------ Steady-state G&C menu ------- 29mins to run this one Steady-state scenario pitch roll Vbd time scene cm deg cc sec ---------------------------------------- 1 -10.0 0.0 400.0 30.0 2 -10.0 0.0 -150.0 20.0 3 -1.5 0.0 -150.0 20.0 4 -0.3 0.0 0.0 20.0 5 0.3 0.0 150.0 20.0 6 3.0 0.0 200.0 20.0 1) Whole scene (pitch, roll, VBD) steps 2) Pitch steps (cm) 3) Roll steps (deg) 4) VBD steps (cc) 5) Passive mode time interval steps (s) 6) Clear all steps 7) Save scenario to file 8) Read scenario from file 9) Change surfacing VBD ($SM_CC) [400.00] 10) Change mission time (min) [25.00] 11) Change abort depth (m) [60.00] 12) Change heading error band (deg) [10.00] 13) Change time of no vertical velocity (sec) [120.00] 14) Change number of scenario runs to execute before recovery [1] CR) Return to previous menu Enter selection (1-13,CR): 7 Save to which configuration file: [0] 4 Configuration saved to run004.cfg. ------ Steady-state G&C menu ------- Steady-state scenario pitch roll Vbd time scene cm deg cc sec ---------------------------------------- 1 -10.0 0.0 400.0 30.0 2 -10.0 0.0 -150.0 20.0 3 -1.5 0.0 -150.0 20.0 4 -0.3 0.0 0.0 20.0 5 0.3 0.0 150.0 20.0 6 3.0 0.0 200.0 20.0 1) Whole scene (pitch, roll, VBD) steps 2) Pitch steps (cm) 3) Roll steps (deg) 4) VBD steps (cc) 5) Passive mode time interval steps (s) 6) Clear all steps 7) Save scenario to file 8) Read scenario from file 9) Change surfacing VBD ($SM_CC) [400.00] 10) Change mission time (min) [25.00] 11) Change abort depth (m) [60.00] 12) Change heading error band (deg) [10.00] 13) Change time of no vertical velocity (sec) [120.00] 14) Change number of scenario runs to execute before recovery [1] CR) Return to previous menu Enter selection (1-13,CR): ------ Launch Menu ------ 1 [scene ] Set scenario mode 2 [selftest] Perform interactive self test 3 [autotest] Perform autonomous self test 4 [reset ] Reset dive/run number 5 [test ] Test Launch! 6 [sea ] Sea Launch! CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-6,CR): 5 Quick launch (skips some tests and calls - very dangerous!)? [N] y 4447.035,SPOWER,N,All devices are off. Remove all old data and log files? [N] 4448.862,SUSR,N,This is a SCENARIO run. 4449.045,SUSR,N,Warning: $T_NO_W of 120.0 seconds may not be enough for the total scenario time of 134.0 seconds. 4449.270,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $KALMAN_USE to 2 4449.568,HTT8,N,Writing NVRAM...done. 4460.402,SUSR,N, Setting glider to pre-launch state ... 4460.646,HPITCH,N,Pitch commanded from -11.82 cm (476) to -9.51 cm (978)... 4461.921,HPITCH,N,-11.4 cm (ad: 572) ...MOTOR_DONE: ticks: 4 max 24v: 0.004A avg 24v: 0.004A 4464.039,SMOTOR,N,GC TICKS/TIME: 96/98412 4464.127,HPITCH,N,done. 4464.277,HPITCH,N,Pitch completed from -11.81 cm (477) to -9.50 cm (980) took 2.2 sec 0.044A (0.153A peak) 226 AD/sec 89 ticks 4464.618,HPITCH,N,TRACK: b: 965 a: 969 d: 0 o: 11 4464.811,HROLL,N,Roll commanded from 0.17 deg (2056) to 0.00 deg (2050)... 4466.046,HROLL,N,0.2 deg (ad: 2056) MOTOR_DONE: ticks: 26 max 24v: 0.004A avg 24v: 0.004A 4466.481,SMOTOR,N,GC TICKS/TIME: 29/30653 4466.570,HROLL,N,done. 4466.638,HROLL,N,Roll: No motion occurred. 4466.872,HVBD,N,Bleed commanded from 497.22 cc (513) to 400.08 cc (909)... 