3560.951,HVBD,N,192.6 cc (ad: 1868 [1963, 1774]) 3561.751,HVBD,N,193.3 cc (ad: 1865 [1959, 1769]) 3562.576,HVBD,N,194.3 cc (ad: 1861 [1955, 1765]) 3563.401,HVBD,N,195.5 cc (ad: 1856 [1951, 1761]) 3564.201,HVBD,N,196.5 cc (ad: 1852 [1948, 1756]) 3565.001,HVBD,N,197.5 cc (ad: 1848 [1944, 1751]) 3565.801,HVBD,N,198.4 cc (ad: 1844 [1940, 1747]) 3566.626,HVBD,N,199.4 cc (ad: 1840 [1937, 1743]) 3567.376,HVBD,N,200.4 cc (ad: 1836 [1933, 1739]) MOTOR_DONE: ticks: 19 max 24v: 4.6mA avg 24v: 3.1mA minV 24v: 23.8V 3568.879,SMOTOR,N,GC TICKS/TIME: 14651/14691716 3569.274,HVBD,N,done. 3569.433,HVBD,N,Pump completed from -171.96 cc (3354) to 200.41 cc (1836 [1933, 1739]) took 360.7 sec 55mA (2704mA peak) 22.5Vmin 4.21 AD/sec 14428 ticks; 1 ret ries 3569.936,HVBD,N,TRACK: b: 1935/1740 a: 1935/1740 d: -98 o: -99 ------ VBD menu ------ 1 [read ] Current position 2 [ad ] Move to position (AD counts) 3 [eu ] Move to position (cc) 4 [cont ] Continuous position 5 [edit ] Edit vbd parameters 6 [timing ] Characterize valve 7 [noise ] Valve noise test 8 [open ] Open valve 9 [close ] Close valve 10 [cycle ] Cycle valve 11 [pump ] Pump & bleed cycles (pressure chamber or AD) 12 [soak ] Pump and hold at pressure (pressure chamber or AD) 13 [special ] Special test #1 (motor current, amb pressure & pot) CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-13,CR): 1 3622.264,HVBD,N, VBD lin pot AD counts: 1931 1735 3622.415,HVBD,N, VBD bladder position = 201.15 cc, (AD#= 1833 ) ------ VBD menu ------ 1 [read ] Current position 2 [ad ] Move to position (AD counts) 3 [eu ] Move to position (cc) 4 [cont ] Continuous position 5 [edit ] Edit vbd parameters 6 [timing ] Characterize valve 7 [noise ] Valve noise test 8 [open ] Open valve 9 [close ] Close valve 10 [cycle ] Cycle valve 11 [pump ] Pump & bleed cycles (pressure chamber or AD) 12 [soak ] Pump and hold at pressure (pressure chamber or AD) 13 [special ] Special test #1 (motor current, amb pressure & pot) CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-13,CR): 3 3642.188,HVBD,N,VBD pump limits: 533.8 and -318.4 cc: 3642.337,HVBD,N,Operation will time out in 720 seconds. Move to position (201.15 cc): 120 3645.140,HVBD,N,Bleed commanded from 201.15 cc (1833) to 120.20 cc (2163)... 3646.088,HVBD,N,199.4 cc (ad: 1840 [1933, 1754]) 3646.913,HVBD,N,195.7 cc (ad: 1855 [1937, 1778]) 3647.713,HVBD,N,191.8 cc (ad: 1871 [1951, 1797]) 3648.538,HVBD,N,187.9 cc (ad: 1887 [1965, 1815]) 3649.338,HVBD,N,184.0 cc (ad: 1903 [1978, 1833]) 3650.138,HVBD,N,180.1 cc (ad: 1919 [1993, 1852]) 3650.938,HVBD,N,176.1 cc (ad: 1935 [2006, 1870]) 3651.738,HVBD,N,172.2 cc (ad: 1951 [2022, 1887]) 3652.563,HVBD,N,168.3 cc (ad: 1967 [2037, 1904]) 3653.363,HVBD,N,164.4 cc (ad: 1983 [2051, 1921]) 3654.163,HVBD,N,160.4 cc (ad: 1999 [2065, 1939]) 3654.963,HVBD,N,156.5 cc (ad: 2015 [2079, 1956]) 3655.763,HVBD,N,152.6 cc (ad: 2031 [2094, 1974]) 3656.588,HVBD,N,148.9 cc (ad: 2046 [2108, 1990]) 3657.388,HVBD,N,144.7 cc (ad: 2063 [2124, 2007]) 3658.188,HVBD,N,141.0 cc (ad: 2078 [2139, 2025]) 3659.013,HVBD,N,136.9 cc (ad: 2095 [2154, 2042]) 3659.813,HVBD,N,133.0 cc (ad: 2111 [2170, 2060]) 3660.638,HVBD,N,128.8 cc (ad: 2128 [2185, 2077]) 3661.438,HVBD,N,124.6 cc (ad: 2145 [2200, 2096]) 3662.263,HVBD,N,120.7 cc (ad: 2161 [2216, 2112]) MOTOR_DONE: ticks: 6 max 24v: 1 055.7mA avg 24v: 180.5mA minV 24v: 23.6V 3662.817,SMOTOR,N,GC TICKS/TIME: 677/678803 3662.908,HVBD,N,done. 3663.067,HVBD,N,Bleed completed from 201.15 cc (1833) to 119.95 cc (2164 [2216, 2112]) took 16.7 sec 0mA (905mA peak) 23.9Vmin 19.82 AD/sec 668 ticks 3663.511,HVBD,N,TRACK: b: 2215/2111 a: 2215/2111 d: -52 o: -51 ------ VBD menu ------ 1 [read ] Current position 2 [ad ] Move to position (AD counts) 3 [eu ] Move to position (cc) 4 [cont ] Continuous position 5 [edit ] Edit vbd parameters 6 [timing ] Characterize valve 7 [noise ] Valve noise test 8 [open ] Open valve 9 [close ] Close valve 10 [cycle ] Cycle valve 11 [pump ] Pump & bleed cycles (pressure chamber or AD) 12 [soak ] Pump and hold at pressure (pressure chamber or AD) 13 [special ] Special test #1 (motor current, amb pressure & pot) CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-13,CR): 1 3710.283,HVBD,N, VBD lin pot AD counts: 2214 2112 3710.435,HVBD,N, VBD bladder position = 120.20 cc, (AD#= 2163 ) ------ VBD menu ------ 1 [read ] Current position 2 [ad ] Move to position (AD counts) 3 [eu ] Move to position (cc) 4 [cont ] Continuous position 5 [edit ] Edit vbd parameters 6 [timing ] Characterize valve 7 [noise ] Valve noise test 8 [open ] Open valve 9 [close ] Close valve 10 [cycle ] Cycle valve 11 [pump ] Pump & bleed cycles (pressure chamber or AD) 12 [soak ] Pump and hold at pressure (pressure chamber or AD) 13 [special ] Special test #1 (motor current, amb pressure & pot) CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-13,CR): ------ Hardware Menu ------ *Motors and VBD 1 [pitch ] Pitch control 2 [roll ] Roll control 3 [vbd ] VBD control 4 [pressure] Pressure sensor 5 [compass ] Compass (tcm2) 6 [gps ] GPS 7 [modem ] Modem (xmodem mode) 8 [intpress] Internal pressure 9 [altim ] Altimeter 10 [sensors ] Sensors 11 [loggers ] Loggers *Other 12 [batt ] Batteries and fuel gauges 13 [lowlevel] Low-level hardware (IO,A-D,CF) 14 [misc ] Miscellaneous (travel, timeouts, date/time) 15 [develop ] Developer tests CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-15,CR): 4 ------ Pressure menu ------ 1 [selftest] Basic self-test 2 [sealevel] Sealevel test 3 [noise ] Check pressure sensor noise 4 [param ] Edit pressure parameters CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-4,CR): 1 3731.381,SUSR,N,Starting breakable loop - Ctrl-Q to end 3732.196,HPRES,N,0000 count: 238219 psi: 0.62 depth(m): 0.43 3734.037,HPRES,N,0001 count: 237201 psi: 0.51 depth(m): 0.35 3735.880,HPRES,N,0002 count: 236848 psi: 0.47 depth(m): 0.32 3737.727,HPRES,N,0003 count: 236678 psi: 0.45 depth(m): 0.31 3739.573,HPRES,N,0004 count: 237230 psi: 0.51 depth(m): 0.35 ------ Pressure menu ------ 1 [selftest] Basic self-test 2 [sealevel] Sealevel test 3 [noise ] Check pressure sensor noise 4 [param ] Edit pressure parameters CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-4,CR): ------ Hardware Menu ------ *Motors and VBD 1 [pitch ] Pitch control 2 [roll ] Roll control 3 [vbd ] VBD control 4 [pressure] Pressure sensor 5 [compass ] Compass (tcm2) 6 [gps ] GPS 7 [modem ] Modem (xmodem mode) 8 [intpress] Internal pressure 9 [altim ] Altimeter 10 [sensors ] Sensors 11 [loggers ] Loggers *Other 12 [batt ] Batteries and fuel gauges 13 [lowlevel] Low-level hardware (IO,A-D,CF) 14 [misc ] Miscellaneous (travel, timeouts, date/time) 15 [develop ] Developer tests CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-15,CR): 5 ------ Compass/attitude Menu ------ 1 [selftest] Basic self-test 2 [active ] Toggle active compass 3 [dispraw ] Display raw bearing, pitch & roll 4 [dispcal ] Display calibrated bearing, pitch & roll 5 [direct ] Direct comms with unit 6 [capture ] Capture compass serial output 7 [command ] Send command to SP3003 8 [reset ] Reset SP3003 9 [whirly ] Whirly calibration - display raw sensor outputs 10 [whirlraw] Whirly calibration - (SP3003 only) display transducer counts 11 [calib ] Calibrate compass 12 [calibraw] Calibrate compass (w/ SP3003 raw raw reader) 13 [auto ] Autocalibrate compass manual (cal stand) mode 14 [insitu ] Autocalibrate compass in-situ mode 15 [coeff ] Read calibration coefficients 16 [power ] Power cycle test 17 [edit ] Edit compass parameters CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-17,CR): 1 3766.531,HCOMPASS,N,compass filter disabled ok 3767.324,HCOMPASS,N,1, SP3003, Hdg: 319.29 deg Rol: -0.53 deg Pit: -8.15 deg Tmp : 24.70 C ------ Compass/attitude Menu ------ 1 [selftest] Basic self-test 2 [active ] Toggle active compass 3 [dispraw ] Display raw bearing, pitch & roll 4 [dispcal ] Display calibrated bearing, pitch & roll 5 [direct ] Direct comms with unit 6 [capture ] Capture compass serial output 7 [command ] Send command to SP3003 8 [reset ] Reset SP3003 9 [whirly ] Whirly calibration - display raw sensor outputs 10 [whirlraw] Whirly calibration - (SP3003 only) display transducer counts 11 [calib ] Calibrate compass 12 [calibraw] Calibrate compass (w/ SP3003 raw raw reader) 13 [auto ] Autocalibrate compass manual (cal stand) mode 14 [insitu ] Autocalibrate compass in-situ mode 15 [coeff ] Read calibration coefficients 16 [power ] Power cycle test 17 [edit ] Edit compass parameters CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-17,CR): 1 3787.222,HCOMPASS,N,1, SP3003, Hdg: 319.44 deg Rol: -0.66 deg Pit: -8.22 deg Tmp : 24.80 C ------ Compass/attitude Menu ------ 1 [selftest] Basic self-test 2 [active ] Toggle active compass 3 [dispraw ] Display raw bearing, pitch & roll 4 [dispcal ] Display calibrated bearing, pitch & roll 5 [direct ] Direct comms with unit 6 [capture ] Capture compass serial output 7 [command ] Send command to SP3003 8 [reset ] Reset SP3003 9 [whirly ] Whirly calibration - display raw sensor outputs 10 [whirlraw] Whirly calibration - (SP3003 only) display transducer counts 11 [calib ] Calibrate compass 12 [calibraw] Calibrate compass (w/ SP3003 raw raw reader) 13 [auto ] Autocalibrate compass manual (cal stand) mode 14 [insitu ] Autocalibrate compass in-situ mode 15 [coeff ] Read calibration coefficients 16 [power ] Power cycle test 17 [edit ] Edit compass parameters CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-17,CR): 1 3860.167,HCOMPASS,N,1, SP3003, Hdg: 318.57 deg Rol: -0.53 deg Pit: -7.87 deg Tmp : 24.70 C ------ Compass/attitude Menu ------ 1 [selftest] Basic self-test 2 [active ] Toggle active compass 3 [dispraw ] Display raw bearing, pitch & roll 4 [dispcal ] Display calibrated bearing, pitch & roll 5 [direct ] Direct comms with unit 6 [capture ] Capture compass serial output 7 [command ] Send command to SP3003 8 [reset ] Reset SP3003 9 [whirly ] Whirly calibration - display raw sensor outputs 10 [whirlraw] Whirly calibration - (SP3003 only) display transducer counts 11 [calib ] Calibrate compass 12 [calibraw] Calibrate compass (w/ SP3003 raw raw reader) 13 [auto ] Autocalibrate compass manual (cal stand) mode 14 [insitu ] Autocalibrate compass in-situ mode 15 [coeff ] Read calibration coefficients 16 [power ] Power cycle test 17 [edit ] Edit compass parameters CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-17,CR): 5 3883.572,SUSR,N,Starting breakable loop - Ctrl-Q to end ------ Compass/attitude Menu ------ 1 [selftest] Basic self-test 2 [active ] Toggle active compass 3 [dispraw ] Display raw bearing, pitch & roll 4 [dispcal ] Display calibrated bearing, pitch & roll 5 [direct ] Direct comms with unit 6 [capture ] Capture compass serial output 7 [command ] Send command to SP3003 8 [reset ] Reset SP3003 9 [whirly ] Whirly calibration - display raw sensor outputs 10 [whirlraw] Whirly calibration - (SP3003 only) display transducer counts 11 [calib ] Calibrate compass 12 [calibraw] Calibrate compass (w/ SP3003 raw raw reader) 13 [auto ] Autocalibrate compass manual (cal stand) mode 14 [insitu ] Autocalibrate compass in-situ mode 15 [coeff ] Read calibration coefficients 16 [power ] Power cycle test 17 [edit ] Edit compass parameters CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-17,CR): 6 3907.430,SUSR,N,Starting breakable loop - Ctrl-Q to end ------ Compass/attitude Menu ------ 1 [selftest] Basic self-test 2 [active ] Toggle active compass 3 [dispraw ] Display raw bearing, pitch & roll 4 [dispcal ] Display calibrated bearing, pitch & roll 5 [direct ] Direct comms with unit 6 [capture ] Capture compass serial output 7 [command ] Send command to SP3003 8 [reset ] Reset SP3003 9 [whirly ] Whirly calibration - display raw sensor outputs 10 [whirlraw] Whirly calibration - (SP3003 only) display transducer counts 11 [calib ] Calibrate compass 12 [calibraw] Calibrate compass (w/ SP3003 raw raw reader) 13 [auto ] Autocalibrate compass manual (cal stand) mode 14 [insitu ] Autocalibrate compass in-situ mode 15 [coeff ] Read calibration coefficients 16 [power ] Power cycle test 17 [edit ] Edit compass parameters CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-17,CR): 1 3928.790,HCOMPASS,N,1, SP3003, Hdg: 319.49 deg Rol: -0.48 deg Pit: -8.28 deg Tmp : 24.70 C ------ Compass/attitude Menu ------ 1 [selftest] Basic self-test 2 [active ] Toggle active compass 3 [dispraw ] Display raw bearing, pitch & roll 4 [dispcal ] Display calibrated bearing, pitch & roll 5 [direct ] Direct comms with unit 6 [capture ] Capture compass serial output 7 [command ] Send command to SP3003 8 [reset ] Reset SP3003 9 [whirly ] Whirly calibration - display raw sensor outputs 10 [whirlraw] Whirly calibration - (SP3003 only) display transducer counts 11 [calib ] Calibrate compass 12 [calibraw] Calibrate compass (w/ SP3003 raw raw reader) 13 [auto ] Autocalibrate compass manual (cal stand) mode 14 [insitu ] Autocalibrate compass in-situ mode 15 [coeff ] Read calibration coefficients 16 [power ] Power cycle test 17 [edit ] Edit compass parameters CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-17,CR): 2 3937.637,HCOMPASS,N,Active compass is SP3003 ------ Compass/attitude Menu ------ 1 [selftest] Basic self-test 2 [active ] Toggle active compass 3 [dispraw ] Display raw bearing, pitch & roll 4 [dispcal ] Display calibrated bearing, pitch & roll 5 [direct ] Direct comms with unit 6 [capture ] Capture compass serial output 7 [command ] Send command to SP3003 8 [reset ] Reset SP3003 9 [whirly ] Whirly calibration - display raw sensor outputs 10 [whirlraw] Whirly calibration - (SP3003 only) display transducer counts 11 [calib ] Calibrate compass 12 [calibraw] Calibrate compass (w/ SP3003 raw raw reader) 13 [auto ] Autocalibrate compass manual (cal stand) mode 