10Sep19 13:22:30.00,N,Compressing c:\tmp.log to c:\ar0046lz.x... 10Sep19 13:22:33.75,N,Executing script [C:\ARENDIVE.ARS] 10Sep19 13:22:33.86,N,Open files 10Sep19 13:22:33.93,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep19 13:22:34.02,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:22:34.10,N,Open files 10Sep19 13:22:34.17,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep19 13:22:34.26,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:22:34.35,N,ARS>> #arendive.ars tarcompress remove=2 Extension buffer [PSD,OTO] 10Sep19 13:22:34.60,D,Parsed ext [PSD] 10Sep19 13:22:34.68,D,Parsed ext [OTO] 10Sep19 13:22:34.75,D,total extensions = 2 10Sep19 13:22:34.95,N,Adding R0046001.PSD to c:\ar0046.tar 10Sep19 13:22:35.21,N,Adding R0046001.OTO to c:\ar0046.tar 10Sep19 13:22:35.48,N,Adding R0046003.PSD to c:\ar0046.tar 10Sep19 13:22:35.74,N,Adding R0046003.OTO to c:\ar0046.tar 10Sep19 13:22:36.00,N,Adding R0046004.PSD to c:\ar0046.tar 10Sep19 13:22:36.33,N,Compressing c:\ar0046.tar to c:\ar0046dg.x... 10Sep19 13:22:39.08,N,Open files 10Sep19 13:22:39.14,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep19 13:22:39.24,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:22:39.33,N,ARS>> movefiles thisdive=1 maxbytes=010Sep19 13:22:40.50,D,Files to copy 10Sep19 13:22:40.56,D,0000 - [R0046003.DAT] 10Sep19 13:22:40.64,D,0001 - [R0046004.DAT] 10Sep19 13:22:40.72,D,Powering up BI... 10Sep19 13:22:44.73,N,power_up_bi = 1 10Sep19 13:22:44.82,D,Dive num = 46, file = R0046003.DAT 10Sep19 13:22:44.94,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep19 13:22:45.18,D,Opening d:\dive0046\R0046003.DAT for writing 10Sep19 13:22:45.30,D,Opening R0046003.DAT for reading 10Sep19 13:22:45.39,N,Writing file d:\dive0046\R0046003.DAT...done. 7684112 bytes 0.361275.2 secs 21269428.000000.2 bytes/sec 10Sep19 13:22:57.88,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep19 13:22:57.96,N,Removing file R0046003.DAT...done. 10Sep19 13:23:01.04,D,Dive num = 46, file = R0046004.DAT 10Sep19 13:23:01.25,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep19 13:23:01.37,D,Opening d:\dive0046\R0046004.DAT for writing 10Sep19 13:23:01.49,D,Opening R0046004.DAT for reading 10Sep19 13:23:01.59,N,Writing file d:\dive0046\R0046004.DAT...done. 7204864 bytes 127.542953.2 secs 56489.707031.2 bytes/sec 10Sep19 13:23:13.26,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep19 13:23:13.33,N,Removing file R0046004.DAT...done. 10Sep19 13:23:16.89,D,Powering down BI... 10Sep19 13:23:17.33,N,power_down_bi = 0 10Sep19 13:23:17.43,N,Open files 10Sep19 13:23:17.50,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep19 13:23:17.59,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:23:17.68,N,ARS>> Open files 10Sep19 13:23:17.77,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep19 13:23:17.87,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:23:17.96,N,Finished with script [C:\ARENDIVE.ARS] 10Sep19 13:23:18.05,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:23:18.14,N,ARS>> fg reset=1 10Sep19 13:24:01.19,D,First read 10Sep19 13:24:01.26,D,AD accumulator 1: 48536058 10Sep19 13:24:01.34,D,AD overflows 1: 0 10Sep19 13:24:01.42,D,AD accumulator 2: 11518573 10Sep19 13:24:01.50,D,AD overflows 2: 0 10Sep19 13:24:01.58,D,AD sample count: 5025 10Sep19 13:24:01.66,D,Second read 10Sep19 13:24:01.73,D,AD accumulator 1: 48540304 10Sep19 13:24:01.81,D,AD overflows 1: 0 10Sep19 13:24:01.89,D,AD accumulator 2: 11520869 10Sep19 13:24:01.97,D,AD overflows 2: 0 10Sep19 13:24:02.05,D,AD sample count: 5026 10Sep19 13:24:02.13,N,avg current = 31.8259, sample_time = 3636.46 10Sep19 13:24:02.35,H,31.8259,3636.46,ARS_OK 10Sep19 13:24:02.56,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:24:02.65,N,ARS>> ARS_OK 10Sep19 13:24:04.25,N,set 10Sep19 13:24:04.35,H,DIVENUM=46 10Sep19 13:24:04.47,H,SAMPLENUM=4 10Sep19 13:24:04.59,H,OUTLEVEL=2 10Sep19 13:24:04.71,H,LOGFILE=C:\ARS.LOG 10Sep19 13:24:04.85,H,FGSLOPE=0.0033 10Sep19 13:24:04.97,H,FGYINT=-0.045 10Sep19 13:24:05.10,H,FORCETOHOST=0 10Sep19 13:24:05.22,H,WARMUP=20 10Sep19 13:24:05.34,H,UPLOADEXTS=PSD,OTO 10Sep19 13:24:05.48,H,HEAPDBG=0 10Sep19 13:24:05.59,H,ARSMODEL=3 10Sep19 13:24:05.71,H,ARSSERIAL=5 10Sep19 13:24:05.84,H,ARSCH1GAIN=200 10Sep19 13:24:05.96,H,ARSCH2GAIN=200 10Sep19 13:24:06.09,H,ARSCH1FLT=30000 10Sep19 