D,awake from big sleep, dog stroked 10Sep24 20:28:38.13,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285360118, sleeping until 1285360121 for remainder sleep... 10Sep24 20:28:41.85,D,done with sleeps, dog stroked 10Sep24 20:28:42.53,D,handlers and peripheral states restored 10Sep24 20:28:42.77,D,...exiting lpStopUntil normally 10Sep24 20:28:42.88,N,Open files 10Sep24 20:28:42.97,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 20:28:43.07,N,pin = 5, pin err = 0, comm = 3 10Sep24 20:28:43.18,N,ARS>> # repeat this cycle loopLooping to top of file 10Sep24 20:28:43.42,N,Open files 10Sep24 20:28:43.51,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 20:28:43.61,N,pin = 5, pin err = 0, comm = 3 10Sep24 20:28:43.72,N,ARS>> # ardive.ars # edited 201009212046L BMH # HIGH BAND: get samples for 120 sec @ 64000Hz sample time=120 chans=1 rate=64000 time=120, rate=64000, chans=1, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep24 20:28:48.92,N,glcheck: 509728 bytes free, 26 blocks free, 7384 bytes alloc, 273 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 20:28:49.09,D,Entering sample for 120 secs, 64000 rate and 1 chans 10Sep24 20:28:49.22,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep24 20:28:49.44,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep24 20:29:09.55,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep24 20:29:09.70,D,Free disk space = -273219584 10Sep24 20:29:09.81,N,Using PicoZOOM 10Sep24 20:29:09.98,N,Opened c:\r0102025.dat for data collection 10Sep24 20:29:10.10,D,Writing out header to c:\r0102025.dat 10Sep24 20:29:10.32,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep24 20:29:10.43,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep24 20:29:10.66,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep24 20:29:10.81,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep24 20:29:14.60,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:20:29:17 10Sep24 20:29:17.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285360157 42 10Sep24 20:29:17.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00105 seconds 10Sep24 20:31:20.46,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:20:31:23 10Sep24 20:31:22.99,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285360282 39879 10Sep24 20:31:23.10,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.00302505 seconds 10Sep24 20:31:23.31,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 4112 10Sep24 20:31:23.54,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep24 20:31:23.64,D,Stats: samples = 7680004, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 1.2e+02, measured rate = 63999.83 10Sep24 20:31:23.82,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00105, After Sample = -0.00302505 10Sep24 20:31:23.96,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep24 20:31:24.05,D,[4096]=3738 10Sep24 20:31:24.13,D,[12288]=4 10Sep24 20:31:24.22,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep24 20:31:24.33,D,Leaving sample 10Sep24 20:31:28.86,N,glcheck: 510160 bytes free, 8 blocks free, 7384 bytes alloc, 273 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 20:31:29.03,N,Open files 10Sep24 20:31:29.12,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 20:31:29.22,N,pin = 5, pin err = 0, comm = 3 10Sep24 20:31:29.33,N,ARS>> # do psd on 1st 16 blocks (16*4096/64000 = 1.024 sec of data) psd chan=1 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=1, infile=c:\r0102025.dat, outfile=c:\r0102025.psd 10Sep24 20:31:29.84,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep24 20:31:34.40,N,glcheck: 510160 bytes free, 8 blocks free, 7384 bytes alloc, 273 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 20:31:34.57,N,Starting assignments 10Sep24 20:31:34.83,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0102025.dat 10Sep24 20:31:35.16,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0102025.psd 10Sep24 20:31:35.48,N,stmp1 = channel=1 10Sep24 20:31:35.79,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep24 20:31:36.10,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep24 20:31:36.41,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep24 20:31:36.51,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep24 20:31:36.60,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep24 20:31:36.69,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102025.dat<- 10Sep24 20:31:36.83,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0102025.psd<- 10Sep24 20:31:36.96,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->1<- 10Sep24 20:31:37.07,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep24 20:31:37.18,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep24 20:31:37.29,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep24 20:31:37.45,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102025.