BEACH Underway Data Format Document for CMORE-BULA cruises July 12, 2007 University of Hawaii at Manoa 1000 Pope Road Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 CMOREBULA underway data was collected using a SeaBird SBE-21 Seacat thermosalinograph system and a Seapoint fluorometer. They were screened for errors and processed to 1-minute averages. Each file contains one full profile (e.g., bu1uw2.dat contains the underway data set from CMOREBULA-1). The files are self-explanatory; one column is written for each measured parameter. Missing data are filled with -9. Salinity, temperature & chloropigment have quality flags associated with them. These quality flags are concatenated as a quality word which is listed as the last variable in each row. The values each digit can assume and their meanings follows: Quality Indicators: Flag Meaning 1 not quality controled 2 good data 3 suspect (i.e. questionable) data 4 bad data 5 missing data 9 variable not measured during this cruise Data Record Format: Column Format Item 1- 4 i4 Year 6- 8 i3 Julian day [GMT] 10- 11 i2 Hour [GMT] 13- 14 i2 Minute [GMT] 16- 25 f10.6 Latitude [Degrees North] 27- 37 f11.6 Longitude [Degrees West] 39- 46 f8.5 Salinity [PSS-78] 48- 55 f8.5 Temperature [ITS-90] 57- 64 f8.4 Chloropigment [ug/l] 67- 69 a3 Quality flags for salinity - chloropigment