13:24:06.22,H,ARSCH2FLT=1200 10Sep19 13:24:06.35,H,FGCLKCORR=0.940588 10Sep19 13:24:06.48,H,CHKOPENFILES=1 10Sep19 13:24:06.61,H,EPOCHTS=0 10Sep19 13:24:06.69,H,ARS_OK 10Sep19 13:24:06.76,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:24:06.85,N,ARS>> reportdisk 10Sep19 13:24:07.07,H,CDRIVE_FREE=8440283136 10Sep19 13:24:07.16,H,CDRIVE_SIZE=8453062656 10Sep19 13:24:07.26,D,Powering up BI... 10Sep19 13:24:11.27,N,power_up_bi = 1 10Sep19 13:24:11.34,H,DDRIVE_FREE=58395033600 10Sep19 13:24:11.44,H,DDRIVE_SIZE=59996930048 10Sep19 13:24:11.53,D,Powering down BI... 10Sep19 13:24:12.00,N,power_down_bi = 0 10Sep19 13:24:12.08,H,ARS_OK 10Sep19 13:24:12.14,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:24:12.23,N,ARS>> ARS_OK 10Sep19 13:24:50.10,N,clock set=rtc read=manual date=09/19/2010 time=13:24:52 sync=2 10Sep19 13:24:52.00,H,ARS_OK 10Sep19 13:24:52.06,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:24:52.15,N,ARS>> clock read=rtc set=seascan 10Sep19 13:24:55.71,D,SEASCAN: unlock successful n = 4, resp = :10Sep19 13:24:59.29,H,ARS_OK 10Sep19 13:24:59.36,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:24:59.45,N,ARS>> ARS_OK 10Sep19 13:25:17.13,N,luf 10Sep19 13:25:17.20,H,ar0046dg.x,ar0046lz.x,ARS_OK 10Sep19 13:25:17.35,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:25:17.44,N,ARS>> kermit send=ar0046dg.x 10Sep19 13:25:20.36,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:25:20.59,N,ARS>> kermit send=ar0046lz.x 10Sep19 13:25:26.23,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:25:26.32,N,ARS>> duf 10Sep19 13:25:26.48,H,ARS_OK 10Sep19 13:25:26.54,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:25:26.63,N,ARS>> ARS_OK 10Sep19 13:29:54.04,N,kermit 10Sep19 13:29:56.03,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:29:56.12,N,ARS>> postdownload 10Sep19 13:29:56.36,N,Decompressing C:\ARSCRIPT.TGZ to C:\ARSCRIPT.TAR... 10Sep19 13:29:56.97,N,Extracting arapogee.ars (50 bytes) ... 10Sep19 13:29:57.23,N,Extracting arbgdive.ars (288 bytes) ... 10Sep19 13:29:57.50,N,Extracting ardive.ars (773 bytes) ... 10Sep19 13:29:57.84,N,Extracting arendive.ars (66 bytes) ... 10Sep19 13:29:58.09,N,Warning - not enough padding blocks at the end 10Sep19 13:29:58.28,H,ARS_OK 10Sep19 13:29:58.40,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:29:58.54,N,ARS>> ARS_OK 10Sep19 13:31:39.97,N,set 10Sep19 13:31:40.09,H,DIVENUM=46 10Sep19 13:31:40.24,H,SAMPLENUM=4 10Sep19 13:31:40.39,H,OUTLEVEL=2 10Sep19 13:31:40.54,H,LOGFILE=C:\ARS.LOG 10Sep19 13:31:40.70,H,FGSLOPE=0.0033 10Sep19 13:31:40.86,H,FGYINT=-0.045 10Sep19 13:31:41.01,H,FORCETOHOST=0 10Sep19 13:31:41.16,H,WARMUP=20 10Sep19 13:31:41.31,H,UPLOADEXTS=PSD,OTO 10Sep19 13:31:41.47,H,HEAPDBG=0 10Sep19 13:31:41.61,H,ARSMODEL=3 10Sep19 13:31:41.76,H,ARSSERIAL=5 10Sep19 13:31:41.91,H,ARSCH1GAIN=200 10Sep19 13:31:42.06,H,ARSCH2GAIN=200 10Sep19 13:31:42.22,H,ARSCH1FLT=30000 10Sep19 13:31:42.37,H,ARSCH2FLT=1200 10Sep19 13:31:42.63,H,FGCLKCORR=0.940588 10Sep19 13:31:42.79,H,CHKOPENFILES=1 10Sep19 13:31:42.94,H,EPOCHTS=0 10Sep19 13:31:43.06,H,ARS_OK 10Sep19 13:31:43.15,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:31:43.27,N,ARS>> reportdisk 10Sep19 13:31:43.43,H,CDRIVE_FREE=8440348672 10Sep19 13:31:43.55,H,CDRIVE_SIZE=8453062656 10Sep19 13:31:43.67,D,Powering up BI... 10Sep19 13:31:47.72,N,power_up_bi = 1 10Sep19 13:31:47.82,H,DDRIVE_FREE=58395033600 10Sep19 13:31:47.94,H,DDRIVE_SIZE=59996930048 10Sep19 13:31:48.06,D,Powering down BI... 10Sep19 13:31:48.60,N,power_down_bi = 0 10Sep19 13:31:48.70,H,ARS_OK 10Sep19 13:31:48.79,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:31:48.91,N,ARS>> set DIVENUM=47 10Sep19 13:31:50.89,N,DIVENUM=47 10Sep19 13:31:51.00,H,ARS_OK 10Sep19 13:31:51.10,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:31:51.22,N,ARS>> set SAMPLENUM=0 10Sep19 13:31:51.53,N,SAMPLENUM=0 10Sep19 13:31:51.64,H,ARS_OK 10Sep19 13:31:51.73,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:31:51.85,N,ARS>> divestart 10Sep19 13:31:52.11,H,NOTIFY_APOGEE,ARS_OK 10Sep19 13:31:52.27,N,Executing script [C:\ARBGDIVE.ARS] 10Sep19 13:31:52.36,N,Open files 10Sep19 13:31:52.42,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep19 13:31:52.51,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:31:52.60,N,Open files 10Sep19 