14 [insitu ] Autocalibrate compass in-situ mode 15 [coeff ] Read calibration coefficients 16 [power ] Power cycle test 17 [edit ] Edit compass parameters CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-17,CR): 1 3944.734,HCOMPASS,N,1, SP3003, Hdg: 319.48 deg Rol: -0.53 deg Pit: -8.11 deg Tmp : 24.80 C ------ Compass/attitude Menu ------ 1 [selftest] Basic self-test 2 [active ] Toggle active compass 3 [dispraw ] Display raw bearing, pitch & roll 4 [dispcal ] Display calibrated bearing, pitch & roll 5 [direct ] Direct comms with unit 6 [capture ] Capture compass serial output 7 [command ] Send command to SP3003 8 [reset ] Reset SP3003 9 [whirly ] Whirly calibration - display raw sensor outputs 10 [whirlraw] Whirly calibration - (SP3003 only) display transducer counts 11 [calib ] Calibrate compass 12 [calibraw] Calibrate compass (w/ SP3003 raw raw reader) 13 [auto ] Autocalibrate compass manual (cal stand) mode 14 [insitu ] Autocalibrate compass in-situ mode 15 [coeff ] Read calibration coefficients 16 [power ] Power cycle test 17 [edit ] Edit compass parameters CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-17,CR): 1 3952.340,HCOMPASS,N,1, SP3003, Hdg: 319.44 deg Rol: -0.44 deg Pit: -8.28 deg Tmp : 24.80 C ------ Compass/attitude Menu ------ 1 [selftest] Basic self-test 2 [active ] Toggle active compass 3 [dispraw ] Display raw bearing, pitch & roll 4 [dispcal ] Display calibrated bearing, pitch & roll 5 [direct ] Direct comms with unit 6 [capture ] Capture compass serial output 7 [command ] Send command to SP3003 8 [reset ] Reset SP3003 9 [whirly ] Whirly calibration - display raw sensor outputs 10 [whirlraw] Whirly calibration - (SP3003 only) display transducer counts 11 [calib ] Calibrate compass 12 [calibraw] Calibrate compass (w/ SP3003 raw raw reader) 13 [auto ] Autocalibrate compass manual (cal stand) mode 14 [insitu ] Autocalibrate compass in-situ mode 15 [coeff ] Read calibration coefficients 16 [power ] Power cycle test 17 [edit ] Edit compass parameters CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-17,CR): 16 How many 500ms ON/500ms OFF cycles: [2] Hit any key to start, any key to abort +++ Cycle 1 ... +++ Cycle 2 ... ------ Compass/attitude Menu ------ 1 [selftest] Basic self-test 2 [active ] Toggle active compass 3 [dispraw ] Display raw bearing, pitch & roll 4 [dispcal ] Display calibrated bearing, pitch & roll 5 [direct ] Direct comms with unit 6 [capture ] Capture compass serial output 7 [command ] Send command to SP3003 8 [reset ] Reset SP3003 9 [whirly ] Whirly calibration - display raw sensor outputs 10 [whirlraw] Whirly calibration - (SP3003 only) display transducer counts 11 [calib ] Calibrate compass 12 [calibraw] Calibrate compass (w/ SP3003 raw raw reader) 13 [auto ] Autocalibrate compass manual (cal stand) mode 14 [insitu ] Autocalibrate compass in-situ mode 15 [coeff ] Read calibration coefficients 16 [power ] Power cycle test 17 [edit ] Edit compass parameters CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-17,CR): 1 3992.165,HCOMPASS,N,1, SP3003, Hdg: 319.58 deg Rol: -0.44 deg Pit: -8.02 deg Tmp : 24.80 C ------ Compass/attitude Menu ------ 1 [selftest] Basic self-test 2 [active ] Toggle active compass 3 [dispraw ] Display raw bearing, pitch & roll 4 [dispcal ] Display calibrated bearing, pitch & roll 5 [direct ] Direct comms with unit 6 [capture ] Capture compass serial output 7 [command ] Send command to SP3003 8 [reset ] Reset SP3003 9 [whirly ] Whirly calibration - display raw sensor outputs 10 [whirlraw] Whirly calibration - (SP3003 only) display transducer counts 11 [calib ] Calibrate compass 12 [calibraw] Calibrate compass (w/ SP3003 raw raw reader) 13 [auto ] Autocalibrate compass manual (cal stand) mode 14 [insitu ] Autocalibrate compass in-situ mode 15 [coeff ] Read calibration coefficients 16 [power ] Power cycle test 17 [edit ] Edit compass parameters CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-17,CR): 15 4001.768,HCOMPASS,N,Reading compass coefficients tagged: "SG146 whirly compass c al using sg146_compass_cal_20160123 collected at 0.000,0.000 on 1/23/2016 for SN C156 (IGRF = 539.138)" 4002.027,HCOMPASS,N,Compass 1, SP3003 4002.155,HCOMPASS,N,pitch A,B,C,D: 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 4002.327,HCOMPASS,N,roll A,B,C,D: 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 4002.604,HCOMPASS,N,hard iron P,Q,R: 33.139301 -7.491700 55.169201 4002.846,HCOMPASS,N,soft iron: 0.960100 -0.010200 -0.000300 4003.077,HCOMPASS,N, -0.001400 1.030400 -0.007000 4003.309,HCOMPASS,N, -0.001400 0.003100 1.028800 ------ Compass/attitude Menu ------ 1 [selftest] Basic self-test 2 [active ] Toggle active compass 3 [dispraw ] Display raw bearing, pitch & roll 4 [dispcal ] Display calibrated bearing, pitch & roll 5 [direct ] Direct comms with unit 6 [capture ] Capture compass serial output 7 [command ] Send command to SP3003 8 [reset ] Reset SP3003 9 [whirly ] Whirly calibration - display raw sensor outputs 10 [whirlraw] Whirly calibration - (SP3003 only) display transducer counts 11 [calib ] Calibrate compass 12 [calibraw] Calibrate compass (w/ SP3003 raw raw reader) 13 [auto ] Autocalibrate compass manual (cal stand) mode 14 [insitu ] Autocalibrate compass in-situ mode 15 [coeff ] Read calibration coefficients 16 [power ] Power cycle test 17 [edit ] Edit compass parameters CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-17,CR): ------ Hardware Menu ------ *Motors and VBD 1 [pitch ] Pitch control 2 [roll ] Roll control 3 [vbd ] VBD control 4 [pressure] Pressure sensor 5 [compass ] Compass (tcm2) 6 [gps ] GPS 7 [modem ] Modem (xmodem mode) 8 [intpress] Internal pressure 9 [altim ] Altimeter 10 [sensors ] Sensors 11 [loggers ] Loggers *Other 12 [batt ] Batteries and fuel gauges 13 [lowlevel] Low-level hardware (IO,A-D,CF) 14 [misc ] Miscellaneous (travel, timeouts, date/time) 15 [develop ] Developer tests CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-15,CR): 8 ------ Internal pressure menu ------ 1 [selftest] Basic self-test 2 [read ] Read internal sensors 3 [param ] Edit internal pressure parameters CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-3,CR): 1 4047.639,SUSR,N,Starting breakable loop - Ctrl-Q to end 4047.827,HPRES,N, 9.54 psia, 38.97 RH 4048.251,HPRES,N, 9.55 psia, 39.32 RH 4048.673,HPRES,N, 9.55 psia, 39.72 RH 4049.098,HPRES,N, 9.55 psia, 39.13 RH 4049.521,HPRES,N, 9.55 psia, 38.97 RH 4049.943,HPRES,N, 9.55 psia, 38.97 RH 4050.365,HPRES,N, 9.55 psia, 38.97 RH 4050.788,HPRES,N, 9.55 psia, 38.50 RH 4051.212,HPRES,N, 9.55 psia, 38.97 RH 4051.634,HPRES,N, 9.55 psia, 38.58 RH 4052.058,HPRES,N, 9.55 psia, 38.89 RH 4052.443,HPRES,N,Min was 9.54138 psia 4052.568,HPRES,N,Max was 9.55115 psia 4052.696,HPRES,N,Mean was 9.55026 psia ------ Internal pressure menu ------ 1 [selftest] Basic self-test 2 [read ] Read internal sensors 3 [param ] Edit internal pressure parameters CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-3,CR): ------ Hardware Menu ------ *Motors and VBD 1 [pitch ] Pitch control 2 [roll ] Roll control 3 [vbd ] VBD control 4 [pressure] Pressure sensor 5 [compass ] Compass (tcm2) 6 [gps ] GPS 7 [modem ] Modem (xmodem mode) 8 [intpress] Internal pressure 9 [altim ] Altimeter 10 [sensors ] Sensors 11 [loggers ] Loggers *Other 12 [batt ] Batteries and fuel gauges 13 [lowlevel] Low-level hardware (IO,A-D,CF) 14 [misc ] Miscellaneous (travel, timeouts, date/time) 15 [develop ] Developer tests CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-15,CR): 9 ------ Altimeter/XPDR Menu ------ 1 [ping ] Ping the altimeter 2 [config ] Upload configuration to altimeter 3 [count ] Query the transponder ping count 4 [xpdrcfg ] Update XPDR configuration from parameters 5 [direct ] Direct comms with altimeter 6 [param ] Edit altimetry parameters CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-6,CR): 1 Ping timeout(ms): [500] 4073.282,HXPDR,N,ping response: R005.031ms 4073.347,HXPDR,N,range was 3.773250 m ------ Altimeter/XPDR Menu ------ 1 [ping ] Ping the altimeter 2 [config ] Upload configuration to altimeter 3 [count ] Query the transponder ping count 4 [xpdrcfg ] Update XPDR configuration from parameters 5 [direct ] Direct comms with altimeter 6 [param ] Edit altimetry parameters CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-6,CR): ------ Hardware Menu ------ *Motors and VBD 1 [pitch ] Pitch control 2 [roll ] Roll control 3 [vbd ] VBD control 4 [pressure] Pressure sensor 5 [compass ] Compass (tcm2) 6 [gps ] GPS 7 [modem ] Modem (xmodem mode) 8 [intpress] Internal pressure 9 [altim ] Altimeter 10 [sensors ] Sensors 11 [loggers ] Loggers *Other 12 [batt ] Batteries and fuel gauges 13 [lowlevel] Low-level hardware (IO,A-D,CF) 14 [misc ] Miscellaneous (travel, timeouts, date/time) 15 [develop ] Developer tests CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-15,CR): 10 ------ Sensors menu ------ 1 [sbect ] SBE_CT 2 [sbe43 ] SBE_O2 3 [aa3830 ] AA3830_CNF 4 [wlbb2f ] WL_BB2F 5 [wlbbfl2 ] WL_BBFL2 CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-5,CR): 1 # of samples to take (0 for continuous): [10] Hit any key to abort... 4091.384,HTT8,N,TT8 state: Sampling (16MHz); analog off; TPU TCR1 4000000Hz, tic k rate 40000Hz 4091.502,SPOWER,N,All devices are off. ..........4093.855,SUSR,N, 4093.881,SUSR,N, Count1 Freq1 Count2 Freq2 | Temp Salinity Density 4094.015,SUSR,N, 190341 5358.803 | 338895 3009.782 | 26.60776 0.00000 996.624 4094.161,SUSR,N, 190339 5358.860 | 338894 3009.791 | 26.60829 0.00000 996.624 4094.307,SUSR,N, 190339 5358.860 | 338889 3009.835 | 26.60829 0.00000 996.624 4094.452,SUSR,N, 190339 5358.860 | 338895 3009.782 | 26.60829 0.00000 996.624 4094.598,SUSR,N, 190339 5358.860 | 338896 3009.773 | 26.60829 0.00000 996.624 4094.744,SUSR,N, 190338 5358.888 | 338888 3009.844 | 26.60856 0.00000 996.624 4094.890,SUSR,N, 190339 5358.860 | 338898 3009.755 | 26.60829 0.00000 996.624 4095.036,SUSR,N, 190341 5358.803 | 338889 3009.835 | 26.60776 0.00000 996.624 4095.183,SUSR,N, 190341 5358.803 | 338896 3009.773 | 26.60776 0.00000 996.624 4095.329,SUSR,N, 190342 5358.775 | 338893 3009.800 | 26.60749 0.00000 996.624 4095.455,SUSR,N, ------------------------------------------------------- 4095.593,SUSR,N, min 190338 5358.888 | 338888 3009.844 4095.690,SUSR,N, max 190342 5358.775 | 338898 3009.755 4095.787,SUSR,N,mean 190339.8 5358.837 | 338893.3 3009.797 4095.880,SUSR,N, std 1.249 0.035 | 3.288 0.029 4095.957,SUSR,N, If you see counts of 0, it means there is no signal Display data? [N] ------ Sensors menu ------ 1 [sbect ] SBE_CT 2 [sbe43 ] SBE_O2 3 [aa3830 ] AA3830_CNF 4 [wlbb2f ] WL_BB2F 5 [wlbbfl2 ] WL_BBFL2 CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-5,CR): 2 # of samples to take (0 for continuous): [10] Hit any key to abort... 4113.617,HTT8,N,TT8 state: Sampling (16MHz); analog off; TPU TCR1 4000000Hz, tic k rate 40000Hz 4113.735,SPOWER,N,All devices are off. ..........4115.006,SUSR,N, 4115.032,SUSR,N, Count1 Freq1 Count2 Freq2 4115.115,SUSR,N, 265362 3843.806 | 0 0.000 4115.203,SUSR,N, 265233 3845.675 | 0 0.000 4115.290,SUSR,N, 265179 3846.458 | 0 0.000 4115.377,SUSR,N, 265135 3847.097 | 0 0.000 4115.464,SUSR,N, 265082 3847.866 | 0 0.000 4115.551,SUSR,N, 265082 3847.866 | 0 0.000 4115.639,SUSR,N, 265058 3848.214 | 0 0.000 4115.726,SUSR,N, 265040 3848.476 | 0 0.000 4115.813,SUSR,N, 265043 3848.432 | 0 0.000 4115.901,SUSR,N, 265057 3848.229 | 0 0.000 4115.977,SUSR,N, ------------------------------------------------------- 4116.097,SUSR,N, min 265040 3848.476 | 0 0.000 4116.183,SUSR,N, max 265362 3843.806 | 0 0.000 4116.270,SUSR,N,mean 265127.1 3847.212 | 0.0 0.000 4116.358,SUSR,N, std 98.775 1.433 | 0.000 0.000 4116.435,SUSR,N, If you see counts of 0, it means there is no signal Display data? [N] ------ Sensors menu ------ 1 [sbect ] SBE_CT 2 [sbe43 ] SBE_O2 3 [aa3830 ] AA3830_CNF 4 [wlbb2f ] WL_BB2F 5 [wlbbfl2 ] WL_BBFL2 CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-5,CR): 3 ------ Hardware Menu ------ *Motors and VBD 1 [pitch ] Pitch control 2 [roll ] Roll control 3 [vbd ] VBD control 4 [pressure] Pressure sensor 5 [compass ] Compass (tcm2) 6 [gps ] GPS 7 [modem ] Modem (xmodem mode) 8 [intpress] Internal pressure 9 [altim ] Altimeter 10 [sensors ] Sensors 11 [loggers ] Loggers *Other 12 [batt ] Batteries and fuel gauges 13 [lowlevel] Low-level hardware (IO,A-D,CF) 14 [misc ] Miscellaneous (travel, timeouts, date/time) 15 [develop ] Developer tests CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-15,CR): 10 ------ Sensors menu ------ 1 [sbect ] SBE_CT 2 [sbe43 ] SBE_O2 3 [aa3830 ] AA3830_CNF 4 [wlbb2f ] WL_BB2F 5 [wlbbfl2 ] WL_BBFL2 CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-5,CR): 3 ------ serial device test menu ------ 1 [selftest] Basic self-test 2 [direct ] Direct comm with unit 3 [capture ] Capture serial output 4 [config ] Show configuration 5 [edit ] Edit configuration 6 [debug ] CNF Debug CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-6,CR): 1 4143.847,HAA3830_CNF,N,O2:26792 temp:3714 4143.904,HAA3830_CNF,N,dphase:2862 ------ serial device test menu ------ 1 [selftest] Basic self-test 2 [direct ] Direct comm with unit 3 [capture ] Capture serial output 4 [config ] Show configuration 5 [edit ] Edit configuration 6 [debug ] CNF Debug CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-6,CR): 2 4163.462,SUSR,N,Starting breakable loop - Ctrl-Q to end ÿ 5013 19 268.03 108.15 27.14 28.6 2 29.47 0.00 232.31 38.00 0.0 0 -18.02 5013 19 268.11 108.18 27.14 28.6 1 29.46 0.00 232.46 38.00 0.0 0 -17.99 5013 19 268.07 108.17 27.14 28.6 1 29.47 0.00 232.59 38.00 0.0 0 -18.00 5013 19 268.10 108.18 27.14 28.6 1 29.46 0.00 232.67 38.00 0.0 0 -18.00 5013 19 268.08 108.17 27.14 28.6 1 29.46 0.00 232.73 38.00 0.0 0 -18.02 ------ serial device test menu ------ 1 [selftest] Basic self-test 2 [direct ] Direct comm with unit 3 [capture ] Capture serial output 4 [config ] Show configuration 5 [edit ] Edit configuration 6 [debug ] CNF Debug CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-6,CR): ------ Sensors menu ------ 1 [sbect ] SBE_CT 2 [sbe43 ] SBE_O2 3 [aa3830 ] AA3830_CNF 4 [wlbb2f ] WL_BB2F 5 [wlbbfl2 ] WL_BBFL2 CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-5,CR): 4 ------ serial device test menu ------ 1 [selftest] Basic self-test 2 [direct ] Direct comm with unit 3 [capture ] Capture serial output 4 [config ] Show configuration 5 [edit ] Edit configuration 6 [debug ] CNF Debug CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-6,CR): 1 4231.919,HWL_BB2F,N,data query timeout: 4231.972,HWL_BB2F,N,ERROR: could not collect WL_BB2F data! ------ serial device test menu ------ 1 [selftest] Basic self-test 2 [direct ] Direct comm with unit 3 [capture ] Capture serial output 4 [config ] Show configuration 5 [edit ] Edit configuration 6 [debug ] CNF Debug CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-6,CR): ------ Sensors menu ------ 1 [sbect ] SBE_CT 2 [sbe43 ] SBE_O2 3 [aa3830 ] AA3830_CNF 4 [wlbb2f ] WL_BB2F 5 [wlbbfl2 ] WL_BBFL2 CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-5,CR): 5 ------ serial device test menu ------ 1 [selftest] Basic self-test 2 [direct ] Direct comm with unit 3 [capture ] Capture serial output 4 [config ] Show configuration 5 [edit ] Edit configuration 6 [debug ] CNF Debug CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-6,CR): 1 4248.542,HWL_BBFL2,N,ERROR - WL_BBFL2 got 6 of 7 columns 4248.614,HWL_BBFL2,N,BB1ref:957 BB1sig:157 4248.673,HWL_BBFL2,N,FL1ref:1022 FL1sig:59 4248.731,HWL_BBFL2,N,FL2ref:76 FL2sig:546 4248.789,HWL_BBFL2,N,temp:9999 ------ serial device test menu ------ 1 [selftest] Basic self-test 2 [direct ] Direct comm with unit 3 [capture ] Capture serial output 4 [config ] Show configuration 5 [edit ] Edit configuration 6 [debug ] CNF Debug CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-6,CR): ------ Sensors menu ------ 1 [sbect ] SBE_CT 2 [sbe43 ] SBE_O2 3 [aa3830 ] AA3830_CNF 4 [wlbb2f ] WL_BB2F 5 [wlbbfl2 ] WL_BBFL2 CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-5,CR): 4 ------ serial device test menu ------ 1 [selftest] Basic self-test 2 [direct ] Direct comm with unit 3 [capture ] Capture serial output 4 [config ] Show configuration 5 [edit ] Edit configuration 6 [debug ] CNF Debug CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-6,CR): 1 4262.356,HWL_BB2F,N,data query timeout: 4262.409,HWL_BB2F,N,ERROR: could not collect WL_BB2F data! ------ serial device test menu ------ 1 [selftest] Basic self-test 2 [direct ] Direct comm with unit 3 [capture ] Capture serial output 4 [config ] Show configuration 5 [edit ] Edit configuration 6 [debug ] CNF Debug CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-6,CR): ------ Sensors menu ------ 1 [sbect ] SBE_CT 2 [sbe43 ] SBE_O2 3 [aa3830 ] AA3830_CNF 4 [wlbb2f ] WL_BB2F 5 [wlbbfl2 ] WL_BBFL2 CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-5,CR): ------ Hardware Menu ------ *Motors and VBD 1 [pitch ] Pitch control 2 [roll ] Roll control 3 [vbd ] VBD control 4 [pressure] Pressure sensor 5 [compass ] Compass (tcm2) 6 [gps ] GPS 7 [modem ] Modem (xmodem mode) 8 [intpress] Internal pressure 9 [altim ] Altimeter 10 [sensors ] Sensors 11 [loggers ] Loggers *Other 12 [batt ] Batteries and fuel gauges 13 [lowlevel] Low-level hardware (IO,A-D,CF) 14 [misc ] Miscellaneous (travel, timeouts, date/time) 15 [develop ] Developer tests CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-15,CR): 12 ------ Battery Functions ------ 1 [read ] View battery gauges 2 [reset ] Reset battery gauges 3 [backup ] Backup battery gauges 4 [voltage ] Battery voltage CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-4,CR): 1 4289.487,SPOWER,N,NOTE: Not tracking power consumption! 4289.617,SPOWER,N,------ Fuel gauges (Cumulative Amp-secs) ------- cumulative / since power up 4289.877,SPOWER,N, Pitch_motor: 139.47 amp-sec / 0.00 sec 4290.063,SPOWER,N, Roll_motor: 44.08 amp-sec / 0.00 sec 4290.258,SPOWER,N, VBD_pump_during_apogee: 4774.78 amp-sec / 0.00 sec 4290.455,SPOWER,N, VBD_pump_during_surface: 2842.32 amp-sec / 0.00 sec 4290.614,SPOWER,N, VBD_valve: 0.00 amp-sec / 0.00 sec 4290.802,SPOWER,N, Iridium_during_init: 190.65 amp-sec / 0.00 sec 4290.991,SPOWER,N, Iridium_during_connect: 503.52 amp-sec / 0.00 sec 4291.189,SPOWER,N, Iridium_during_xfer: 3045.76 amp-sec / 0.00 sec 4291.376,SPOWER,N, Transponder_ping: 44.10 amp-sec / 0.00 sec 4291.531,SPOWER,N, GUMSTIX_24V: 0.00 amp-sec / 0.00 sec 4291.713,SPOWER,N, ------------- 24V/high bus total = 3.218 AmpHr --------- -- 4291.911,SPOWER,N, GPS: 105.89 amp-sec / 0.00 sec 4292.103,SPOWER,N, TT8: 574.91 amp-sec / 0.00 sec 4292.289,SPOWER,N, LPSleep: 44.93 amp-sec / 0.00 sec 4292.479,SPOWER,N, TT8_Active: 253.70 amp-sec / 0.00 sec 4292.674,SPOWER,N, TT8_Sampling: 2260.36 amp-sec / 0.00 sec 4292.864,SPOWER,N, TT8_CF8: 134.29 amp-sec / 0.00 sec 4293.051,SPOWER,N, TT8_Kalman: 82.77 amp-sec / 0.00 sec 4293.242,SPOWER,N, Analog_circuits: 395.92 amp-sec / 0.00 sec 4293.397,SPOWER,N, GPS_charging: 0.00 amp-sec / 0.00 sec 4293.586,SPOWER,N, Compass: 457.85 amp-sec / 0.00 sec 4293.742,SPOWER,N, RAFOS: 0.00 amp-sec / 0.00 sec 4293.921,SPOWER,N, Transponder: 9.59 amp-sec / 0.00 sec 4294.076,SPOWER,N, Compass2: 0.00 amp-sec / 0.00 sec 4294.263,SPOWER,N, SBE_CT: 224.61 amp-sec / 0.00 sec 4294.823,SPOWER,N, SBE_O2: 34.40 amp-sec / 0.00 sec 4295.012,SPOWER,N, AA3830_CNF: 229.32 amp-sec / 0.00 sec 4295.202,SPOWER,N, WL_BB2F: 309.23 amp-sec / 0.00 sec 4295.393,SPOWER,N, WL_BBFL2: 588.37 amp-sec / 0.00 sec 4295.574,SPOWER,N, ------------- 10V/low bus total = 1.585 AmpHr ---------- -- 4295.801,SPOWER,N,24V battery at 96.58 pct of 94.0 A-hr 4295.984,SPOWER,N,10V battery at 98.41 pct of 100.0 A-hr ------ Battery Functions ------ 1 [read ] View battery gauges 2 [reset ] Reset battery gauges 3 [backup ] Backup battery gauges 4 [voltage ] Battery voltage CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-4,CR): 4 4306.782,HBATT,N,24V batt pack voltage = 23.80V 4306.914,HBATT,N,10V batt pack voltage = 9.35V ------ Battery Functions ------ 1 [read ] View battery gauges 2 [reset ] Reset battery gauges 3 [backup ] Backup battery gauges 4 [voltage ] Battery voltage CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-4,CR): 4 4323.084,HBATT,N,24V batt pack voltage = 24.20V 4323.215,HBATT,N,10V batt pack voltage = 9.65V ------ Battery Functions ------ 1 [read ] View battery gauges 2 [reset ] Reset battery gauges 3 [backup ] Backup battery gauges 4 [voltage ] Battery voltage CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-4,CR): 4 4337.438,HBATT,N,24V batt pack voltage = 24.03V 4337.571,HBATT,N,10V batt pack voltage = 9.81V ------ Battery Functions ------ 1 [read ] View battery