4468.130,HVBD,N,495.3 cc (ad: 521 [555, 497]) ................... 4479.205,HVBD,N,435.9 cc (ad: 763 [831, 705]) ............MOTOR_DONE: ticks: 3 max 24v: 1.065A avg 24v: 0.365A 4486.133,SMOTOR,N,GC TICKS/TIME: 731/733275 4486.224,HVBD,N,done. 4486.382,HVBD,N,Bleed completed from 497.47 cc (512) to 400.08 cc (909 [992, 827]) took 18.1 sec 0.000A (1.042A peak) 21 AD/sec 725 ticks 4486.727,HVBD,N,TRACK: b: 909 a: 909 d: 0 o: 0 Ready to launch? [N] y 4494.205,SUSR,N,For a fresh start, reset the dive number to 1 Reset dive/run number to: [0] 2 4503.259,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $DIVE to 2 4503.548,HTT8,N,Writing NVRAM...done. 4511.077,SSURF,N,Initializing data file 4511.329,SSURF,N,Initializing log file 4512.765,SUSR,N, Now wait for the phone call and confirm that QUIT is parsed and RECOVERY is entered before disconnecting comms cable and placing the glider in the water. If possible, confirm positive buoyancy and surface position before releasing. 0.641,SSURF,N,Entering surface state 0.726,SSYS,N,Capture file closed Compressing THISDIVE.KAP to sg0001kz.a... 2.605,SSYS,N,Capture file opened Compressing THISDIVE.LOG to sg0001lz.x... 0.572,SSURF,N,Dive started Thu Jan 31 12:16:12 2008 0.690,SUSR,N,Heap: 0+126975 bytes 0.811,SGLMALLOC,N,glcheck: 357504 bytes free, 11 blocks free, 320 bytes alloc, 13 blocks alloc, 1.034,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $KALMAN_USE to 2 1.327,HTT8,N,Writing NVRAM...done. 11.510,SUSR,N,Heap: 0+126975 bytes 11.623,SGLMALLOC,N,glcheck: 357720 bytes free, 2 blocks free, 320 bytes alloc, 13 blocks alloc, 11.895,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $DIVE to 2 12.182,HTT8,N,Writing NVRAM...done. 19.697,SSURF,N,Initializing data file 19.869,SSURF,N,Initializing log file 21.926,SSURF,N,Starting dive at 21s 22.010,SSURF,N,Leaving surface state 22.182,SUSR,N,Step 1, pitch= -9.5, roll = 0.0, vbd = 400.0 23.670,SDIVE,N,exiting active w/o sampling due to early MOTOR_DONE 24.081,SMOTOR,N,MOTOR_DONE: ticks: 13 max 24v: 0.004A avg 24v: 0.004A 24.214,SMOTOR,N,GC TICKS/TIME: 16/17262 24.323,SDIVE,N,Exiting active in GCPHASE_DONE(6) after 1 samples 24.459,HTT8,N,TT8 state: Normal (2MHz); analog off; TPU TCR1 480000Hz, tick rate 40000Hz 24.626,SPOWER,N,All devices are off. 28.184,SSENSOR,N,P 26s 0.16m 223.2 #1 33.789,SSENSOR,N,P 32s 0.25m 223.3 #2 39.389,SSENSOR,N,P 37s 0.22m 222.9 #3 44.990,SSENSOR,N,P 43s 0.28m 223.0 #4 [transition bleed 400 -> -150cc ] 50.591,SSENSOR,N,P 49s 0.28m 223.0 #5 56.193,SSENSOR,N,P 54s 0.21m 223.2 #6 61.794,SSENSOR,N,P 60s 0.26m 223.4 #7 67.396,SSENSOR,N,P 65s 0.25m 222.9 #8 72.997,SSENSOR,N,P 71s 0.22m 223.2 #9 78.598,SSENSOR,N,P 77s 0.21m 223.2 #10 84.198,SSENSOR,N,P 82s 0.18m 223.1 #11 89.804,SSENSOR,N,P 88s 0.19m 223.3 #12 95.401,SSENSOR,N,P 93s 0.19m 223.4 #13 101.003,SSENSOR,N,P 99s 0.24m 223.2 #14 106.602,SSENSOR,N,P 105s 0.26m 223.3 #15 112.205,SSENSOR,N,P 110s 0.18m 223.3 #16 117.804,SSENSOR,N,P 116s 0.23m 223.0 #17 123.408,SSENSOR,N,P 121s 0.28m 223.4 #18 129.011,SSENSOR,N,P 127s 0.33m 223.1 #19 134.610,SSENSOR,N,P 133s 0.26m 223.1 #20 140.211,SSENSOR,N,P 138s 0.28m 223.2 #21 145.813,SSENSOR,N,P 144s 0.24m 223.2 #22 151.413,SSENSOR,N,P 149s 0.31m 223.3 #23 157.012,SSENSOR,N,P 155s 0.23m 223.0 #24 162.613,SSENSOR,N,P 161s 0.22m 223.1 #25 168.215,SSENSOR,N,P 166s 0.16m 223.3 #26 173.819,SSENSOR,N,P 172s 0.16m 223.3 #27 179.418,SSENSOR,N,P 177s 0.17m 223.3 #28 185.020,SSENSOR,N,P 183s 0.15m 223.4 #29 190.620,SSENSOR,N,P 189s 0.23m 223.2 #30 196.220,SSENSOR,N,P 194s 0.23m 223.4 #31 201.824,SSENSOR,N,P 200s 0.16m 223.4 #32 207.425,SSENSOR,N,P 205s 0.35m 223.1 #33 213.026,SSENSOR,N,P 211s 0.15m 223.3 #34 218.627,SSENSOR,N,P 217s 0.24m 223.3 #35 224.226,SSENSOR,N,P 222s 0.25m 223.3 #36 229.830,SSENSOR,N,P 228s 0.23m 223.2 #37 235.432,SSENSOR,N,P 233s 0.23m 223.3 #38 241.033,SSENSOR,N,P 239s 0.16m 223.4 #39 246.634,SSENSOR,N,P 245s 0.29m 223.2 #40 252.234,SSENSOR,N,P 250s 0.14m 223.3 #41 257.836,SSENSOR,N,P 256s 0.30m 223.3 #42 263.438,SSENSOR,N,P 261s 0.26m 223.3 #43 269.037,SSENSOR,N,P 267s 0.22m 223.2 #44 274.637,SSENSOR,N,P 273s 0.18m 223.0 #45 280.239,SSENSOR,N,P 278s 0.27m 223.3 #46 285.845,SSENSOR,N,P 284s 0.21m 223.2 #47 291.448,SSENSOR,N,P 289s 0.25m 223.1 #48 297.051,SSENSOR,N,P 295s 0.20m 223.3 #49 302.651,SSENSOR,N,P 301s 0.28m 223.1 #50 308.249,SSENSOR,N,P 306s 0.20m 223.3 #51 313.855,SSENSOR,N,P 312s 0.24m 223.2 #52 319.456,SSENSOR,N,P 317s 0.20m 223.2 #53 325.056,SSENSOR,N,P 323s 0.25m 223.4 #54 330.656,SSENSOR,N,P 329s 0.24m 223.3 #55 336.258,SSENSOR,N,P 334s 0.19m 223.1 #56 341.862,SSENSOR,N,P 340s 0.18m 223.2 #57 347.462,SSENSOR,N,P 345s 0.19m 223.2 #58 353.064,SSENSOR,N,P 351s 0.17m 223.1 #59 358.665,SSENSOR,N,P 357s 0.21m 223.3 #60 359.834,SDIVE,N,turn rate during steady passive flight = -0.000 deg/s 359.968,SDIVE,N,Exiting passive after 60 samples 360.083,HTT8,N,TT8 state: Normal (2MHz); analog off; TPU TCR1 480000Hz, tick rate 40000Hz 360.251,SPOWER,N,All devices are off. 360.546,SUSR,N,Step 2, pitch= -10.2, roll = 0.0, vbd = -150.0 363.719,SSENSOR,N,A 362s 0.25m 223.0 #61 368.719,SSENSOR,N,A 367s 0.30m 223.0 #62 373.694,SSENSOR,N,A 372s 0.27m 223.0 #63 378.694,SSENSOR,N,A 377s 0.20m 223.3 #64 383.694,SSENSOR,N,A 382s 0.18m 223.0 #65 388.694,SSENSOR,N,A 387s 0.17m 223.3 #66 393.669,SSENSOR,N,A 392s 0.19m 223.1 #67 398.669,SSENSOR,N,A 397s 0.24m 223.4 #68 403.644,SSENSOR,N,A 402s 0.34m 223.2 #69 408.619,SSENSOR,N,A 407s 0.27m 223.2 #70 413.619,SSENSOR,N,A 412s 0.22m 223.0 #71 418.594,SSENSOR,N,A 417s 0.27m 223.1 #72 423.594,SSENSOR,N,A 422s 0.24m 223.1 #73 428.594,SSENSOR,N,A 427s 0.31m 223.1 #74 433.594,SSENSOR,N,A 432s 0.24m 222.9 #75 438.569,SSENSOR,N,A 437s 0.30m 223.1 #76 443.569,SSENSOR,N,A 442s 0.30m 222.7 #77 448.594,SSENSOR,N,A 447s 0.22m 223.1 #78 453.569,SSENSOR,N,A 452s 0.21m 223.1 #79 [scene 2 transition finish bleed to -150 ] 458.569,SSENSOR,N,A 457s 0.27m 223.0 #80 463.544,SSENSOR,N,A 462s 0.31m 223.0 #81 468.519,SSENSOR,N,A 467s 0.26m 223.1 #82 473.519,SSENSOR,N,A 472s 0.18m 223.3 #83 478.444,SSENSOR,N,A 477s 0.30m 223.5 #84 482.084,SMOTOR,N,MOTOR_DONE: ticks: 107 max 24v: 1.068A avg 24v: 0.014A 482.220,SMOTOR,N,GC TICKS/TIME: 4756/4802872 482.405,HPITCH,N,Pitch completed from -9.50 cm (980) to -10.24 cm (820) took 0.6 sec 0.051A (0.365A peak) 256 AD/sec 25 ticks 482.744,HPITCH,N,TRACK: b: 842 a: 840 d: -2 o: -20 482.942,HVBD,N,Bleed completed from 399.35 cc (912) to -149.39 cc (3149 [3333, 2965]) took 115.5 sec 0.000A (1.174A peak ) 19 AD/sec 4621 ticks 483.300,HVBD,N,TRACK: b: 3151 a: 3148 d: 3 o: 1 483.409,SDIVE,N,Exiting active in GCPHASE_DONE(6) after 24 samples 483.549,HTT8,N,TT8 state: Normal (2MHz); analog off; TPU TCR1 480000Hz, tick rate 40000Hz 483.717,SPOWER,N,All devices are off. 485.415,SSENSOR,N,P 483s 0.30m 223.1 #85 491.015,SSENSOR,N,P 489s 0.25m 223.3 #86 496.620,SSENSOR,N,P 495s 0.25m 223.3 #87 502.221,SSENSOR,N,P 500s 0.24m 223.2 #88 507.826,SSENSOR,N,P 506s 0.24m 223.2 #89 513.425,SSENSOR,N,P 511s 0.22m 223.2 #90 519.027,SSENSOR,N,P 517s 0.20m 223.2 #91 524.632,SSENSOR,N,P 523s 0.28m 223.3 #92 530.233,SSENSOR,N,P 528s 0.22m 223.4 #93 535.838,SSENSOR,N,P 534s 0.14m 223.2 #94 541.443,SSENSOR,N,P 539s 0.30m 223.2 #95 547.045,SSENSOR,N,P 545s 0.30m 223.2 #96 552.645,SSENSOR,N,P 551s 0.20m 223.4 #97 558.247,SSENSOR,N,P 556s 0.27m 223.2 #98 563.848,SSENSOR,N,P 562s 0.21m 223.2 #99 569.451,SSENSOR,N,P 567s 0.25m 223.1 #100 [ what is this ? ] 575.050,SSENSOR,N,P 573s 0.19m 223.4 #101 580.651,SSENSOR,N,P 579s 0.31m 223.1 #102 586.252,SSENSOR,N,P 584s 0.18m 223.4 #103 591.856,SSENSOR,N,P 590s 0.19m 223.1 #104 597.457,SSENSOR,N,P 595s 0.21m 223.2 #105 603.054,SSENSOR,N,P 601s 0.22m 223.2 #106 608.657,SSENSOR,N,P 607s 0.13m 223.2 #107 614.257,SSENSOR,N,P 612s 0.30m 223.2 #108 619.862,SSENSOR,N,P 618s 0.19m 223.2 #109 625.464,SSENSOR,N,P 623s 0.26m 223.3 #110 631.063,SSENSOR,N,P 629s 0.18m 223.3 #111 636.664,SSENSOR,N,P 635s 0.29m 223.2 #112 642.263,SSENSOR,N,P 640s 0.20m 223.3 #113 647.868,SSENSOR,N,P 646s 0.24m 223.3 #114 653.467,SSENSOR,N,P 651s 0.24m 223.5 #115 659.068,SSENSOR,N,P 657s 0.23m 223.3 #116 664.671,SSENSOR,N,P 663s 0.23m 223.4 #117 670.271,SSENSOR,N,P 668s 0.27m 223.4 #118 675.875,SSENSOR,N,P 674s 0.22m 223.3 #119 681.476,SSENSOR,N,P 679s 0.20m 223.3 #120 687.082,SSENSOR,N,P 685s 0.21m 223.3 #121 692.684,SSENSOR,N,P 691s 0.26m 223.3 #122 698.289,SSENSOR,N,P 696s 0.31m 223.3 #123 703.889,SSENSOR,N,P 702s 0.23m 223.2 #124 709.491,SSENSOR,N,P 707s 0.24m 223.4 #125 715.092,SSENSOR,N,P 713s 0.22m 223.5 #126 720.695,SSENSOR,N,P 719s 0.15m 223.4 #127 726.292,SSENSOR,N,P 724s 0.20m 223.1 #128 731.897,SSENSOR,N,P 730s 0.25m 223.2 #129 737.504,SSENSOR,N,P 735s 0.15m 223.1 #130 743.105,SSENSOR,N,P 741s 0.24m 223.3 #131 748.706,SSENSOR,N,P 747s 0.19m 223.1 #132 754.307,SSENSOR,N,P 752s 0.29m 223.1 #133 759.907,SSENSOR,N,P 758s 0.32m 223.5 #134 765.510,SSENSOR,N,P 763s 0.18m 223.2 #135 771.109,SSENSOR,N,P 769s 0.26m 223.2 #136 776.712,SSENSOR,N,P 775s 0.20m 223.3 #137 782.312,SSENSOR,N,P 780s 0.23m 223.2 #138 787.915,SSENSOR,N,P 786s 0.23m 223.2 #139 793.514,SSENSOR,N,P 791s 0.26m 223.4 #140 799.117,SSENSOR,N,P 797s 0.18m 223.3 #141 804.719,SSENSOR,N,P 803s 0.22m 223.3 #142 810.316,SSENSOR,N,P 808s 0.21m 223.2 #143 815.921,SSENSOR,N,P 814s 0.15m 223.3 #144 817.089,SDIVE,N,turn rate during steady passive flight = -0.000 deg/s 817.223,SDIVE,N,Exiting passive after 60 samples 817.338,HTT8,N,TT8 state: Normal (2MHz); analog off; TPU TCR1 480000Hz, tick rate 40000Hz 817.506,SPOWER,N,All devices are off. 817.842,SUSR,N,Step 3, pitch= -1.7, roll = 0.0, vbd = -150.0 821.046,SSENSOR,N,A 819s 0.26m 223.3 #145 826.071,SSENSOR,N,A 824s 0.20m 223.1 #146 