13:31:52.67,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep19 13:31:52.76,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:31:52.85,N,ARS>> #arbgdive.ars set ARSMODEL=3 10Sep19 13:31:53.00,N,ARSMODEL=3 10Sep19 13:31:53.08,H,ARS_OK 10Sep19 13:31:53.15,N,Open files 10Sep19 13:31:53.21,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep19 13:31:53.30,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:31:53.39,N,ARS>> set ARSSERIAL=5 10Sep19 13:31:53.51,N,ARSSERIAL=5 10Sep19 13:31:53.60,H,ARS_OK 10Sep19 13:31:53.66,N,Open files 10Sep19 13:31:53.73,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep19 13:31:53.82,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:31:53.91,N,ARS>> set ARSCH1GAIN=200 10Sep19 13:31:54.03,N,ARSCH1GAIN=200 10Sep19 13:31:54.12,H,ARS_OK 10Sep19 13:31:54.18,N,Open files 10Sep19 13:31:54.39,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep19 13:31:54.47,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:31:54.56,N,ARS>> set ARSCH2GAIN=200 10Sep19 13:31:54.68,N,ARSCH2GAIN=200 10Sep19 13:31:54.77,H,ARS_OK 10Sep19 13:31:54.84,N,Open files 10Sep19 13:31:54.90,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep19 13:31:54.99,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:31:55.08,N,ARS>> set ARSCH1FLT=30000 10Sep19 13:31:55.21,N,ARSCH1FLT=30000 10Sep19 13:31:55.29,H,ARS_OK 10Sep19 13:31:55.36,N,Open files 10Sep19 13:31:55.42,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep19 13:31:55.51,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:31:55.60,N,ARS>> set ARSCH2FLT=1200 10Sep19 13:31:55.73,N,ARSCH2FLT=1200 10Sep19 13:31:55.81,H,ARS_OK 10Sep19 13:31:55.88,N,Open files 10Sep19 13:31:55.94,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep19 13:31:56.03,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:31:56.12,N,ARS>> set FORCETOHOST=0 10Sep19 13:31:56.24,N,FORCETOHOST=0 10Sep19 13:31:56.33,H,ARS_OK 10Sep19 13:31:56.39,N,Open files 10Sep19 13:31:56.46,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep19 13:31:56.69,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:31:56.78,N,ARS>> set UPLOADEXTS=PSD,OTO 10Sep19 13:31:56.93,N,UPLOADEXTS=PSD,OTO 10Sep19 13:31:57.02,H,ARS_OK 10Sep19 13:31:57.09,N,Open files 10Sep19 13:31:57.16,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep19 13:31:57.25,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:31:57.34,N,ARS>> set WARMUP=20 10Sep19 13:31:57.45,N,WARMUP=20 10Sep19 13:31:57.53,H,ARS_OK 10Sep19 13:31:57.60,N,Open files 10Sep19 13:31:57.66,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep19 13:31:57.75,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:31:57.84,N,ARS>> set OUTLEVEL=2 10Sep19 13:31:57.96,N,OUTLEVEL=2 10Sep19 13:31:58.04,H,ARS_OK 10Sep19 13:31:58.11,N,Open files 10Sep19 13:31:58.18,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep19 13:31:58.27,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:31:58.36,N,ARS>> set LOGFILE=C:\ARS.LOG 10Sep19 13:31:58.51,N,LOGFILE=C:\ARS.LOG 10Sep19 13:31:58.60,H,ARS_OK 10Sep19 13:31:58.67,N,Open files 10Sep19 13:31:58.73,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep19 13:31:58.82,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:31:59.05,N,ARS>> set HEAPDBG=0 10Sep19 13:31:59.17,N,HEAPDBG=0 10Sep19 13:31:59.25,H,ARS_OK 10Sep19 13:31:59.32,N,Open files 10Sep19 13:31:59.39,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep19 13:31:59.48,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:31:59.57,N,ARS>> set FGSLOPE=0.0033 10Sep19 13:31:59.69,N,FGSLOPE=0.0033 10Sep19 13:31:59.78,H,ARS_OK 10Sep19 13:31:59.85,N,Open files 10Sep19 13:31:59.91,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep19 13:32:00.00,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:32:00.09,N,ARS>> set FGYINT=-0.045 10Sep19 13:32:00.22,N,FGYINT=-0.045 10Sep19 13:32:00.31,H,ARS_OK 10Sep19 13:32:00.37,N,Open files 10Sep19 13:32:00.45,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep19 13:32:00.54,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:32:00.63,N,ARS>> set FGCLKCORR=0.94058810Sep19 13:32:00.76,N,FGCLKCORR=0.940588 10Sep19 13:32:00.86,H,ARS_OK 10Sep19 13:32:00.92,N,Open files 10Sep19 13:32:00.99,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep19 13:32:01.08,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:32:01.16,N,ARS>> Open files 10Sep19 13:32:01.37,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep19 13:32:01.46,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:32:01.55,N,Finished with script [C:\ARBGDIVE.ARS] 10Sep19 13:32:01.65,N,Auto state 10Sep19 13:32:01.71,N,Entering Auto State... 