Agouron LICOR Format Document July 9, 2009 University of Hawaii at Manoa 1000 Pope Road Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 Agouron licor data are distributed as an ASCII flat file. An entire cruise's worth of data is contained in one file (e.g., agouron5.lic contains the data from Agouron-5). Data Record Format: Column Format Item 1- 6 i6 Date (yymmdd) 8-11 i4 Time (hhmm) 13-20 f8 Mean (uE/m^2/s) 22-29 f8 High (uE/m^2/s) 31-34 i4 Time of High (hhmm) 36-43 f8 Low (uE/m^2/s) 45-48 i4 Time of Low (hhmm)