829.002,SMOTOR,N,MOTOR_DONE: ticks: 54 max 24v: 0.005A avg 24v: 0.004A 829.136,SMOTOR,N,GC TICKS/TIME: 382/387402 829.318,HPITCH,N,Pitch completed from -10.23 cm (821) to -1.67 cm (2682) took 8.1 sec 0.043A (0.161A peak) 229 AD/sec 32 5 ticks 829.660,HPITCH,N,TRACK: b: 2667 a: 2670 d: -1 o: 12 829.775,SDIVE,N,Exiting active in GCPHASE_DONE(6) after 2 samples 829.913,HTT8,N,TT8 state: Normal (2MHz); analog off; TPU TCR1 480000Hz, tick rate 40000Hz 830.082,SPOWER,N,All devices are off. 831.778,SSENSOR,N,P 830s 0.21m 223.3 #147 837.384,SSENSOR,N,P 835s 0.32m 223.4 #148 842.984,SSENSOR,N,P 841s 0.25m 223.3 #149 848.586,SSENSOR,N,P 847s 0.16m 223.3 #150 849.748,SDIVE,N,turn rate during steady passive flight = 0.000 deg/s 849.880,SDIVE,N,Exiting passive after 4 samples 849.994,HTT8,N,TT8 state: Normal (2MHz); analog off; TPU TCR1 480000Hz, tick rate 40000Hz 850.162,SPOWER,N,All devices are off. 850.416,SUSR,N,Step 4, pitch= -0.3, roll = 0.0, vbd = 0.0 853.669,SSENSOR,N,A 852s 0.20m 223.1 #151 858.644,SSENSOR,N,A 857s 0.20m 223.3 #152 863.644,SSENSOR,N,A 862s 0.23m 223.4 #153 868.669,SSENSOR,N,A 867s 0.23m 223.2 #154 873.644,SSENSOR,N,A 872s 0.16m 223.2 #155 878.644,SSENSOR,N,A 877s 0.22m 223.3 #156 883.169,HCOMPASS,N,timing out on heading 0x00 0x38 0x00 0x00 0x00 second poll worked 883.744,SSENSOR,N,A 882s 0.21m 223.0 #157 888.644,SSENSOR,N,A 887s 0.22m 223.2 #158 893.644,SSENSOR,N,A 892s 0.32m 223.2 #159 898.619,SSENSOR,N,A 897s 0.27m 223.2 #160 903.619,SSENSOR,N,A 902s 0.22m 223.4 #161 908.594,SSENSOR,N,A 907s 0.24m 223.1 #162 913.594,SSENSOR,N,A 912s 0.15m 223.3 #163 918.594,SSENSOR,N,A 917s 0.21m 223.1 #164 923.569,SSENSOR,N,A 922s 0.14m 223.3 #165 928.544,SSENSOR,N,A 927s 0.30m 223.3 #166 933.544,SSENSOR,N,A 932s 0.19m 223.2 #167 938.544,SSENSOR,N,A 937s 0.27m 223.3 #168 943.544,SSENSOR,N,A 942s 0.20m 223.0 #169 948.519,SSENSOR,N,A 947s 0.25m 223.1 #170 952.141,SMOTOR,N,MOTOR_DONE: ticks: 55 max 24v: 0.007A avg 24v: 0.005A 952.275,SMOTOR,N,GC TICKS/TIME: 3972/4010504 952.452,HPITCH,N,Pitch completed from -1.67 cm (2682) to -0.29 cm (2981) took 1.3 sec 0.056A (0.607A peak) 230 AD/sec 52 ticks 952.789,HPITCH,N,TRACK: b: 2970 a: 2970 d: 0 o: 11 952.976,HVBD,N,Pump completed from -149.39 cc (3149) to 0.25 cc (2539 [2622, 2456]) took 96.6 sec 0.432A (2.638A peak) 6 AD/sec 3862 ticks 953.353,HVBD,N,TRACK: b: 2540 a: 2540 d: 0 o: -1 953.464,SDIVE,N,Exiting active in GCPHASE_DONE(6) after 20 samples 953.603,HTT8,N,TT8 state: Normal (2MHz); analog off; TPU TCR1 480000Hz, tick rate 40000Hz 953.772,SPOWER,N,All devices are off. 955.468,SSENSOR,N,P 953s 0.29m 223.3 #171 961.071,SSENSOR,N,P 959s 0.26m 223.2 #172 966.669,SSENSOR,N,P 965s 0.25m 223.2 #173 972.269,SSENSOR,N,P 970s 0.26m 223.2 #174 973.442,SDIVE,N,turn rate during steady passive flight = -0.008 deg/s 973.576,SDIVE,N,Exiting passive after 4 samples 973.690,HTT8,N,TT8 state: Normal (2MHz); analog off; TPU TCR1 480000Hz, tick rate 40000Hz 973.858,SPOWER,N,All devices are off. 974.133,SUSR,N,Step 5, pitch= 0.5, roll = 0.0, vbd = 150.0 977.382,SSENSOR,N,A 975s 0.25m 223.1 #175 982.382,SSENSOR,N,A 980s 0.21m 223.1 #176 987.382,SSENSOR,N,A 985s 0.25m 223.2 #177 992.382,SSENSOR,N,A 990s 0.22m 222.9 #178 997.382,SSENSOR,N,A 995s 