10Sep19 13:32:01.79,H,ARS_OK 10Sep19 13:32:01.86,N,Open files 10Sep19 13:32:01.93,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep19 13:32:02.02,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:32:02.11,N,ARS>> #ardive.ars #HIGH BAND: get samples for 20 sec @ 64000Hz sample time=60 chans=1 rate=64000 time=60, rate=64000, chans=1, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep19 13:33:09.04,N,glcheck: 361744 bytes free, 20 blocks free, 60952 bytes alloc, 4213 blocks alloc, 10Sep19 13:33:09.20,D,Entering sample for 60 secs, 64000 rate and 1 chans 10Sep19 13:33:09.31,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep19 13:33:09.54,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep19 13:33:29.63,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep19 13:33:29.76,D,Free disk space = -149585920 10Sep19 13:33:29.85,N,Using PicoZOOM 10Sep19 13:33:30.01,N,Opened c:\r0047001.dat for data collection 10Sep19 13:33:30.11,D,Writing out header to c:\r0047001.dat 10Sep19 13:33:30.36,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep19 13:33:30.46,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep19 13:33:30.54,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep19 13:33:30.67,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep19 13:33:34.82,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3914:13:33:37 10Sep19 13:33:37.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1284903217 41 10Sep19 13:33:37.08,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00102496 seconds 10Sep19 13:34:40.22,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3914:13:34:42 10Sep19 13:34:41.99,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1284903281 39899 10Sep19 13:34:42.08,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.00252509 seconds 10Sep19 13:34:42.29,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 4112 10Sep19 13:34:42.50,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep19 13:34:42.58,D,Stats: samples = 3840004, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 60, measured rate = 63999.69 10Sep19 13:34:42.74,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00102496, After Sample = -0.00252509 10Sep19 13:34:42.86,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep19 13:34:42.93,D,[4096]=1869 10Sep19 13:34:43.00,D,[12288]=2 10Sep19 13:34:43.07,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep19 13:34:43.16,D,Leaving sample 10Sep19 13:35:49.80,N,glcheck: 361864 bytes free, 15 blocks free, 60952 bytes alloc, 4213 blocks alloc, 10Sep19 13:35:49.95,N,Open files 10Sep19 13:35:50.02,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep19 13:35:50.11,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:35:50.20,N,ARS>> # do psd on 1st 8 blocks (8*4096/64000 = .512sec of data) psd chan=1 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=1, infile=c:\r0047001.dat, outfile=c:\r0047001.psd 10Sep19 13:35:50.48,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep19 13:36:57.29,N,glcheck: 361864 bytes free, 15 blocks free, 60952 bytes alloc, 4213 blocks alloc, 10Sep19 13:36:57.44,N,Starting assignments 10Sep19 13:36:57.79,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0047001.dat 10Sep19 13:36:58.22,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0047001.psd 10Sep19 13:36:58.65,N,stmp1 = channel=1 10Sep19 13:36:59.06,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep19 13:36:59.47,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep19 13:36:59.88,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep19 13:36:59.96,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep19 13:37:00.04,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep19 13:37:00.11,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0047001.dat<- 10Sep19 13:37:00.22,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0047001.psd<- 10Sep19 13:37:00.33,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->1<- 10Sep19 13:37:00.42,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep19 13:37:00.52,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep19 13:37:00.61,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep19 13:37:00.74,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0047001.