gauges 2 [reset ] Reset battery gauges 3 [backup ] Backup battery gauges 4 [voltage ] Battery voltage CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-4,CR): 4 4349.430,HBATT,N,24V batt pack voltage = 24.01V 4349.567,HBATT,N,10V batt pack voltage = 10.00V ------ Battery Functions ------ 1 [read ] View battery gauges 2 [reset ] Reset battery gauges 3 [backup ] Backup battery gauges 4 [voltage ] Battery voltage CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-4,CR): ------ Hardware Menu ------ *Motors and VBD 1 [pitch ] Pitch control 2 [roll ] Roll control 3 [vbd ] VBD control 4 [pressure] Pressure sensor 5 [compass ] Compass (tcm2) 6 [gps ] GPS 7 [modem ] Modem (xmodem mode) 8 [intpress] Internal pressure 9 [altim ] Altimeter 10 [sensors ] Sensors 11 [loggers ] Loggers *Other 12 [batt ] Batteries and fuel gauges 13 [lowlevel] Low-level hardware (IO,A-D,CF) 14 [misc ] Miscellaneous (travel, timeouts, date/time) 15 [develop ] Developer tests CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-15,CR): 5 ------ Compass/attitude Menu ------ 1 [selftest] Basic self-test 2 [active ] Toggle active compass 3 [dispraw ] Display raw bearing, pitch & roll 4 [dispcal ] Display calibrated bearing, pitch & roll 5 [direct ] Direct comms with unit 6 [capture ] Capture compass serial output 7 [command ] Send command to SP3003 8 [reset ] Reset SP3003 9 [whirly ] Whirly calibration - display raw sensor outputs 10 [whirlraw] Whirly calibration - (SP3003 only) display transducer counts 11 [calib ] Calibrate compass 12 [calibraw] Calibrate compass (w/ SP3003 raw raw reader) 13 [auto ] Autocalibrate compass manual (cal stand) mode 14 [insitu ] Autocalibrate compass in-situ mode 15 [coeff ] Read calibration coefficients 16 [power ] Power cycle test 17 [edit ] Edit compass parameters CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-17,CR): 1 4477.762,HCOMPASS,N,1, SP3003, Hdg: 319.48 deg Rol: -0.40 deg Pit: -8.00 deg Tmp : 24.80 C ------ Compass/attitude Menu ------ 1 [selftest] Basic self-test 2 [active ] Toggle active compass 3 [dispraw ] Display raw bearing, pitch & roll 4 [dispcal ] Display calibrated bearing, pitch & roll 5 [direct ] Direct comms with unit 6 [capture ] Capture compass serial output 7 [command ] Send command to SP3003 8 [reset ] Reset SP3003 9 [whirly ] Whirly calibration - display raw sensor outputs 10 [whirlraw] Whirly calibration - (SP3003 only) display transducer counts 11 [calib ] Calibrate compass 12 [calibraw] Calibrate compass (w/ SP3003 raw raw reader) 13 [auto ] Autocalibrate compass manual (cal stand) mode 14 [insitu ] Autocalibrate compass in-situ mode 15 [coeff ] Read calibration coefficients 16 [power ] Power cycle test 17 [edit ] Edit compass parameters CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-17,CR): ------ Hardware Menu ------ *Motors and VBD 1 [pitch ] Pitch control 2 [roll ] Roll control 3 [vbd ] VBD control 4 [pressure] Pressure sensor 5 [compass ] Compass (tcm2) 6 [gps ] GPS 7 [modem ] Modem (xmodem mode) 8 [intpress] Internal pressure 9 [altim ] Altimeter 10 [sensors ] Sensors 11 [loggers ] Loggers *Other 12 [batt ] Batteries and fuel gauges 13 [lowlevel] Low-level hardware (IO,A-D,CF) 14 [misc ] Miscellaneous (travel, timeouts, date/time) 15 [develop ] Developer tests CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-15,CR): ------ Main Menu ------ 1 [param ] Parameters and configuration 2 [hw ] Hardware tests and monitoring 3 [modes ] Test operation modes and files 4 [pdos ] PicoDOS commands (and exit) 5 [launch ] Pre-launch Enter selection (1-5,CR): ------ Main Menu ------ 1 [param ] Parameters and configuration 2 [hw ] Hardware tests and monitoring 3 [modes ] Test operation modes and files 4 [pdos ] PicoDOS commands (and exit) 5 [launch ] Pre-launch Enter selection (1-5,CR): Version 66.11/1138 starting up Jun 2 2015 15:18:14 Seaglider operating software developed and maintained by Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington Copyright 2003-2011, University of Washington Built with SCENARIO, without ICE, without RAFOS, without KERMIT, without ARS, without MMODEM, without PAAM, without MIB, with SCICON, without AQUADOPP, without SAILCT, without DEEPGLIDER, without HEAP RECYCLE, without REV_C, without LUA with serial and logger device sensor integration facilities developed by Integrative Observational Platforms Group, APL-UW _mtop = 0x2fefff, _mbot = 0x299f70, _mcur = 0x29b000 glmalloc_init: glmalloc_data_init = 0x0 glmalloc_init: avail_bytes = 372735, requested_bytes = 358400 glmalloc_init: Allocated 358400 bytes. 2.683,SSENSOR,N,reading cnf aa3830.cnf 3.499,SSENSOR,N,reading cnf wlbbfl2.cnf 4.357,SSENSOR,N,reading cnf wlbb2f.cnf 4.645,SSENSOR,N,assigned SBE_CT to sensor slot 1 (p = 2 [index 0; port 2]) 4.832,SSENSOR,N,assigned SBE_O2 to sensor slot 2 (p = 20 [index 1; port 4]) 5.028,SSENSOR,N,assigned AA3830_CNF to sensor slot 3 (p = 133 [index 8; port 5]) 5.229,SSENSOR,N,assigned WL_BB2F to sensor slot 4 (p = 163 [index 10; port 3]) 5.425,SSENSOR,N,assigned WL_BBFL2 to sensor slot 5 (p = 150 [index 9; port 6]) 5.894,SSENSOR,N,loading logger parms from loggers.cmd 6.007,SSENSOR,N,done loading logger parms 6.614,SPOWER,N,Iridium_during_init saved current=0.06732 6.780,SPOWER,N,GPS saved current=0.03221 6.927,SPOWER,N,TT8 saved current=0.01606 7.076,SPOWER,N,TT8_Active saved current=0.01606 7.233,SPOWER,N,TT8_Sampling saved current=0.04228 7.393,SPOWER,N,TT8_CF8 saved current=0.05052 7.548,SPOWER,N,TT8_Kalman saved current=0.06774 7.708,SPOWER,N,Analog_circuits saved current=0.01240 7.873,SPOWER,N,Compass saved current=0.01573 8.029,SPOWER,N,SBE_CT saved current=0.02397 8.180,SPOWER,N,SBE_O2 saved current=0.00599 8.303,SPOWER,N,no power state matching AA3830 in CURRENTS 8.476,SPOWER,N,WL_BB2F saved current=0.03895 8.633,SPOWER,N,WL_BBFL2 saved current=0.04194 8.834,HCOMPASS,N,Active compass is SP3003 8.994,SSYS,N,Changing capture file 9.155,SUSR,N,WARNING! $D_NO_BLEED,500.0000: Must be less than $D_ABORT! --> resetting $D_NO_BLEED to 500.0000 9.412,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $D_NO_BLEED to 500 10.212,SUSR,N,WARNING! $PITCH_TIMEOUT,21.0000: Recommended range is between 5.00 00 and 20.0000! 15.080,SUSR,N,Glider 146, mission 12, dive 0, boot #317, booted Thu Jan 1 00:00 :15 1970 15.236,SUSR,N,Launched as: MAIN 18.006,HPRES,N,Pressure sensor: 20 samples mean depth = 0.31m noise = 0.0371m (0 .0700m threshold) 18.174,HPRES,N,Pressure sensor enabled. 