0.29m 223.3 #179 1002.357,SSENSOR,N,A 1000s 0.28m 223.3 #180 1007.357,SSENSOR,N,A 1005s 0.26m 223.1 #181 1012.357,SSENSOR,N,A 1011s 0.27m 223.1 #182 1017.357,SSENSOR,N,A 1016s 0.29m 223.2 #183 1022.357,SSENSOR,N,A 1021s 0.23m 223.4 #184 1027.332,SSENSOR,N,A 1026s 0.28m 223.0 #185 1032.332,SSENSOR,N,A 1031s 0.34m 223.0 #186 1037.307,SSENSOR,N,A 1036s 0.29m 223.1 #187 1042.282,SSENSOR,N,A 1041s 0.23m 223.0 #188 1047.282,SSENSOR,N,A 1046s 0.27m 223.2 #189 1052.282,SSENSOR,N,A 1051s 0.26m 223.2 #190 1057.257,SSENSOR,N,A 1056s 0.26m 223.1 #191 1062.257,SSENSOR,N,A 1061s 0.28m 223.4 #192 1067.232,SSENSOR,N,A 1066s 0.38m 223.3 #193 1072.207,SSENSOR,N,A 1071s 0.23m 223.2 #194 1077.207,SSENSOR,N,A 1076s 0.27m 223.3 #195 1081.957,HCOMPASS,N,timing out on pitch/roll 0x00 0x3a 0xff 0xde 0x03 0xe5 0x03 1082.057,HCOMPASS,N,query failed, status = 1 1082.107,HCOMPASS,N,SD: compass timeout 1082.307,SSENSOR,N,A 1081s 0.27m 220.6 #196 1085.857,SMOTOR,N,MOTOR_DONE: ticks: 104 max 24v: 0.008A avg 24v: 0.005A 1085.994,SMOTOR,N,GC TICKS/TIME: 4364/4407598 1086.176,HPITCH,N,Pitch completed from -0.29 cm (2981) to 0.48 cm (3150) took 0.7 sec 0.077A (0.882A peak) 241 AD/sec 28 ticks 1086.515,HPITCH,N,TRACK: b: 3137 a: 3138 d: 3 o: 12 1086.678,HVBD,N,Pump completed from 0.00 cc (2540) to 150.37 cc (1927 [1970, 1885]) took 105.7 sec 0.424A (2.607A peak) 5 AD/sec 4229 ticks 1087.063,HVBD,N,TRACK: b: 1927 a: 1929 d: -1 o: -2 1087.177,SDIVE,N,Exiting active in GCPHASE_DONE(6) after 22 samples 1087.318,HTT8,N,TT8 state: Normal (2MHz); analog off; TPU TCR1 480000Hz, tick rate 40000Hz 1087.488,SPOWER,N,All devices are off. 1089.188,SSENSOR,N,P 1087s 0.27m 223.2 #197 1094.787,SSENSOR,N,P 1093s 0.17m 223.1 #198 1100.389,SSENSOR,N,P 1098s 0.26m 223.0 #199 1105.992,SSENSOR,N,P 1104s 0.21m 223.1 #200 1111.598,SSENSOR,N,P 1110s 0.29m 223.0 #201 1117.197,SSENSOR,N,P 1115s 0.20m 223.1 #202 1122.801,SSENSOR,N,P 1121s 0.25m 223.1 #203 1128.404,SSENSOR,N,P 1126s 0.18m 223.2 #204 1134.006,SSENSOR,N,P 1132s 0.30m 223.2 #205 1139.602,SSENSOR,N,P 1138s 0.17m 223.1 #206 1145.205,SSENSOR,N,P 1143s 0.25m 223.2 #207 1150.807,SSENSOR,N,P 1149s 0.22m 223.2 #208 1156.407,SSENSOR,N,P 1154s 0.18m 223.3 #209 1162.009,SSENSOR,N,P 1160s 0.22m 223.4 #210 1167.608,SSENSOR,N,P 1166s 0.26m 223.3 #211 1173.211,SSENSOR,N,P 1171s 0.17m 223.0 #212 1178.814,SSENSOR,N,P 1177s 0.18m 223.3 #213 1184.412,SSENSOR,N,P 1182s 0.26m 223.1 #214 1190.018,SSENSOR,N,P 1188s 0.19m 223.3 #215 1195.617,SSENSOR,N,P 1194s 0.13m 222.9 #216 1201.218,SSENSOR,N,P 1199s 0.24m 223.1 #217 1206.817,SSENSOR,N,P 1205s 0.20m 223.2 #218 1212.420,SSENSOR,N,P 1210s 0.13m 223.0 #219 1218.021,SSENSOR,N,P 1216s 0.33m 223.2 #220 1223.624,SSENSOR,N,P 1222s 0.25m 223.3 #221 1229.230,SSENSOR,N,P 1227s 0.23m 223.4 #222 1234.831,SSENSOR,N,P 1233s 0.19m 223.1 #223 1240.435,SSENSOR,N,P 1238s 0.23m 223.5 #224 1246.037,SSENSOR,N,P 1244s 0.17m 223.1 #225 1251.638,SSENSOR,N,P 1250s 0.16m 223.3 #226 1257.237,SSENSOR,N,P 1255s 0.19m 223.1 #227 1262.844,SSENSOR,N,P 1261s 0.17m 223.1 #228 1268.441,SSENSOR,N,P 1266s 0.23m 223.4 #229 1274.048,SSENSOR,N,P 1272s 0.16m 223.1 #230 1279.655,SSENSOR,N,P 1278s 0.13m 223.2 #231 1285.253,SSENSOR,N,P 1283s 0.27m 223.2 #232 1290.853,SSENSOR,N,P 1289s 