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0047001.dat can be opened 10Sep19 13:37:00.97,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep19 13:37:19.38,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 Data file version is 04 Version 3 header close(): ASGFile not valid glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep19 13:37:33.21,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep19 13:37:33.41,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep19 13:37:33.56,N,retval = 0 10Sep19 13:38:40.74,N,glcheck: 361280 bytes free, 30 blocks free, 61032 bytes alloc, 4219 blocks alloc, 10Sep19 13:38:40.90,N,Open files 10Sep19 13:38:40.96,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep19 13:38:41.05,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:38:41.14,N,ARS>> # do one-third octave on same data (go up to 30kHz) # fc = 10^(45/10) = 31.623kHz (28.184kHz to 35.481kHz) # NOTE: last band may not be filled since 32kHz is our max freq oto bandmax=45 bandmax=45, infile=c:\r0047001.psd, outfile=c:\r0047001.oto 10Sep19 13:39:48.57,N,glcheck: 361280 bytes free, 30 blocks free, 61032 bytes alloc, 4219 blocks alloc, 10Sep19 13:39:49.67,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep19 13:39:49.74,N, 3 pairs found: 10Sep19 13:39:49.81,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0047001.psd<- 10Sep19 13:39:49.93,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0047001.oto<- 10Sep19 13:39:50.04,N, key: ->bandmax<- value: ->45<- 10Sep19 13:39:50.13,N,starting the OTO synthesizer: .... 10Sep19 13:39:59.29,N,retval = 0 10Sep19 13:41:06.37,N,glcheck: 361264 bytes free, 26 blocks free, 61072 bytes alloc, 4222 blocks alloc, 10Sep19 13:41:06.53,N,Open files 10Sep19 13:41:06.60,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep19 13:41:06.69,N,pin = 30, pin err = 0, comm = 17 10Sep19 13:41:06.78,N,ARS>> #LOW BAND: get samples for 30 sec @ 5000Hz sample time=900 chans=2 rate=4000 time=900, rate=4000, chans=2, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep19 13:42:13.91,N,glcheck: 361264 bytes free, 26 blocks free, 61072 bytes alloc, 4222 blocks alloc, 10Sep19 13:42:14.07,D,Entering sample for 900 secs, 4000 rate and 2 chans 10Sep19 13:42:14.18,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep19 13:42:14.42,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep19 13:42:34.51,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep19 13:42:34.64,D,Free disk space = -157351936 10Sep19 13:42:34.73,N,Not using PicoZOOM 10Sep19 13:42:34.99,N,Opened c:\r0047002.dat for data collection 10Sep19 13:42:35.09,D,Writing out header to c:\r0047002.dat 10Sep19 13:42:35.35,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep19 13:42:35.44,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep19 13:42:35.53,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep19 13:42:35.66,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep19 13:42:38.38,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3914:13:42:41 10Sep19 13:42:41.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1284903761 42 10Sep19 13:42:41.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00105 seconds 10Sep19 13:48:49.15,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3914:13:48:51 10Sep19 13:48:50.99,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1284904130 39921 10Sep19 13:48:51.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.00197506 seconds 10Sep19 13:48:51.44,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 2544 10Sep19 13:48:51.66,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep19 13:48:51.75,D,Stats: samples = 1461492, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 3.7e+02, measured rate = 3999.97 10Sep19 13:48:51.92,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00105, After Sample = -0.00197506 10Sep19 13:48:52.04,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep19 13:48:52.11,D,[0]=1 10Sep19 13:48:52.17,D,[4096]=713 10Sep19 13:48:52.24,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel due to host alert 10Sep19 13:48:52.34,D,Leaving sample 10Sep19 13:49:59.15,N,glcheck: 361480 bytes free, 17 blocks free, 61072 bytes alloc, 4222 blocks alloc, 10Sep19 13:49:59.31,N,Host Listen 10Sep19 13:49:59.37,N,Entering Host Listen State... 