18.274,SSURF,N,Hit CR within 1 minute to start, otherwise will go to recovery .. . Set current date and time for default [06/02/2015 15:18:14] 02/26/2016 16:32:30 Are you running on external (bench) power? [N] y 1456504354.517,SPOWER,N,Not tracking power consumption! ------ Main Menu ------ 1 [param ] Parameters and configuration 2 [hw ] Hardware tests and monitoring 3 [modes ] Test operation modes and files 4 [pdos ] PicoDOS commands (and exit) 5 [launch ] Pre-launch Enter selection (1-5,CR): 2 ------ Hardware Menu ------ *Motors and VBD 1 [pitch ] Pitch control 2 [roll ] Roll control 3 [vbd ] VBD control 4 [pressure] Pressure sensor 5 [compass ] Compass (tcm2) 6 [gps ] GPS 7 [modem ] Modem (xmodem mode) 8 [intpress] Internal pressure 9 [altim ] Altimeter 10 [sensors ] Sensors 11 [loggers ] Loggers *Other 12 [batt ] Batteries and fuel gauges 13 [lowlevel] Low-level hardware (IO,A-D,CF) 14 [misc ] Miscellaneous (travel, timeouts, date/time) 15 [develop ] Developer tests CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-15,CR): 5 ------ Compass/attitude Menu ------ 1 [selftest] Basic self-test 2 [active ] Toggle active compass 3 [dispraw ] Display raw bearing, pitch & roll 4 [dispcal ] Display calibrated bearing, pitch & roll 5 [direct ] Direct comms with unit 6 [capture ] Capture compass serial output 7 [command ] Send command to SP3003 8 [reset ] Reset SP3003 9 [whirly ] Whirly calibration - display raw sensor outputs 10 [whirlraw] Whirly calibration - (SP3003 only) display transducer counts 11 [calib ] Calibrate compass 12 [calibraw] Calibrate compass (w/ SP3003 raw raw reader) 13 [auto ] Autocalibrate compass manual (cal stand) mode 14 [insitu ] Autocalibrate compass in-situ mode 15 [coeff ] Read calibration coefficients 16 [power ] Power cycle test 17 [edit ] Edit compass parameters CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-17,CR): 1 19.290,HCOMPASS,N,compass filter disabled ok 20.075,HCOMPASS,N,1, SP3003, Hdg: 97.55 deg Rol: -0.18 deg Pit: -8.00 deg Tmp: 2 4.80 C ------ Compass/attitude Menu ------ 1 [selftest] Basic self-test 2 [active ] Toggle active compass 3 [dispraw ] Display raw bearing, pitch & roll 4 [dispcal ] Display calibrated bearing, pitch & roll 5 [direct ] Direct comms with unit 6 [capture ] Capture compass serial output 7 [command ] Send command to SP3003 8 [reset ] Reset SP3003 9 [whirly ] Whirly calibration - display raw sensor outputs 10 [whirlraw] Whirly calibration - (SP3003 only) display transducer counts 11 [calib ] Calibrate compass 12 [calibraw] Calibrate compass (w/ SP3003 raw raw reader) 13 [auto ] Autocalibrate compass manual (cal stand) mode 14 [insitu ] Autocalibrate compass in-situ mode 15 [coeff ] Read calibration coefficients 16 [power ] Power cycle test 17 [edit ] Edit compass parameters CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-17,CR): 1 37.567,HCOMPASS,N,1, SP3003, Hdg: 96.27 deg Rol: -0.48 deg Pit: -8.20 deg Tmp: 2 4.70 C ------ Compass/attitude Menu ------ 1 [selftest] Basic self-test 2 [active ] Toggle active compass 3 [dispraw ] Display raw bearing, pitch & roll 4 [dispcal ] Display calibrated bearing, pitch & roll 5 [direct ] Direct comms with unit 6 [capture ] Capture compass serial output 7 [command ] Send command to SP3003 8 [reset ] Reset SP3003 9 [whirly ] Whirly calibration - display raw sensor outputs 10 [whirlraw] Whirly calibration - (SP3003 only) display transducer counts 11 [calib ] Calibrate compass 12 [calibraw] Calibrate compass (w/ SP3003 raw raw reader) 13 [auto ] Autocalibrate compass manual (cal stand) mode 14 [insitu ] Autocalibrate compass in-situ mode 15 [coeff ] Read calibration coefficients 16 [power ] Power cycle test 17 [edit ] Edit compass parameters CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-17,CR): 1 51.402,HCOMPASS,N,1, SP3003, Hdg: 100.49 deg Rol: -0.66 deg Pit: -8.15 deg Tmp: 24.80 C ------ Compass/attitude Menu ------ 1 [selftest] Basic self-test 2 [active ] Toggle active compass 3 [dispraw ] Display raw bearing, pitch & roll 4 [dispcal ] Display calibrated bearing, pitch & roll 5 [direct ] Direct comms with unit 6 [capture ] Capture compass serial output 7 [command ] Send command to SP3003 8 [reset ] Reset SP3003 9 [whirly ] Whirly calibration - display raw sensor outputs 10 [whirlraw] Whirly calibration - (SP3003 only) display transducer counts 11 [calib ] Calibrate compass 12 [calibraw] Calibrate compass (w/ SP3003 raw raw reader) 13 [auto ] Autocalibrate compass manual (cal stand) mode 14 [insitu ] Autocalibrate compass in-situ mode 15 [coeff ] Read calibration coefficients 16 [power ] Power cycle test 17 [edit ] Edit compass parameters CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-17,CR): 1 68.426,HCOMPASS,N,1, SP3003, Hdg: 97.86 deg Rol: -0.53 deg Pit: -8.31 deg Tmp: 2 4.80 C ------ Compass/attitude Menu ------ 1 [selftest] Basic self-test 2 [active ] Toggle active compass 3 [dispraw ] Display raw bearing, pitch & roll 4 [dispcal ] Display calibrated bearing, pitch & roll 5 [direct ] Direct comms with unit 6 [capture ] Capture compass serial output 7 [command ] Send command to SP3003 8 [reset ] Reset SP3003 9 [whirly ] Whirly calibration - display raw sensor outputs 10 [whirlraw] Whirly calibration - (SP3003 only) display transducer counts 11 [calib ] Calibrate compass 12 [calibraw] Calibrate compass (w/ SP3003 raw raw reader) 13 [auto ] Autocalibrate compass manual (cal stand) mode 14 [insitu ] Autocalibrate compass in-situ mode 15 [coeff ] Read calibration coefficients 16 [power ] Power cycle test 17 [edit ] Edit compass parameters CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-17,CR): ------ Hardware Menu ------ *Motors and VBD 1 [pitch ] Pitch control 2 [roll ] Roll control 3 [vbd ] VBD control 4 [pressure] Pressure sensor 5 [compass ] Compass (tcm2) 6 [gps ] GPS 7 [modem ] Modem (xmodem mode) 8 [intpress] Internal pressure 9 [altim ] Altimeter 10 [sensors ] Sensors 11 [loggers ] Loggers *Other 12 [batt ] Batteries and fuel gauges 13 [lowlevel] Low-level hardware (IO,A-D,CF) 14 [misc ] Miscellaneous (travel, timeouts, date/time) 15 [develop ] Developer tests CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-15,CR): 10 ------ Sensors menu ------ 1 [sbect ] SBE_CT 2 [sbe43 ] SBE_O2 3 [aa3830 ] AA3830_CNF 4 [wlbb2f ] WL_BB2F 5 [wlbbfl2 ] WL_BBFL2 CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-5,CR): 4 ------ serial device test menu ------ 1 [selftest] Basic self-test 2 [direct ] Direct comm with unit 3 [capture ] Capture serial output 4 [config ] Show configuration 5 [edit ] Edit configuration 6 [debug ] CNF Debug CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-6,CR): 1 103.649,HWL_BB2F,N,redRef:957 redCount:4118 103.709,HWL_BB2F,N,blueRef:1022 blueCount:787 103.771,HWL_BB2F,N,fluorCount:106 VFtemp:546 ------ serial device test menu ------ 1 [selftest] Basic self-test 2 [direct ] Direct comm with unit 3 [capture ] Capture serial output 4 [config ] Show configuration 5 [edit ] Edit configuration 6 [debug ] CNF Debug CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-6,CR): 5 ------ Sensors menu ------ 1 [sbect ] SBE_CT 2 [sbe43 ] SBE_O2 3 [aa3830 ] AA3830_CNF 4 [wlbb2f ] WL_BB2F 5 [wlbbfl2 ] WL_BBFL2 CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-5,CR): 5 ------ serial device test menu ------ 1 [selftest] Basic self-test 2 [direct ] Direct comm with unit 3 [capture ] Capture serial output 4 [config ] Show configuration 5 [edit ] Edit configuration 6 [debug ] CNF Debug CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-6,CR): 1 115.989,HWL_BBFL2,N,BB1ref:650 BB1sig:3297 116.048,HWL_BBFL2,N,FL1ref:695 FL1sig:66 116.105,HWL_BBFL2,N,FL2ref:460 FL2sig:74 116.161,HWL_BBFL2,N,temp:529 ------ serial device test menu ------ 1 [selftest] Basic self-test 2 [direct ] Direct comm with unit 3 [capture ] Capture serial output 4 [config ] Show configuration 5 [edit ] Edit configuration 6 [debug ] CNF Debug CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-6,CR): 1 122.708,HWL_BBFL2,N,BB1ref:650 BB1sig:3943 122.766,HWL_BBFL2,N,FL1ref:695 FL1sig:53 122.823,HWL_BBFL2,N,FL2ref:460 FL2sig:113 122.880,HWL_BBFL2,N,temp:529 ------ serial device test menu ------ 1 [selftest] Basic self-test 2 [direct ] Direct comm with unit 3 [capture ] Capture serial output 4 [config ] Show configuration 5 [edit ] Edit configuration 6 [debug ] CNF Debug CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-6,CR): ------ Sensors menu ------ 1 [sbect ] SBE_CT 2 [sbe43 ] SBE_O2 3 [aa3830 ] AA3830_CNF 4 [wlbb2f ] WL_BB2F 5 [wlbbfl2 ] WL_BBFL2 CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-5,CR): ------ Hardware Menu ------ *Motors and VBD 1 [pitch ] Pitch control 2 [roll ] Roll control 3 [vbd ] VBD control 4 [pressure] Pressure sensor 5 [compass ] Compass (tcm2) 6 [gps ] GPS 7 [modem ] Modem (xmodem mode) 8 [intpress] Internal pressure 9 [altim ] Altimeter 10 [sensors ] Sensors 11 [loggers ] Loggers *Other 12 [batt ] Batteries and fuel gauges 13 [lowlevel] Low-level hardware (IO,A-D,CF) 14 [misc ] Miscellaneous (travel, timeouts, date/time) 15 [develop ] Developer tests CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-15,CR): 3 ------ VBD menu ------ 1 [read ] Current position 2 [ad ] Move to position (AD counts) 3 [eu ] Move to position (cc) 4 [cont ] Continuous position 5 [edit ] Edit vbd parameters 6 [timing ] Characterize valve 7 [noise ] Valve noise test 8 [open ] Open valve 9 [close ] Close valve 10 [cycle ] Cycle valve 11 [pump ] Pump & bleed cycles (pressure chamber or AD) 12 [soak ] Pump and hold at pressure (pressure chamber or AD) 13 [special ] Special test #1 (motor current, amb pressure & pot) CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-13,CR): 1 174.621,HVBD,N, VBD lin pot AD counts: 2215 2112 174.771,HVBD,N, VBD bladder position = 120.20 cc, (AD#= 2163 ) ------ VBD menu ------ 1 [read ] Current position 2 [ad ] Move to position (AD counts) 3 [eu ] Move to position (cc) 4 [cont ] Continuous position 5 [edit ] Edit vbd parameters 6 [timing ] Characterize valve 7 [noise ] Valve noise test 8 [open ] Open valve 9 [close ] Close valve 10 [cycle ] Cycle valve 11 [pump ] Pump & bleed cycles (pressure chamber or AD) 12 [soak ] Pump and hold at pressure (pressure chamber or AD) 13 [special ] Special test #1 (motor current, amb pressure & pot) CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-13,CR): 3 184.643,HVBD,N,VBD pump limits: 533.8 and -318.4 cc: 184.791,HVBD,N,Operation will time out in 720 seconds. Move to position (120.20 cc): 90 186.311,HVBD,N,Bleed commanded from 120.20 cc (2163) to 90.03 cc (2286)... 187.254,HVBD,N,118.0 cc (ad: 2172 [2226, 2124]) 188.079,HVBD,N,114.1 cc (ad: 2188 [2239, 2141]) 188.879,HVBD,N,109.9 cc (ad: 2205 [2256, 2158]) 189.679,HVBD,N,106.0 cc (ad: 2221 [2271, 2177]) 190.479,HVBD,N,101.8 cc (ad: 2238 [2286, 2196]) 191.279,HVBD,N,97.6 cc (ad: 2255 [2302, 2214]) 192.079,HVBD,N,93.2 cc (ad: 2273 [2318, 2232]) 192.829,HVBD,N,90.0 cc (ad: 2286 [2329, 2244]) MOTOR_DONE: ticks: 15 max 24v: 10 63.3mA avg 24v: 74.2mA minV 24v: 24.0V 193.383,SMOTOR,N,GC TICKS/TIME: 253/254813 193.473,HVBD,N,done. 193.626,HVBD,N,Bleed completed from 119.95 cc (2164) to 90.03 cc (2286 [2328, 22 44]) took 5.9 sec 0mA (910mA peak) 24.1Vmin 20.77 AD/sec 235 ticks 194.058,HVBD,N,TRACK: b: 2328/2244 a: 2328/2244 d: -42 o: -42 ------ VBD menu ------ 1 [read ] Current position 2 [ad ] Move to position (AD counts) 3 [eu ] Move to position (cc) 4 [cont ] Continuous position 5 [edit ] Edit vbd parameters 6 [timing ] Characterize valve 7 [noise ] Valve noise test 8 [open ] Open valve 9 [close ] Close valve 10 [cycle ] Cycle valve 11 [pump ] Pump & bleed cycles (pressure chamber or AD) 12 [soak ] Pump and hold at pressure (pressure chamber or AD) 13 [special ] Special test #1 (motor current, amb pressure & pot) CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-13,CR): ------ Hardware Menu ------ *Motors and VBD 1 [pitch ] Pitch control 2 [roll ] Roll control 3 [vbd ] VBD control 4 [pressure] Pressure sensor 5 [compass ] Compass (tcm2) 6 [gps ] GPS 7 [modem ] Modem (xmodem mode) 8 [intpress] Internal pressure 9 [altim ] Altimeter 10 [sensors ] Sensors 11 [loggers ] Loggers *Other 12 [batt ] Batteries and fuel gauges 13 [lowlevel] Low-level hardware (IO,A-D,CF) 14 [misc ] Miscellaneous (travel, timeouts, date/time) 15 [develop ] Developer tests CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-15,CR): ------ Main Menu ------ 1 [param ] Parameters and configuration 2 [hw ] Hardware tests and monitoring 3 [modes ] Test operation modes and files 4 [pdos ] PicoDOS commands (and exit) 5 [launch ] Pre-launch Enter selection (1-5,CR): ------ Main Menu ------ 1 [param ] Parameters and configuration 2 [hw ] Hardware tests and monitoring 3 [modes ] Test operation modes and files 4 [pdos ] PicoDOS commands (and exit) 5 [launch ] Pre-launch Enter selection (1-5,CR): ------ Main Menu ------ 1 [param ] Parameters and configuration 2 [hw ] Hardware tests and monitoring 3 [modes ] Test operation modes and files 4 [pdos ] PicoDOS commands (and exit) 5 [launch ] Pre-launch Enter selection (1-5,CR): ------ Main Menu ------ 1 [param ] Parameters and configuration 2 [hw ] Hardware tests and monitoring 3 [modes ] Test operation modes and files 4 [pdos ] PicoDOS commands (and exit) 5 [launch ] Pre-launch Enter selection (1-5,CR): ------ Main Menu ------ 1 [param ] Parameters and configuration 2 [hw ] Hardware tests and monitoring 3 [modes ] Test operation modes and files 4 [pdos ] PicoDOS commands (and exit) 5 [launch ] Pre-launch Enter selection (1-5,CR): ------ Main Menu ------ 1 [param ] Parameters and configuration 2 [hw ] Hardware tests and monitoring 3 [modes ] Test operation modes and files 4 [pdos ] PicoDOS commands (and exit) 5 [launch ] Pre-launch Enter selection (1-5,CR): ------ Main Menu ------ 1 [param ] Parameters and configuration 2 [hw ] Hardware tests and monitoring 3 [modes ] Test operation modes and files 4 [pdos ] PicoDOS commands (and exit) 5 [launch ] Pre-launch Enter selection (1-5,CR): ------ Main Menu ------ 1 [param ] Parameters and configuration 2 [hw ] Hardware tests and monitoring 3 [modes ] Test operation modes and files 4 [pdos ] PicoDOS commands (and exit) 5 [launch ] Pre-launch Enter sel