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0102025.dat can be opened 10Sep24 20:31:37.74,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep24 20:31:56.18,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 Data file version is 04 Version 3 header close(): ASGFile not valid glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep24 20:32:10.42,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep24 20:32:10.64,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep24 20:32:10.76,N,retval = 0 10Sep24 20:32:15.84,N,glcheck: 509504 bytes free, 24 blocks free, 7512 bytes alloc, 279 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 20:32:16.01,N,Open files 10Sep24 20:32:16.10,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 20:32:16.20,N,pin = 5, pin err = 0, comm = 3 10Sep24 20:32:16.31,N,ARS>> # sleep 10 sec = 1 minute sleep time=10 type=0 time = 10, type = 0 10Sep24 20:32:16.69,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 20:32:16.77,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285360336, sleeping until 1285360346 with 0 big sleeps... 10Sep24 20:32:16.95,D,Comm ports closed prior to sleeping 10Sep24 20:32:17.07,D,Console port cleared and RTS asserted low 10Sep24 20:32:17.18,D,pin 23 set high 10Sep24 20:32:17.28,D,pin 24 set low 10Sep24 20:32:17.37,D,pin 25 read 10Sep24 20:32:17.45,D,pin 26 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 20:32:17.55,D,pin 27 set low 10Sep24 20:32:17.63,D,pin 28 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 20:32:17.73,D,pin 29 set high 10Sep24 20:32:17.82,D,pin 31 set high 10Sep24 20:32:17.91,D,pin 32 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 20:32:18.00,D,pin 33 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 20:32:18.10,D,pin 34 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 20:32:18.19,D,pin 35 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 20:32:18.29,D,pin 36 mirrored (-1) 10Sep24 20:32:18.39,D,pin 37 mirrored (0) 10Sep24 20:32:18.48,D,pins are set for low power 10Sep24 20:32:18.58,D,interrupt handlers installed 10Sep24 20:32:18.69,D,serial drivers, CF and TPU states set 10Sep24 20:32:18.80,D,dog stroked 10Sep24 20:32:18.93,D,low speed set 10Sep24 20:32:19.59,D,Entering LPStopUntil secs = 1285360339, sleeping until 1285360346 for remainder sleep... 10Sep24 20:32:27.34,D,done with sleeps, dog stroked 10Sep24 20:32:28.02,D,handlers and peripheral states restored 10Sep24 20:32:28.26,D,...exiting lpStopUntil normally 10Sep24 20:32:28.37,N,Open files 10Sep24 20:32:28.46,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep24 20:32:28.57,N,pin = 5, pin err = 0, comm = 3 10Sep24 20:32:28.67,N,ARS>> # LOW BAND: get samples for 1800 sec @ 4000 Hz sample time=1800 chans=2 rate=4000 time=1800, rate=4000, chans=2, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep24 20:32:33.80,N,glcheck: 509504 bytes free, 24 blocks free, 7512 bytes alloc, 279 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 20:32:33.98,D,Entering sample for 1800 secs, 4000 rate and 2 chans 10Sep24 20:32:34.11,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep24 20:32:34.33,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep24 20:32:54.44,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep24 20:32:54.59,D,Free disk space = -288620544 10Sep24 20:32:54.69,N,Not using PicoZOOM 10Sep24 20:32:54.84,N,Opened c:\r0102026.dat for data collection 10Sep24 20:32:54.96,D,Writing out header to c:\r0102026.dat 10Sep24 20:32:55.21,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep24 20:32:55.31,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep24 20:32:55.41,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep24 20:32:55.57,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep24 20:32:59.42,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:20:33:2 10Sep24 20:33:02.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285360382 41 10Sep24 20:33:02.11,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00102496 seconds 10Sep24 20:52:12.03,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3919:20:52:14 10Sep24 20:52:13.99,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1285361533 39905 10Sep24 20:52:14.10,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.00237489 seconds 10Sep24 20:52:14.33,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 3808 10Sep24 20:52:14.58,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep24 20:52:14.69,D,Stats: samples = 4585324, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 1.1e+03, measured rate = 3999.99 10Sep24 20:52:14.87,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00102496, After Sample = -0.00237489 10Sep24 20:52:15.02,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep24 20:52:15.10,D,[0]=1 10Sep24 20:52:15.18,D,[4096]=2238 10Sep24 20:52:15.27,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel due to host alert 10Sep24 20:52:15.38,D,Leaving sample 10Sep24 20:52:20.01,N,glcheck: 509888 bytes free, 8 blocks free, 7512 bytes alloc, 279 blocks alloc, 10Sep24 20:52:20.18,N,Host Listen 10Sep24 20:52:20.27,N,Entering Host Listen State... 10Sep24 20:52:20.37,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 20:52:20.46,N,pin = 6, pin err = 0, comm = 4 10Sep24 20:52:20.56,N,ARS>> ARS_OK 10Sep24 20:52:20.70,N,divefinish 10Sep24 20:52:20.93,H,ARS_OK 10Sep24 20:52:21.06,D,Executing [rename C:\ARS.LOG c:\tmp.log]