10Sep19 13:49:59.46,H,ARS_OK 10Sep19 13:49:59.53,N,pin = 31, pin err = 0, comm = 18 10Sep19 13:49:59.62,N,ARS>> ARS_OK 10Sep19 13:49:59.72,N,diveapogee 10Sep19 13:49:59.79,H,ARS_OK 10Sep19 13:49:59.87,N,Executing script [C:\ARAPOGEE.ARS] 10Sep19 13:49:59.96,N,Open files 10Sep19 13:50:00.03,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep19 13:50:00.12,N,pin = 31, pin err = 0, comm = 18 10Sep19 13:50:00.21,N,Open files 10Sep19 13:50:00.28,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep19 13:50:00.37,N,pin = 31, pin err = 0, comm = 18 10Sep19 13:50:00.46,N,ARS>> #arapogee.ars movefiles thisdive=1 maxbytes=0 10Sep19 13:50:01.80,D,Files to copy 10Sep19 13:50:01.87,D,0000 - [R0047001.DAT] 10Sep19 13:50:01.95,D,0001 - [R0047002.DAT] 10Sep19 13:50:02.03,D,Powering up BI... 10Sep19 13:50:06.02,N,power_up_bi = 1 10Sep19 13:50:06.11,D,Dive num = 47, file = R0047001.DAT 10Sep19 13:50:08.63,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep19 13:50:08.74,D,Opening d:\dive0047\R0047001.DAT for writing 10Sep19 13:50:08.86,D,Opening R0047001.DAT for reading 10Sep19 13:50:08.96,N,Writing file d:\dive0047\R0047001.DAT...done. 7684112 bytes -0.690650.2 secs -11125913.000000.2 bytes/sec 10Sep19 13:50:21.39,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep19 13:50:21.47,N,Removing file R0047001.DAT...done. 10Sep19 13:50:24.50,D,Dive num = 47, file = R0047002.DAT 10Sep19 13:50:24.72,N,power_up_bi = 2 10Sep19 13:50:24.83,D,Opening d:\dive0047\R0047002.DAT for writing 10Sep19 13:50:24.95,D,Opening R0047002.DAT for reading 10Sep19 13:50:25.05,N,Writing file d:\dive0047\R0047002.DAT...done. 2928640 bytes 0.901675.2 secs 3247999.500000.2 bytes/sec 10Sep19 13:50:30.08,N,power_down_bi = 1 10Sep19 13:50:30.15,N,Removing file R0047002.DAT...done. 10Sep19 13:50:31.95,D,Powering down BI... 10Sep19 13:50:32.39,N,power_down_bi = 0 10Sep19 13:50:32.49,N,Open files 10Sep19 13:50:32.70,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep19 13:50:32.79,N,pin = 31, pin err = 0, comm = 18 10Sep19 13:50:32.88,N,ARS>> autoAuto state 10Sep19 13:50:33.00,N,Open files 10Sep19 13:50:33.06,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 1464 10Sep19 13:50:33.15,N,pin = 31, pin err = 0, comm = 18 10Sep19 13:50:33.24,N,Finished with script [C:\ARAPOGEE.ARS] 10Sep19 13:50:33.34,N,Auto state 10Sep19 13:50:33.41,N,Entering Auto State... 10Sep19 13:50:33.49,H,ARS_OK 10Sep19 13:50:33.56,N,Open files 10Sep19 13:50:33.62,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep19 13:50:33.71,N,pin = 31, pin err = 0, comm = 18 10Sep19 13:50:33.80,N,ARS>> #ardive.ars #HIGH BAND: get samples for 20 sec @ 64000Hz sample time=60 chans=1 rate=64000 time=60, rate=64000, chans=1, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep19 13:51:40.88,N,glcheck: 361432 bytes free, 19 blocks free, 61072 bytes alloc, 4222 blocks alloc, 10Sep19 13:51:41.03,D,Entering sample for 60 secs, 64000 rate and 1 chans 10Sep19 13:51:41.14,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep19 13:51:41.38,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep19 13:52:01.48,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep19 13:52:01.61,D,Free disk space = -149651456 10Sep19 13:52:01.69,N,Using PicoZOOM 10Sep19 13:52:01.86,N,Opened c:\r0047003.dat for data collection 10Sep19 13:52:01.96,D,Writing out header to c:\r0047003.dat 10Sep19 13:52:02.32,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep19 13:52:02.45,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep19 13:52:02.53,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep19 13:52:02.66,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep19 13:52:05.45,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3914:13:52:8 10Sep19 13:52:08.