Welcome to the HOT Data Base Cruises are made to the HOT deep water station approximately once a month, and are denoted as HOT-n, where n is the sequential cruise number. HOT-1 was in October 1988. Station inventories are given in files with the extension "sum" (e.g., HOT-1 is summarized in hot1.sum). Station inventories from the ALOHA-Climax (AC) cruises are summarized in files with the prefix ac (e.g., AC-1 is summarized in ac1.sum). These summary files are written using formats specified by the WOCE Hydrographic Programme Office, and are detailed in the WHP Office Report WHPO 90-1, available from Steve Diggs, WHPO Data Manager, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0214. The station summary file contains the following columns: Country Code-Ship Code-Expedition Designation / Leg (EXPOCODE): This code allows for the indentification of cast. It consists of a 4 character NODC country-ship code, a maximum of 8 charac- ter cruise number followed by a "/" and leg number. For example, the EXPOCODE for HOT-13 on the Moana Wave would be 31MW013/1. WHP-ID: The WHP section designator. Station number Cast number and type: The cast type is a three letter description (i.e., ROS = Rosette water samples plus CTD; CTD = CTD only, LVS = large volume samples). Date: The date of the cast in MMDDYY. Time: The time taken at the beginning (BE), bottom (BO), and completion (EN) of the cast. Position: Positions are recorded as (D)DD MM.MM X, where X is N or S for latitude and E or W for longitude. The navigation system code has been set to GPS. Bottom depth: Depth meassured by shipboard echo sounder in meters. The nominal depth for Station 1 = 1500m and for Station 2 = 4750m. Height above bottom: Bottom depth less the maximum pressure sampled. Maximum pressure: The deepest pressure sampled. Number of bottles: The number of bottles used during the cast. Parameters: A list of the parameters measured from the water samples collected during the cast. The identification numbers are listed below. 1 = Salinity 2 = Oxygen 3 = Silicate 4 = Nitrate 5 = Nitrite 6 = Phosphate 7 = Freon 11 8 = Freon 12 9 = Tritium 10= Helium 11= Carbon 14 12= Carbon 13 13= Krypton 85 14= Argon 15= Argon 39 16= Neon 17= Radium 18= Radium 226 19= o18/o16 ratio 20= Stronitum 90 21= Cesium 137 Comments: Cast comments.