JGOFS Water Column Chemical Data Format Document April 27, 1999 University of Hawaii at Manoa 1000 Pope Road Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 JGOFS water column chemical data are distributed as ASCII flat files. An entire cruise's data is contained in one file (e.g., hot1.gof contains the data from HOT-1). Note that these files contain all of the chemistry data. The details of the analytical methods used to determine all of the parameters listed here can be found in the Hawaii Ocean Time-series Program Data Report. It should also be noted that both DOC and pH analytical protocols have changed causing offsets in the the temporal data sets. The DOC protocol changed from the persulfate oxidation (HOT 1-27) to the high-temperature platinum catalyzed oxidation (HOT 44- present). The pH was intially analyzed by the electrode method and calibrated against NBS scale (HOT 23-32), during 1992 the pH was analyzed by the spectrophotometric method and the pH calculated on the "total scale" and converted to the "seawater scale" (HOT 36-present). For convenience we have also presented some physical data (i.e. CTD pressure, temperature, salinity, etc ...) in the hot*.gof files. A complete description of the physical data for each bottle trip presented in this file can also be found in the appropriate hot*.sea files. Please refer to the Readme.water.woce file for the format description of those files. The files are self-explanatory; one column is written for each measured parameter. Missing data are filled with -9. A five-line heading labels each column. Variables having asterisks in their heading have a quality flag associated with them. These quality flags are concatenated as a quality word which is listed as the last seven variables in each row (six or seven flags per variable). The values each digit can assume and their meanings follows: Quality Indicators: Flag Meaning 1 no quality control 2 good data 3 suspect (i.e. questionable) data 4 bad data 5 missing data 9 variable not measured during this cast Data Record Format: Column Format Item 1- 8 i6 Station Number 9- 16 i3 Cast Number 17- 24 i5 Rossette Position 25- 32 i5 Replicate Number 33- 40 f7.1 CTD Pressure (Decibars) 41- 48 f7.4 CTD Temperature (ITS-90) 49- 56 f7.4 CTD Salinity (PSU-78) 57- 64 f7.4 Potential Temperature (ITC-90) 65- 72 f6.3 Potential Density (kg/m3) 73- 80 f7.4 Bottle Salinity (PSS-78) 81- 88 f5.1 Bottle Oxygen (umol/kg) 89- 96 f6.1 Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) (umol/kg) 97-104 f6.3 pH (either sws25 or nbs25) 105-112 i4 Alkalinity (ueq/kg) 113-120 f5.2 Partial Pressure of Carbon Dioxide (pCO2) (uatm) 121-128 f6.2 Phosphate (PO4) (umol/kg) 129-136 f6.2 Nitrate + Nitrite (NO2+NO3) (umol/kg) 137-144 f6.2 Silicate (SiO4) (umol/kg) 145-152 f6.2 Dissolved Organic Phosphate (DOP) (umol/kg) 153-160 f6.2 Dissolved Organic Nitrate (DON) (umol/kg) 161-168 f7.2 Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) (umol/kg) 169-176 f6.2 Total Dissolved Phosphorus (TDP) (umol/kg) 177-184 f6.2 Total Dissolved Nitrogen (TDN) (umol/kg) 185-192 f6.2 Particulate Carbon (PC) (umol/kg) 193-200 f7.3 Particulate Nitrogen (PN) (umol/kg) 201-208 f5.1 Particulate Phosphate (PP) (nmol/kg) 209-216 f6.1 Low-level Nitrate (LLN) (nmol/kg) 217-224 f6.1 Low-level Phosphate (LLP) (nmol/kg) 225-232 f6.2 Low-level Silica (LLSi) (umol/kg) 233-240 f6.2 Fluorometric Chlorophyll a (Chl a.) (ug/l) 241-248 f6.2 Pheopigments (Pheo) (ug/l) 249-256 f6.2 HPLC Chlorophyll c3 (Chl c3) (ng/l) 257-264 f6.2 HPLC Chlorophyll [c1+c2] & Mg 3,8 DVP4A5 (Chl c1+2) (ng/l) 265-272 f6.2 HPLC Chlorophyll c1 + c2 + c3 (Chl+) (ng/l) 273-280 f6.2 HPLC Peridinin (Peridino) (ng/l) 281-288 f6.2 HPLC 19'-Butanoyloxyfucoxanthin (19 But) (ng/l) 289-296 f6.2 HPLC Fucoxanthin (Fuco) (ng/l) 297-304 f6.2 HPLC 19'-Hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin (19 Hex) (ng/l) 305-312 f6.2 HPLC Prasinoxanthin (Prasino) (ng/l) 313-320 f6.2 HPLC Diadinoxanthin (Diadino) (ng/l) 321-328 f6.2 HPLC Zeaxanthin (Zeaxan) (ng/l) 329-336 f6.2 HPLC Chloropyll b (Chl b) (ng/l) 337-344 f6.2 HPLC chlorophyll a. (HPLCchl) (ng/l) 345-352 f6.2 HPLC Chloropyll c4 (Chl c4) (ng/l) 353-360 f6.2 HPLC Alpha Carotens (A.Car) (ng/l) 361-368 f6.2 HPLC Beta Carotens (B.Car) (ng/l) 369-376 f6.2 HPLC Carotens (caroten) (ng/l) 377-384 f6.2 HPLC Chlorophyllide a (Chlda a) (ng/l) 385-392 f6.2 HPLC Violaxanthin (Viol) (ng/l) 393-400 f6.2 HPLC Lutein (Lutein) (ng/l) 401-408 f6.2 HPLC Monovinyl Chlorophyll a (MV.Chla) (ng/l) 409-416 f6.2 HPLC Divinyl Chlorophyll a (DV.Chla) (ng/l) 417-424 f6.3 Heterotrophic Bacteria (H.Bact) (10**5/ml) 425-432 f6.3 Prochlorococcus (P.Bact) (10**5/ml) 433-440 f6.3 Synechococcus (S.Bact) (10**5/ml) 441-448 f6.3 Eukaryotes (E.bact) (10**5/ml) 449-456 f6.2 Adenosine 5'-Triphosphate (ATP) (ng/kg) 457-464 f6.2 Guanosine 5'-Triphosphate (GTP) (ng/kg) 465-472 f6.2 Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) (umol/kg) 473-480 f6.2 Nitrous Oxide (N2O) (umol/kg) 483-489 a7 Quality flags for Bottle Salinity - PO4 492-498 a7 Quality flags for [NO2+NO3] - TDN 501-507 a7 Quality flags for PC - Chl a. 510-515 a6 Quality flags for Pheo - 19 But 518-523 a6 Quality flags for Fuco - Chl b 526-531 a6 Quality flags for HPLC chl - Chlda a 534-539 a6 Quality flags for Viol - P.Bact 542-547 a6 Quality flags for S.Bact - N2O