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1284904328 42 10Sep19 13:52:08.08,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00105 seconds 10Sep19 13:53:10.88,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3914:13:53:13 10Sep19 13:53:12.99,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1284904392 39897 10Sep19 13:53:13.08,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.00257492 seconds 10Sep19 13:53:13.29,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 1360 10Sep19 13:53:13.51,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep19 13:53:13.59,D,Stats: samples = 3840676, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 60, measured rate = 63999.75 10Sep19 13:53:13.76,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00105, After Sample = -0.00257492 10Sep19 13:53:13.88,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep19 13:53:13.95,D,[0]=1 10Sep19 13:53:14.01,D,[4096]=1869 10Sep19 13:53:14.08,D,[12288]=2 10Sep19 13:53:14.14,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep19 13:53:14.23,D,Leaving sample 10Sep19 13:54:21.02,N,glcheck: 361504 bytes free, 16 blocks free, 61072 bytes alloc, 4222 blocks alloc, 10Sep19 13:54:21.18,N,Open files 10Sep19 13:54:21.25,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep19 13:54:21.34,N,pin = 31, pin err = 0, comm = 18 10Sep19 13:54:21.43,N,ARS>> # do psd on 1st 8 blocks (8*4096/64000 = .512sec of data) psd chan=1 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=1, infile=c:\r0047003.dat, outfile=c:\r0047003.psd 10Sep19 13:54:21.82,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep19 13:55:28.65,N,glcheck: 361504 bytes free, 16 blocks free, 61072 bytes alloc, 4222 blocks alloc, 10Sep19 13:55:28.80,N,Starting assignments 10Sep19 13:55:29.16,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0047003.dat 10Sep19 13:55:29.59,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0047003.psd 10Sep19 13:55:30.02,N,stmp1 = channel=1 10Sep19 13:55:30.43,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep19 13:55:30.84,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep19 13:55:31.25,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep19 13:55:31.33,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep19 13:55:31.41,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep19 13:55:31.48,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0047003.dat<- 10Sep19 13:55:31.59,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0047003.psd<- 10Sep19 13:55:31.71,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->1<- 10Sep19 13:55:31.79,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep19 13:55:31.89,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep19 13:55:31.98,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep19 13:55:32.12,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0047003.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0047003.dat can be opened 10Sep19 13:55:32.34,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep19 13:55:50.75,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 ASGFile:fread: retval = 2000 Data file version is 04 Version 3 header close(): ASGFile not valid glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep19 13:56:04.82,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep19 13:56:05.02,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep19 13:56:05.12,N,retval = 0 10Sep19 13:57:12.42,N,glcheck: 360924 bytes free, 30 blocks free, 61172 bytes alloc, 4228 blocks alloc, 10Sep19 13:57:12.58,N,Open files 10Sep19 13:57:12.64,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep19 13:57:12.74,N,pin = 31, pin err = 0, comm = 18 10Sep19 13:57:12.96,N,ARS>> # do one-third octave on same data (go up to 30kHz) # fc = 10^(45/10) = 31.623kHz (28.184kHz to 35.481kHz) # NOTE: last band may not be filled since 32kHz is our max freq oto bandmax=45 bandmax=45, infile=c:\r0047003.psd, outfile=c:\r0047003.oto 10Sep19 13:58:20.41,N,glcheck: 360924 bytes free, 30 blocks free, 61172 bytes alloc, 4228 blocks alloc, 10Sep19 13:58:21.51,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep19 13:58:21.59,N, 3 pairs found: 10Sep19 13:58:21.67,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0047003.psd<- 10Sep19 13:58:21.78,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0047003.oto<- 10Sep19 13:58:21.89,N, key: ->bandmax<- value: ->45<- 10Sep19 13:58:21.98,N,starting the OTO synthesizer: .... 10Sep19 13:58:31.68,N,retval = 0 10Sep19 13:59:38.88,N,glcheck: 360908 bytes free, 26 blocks free, 61212 bytes alloc, 4231 blocks alloc, 10Sep19 13:59:39.04,N,Open files 10Sep19 13:59:39.10,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep19 13:59:39.19,N,pin = 31, pin err = 0, comm = 18 10Sep19 13:59:39.29,N,ARS>> #LOW BAND: get samples for 30 sec @ 5000Hz sample time=900 chans=2 rate=4000 time=900, rate=4000, chans=2, syncclock=1, secondheader=0 10Sep19 14:00:46.49,N,glcheck: 360908 bytes free, 26 blocks free, 61212 bytes alloc, 4231 blocks alloc, 10Sep19 14:00:46.65,D,Entering sample for 900 secs, 4000 rate and 2 chans 10Sep19 14:00:46.76,N,Storing parameters... 