0.19m 223.1 #233 1296.453,SSENSOR,N,P 1294s 0.13m 223.3 #234 1302.059,SSENSOR,N,P 1300s 0.24m 223.2 #235 1307.666,SSENSOR,N,P 1306s 0.23m 223.1 #236 1313.263,SSENSOR,N,P 1311s 0.23m 223.0 #237 1318.868,SSENSOR,N,P 1317s 0.22m 223.3 #238 1324.468,SSENSOR,N,P 1322s 0.21m 223.1 #239 1330.071,SSENSOR,N,P 1328s 0.16m 222.9 #240 1335.670,SSENSOR,N,P 1334s 0.22m 223.0 #241 1341.270,SSENSOR,N,P 1339s 0.18m 223.3 #242 1346.873,SSENSOR,N,P 1345s 0.26m 223.2 #243 1352.472,SSENSOR,N,P 1350s 0.30m 223.2 #244 1358.072,SSENSOR,N,P 1356s 0.09m 222.8 #245 1363.675,SSENSOR,N,P 1362s 0.16m 223.3 #246 1369.275,SSENSOR,N,P 1367s 0.31m 223.2 #247 1374.878,SSENSOR,N,P 1373s 0.20m 223.3 #248 1380.480,SSENSOR,N,P 1378s 0.21m 223.1 #249 1386.080,SSENSOR,N,P 1384s 0.32m 223.2 #250 1391.682,SSENSOR,N,P 1390s 0.14m 223.1 #251 1397.283,SSENSOR,N,P 1395s 0.25m 223.2 #252 1402.882,SSENSOR,N,P 1401s 0.21m 223.3 #253 1408.482,SSENSOR,N,P 1406s 0.17m 223.2 #254 1414.086,SSENSOR,N,P 1412s 0.19m 223.2 #255 1419.690,SSENSOR,N,P 1418s 0.18m 223.2 #256 1420.861,SDIVE,N,turn rate during steady passive flight = 0.001 deg/s 1420.994,SDIVE,N,Exiting passive after 60 samples 1421.111,HTT8,N,TT8 state: Normal (2MHz); analog off; TPU TCR1 480000Hz, tick rate 40000Hz 1421.281,SPOWER,N,All devices are off. 1421.647,SUSR,N,Step 6, pitch= 3.2, roll = 0.0, vbd = 200.0 1424.786,SSENSOR,N,A 1423s 0.23m 222.9 #257 1429.736,SSENSOR,N,A 1428s 0.22m 222.8 #258 1434.736,SSENSOR,N,A 1433s 0.14m 222.9 #259 1439.736,SSENSOR,N,A 1438s 0.20m 222.8 #260 1444.736,SSENSOR,N,A 1443s 0.27m 222.9 #261 1449.736,SSENSOR,N,A 1448s 0.31m 223.0 #262 1454.711,SSENSOR,N,A 1453s 0.25m 223.0 #263 1459.686,SSENSOR,N,A 1458s 0.24m 222.9 #264 1464.636,SSENSOR,N,A 1463s 0.20m 222.9 #265 1467.561,SMOTOR,N,MOTOR_DONE: ticks: 141 max 24v: 0.008A avg 24v: 0.005A 1467.698,SMOTOR,N,GC TICKS/TIME: 1759/1777551 1467.879,HPITCH,N,Pitch completed from 0.48 cm (3150) to 3.25 cm (3751) took 2.6 sec 0.046A (0.168A peak) 228 AD/sec 105 ticks 1468.220,HPITCH,N,TRACK: b: 3738 a: 3741 d: 0 o: 10 1468.418,HVBD,N,Pump completed from 151.35 cc (1923) to 200.66 cc (1722 [1769, 1676]) took 37.8 sec 0.419A (2.593A peak) 5 AD/sec 1510 ticks 1468.808,HVBD,N,TRACK: b: 1724 a: 1724 d: 0 o: -2 1468.920,SDIVE,N,Exiting active in GCPHASE_DONE(6) after 9 samples 1469.060,HTT8,N,TT8 state: Normal (2MHz); analog off; TPU TCR1 480000Hz, tick rate 40000Hz 1469.230,SPOWER,N,All devices are off. 1470.930,SSENSOR,N,P 1469s 0.14m 222.9 #266 1476.532,SSENSOR,N,P 1474s 0.22m 223.0 #267 1482.134,SSENSOR,N,P 1480s 0.28m 223.1 #268 1487.736,SSENSOR,N,P 1486s 0.20m 223.1 #269 1488.919,SDIVE,N,turn rate during steady passive flight = 0.014 deg/s 1489.052,SDIVE,N,Exiting passive after 4 samples 1489.168,HTT8,N,TT8 state: Normal (2MHz); analog off; TPU TCR1 480000Hz, tick rate 40000Hz 1489.338,SPOWER,N,All devices are off. 1489.517,SDIVE,N,Scenario run 1 of 1 finished. 1489.629,HTT8,N,TT8 state: Normal (2MHz); analog off; TPU TCR1 480000Hz, tick rate 40000Hz 1489.798,SPOWER,N,All devices are off. 1489.888,SDIVE,N,Entering End of Scenario Phase 1490.003,SSURF,N,Entering recovery state, force_to_surface=1, flush_data=1 1490.152,SPOWER,N,powerOFF (23,SBE_CT) without corresponding powerON! 