2011-12-15 17:10:02,055 DEBUG procsetup Starting procsetup 2011-12-15 17:10:02,392 INFO root Starting daily.py 2011-12-15 17:10:27,100 DEBUG root checking flag file: /home/adcp/flags/DAS_while_cruise.running 2011-12-15 17:10:27,101 DEBUG root mt = 1323969026.000000, now= 1323969027.101468, dif is 1.101468 2011-12-15 17:10:27,101 DEBUG root checking flag file: /home/adcp/flags/DAS_while_logging.running 2011-12-15 17:10:27,102 DEBUG root mt = 1323969024.000000, now= 1323969027.102193, dif is 3.102193 2011-12-15 17:10:27,102 DEBUG root cruiseid is kok1115_c 2011-12-15 17:10:30,685 DEBUG root Mailing shore_status to ['hummon@hawaii.edu', 'efiring@hawaii.edu', 'otg@soest.hawaii.edu'] 2011-12-15 17:10:33,853 DEBUG mail_report No mailparams found 2011-12-15 17:10:34,523 DEBUG root Mailing tarball to ['uhdas@soest.hawaii.edu'] 2011-12-15 17:10:34,524 DEBUG mail_report /bin/tar -C /home/adcp/daily_report -cf - disk_files.txt nb150_pingstats.txt status_str.txt IOerrs.txt cals.txt proc_seconds.txt disk_details.txt dmesg.txt stderr.txt rbintimes.txt ntp.txt disk_summary.txt processes.txt logwarnings.txt DAS_main.txt processing_nb150.txt mahrs_mahrs_pystats.txt commands_nb150.txt et_email.txt hg_info.txt tails.txt nb150_vect_zYR.bin nb150_cont_zYR.bin nb150_cont_xytT.bin nb150_vect_xytT.bin nb150_vect_u.npy nb150_cont_v.npy nb150_vect_v.npy nb150_cont_u.npy | gzip 2011-12-15 17:10:37,739 DEBUG mail_report No mailparams found 2011-12-15 17:10:38,192 INFO root Ending daily.py