10Sep19 14:00:47.00,N,Waiting for 20 second warmup 10Sep19 14:01:07.22,D,Entering sample_lowlevel 10Sep19 14:01:07.35,D,Free disk space = -157417472 10Sep19 14:01:07.44,N,Not using PicoZOOM 10Sep19 14:01:07.57,N,Opened c:\r0047004.dat for data collection 10Sep19 14:01:07.67,D,Writing out header to c:\r0047004.dat 10Sep19 14:01:07.93,N,SPIIIDAQ initialized... 10Sep19 14:01:08.02,D,Current speed = 16000 kHz 10Sep19 14:01:08.10,N,SPIIIDAQ starting to aquire right after clock set - press . to quit aquiring 10Sep19 14:01:08.24,N,DO NOT power cycle CF2 during aquisition!!! 10Sep19 14:01:10.71,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3914:14:1:13 10Sep19 14:01:13.00,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1284904873 42 10Sep19 14:01:13.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): 0.00105 seconds 10Sep19 14:16:16.67,N,SEASCAN: Date = 3914:14:16:19 10Sep19 14:16:18.99,D,SEASCAN: got sync 1284905778 39973 10Sep19 14:16:19.09,N,SESSCAN: clock diff (CF2 - SEASCAN): -0.000674963 seconds 10Sep19 14:16:19.30,N,spdqr.contig_bytes = 3344 10Sep19 14:16:19.55,N,Aquisition complete 10Sep19 14:16:19.64,D,Stats: samples = 3600004, write errors = 0 spqd errors = 0, time = 9e+02, measured rate = 3999.99 10Sep19 14:16:19.81,D,Drift: Before Sample = 0.00105, After Sample = -0.000674963 10Sep19 14:16:19.93,D,Flush sizes: 10Sep19 14:16:20.00,D,[0]=1 10Sep19 14:16:20.06,D,[4096]=1757 10Sep19 14:16:20.13,D,Leaving sample_lowlevel normally 10Sep19 14:16:20.22,D,Leaving sample 10Sep19 14:17:27.15,N,glcheck: 361148 bytes free, 16 blocks free, 61212 bytes alloc, 4231 blocks alloc, 10Sep19 14:17:27.44,N,Open files 10Sep19 14:17:27.51,N, 0, 0x000435ee, main.c, 460 10Sep19 14:17:27.60,N,pin = 31, pin err = 0, comm = 18 10Sep19 14:17:27.69,N,ARS>> # do PSD on 8 blocks (8*4096/5000 = 6.554 sec) psd chan=2 blocksize=4096 total_blocks=16 chan=2, infile=c:\r0047004.dat, outfile=c:\r0047004.psd 10Sep19 14:17:27.97,D,offset=0, blocksize=4096, total_blocks=16 10Sep19 14:18:34.93,N,glcheck: 361148 bytes free, 16 blocks free, 61212 bytes alloc, 4231 blocks alloc, 10Sep19 14:18:35.09,N,Starting assignments 10Sep19 14:18:35.44,N,stmp1 = inputfilename=c:\r0047004.dat 10Sep19 14:18:35.87,N,stmp1 = outputfilename=c:\r0047004.psd 10Sep19 14:18:36.30,N,stmp1 = channel=2 10Sep19 14:18:36.72,N,stmp1 = blocksize=4096 10Sep19 14:18:37.13,N,stmp1 = offset=0 10Sep19 14:18:37.54,N,stmp1 = total_blocks=16 10Sep19 14:18:37.62,N,ParameterObject dump: 10Sep19 14:18:37.70,N, 6 pairs found: 10Sep19 14:18:37.77,N, key: ->inputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0047004.dat<- 10Sep19 14:18:37.88,N, key: ->outputfilename<- value: ->c:\r0047004.psd<- 10Sep19 14:18:37.99,N, key: ->channel<- value: ->2<- 10Sep19 14:18:38.09,N, key: ->blocksize<- value: ->4096<- 10Sep19 14:18:38.18,N, key: ->offset<- value: ->0<- 10Sep19 14:18:38.27,N, key: ->total_blocks<- value: ->16<- 10Sep19 14:18:38.41,N,estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0047004.dat exists estimate_psd(): input file c:\r0047004.dat can be opened 10Sep19 14:18:38.65,N,Data file version is 04 Version 3 header Data file version is 04 Version 3 header 10Sep19 14:18:57.21,D,final offset = 4104 bytes ASGFile:fseek: retval = 0000 glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 379 10Sep19 14:18:57.43,N,glfree: NULL pointer passed in from file kiss_fft.c, linenum 382 10Sep19 14:18:57.63,N,close(): ASGFile not valid 10Sep19 14:18:57.73,N,retval = -20 10Sep19 14:20:05.19,N,glcheck: 360552 bytes free, 31 blocks free, 61304 bytes alloc, 4237 blocks alloc, 10Sep19 14:20:05.35,N,Host Listen 10Sep19 14:20:05.42,N,Entering Host Listen State... 10Sep19 14:20:05.51,H,ARS_OK 10Sep19 14:20:05.57,N,pin = 31, pin err = 0, comm = 19 10Sep19 14:20:05.66,N,ARS>> ARS_OK 10Sep19 14:20:05.75,H,ARS_OK 10Sep19 14:20:05.82,H,ARS_OK 10Sep19 14:20:05.89,H,ARS_OK 10Sep19 14:20:05.95,H,ARS_OK 10Sep19 14:20:06.03,N,divefinish 10Sep19 14:20:06.10,H,ARS_OK 10Sep19 14:20:06.22,D,Executing [rename C:\ARS.LOG c:\tmp.log]