1490.297,SPOWER,N,powerOFF (24,SBE_O2) without corresponding powerON! 1490.442,SPOWER,N,powerOFF (25,Optode) without corresponding powerON! 1490.587,SPOWER,N,powerOFF (26,WL_BB2F) without corresponding powerON! 1491.382,SPOWER,N,powerOFF (27,WL_BBFL2VMT) without corresponding powerON! 1491.520,SSURF,N,Starting surface maneuver... 1492.129,SSURF,N,disabling surface maneuver aborts 1493.340,SSURF,N,d= 0.31m 1493.504,HROLL,N,Roll commanded from 0.17 deg (2056) to 0.00 deg (2050)... 1494.742,HROLL,N,0.2 deg (ad: 2057) MOTOR_DONE: ticks: 26 max 24v: 0.005A avg 24v: 0.004A 1495.179,SMOTOR,N,GC TICKS/TIME: 29/30698 1495.268,HROLL,N,done. 1495.336,HROLL,N,Roll: No motion occurred. 1495.559,HPITCH,N,Pitch commanded from 3.25 cm (3751) to -11.78 cm (485)... 1496.827,HPITCH,N,2.8 cm (ad: 3654) ................... 1507.877,HPITCH,N,-9.0 cm (ad: 1091) .....MOTOR_DONE: ticks: 13 max 24v: 0.005A avg 24v: 0.004A 1511.073,SMOTOR,N,GC TICKS/TIME: 581/583415 1511.164,HPITCH,N,done. 1511.313,HPITCH,N,Pitch completed from 3.25 cm (3751) to -11.82 cm (475) took 14.1 sec 0.031A (0.242A peak) 231 AD/sec 5 65 ticks 1511.661,HPITCH,N,TRACK: b: 495 a: 491 d: 2 o: -16 1511.910,HVBD,N,Pump commanded from 201.39 cc (1719) to 400.08 cc (909)... 1513.198,HVBD,N,201.4 cc (ad: 1719 [1769, 1667]) ................... 1524.298,HVBD,N,214.6 cc (ad: 1665 [1715, 1613]) ................... 1535.323,HVBD,N,228.9 cc (ad: 1607 [1654, 1559]) ................... 1546.473,HVBD,N,243.3 cc (ad: 1548 [1595, 1500]) ................... 1557.548,HVBD,N,256.8 cc (ad: 1493 [1540, 1443]) ................... 1568.598,HVBD,N,270.8 cc (ad: 1436 [1483, 1387]) ................... 1579.648,HVBD,N,284.5 cc (ad: 1380 [1425, 1333]) ................... 1590.773,HVBD,N,299.0 cc (ad: 1321 [1364, 1275]) ................... 1601.898,HVBD,N,313.0 cc (ad: 1264 [1308, 1219]) ................... 1613.023,HVBD,N,326.0 cc (ad: 1211 [1255, 1165]) ................... 1624.148,HVBD,N,339.2 cc (ad: 1157 [1201, 1110]) ................... 1635.198,HVBD,N,353.0 cc (ad: 1101 [1143, 1057]) ................... 1646.373,HVBD,N,366.5 cc (ad: 1046 [1088, 1003]) ................... 1657.448,HVBD,N,380.0 cc (ad: 991 [1031, 949]) ................... 1668.548,HVBD,N,393.2 cc (ad: 937 [976, 896]) ...........MOTOR_DONE: ticks: 22 max 24v: 0.007A avg 24v: 0.005A 1675.003,SMOTOR,N,GC TICKS/TIME: 6484/6486626 1675.095,HVBD,N,done. 1675.253,HVBD,N,Pump completed from 201.39 cc (1719) to 400.33 cc (908 [947, 869]) took 161.5 sec 0.421A (2.622A peak) 5 AD/sec 6459 ticks 1675.636,HVBD,N,TRACK: b: 909 a: 909 d: 0 o: -1 1676.746,SSURF,N,Depth at end of surface maneuver = 0.138886 1678.290,SSURF,N,Finished surface maneuver... 1679.014,SSURF,N,in recovery because of CONTROL_FINISHED_OK/END_OF_SCENARIO_RUNS after 1 profiles... 1679.201,SSYS,N,Capture file closed Compressing THISDIVE.KAP to sg0002kz.a... 1682.926,SSYS,N,Capture file opened Compressing THISDIVE.DAT to sg0002dz.x... Compressing THISDIVE.LOG to sg0002lz.x... 1686.504,SSURF,N,Leaving recovery state ------ Main Menu ------ 1 [param ] Parameters and configuration 2 [hw ] Hardware tests and monitoring 3 [modes ] Test operation modes and files 4 [pdos ] PicoDOS commands (and exit) 5 [launch ] Pre-launch Enter selection (1-5,CR):